Neither hide nor hair (fig) na o‘zi, na u haqida bir yangilik, ma'lumot bor, na eshitganlar, na ko'rganlar bor.
We could find neither hide nor hair of him. I do not know where he is.
He was seen three days ago since than we have heard neither hide norhair ofhim.
Neither rhyme nor reason (fig) na boshi bor, na oxiri, na ma'nosi, na mazmuni bor.
There seems to be neither rhyme nor reason to John's filing system.
The novel's plot had neither rhyme nor reason.
Never in one's life hech qachon, butun umri davomida.
Never in my life have I been so insulted!
He said that never in his life he had seen such an ugly painting.
Never mind hechqisi yo'q, e'tibor bermang, arzimagan narsa.
1.1 wanted to talk to you, but never mind. It was not important.
2. I am so sorry! I have forgotten your book. Oh, never mind.
New kid on the block (lit) (1) yangi ko`chib kelgan (bola) (2) (fig) biror bir guruhga, jamoaga yangi kelgan, qo'shilgan.
The new kid on the block turned out to be a really good baseball player.
I am just the new kid on the block. I have only been working here for a month.
New lease on life (fig) yangitdan tug'ilgandek, qaytadan hayotga qaytgandek, umidlar qaytgandek.
Getting the job offer was a new lease on life.
When I got out ofthe hospital, I felt as ifl had a new lease on life.
Night owl (fig) kech yotadigan shaxs, «ko‘rshapalak» (asosan, kechasi qizg'in hayot olib boradi gan shaxs).
She is a real night owl. She never goes to bed before 2 a.m. and sleeps till noon.
John is a night owl and is at his best after midnight.
Nine days’ wonder (fig) biror bir narsa qisqa muddatga qiziqarli bo'lib, ma'lum muddatdan keyin qiziqish so'nadigan, qisqa muddatga hamma uchun qiziqa rli yangilik bo'lgan narsa.
Do not worry about the story aboutyou in the newspaper. It will be a nine days' wonder, and then people will forget.
The film «Die hard 4» was a nine days' wonder. Now people never mention it.
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