Save (something) for a rainy day (put something aside for a rainy day/hold something back for a rainy day/keep something for a rainy day) (fig) biror nimani kelajakdagi sodir bo'lishi mumkin bo'lgan voqealar, ehtiyojlar uchun asrab qo'ymoq, saqlab qo'ymoq, qora kunga olib qo'ymoq.
1.1 have saved a little money for a rainy day.
2. Keep some extra for a rainy day.
Say one's piece (speak one's piece) aytishi kerak bo'lgan gapini aytmoq, aytmoqchi bo'lgan gapini aytmoq, o'z fikrini ayt moq, bildirmoq.
Look just say your piece and get out ofhere.
You must know right time to speak your piece.
Say something under one's breath ichida gapirmoq, ichida pichirlamoq, past ovozda gapir moq.
John was saying something underhis breath, and I do not think it was very pleasant.
I am glad he said it under his hreath. If he had said it out loud, it would have caused an argument.
Scare someone stiff qattiq qo'r qitmoq, cho'chitmoq, kapalagini uchirib yubormoq.
That loud noise scared me stiff.
The robber jumped out and sca red us stiff.
Scratch the surface qo`l ichida qilmoq
Scrape the bottom of the bar rel (fig) ichida keragini topmoq, qolganini ichidan tanlab olmoq, boriga baraka qilib qolganini olmoq, boridan foydalanmoq, qolgan qutganlari bilan kifoyala moq.
You have bought a badlooking car. You really scraped the bottom ofthe barrel toget that one.
2.1 had to scrape the bottom ofthe barrel to find this for her.
Screw up one's courage bor kuchini yig'moq, o'zida kuch topmoq.
He screwed up his courage and asked for help.
I spent all morning screwing up my courage to take my driver's test.
Seal someone ’s fate (fig) uzil kesil taqdirini hal qilmoq, belgilab bermoq, aniqlab bermoq.
1. His lying and cheating sealed his fate. He was convicted and sent to prison.
2. The mimite you decided to go this way, you sealed your fate.
Secondguess oldindan nima qilmoqchiligini topishga urinib ko'rmoq, nima bo'lishini aniqlashga urinib ko'rmoq, taxmin qilib ko'rmoq, oldindan aytmoq, bashorat qilib ko'rmoq.
There is no point in trying to sec ondguess John. He is completely unpredictable.
Economists and politians are trying to secondguess the future.
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