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- ENGLISH: READING (TEST A) Questions 26-35. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.
- 26. Which of these animals migrates during the winter
- 29. Which does not hibernate
- 32. What is the main idea of this text
- 34. How would a thicker coat help an animal survive winter
- 35. Which title would best describe this text
- 36 The hamburger comes from Germany.
- 40 People eat hamburgers only in 40 countries
- 42 Cortez was from .......... .
- 46 The people in Spain added ……to the drink.
- 49. In June Sardor went to...
- 51 Where did Sardor ride a horse
- 53 Sardor and his brother saw dolphins in the sea
ENGLISH:LISTENING PART 1: Listen and answer the questions 1-7 1. The park is 45 minutes by car from Harare. A TRUE B FALSE 2. You can go to the lake and see the most beautiful fish there. A TRUE B FALSE 3. There are hippos swimming in the river. A TRUE B FALSE 4. You can see the lions from a special balcony. A TRUE B FALSE 5. There is a special ride around the park on bikes. A TRUE B FALSE 6. The park isn't opened on Monday A TRUE B FALSE 7. You can visit the park at 7pm A TRUE B FALSE PART 2: Listen and answer 8-14 8. The tallest people on Earth are in ....... . A America B Africa C Asia 9. The women in Zaire are ....... tall. A 1,35m B 1,37m C 1.2m 10. The tallest man in history was from ........ . A the USA B Russia 11 He was ........ . A 2,55m B 2,72m C 2.75m 12. Leonid Stadnik's hand was ....... long. A 31cm B 35cm C 34cm 13 Women in ....... live the longest. A Africa B Japan C America
14. Has she eaten Greek food? A Yes B No C Did not say 15. Has she eaten Russian food? A Yes B No C Did not say 16. Has she eaten Thai food? A Yes B No C Did not say 17. Who has studied Thai? A He has B She has C Neither of them 18. What language have they both studied? A French B German C Spanish PART 4: Naomi talks about her daily life in middle school. Answer the questions 19-25 19. What grade is she in? A 5th B 6th C 4th 20. What subject does she NOT mention? A History B Computers C Science 21. When does she start school? A Before 9 B After 9 22. What does she usually do for lunch? A buy her lunch B bring her lunch C take her lunch 23 What are in roast dinners? A meat and vegetables B pizza and chips C none 24. What is her favorite subject? A Art B Maths C Literature 25. Dai is not a big fan of maths A True B False C Did not say
Brrrr. Winter is cold in some places. Many plants do not grow during winter. Some plants die. Snow and ice may cover the ground. It can be hard for animals to find food during winter. Animals get through this time in many ways. Birds and butterflies can fly. Many of them do not stick around for the winter. They leave. They go to a place with nice weather. Then they come home in the spring. We call this migration. Migrating is a good way to avoid the cold. Another good way to avoid the cold is to sleep through it. Many animals hide during the winter. Their bodies slow down. They save their energy. They do not eat. They live off of their fat. They do this until food returns. We call this hibernation. Snakes, frogs, and bears hibernate. Some animals store food in their homes. They do not sleep all winter, but they do much less. They live on what they saved in the summer and fall. This is what squirrels, beavers, and raccoons do. Skunks do this too. Other animals tough it out. They do not leave. They do not hide. They must survive. Sometimes nature helps them out. Some animals grow thicker coats in the winter. Other animals change color. The arctic fox is brown in the summer. His coat turns white in the winter. Winter may be pretty. It is nice to see snow on the trees. But it is dangerous too. People are also at risk. You can get frost bitten or worse. How do you beat the winter? Do you wear a thick coat? Do you stay inside? Or do you live somewhere warm?
A foxes B snakes C bears D butterflies 27. Which of these animals survives winter by eating stored food? A bears B raccoons C frogs D birds 28. Why does the arctic fox's coat change white during winter? A The white coat is prettier and attracts mates. B White absorbs the sun and is warmer. C The white coat helps him blend with the snow. D His body saves energy by reducing hair color.
A skunks B frogs C snakes D bears 30. Why is winter a difficult season in some places? A There is less food. B It is colder. C Snow and ice cover the ground. D All of these
B To move somewhere warmer for a season C To enter a long sleep and survive off of body fat D To change colors
A Animals do funny and interesting things. B Most flowers do not grow during the wintertime. C Animals survive the winter in many ways. D We must prepare for the dangers of winter.
A A hibernating animal lives off of stored food. B A hibernating animal lives off of body fat. C A hibernating animal lives somewhere warm. D A hibernating animal lives off of the land.
A A thicker coat would help an animal hide better. B A thicker coat would protect an animal against attacks. C A thicker coat would help an animal stay warm. D A thicker coat would help an animal migrate.
A Winter: A Time to Migrate B Hibernation: Sleeping it off C Survive: How Animals Beat the Winter D Birds and Butterflies: Nature's Movers and Shakers
The first hamburger was German. It was named after the German town Hamburg. In the 19th century a lot of immigrants went to the USA from Hamburg. It was a long journey by ship. One day they made a sandwich with bread and meat. People called it “Hamburg steak”. In the USA these immigrants worked very hard. Sometimes they stopped for a quick snack. They put meat between a roll of bread. This snack became very popular and people called it “hamburger”. Then, in 1920s, new “hamburger” opened. The first was the White Castle and then McDonald’s opened in 1940. Soon everyone was eating hamburgers, not only in the United States, but in over 40 countries all over the world. Now there are cheeseburgers, baconburgers, chickenburgers, fishburgers, veggieburgers, and beefburgers. 36 The hamburger comes from Germany. 37 In the 19th century a lot of immigrants went to Hamburg. A True B False C Not given 38 They travelled by ship. A True B False C Not given 39 McDonalds opened in 1920. A True B False C Not given 40 People eat hamburgers only in 40 countries. A True B False C Not given 41 Now we have different kinds of hamburgers. A True B False C Not given Questions 42-48. Read the text and choose the correct answer. The history of chocolate in Europe In the 15th century a Spanish explorer called Cortez discovered Mexico. When he arrived in Mexico people were drinking chocolate. In Mexico chocolate used to be a drink for rich and important people. It was called ‘chocolati’. A Mexican king called Montezuma used to drink 50 cups a day. He gave Cortez and his friends the chocolate drink. Cortez took this drink back to Spain. It was an expensive drink for rich people, but the people disliked it, so they added sugar to the drink and they made it hot. Then people everywhere in Europe began to drink hot chocolate. In the 19th century an English person made the first chocolate to eat and it became popular. In 1876 a man in Switzerland was making chocolate one day and he added milk. This became the first milk chocolate. Then, chocolate moved to the USA, and soon everyone was eating chocolate all over the world. Now we have lots of different chocolate and it is cheap. Which is your favourite chocolate? 42 Cortez was from .......... . A Mexico B Spain C England 43 In Mexico chocolate was a drink for ........ . A rich people B poor people C old people 44 Montezuma was a(n) ........ . 45 Montezuma used to ........... a lot of chocolate. A eat B drink C make 46 The people in Spain added ……to the drink. A sugar B milk C coffee 47 A person from ……made the first milk chocolate to eat. A Switzerland B England C Scotland 48 The first milk chocolate was made in the ....... century. A 18th B 19th C 17th Questions 49-55. Read the letter and answer the questions. Dear John , Thank you for your letter. In summer I was in the country, too. In June my mum took my brother and me to the Black Sea. The sea was blue and nice. The weather was sunny and hot. We swam and dived a lot. We saw dolphins in the sea. They were big and strong. I think dolphins are the nicest animals in the sea. In July I went to the country with my grandma. We lived on the farm. There were many green fields and a long river next to our farm. There was a green garden with apple trees behind our house. In the morning I fed hens and ducks. Then I rode a horse in the fields. I saw a lot of cows and sheep there. I like to live in the country. In August my dad and I went to Tashkent. It's the capital of Uzbekistan. It's the biggest city in our country. The streets are wide and long in Tashkent. There are lots of people, cars and tall houses. One day we visited the most interesting place in Tashkent — the zoo. We saw many different animals: eagles, camels, monkeys, elephants, tigers, bears and a giraffe Samson. I spent five days in Tashkent. And I was glad to come back home. Now I know "East or West home is best!" I like my friends and my old green town — Andijan. Would you like to visit Andijan next summer? We'll have a good time together! Write back. Your friend, Sardor 49. In June Sardor went to... A to the country. B to the Black Sea. C to Tashkent. 50. Sardor liked the dolphins because... A they were nice, big and strong. B he fed them in the morning. C they swam and dived a lot. 51 Where did Sardor ride a horse? A in the forest. B in the fields. C in the garden. 52 Why was Sardor glad to get back home? A He didn't like Tashkent. B He likes to live in the country. C He likes his friends and his old town. 53 Sardor and his brother saw dolphins in the sea. A true B false C not given 54 Sardor lived in the country in August. A true B false C not given 55 Sardor visited Tashkent zoo in August. A true B false C not given TANQIDIY FIKRLASH 1. Maktabga velosipedda kelish qulay. + Velosiped haydash sog’liq uchun foydali + Ota-onalar bolalariga velosiped haydashni o’rgatishi kerak =
Yuqoridagi chiziq o’rnida quyidagi jumlalardan qaysi biri bo’lishi kerak? A Maktabdagi hammada velosiped bor B Hamma velosipedda maktabga kelishi shart C Farzandlari foydasi uchun ota-onalar velosiped xarid qilishi kerak. D Velosipedni har xil turlari bor. E Hamma javob to’g’ri keladi. 2. Ingliz tilidan maxsus imtihonda eng yuqori natija 9 ball. Nargiza 2017 yil 8 ball, 2018 yil 8.5 ball va 2019 yil 9 ballni qo’lga kiritdi. Agar yuqoridagi gaplar to’g’ri bo’lsa, quyidagi qaysi eng to’g’ri xulosani chiqarish mumkin? A Nargiza 2020 yil 7 balni qo’lga kiritadi B U ingliz tilini mukammal o’zlashtirgan C 2020 yilda u yana 9 ballni qo’lga kiritadi D U ingliz tilini mukammal o’zlashtirmagan. E Hamma xulosani chiqarish mumkin 3. Durov Telegram dasturini yaratishdan oldin chat tizimi, o’yinlar, musiqa dasturlarini yaratgan, lekin ularning xech biri Telegram dasturidek mashxur bo’lmagan. “Asosiysi urinib ko’rish”, deydi Durov. Quyidagi variantlardan qaysi biri fikrni to’ldirib, isbot bola oladi? A Xato qilishdan qo’rqmaslik, qochmaslik kerak. Xatolar orqali olingan tajriba muhim. B Facebook dasturi hozirgi kunda juda ommbop C Mark Facebook dasturini yaratishidan maqsad mashxur bo’lish edi D Asosiysi aqliy salohiyatni oshirish va shu orqali g’alaba qozonish E Mukammal dasturlar tasodifan yartiladi 4.”Ertaga ob-havo bulutli bo’lib, yomg’ir yog’ish ehtimoli yuqori”, dedi televizorda kechgi xabarlarni ko’rib o’tirgan amaki Agar amakini gapi to’g’ri bo’lsa, quyidagilarni qaysi biri to’g’ri bo’ladi? A Ertaga qishloq ahli hosil bayramini nishonlaydi B Hamma qorda kiyadigan etiklarini tayyorlab qo’yadi C Ertadan keyin ham yomg’ir yog’adi D Ertaga tog’li hududlarda sel kelish xavfi bor. E Ertaga bulutli havodan keyin quyosh chiqadi. 5. Bugungi kunda ko’plab rivojlangan mamlakatlarda xodimni ishga qabul qilishda uning ma’lumoti (diplom, ilmiy unvoni) emas balki ayni vaqtda talabgorning qo’lidan nima ish kelishi birlamchi omil bo’lib xizmat qilmoqda. Masalan, jahonning yetakchi brendlaridan biri “Google” da hech qanday ta’lim ma’lumotiga ega bo’lmagan xodimlarni uchratish mumkin. Vaxolangki, ko’plab yuqori ta’lim ma’lumotiga ega bo’lgan mutaxasislar ushbu kompaniyada ishlashni orzu qilishadi. Quyidagi mulohazalardan qaysi biri yuqoridagi fikrni to’ldirib eng yaxshi isbot bo’la oladi? A Rivojlangan mamlakatlarda kishi yaxshi ishga joylashishi uchun oliy ta’lim darajasiga ega bo’lishi shart emas B Asosiysi bilim olish va uni amaliyotda qo’llay bilish C “Google” kompaniyasi asosan ta’lim ma’lumotiga ega bo’lmagan xodimlarni ishga qabul qiladi D Yuqori ta’lim darjasiga ega bo’lgan mutaxasislar uchun nufuzli kompaniyalarga kirish qiyin E “Google” kompaniyasida ishlash qiyin emas 6. Futbol jamoasi bir o’yinda o’rtacha 100 km yuguradi. Tabiiyki eng kam yuguradigan futbolchi bu darvozabon bo’ladi. Lekin, bir o’yin yakunida eng ko’p yugurgan darvazabon bo’ldi. Quyidagi qaysi gap eng kop ushbu holatni ifodalaydi? A Jamoasi hujum qilganda darvozabon ham qo’shilib hujumga chiqqan B Faqat bir jamoa to’liq hujum qilgan C O’yinni so’nggi daqiqalarida darvozabon qizil kartochka olgan va zahiradan o’yinchi tushirish imkoniyati qolmaganligi tufayli darvozani hujumchilardan biri egallagan. D Hisob 100:0 bo’lgan E Darvozabon bir vaqtni o’zida himoyachi vazifasini ham bajargan. 7. Agar birinchi va ikkinchi gaplar tog’ri bolsa, uchinchi gap tog’ri, xato yoki aniqlab bolmasliginini aniqlang 1. Afruza 18 yoshda 2. Saman 20 yoshda 3. Bekzod Afruzadan katta, Samandan kichik A to’g’ri B xato C aniqlab bo’lmaydi 8.
Vladivastokdan sovuq havo oqimi kirib keldi + Bozorlarda qishki kiyimlar savdosi avjida + Ushbu havoda kasal bo’lib qolish xech gap emas = _______________________________________ Yuqoridagi chiziq o’rnida quyidagi jumlalardan qaysi biri bo’lishi kerak? A Shu kunlarda issiq kiyinib yurish kerak B Ko’chlar oppoq qorga burkangan C Quyosh chiqqani bilan havo sovuq D Ko’chada hamma qorbo’ron o’ynayapti E Hamma javob to’g’ri keladi 9. Obid aka psixologik jihatdan sog’lom inson, bir kuni u o’zining shajarasi haqida shunday dedi: “otam – Sardor aka, Sardor akaning otasi Bobur aka, Xolmat aka Sardor akaning yolg’iz o'g’lidir”. Quyidagi qaysi fikr Obid akaning gapini eng to’g’ri izohlaydi? A Obid aka g’irt yolg’onchi B Obid aka rostgo’y inson C Obid akaning bobosi Xolmat aka D Sardor akaning o’g’li Obid aka E Bobur aka Obid akaning bobosi 10. Quyidagi ko’rsatma bo’yicha chizilgan shaklni toping. KO’RSATMA: To’g’ri to’rtburchak chizing. To'g'ri to'rtburchakni yuqori o'ng burchagidan pastki chap burchagiga chiziq chizib, ikkita teng uchburchakka ajrating. To’g’ri to’rtburchakning chap tomoni bilan kvadratning o’ng tomoni umumiy bo’lgan kvadrat chizing. A
11. Javohir o’z ma’lumotlarini aks ettirish uchun piktogrammadan foydalanmoqda. Piktogram bu ma’lumotlarni rasm orqali aks ettirish degani. Piktogram ma’noga ega bo’lishi uchun unda doim nima bo’lishi kerak? A juda ko’p rasmlar B faqat ozgina ranglar C faqat ozgina ranglar D ma’lumot E kalitlar 12. Uchta it: 1. Simba Olapardan pastroq 2. Simba Tonidan balandroq 3. uchta itning ichida eng pasti Simba Agar birinchi ikkita gap to’g’ri bo’lsa, uchinchi gap……. A) Rost B) Yolg’on C) Aniqlab bo’lmaydi D) Rost ham bo’lishi mumkin, yolg’on ham 13. Biz uchun mashhur nazariya orqali tanish bo‘lgan olim Charlez Darvin aslida biologiya sohasida maxsus ma’lumotga ega bo‘lmagan. Maktabni bitirgan Darvin oilaviy an’anani davom ettirish uchun tibbiyot sohasiga, Edinburg universitetiga o‘qishga kiradi. Ammo tez orada tibbiyot sohasini ham tashlab ketadi. Boisi olim qondan haddan tashqari qo‘rqar edi. Yuqoridagi ma’lumotdan foydalanib to’g’ri mulohazani toping A) Darvin tibbiyotni yoqtirgan B) Darvin tibbiyot yo’nalishi bo’yicha Edinburg universitetiga o’qishga kiradi C) Darvinning oilasi shifokorlar bo’lgan D) Darvin qondan qo’rqmaslik uchun shifokor bo’lishga qaror qilgan E) Darvin universitetda sohasini o’zgartiradi 14. Echkini oti nima? Mushuk, kuchukcha, echki va otning laqablari Kichkintoy, Jajji, Qirolcha va Soqoltoy 1. Qirolcha kuchukcha va Soqoltoydan kichkina 2. Ot Kichkintoydan yoshroq 3. Jajji eng qarisi va itning eng yaqin do’sti A Kichkintoy B Jajji C QirolichaD Soqoltoy C Aniqlab bo’lmaydi 15. Shifokor bemorga 8 ta tabletka berdi va hozirdan boshlab har 3 soatda bittdan dori qabul qilish kerakligini aytdi. Agar bemor shifokorni aytganini qilgan bo’lsa, barcha dorilarni iste’mol qilishga qancha vaqt ketadi? A Ketma ket dorilarni ichish zarar, shuning uchun 8 kun B Shifokor hozirdan boshlab har 3 kunda demoqchi bo’lgan, 24 kun C 24 soat D 1430 daqiqa E C va D A 10 B 8 C 7 D 5 E c 16. Zebralar qora chiziqlimi yoki oq chiziqlimi? Ular oq chiziqli qora rangdagi hayvon hisoblanishadi. Buni olimlar ular ona qornidaliklarida aniqlashdi. Ular avval qora rangda bo'lishadi, so'ngra vaqt o'tib oq chiziqlari paydo bo'ladi. Ba'zida esa yarim, yoki butunlay qora zebra tug'ilishi kuzatilganligi ham yuqoridagi olimlar fikrlarini tasdiqlaydi. Yuqoridagi ma’lumotdan foydalanib to’g’ri mulohazani toping A) Zebralarning aslida qanday rangda ekanliklari noma‘lum B) Zebralar aslida oq chiziqli qora hayvon hisoblanishadi C) Zebralarni ba’zida qora rangda tug’ilishi aslida ular qora rangli hayvon ekanliklariga dalil bo’la oladi D) Zebralar ba‘zan oq rangda ham tug’ilib turadi E) Olimlar zebralar aslida qanday rangda ekanligini aniqlash ustida haligacha ish olib borishmoqda MASALA YECHISH (TEST A) 1. Bir son o’ylang, unga, o’sha sondan keyingi o’rinda keluvchi sonni qo’shing. Natijaga 7 ni qo’shing, 2 ga bo’ling. Endi hosil bo’lgan sondan o’ylagan soningizni ayirib tashlang. Natija nima chiqadi? A 2 B 4 C o’ylagan sonim D 5 E to’g’ri javob yo’q 2. Daraxtning 4 ta shoxi bor, har bir shoxida yana 4 tadan shoxchalari bor, bu shoxchalari ham yana 4 tadan mayda shoxchalarga bo’lingan va ularni har birida bittadan olma bor. Barcha olmalar sonini toping. A 16 B 24 C 32 D 64 E to’g’ri javob yo’q 3. 1 ta bakteriya 1 soniyada 2 taga ko’payadi. O’sha 1 ta bakteriyani bir idishga solganda idish 1 soatda to’ladi. Qancha vaqtda bakteriya idishni yarmini to’ldiradi? A 59 daqiqa 30 soniya B 30 daqiqa C 59 daqiqa 59 soniya D 45 daqiqa E to’g’ri javob yo’q 4. Uzunligi 36 metr bo’lgan arqonni sotuvchi 3 metrdan qilib kesib chiqdi. Sotuvchi necha marta arqonni kesgan? A 10 B 11 C 12 D 13 E to’g’ri javob yo’q 5. Men bir son o’yladim. O’sha sonning yarimiga choragini qo’shdim va natijada 18 soni hosil bo’ldi. Men qanday sonni o’ylagandim? A 20 B 32 C 24 D 16 E to’g’ri javob yo’q 6. Bir sutkada soatning daqiqa va soat ko’rsatkichlari necha marta ustma-ust tushadi? Download 67.32 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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