7-1 Motivation intensity intensivlik, direction- yo’nalish, persistence- qatiylik

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Distributive justice is concerned with the fairness of the outcomes, such as pay and recognition, that employees receive.87 Outcomes can be allocated in many ways. For example, we could distribute raises equally among employees, or we could base raises on which employees need money the most. As we said in our discussion about equity theory, however, employees tend to perceive their outcomes
are fairest when they are distributed equitably.
Taqsimlash adolati ish haqi kabi natijalarning adolatliligi bilan bog'liq va xodimlar qabul qiladigan tan olish.87 Natijalar ko'p hollarda taqsimlanishi mumkin yo'llari. Masalan, biz ish haqini xodimlar o'rtasida teng taqsimlashimiz mumkin yoki biz xodimlarning eng ko'p pulga muhtoj bo'lgan ko'tarilishiga asoslanishi mumkin. Bizning maqolamizda aytganimizdek tenglik nazariyasi haqida munozara, ammo, xodimlar o'z natijalarini idrok qilish moyil ular adolatli taqsimlanganda eng adolatli bo'ladi.


procedural justice The perceived fairness of the process used to determine the distribution of rewards
protsessual adolat Mukofotlarni taqsimlashni aniqlash uchun foydalaniladigan jarayonning idrok etilgan adolatliligi

informational justice The degree to which employees are provided truthful explanations for decisions.

axborot adolatliligi Xodimlarga qarorlar uchun to'g'ri tushuntirishlar berish darajasi.
Informational Justice The first type is informational justice, which reflects whether managers provide employees with explanations for key decisions and keep them informed of important organizational matters. The more detailed and candid managers are with employees, the more fairly treated those employees feel.
Axborot adolati Birinchi tur axborot adolati bo'lib, u menejerlar xodimlarga asosiy qarorlar bo'yicha tushuntirishlar beradimi yoki muhim tashkiliy masalalardan xabardor qiladimi yoki yo'qligini aks ettiradi. Menejerlar xodimlar bilan qanchalik batafsil va samimiy munosabatda bo'lsalar, xodimlar shunchalik adolatli munosabatda bo'lishadi.

interpersonal justice The degree to which employees are treated with dignity and respect.

shaxslararo adolat xodimlarga hurmat va hurmat bilan munosabatda bo'lish darajasi.

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