Pain in the neck (fig) boshga bitgan balo, «badandagi zirapcha», jonga tegadigan, «bosh og' riq».
This assignment is a pain in the neck.
Your little hrother is a pain in the neck.
Paint someone a picture (fig) aniq tiniq qilib tushuntirmoq, tushunarli qilib tasvirlab bermoq.
Sue is one of those people who you have to explain everything in great detail. You always have to paint her a picture.
I have explained as much as I should have to. Do I have to paint you a picture again.
Pale as a ghost (pale as death) (fig) rangi oqarib ketgan, xuddi arvohga duch kelgandek rangi oq.
He came into the room, as pale as a ghost. «What happened?» his friends asked curiously.
What is the matter? You are pale as death!
Pardon my French mening fransuz tilim uchun uzr. Ya`ni qo`pol, so`kinish so`zlar aytishdan oldin aytiladi
Party animal to`ylardan qolmaydigan inson
Party is over (fig) o'yin kulgi tugadi, archa bayram tugadi, maynavozchilik poyoniga yetdi, dam, ta'til poyoniga yetdi.
We go back to school tomorrow. The party is over.
The staff hardly worked at all under the old management, but when the new manager was ap pointed we found out the party is over now.
Pass muster talabga javob bermoq, talabga tog'ri kelmoq, sinovdan o‘ta olmoq, biror narsaga loyiq, mos, tog'ri kelmoq (talabga).
I tried, but my efforts did not pass muster.
If you do not wear a suit, you will not pass muster at that fancy restaurant. They will not letyou in.
Pass the buck (fig) aybni birovga to'nkamoq, aybni, majburiyatni o'zidan soqit qilmoq, boshqani aybdor qilmoq.
Do not try to pass the buck! It is yourfault, and everybody knows it.
He passed the buck to me and got away with. I was left holding the bag.
Pass the time vaqtni o'tkazmoq, vaqt ketqazmoq.
I never know how to pass the time when I am on vacation.
I read to pass the time while waiting in the doctor's office.
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