Rooted to the spot (fig) qotib qolmoq, tosh qotmoq, yerga yopishib qolmoq, joyidan qo‘z g'ala olmay qolmoq (qo'rquvdan, hayratdan).
John stood rooted to the spot when he saw theghostly figure.
Sue stood rooted to the spot when the thiefgrasped her bag.
Rotten apple (rotten egg) (fig) tirraqi buzoq, yomon ta`sir ko‘rsatadigan, zararli shaxs yoki narsa.
There always is a rotten apple to spoil it for the rest ofus.
John for sure has turned out to be the rotten apple.
Rotten to the core (fig) tag-tugigacha aynigan, buzilgan, tomirgacha, asosgacha rasvosi chiqqan, butkul aynigan, «odam bo‘lmaydigan».
The entire administration is rot ten to the core.
John is rotten to the core. He will never he a good member ofsociety.
Rough diamond ( dag`al olmos ) qo`pol, muomalasi yo`q inson, lekin ich- ichidan jonkuyar inson
Rub elbows (rub shoulders with someone) (fig) biror kishi bilan yaqin muomalada, muno sabatda bo'lmoq, hamkorlikda, kelishib ishlamoq (jismoniy aloqalarsiz).
I do not rub elbows with some one who acts like that!
I ruh shoulders with John at work. We aregood friends.
Rub salt in a wound (fig) yaraga
tuz sepmoq, ataylab, bilib turib azob bermoq.
Do not rub salt in the wound by telling me how enjoyable the party was.
John is feeling miserable about losing his joh and Sue is rubbing salt in the wound by saying how good her replacement is.
Rug rat go'dak, bola, chaqaloq, yurishni bilmaydigan bola, bo lakay.
How many rug rats do you have?
Look! What this little rugrat did with my phone.
Rule of thumb (fig) yozilmagan qonunqoida, amaliyotga asos langan qoida, tajribaga ko‘ra.
As a rule of thumb, I move my houseplants outside in May.
1 always add salt without mea suring it. I just do it by rule of thumb.
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