Now you're talking mana endi o'zingga kelyapsan, bu boshqa gap, bo‘larkanu (to'g'ri) gapirsa.
John: I will not put up with her hehavior any longer. I will tell her exactly what I think ofit. Sue: Now you're talking!
John: When Iget back to college, I am going to study harder than ever. Mother: Now you're talking.
Nurse someone back to health biror kishini oyoqqa turg'izmoq (kasallikda), biror kishini sog'ay tirmoq, davolamoq.
After my operation, my mother nursed me back to health.
Lots ofgood food and lovingcare wiU help nurseyou back to health.
Nuts and bolts (of something) (fig) biror nimani ikirchikirini, boshdanoyoq, maydachuyda largacha bilmoq.
John knows all ahout the nuts and holts ofpolitical games.
She is familiar with the nuts and bolts ofpublic relations.
Odd man out (1) o'zgacha, g‘alati, boshqalarga o'xshamagan, qoloq shaxs (2) oshiqcha shaxs, «uchinchi oshiqcha». 1.I wish, You had better learn to work a computer unless you want to be odd man out.
Do not go there. He is talking to
his wife. They are a pair. You will he the odd man out.
Odds and ends (fig) mayda chuyda narsalar, qoldiqlar.
There were lots ofodds and ends in the attic, but nothing of real value.
2.1 had the whole house cleaned up except fora few odds and ends that did not seem to belong anywhere.
Of all things (fig) qaraya, tasavvur qilgin, bir o'ylab ko'rgin.
John said «What are you doing here in a such late hours?» Sue «nothing».John «ofall thinhs».
What were you talking about with her? About study, of all things!
Of one’s own accord (of one’s own free will) o‘z xohish irodasi bilan, o‘z ixtiyori bilan, ixtiyoriy ravishda.
I wish that she would choose to do it ofher own accord.
I will have to order her to do it because she will not do it of her own free will.
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