More dead than alive itdek ho rigan, charchagan, tili osilib qolgan, chala o'lik, o'lar holatda charchagan.
We arrived at the top of the mountain more dead than alive.
The marathon runners stum hled one hy one over the finish line, more dead than alive.
More than one can bear (more than one can take/more than one can stand) biror kishining chiday olish darajasidan, me'yo ridan ortiq, ko‘p, chidab bo'lmas, toqat qilib bo'lmaydigan, inson zoti ko'tara oladigan darajadan yuqori.
This news is more than I can bear!
I have heard enough ofthis hor rid music. It is more than I can stand.
More than you know (more than you will ever know) biror kishi o'ylagandan ko'ra ko'proq, ziyodroq.
John: Why did you do it? Sue: I regret doing it. I regret it more than you know.
John: Oh, Sue, I love you. Sue: Oh, John, I loveyou more thanyou will ever know.
More than someone bargained for (fig) biror kishi kutganidanda, o‘ylaganidanda ziyod rog'iga, ko`prog'iga ega bo'lmoq, qo'lga kiritmoq.
When she throught home the sweet little puppy fora companion, she got more than she bargained for. That animal has cost her hun dreds of dollars in medical hills.
I got more than I bargained forwhen I took this joh.
More (to something) than meets the eye (fig) hammasi ko'ringandek sodda emas, hammasi bir qarashdagidek oddiy emas, bir qarashda ko'ringanidanda ko‘ra ko'proq, boshqacharoq.
There is more to thatproblem than meets the eye.
There is more here than meets the eye. I do not believe in suicide, nor in pure accident.
Move heaven and earth (to do something) (fig) qo'lidan kelgan barcha ishni qilmoq, bor kuchi bilan harakat qilmoq, oz'ini o‘qqa-cho‘qqa urmoq.
«1 will move heaven and earth to be with you, Sue,» said John.
Your father and I had to move heaven and earth to pay for your hraces and your college bills, and what thanks do weget?
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