Aleksandr Deineka (1899-1969) : an avant-garde for the proletariat

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SYSOEV, V. P. “Put’ k monumental’noi 


 [The Path towards Monumental 


Dekorativnoe iskusstvo SSSR 11 


_______ . “Shchedrost’ talanta”

 [The Gen-

erosity of Talent], 

Khudozhnik 5 (1969).

_______ . “Zhurnal’naia grafika Aleksandra 

Deineki 20-kh godov”

 [The Magazine 

Graphics of Deineka from the 1920s], 

Iskusstvo 1 (1972). 

_______ . “Suzhet i obraznoe myshlenie 

khudozhnika (“Oborona Sebastopolia”. 

Aleksandra Deineki)” [The Subject and 

Pictorial Thinking of the Artist (


Defense of Sevastapol by Aleksandr 


Khudozhnik 8 (1973).

_______ . 

A. A. Deineka (Obraz i tsvet) [A. 

A. Deineka. Image and Color]. Moscow, 


TARASOVA, M. “Deineka, starye mas-

tera i sovremenniki” [Deineka, the Old 

Masters and the Contemporaries], in 

I. OSTARKOVA (ed.). 

Deineka. Grafika. 

Moscow, 2010.

TIKHOMIROV, A. K. “«Oborona Sebas-

topolia» na vystavke ‘Krasnaia Armiia v 

bor’be s nemetsko-fashistskimi zakhvat-

chikami’” [

The Defense of Sevastapol in 


 Exhibition “The Red Army in Battle 

against the German-Fascist Invaders”], 

Literatura i iskusstvo (February 27, 


TIKHONOVA, K. “Sovetskie khudozh-

niki na XIX mezhdunarodnoy vystavke 

v Venetsii” [Soviet Artists at the 19th 

Venice Biennale], 

Iskusstvo 2 (1935).

TOKMAKOVA, I. V. “Dokumenty GAKO, 

kasaiushcheisia kurskogo perioda zhizni 

A. A. Deineki” [Documents in the State 

Archive of the Kursk Region (GAKO), 

Related to the Kursk Period of A. A. 

Deineka’s Life], in 

Problemy sovetskogo 

iskusstva 1930-1950 gg. K 100-letiiu A. 

A. Deineki [Problems of Soviet Art of 

1930–1950. For the 100th Annivesary of 

A. A. Deineka]. Kursk, 1999.

TOMSKII, N. “Vsegda zhivoe iskusstvo”


[Always a Living Art], 

Pravda, June 11, 


TUGENDKHOL’D, IA. “Diskussionnaia 


 [The Discussional Exhibition], 

Izvestiia (May 31, 1924).

_______ . “Po vystavkam”

 [At the Exhibi-


Izvestiia (May 8, 1925).

_______ . “Smotr iskusstva”

 [Review of 


Pechat’ i revoliutsiia 2 (March 

1928), 122. 

“U.S. Highways Catch Soviet Artist’s 


Washington Post, March 6, 

1935, 15.

USS, A. “Antiimperialisticheskaia vys-


 [The Anti-Imperialist Exhibition], 

Za proletarskoe iskusstvo 9 (1931), 22.

VAISFELD, I. “Na putiakh k proletar-

skomu iskusstvu (O vystavke “Ok-


 [On the Paths to a Proletarian 

Art (About the Exhibition of “October”)], 

Vecherniaia Moskva (June 28, 1930). 

VARSHAVSKII, L. “Kist’iu khudozhnika 

razoblachat militarism”

 [To Unmask Mili-

tarism with the Artist’s Brush], 


i iskusstvo (July 1, 1931).

_______ . “Master sotsial’nogo obraza”


[Master of the Social Image], 


aia Moskva (December 16, 1935).

VINNER, A. “Materiali i teknika zhivopisi 

A. A. Deineki”

 [The Materials and Tech-

nique of the Painting of A. A. Deine-

ka], in 

Materiali i tekhnika zhivopisi 

sovetskikh masterov. Ocherki [Materials 

and Technique of the Painting of Soviet 

Masters. Essays]. Moscow, 1958.


Pavlovna Volkova-Deineka vspominaet


[Elena Pavlovna Volkova-Deineka Recol-

lects], in 

Problemy sovetskogo iskusstva 

1930-1950 gg. K 100-letiiu A. A. Deineki 

[Problems of Soviet Art of 1930–1950. 

For the 100th Annivesary of A. A. 

Deineka]. Kursk, 1999.

VORONOVA, O. “Zhivaia sila talanta. A. 

A. Deineke – 70 let”

 [The Living Force 

of Talent. To A. A. Deineka—70 Years], 

Smena (May 21, 1969). 

WACHTEL, C. “Contemporaneitatea 

sovietica in creati a pictorului Deineka”,


Arta Plastica 2 (1961). 


 “Vystavka proizvedenii 

schesti russkikh masterov” [Exhibtion of 

Works by Six Russian Masters], 


January 17, 1944. 

ZIMENKO, V. “Aleksandr Deineka,”


Iskusstvo 8 (1964). 


“Vstupitel’naia stat’ia” [Introductory 


Vsesoiuznaia khudozhestven-

naia vystavka “Industriia sotsializma” 

[All-Union Artistic Exhibition “Industry 

of Socialism”]. Moscow-Leningrad: 

Iskusstvo, 1940.

III.  Exhibition 


III.1. Solo Exhibitions

Art Alliance Gallery, Philadelphia, 1935.

Soviet Embassy, Washington, DC, 1935.

Studio House Gallery, Washington, DC, 


A. Deineka [Vsekokhudozhnik, Moscow, 

1935; Academy of Arts, Leningrad

1936]. Moscow, 1935.

Works by A. A. Deineka, Honored Art 

Worker of the RSFSR, Full Member of 

the USSR Academy of Arts, [Academy 

of Arts, Moscow; Leningrad]. Moscow, 


Works by Aleksandr Deineka, People’s 

Artist of the USSR, Lenin Prize Winner 

and Full Member of the USSR Academy 

of Arts [Kursk Regional Picture Gallery; 

Museum of Russian Art in Kiev; Art 

Museum of the Latvian Soviet Socialist 

Republic in Riga]. Moscow, Iskusstvo, 


Aleksandr Deineka, People’s Artist of 

the USSR, Full Member of the USSR 

Academy of Arts, Lenin Prize Winner 

[Academy of Arts, Moscow; Budapest; 

Leningrad]. Moscow, 1969.

Works by A. A. Deineka: on the 50th 

Anniversary of the USSR. Warsaw, 1972.

Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Deineka on 

the 75th Anniversary of His Birth [Kursk 

Deineka Picture Gallery].

 Kursk, 1974.

Works by the Hero of Socialist Labor, 

Member of the USSR Academy of Arts, 

Honored Art Worker of the RSFSR Alek-

sandr Aleksandrovich Deineka (1899–

1969). Exhibition of His Works on the 

80th Anniversary of His Birth: Painting, 

Sculpture and Graphic Work [Moscow; 

Leningrad]. Moscow, 1980.

Aleksandr Deineka: Malerei, Graphik, 

Plakat. Düsseldorf: Städtische Kun-

sthalle, 1982.

Works by the Hero of Socialist Labor, 

Full Member of the USSR Academy of 

Arts, Honored Art Worker of the RSFSR 

Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Deineka 

(1899–1969). Exhibition of His Works 

on the 90th Anniversary of His Birth: 

Painting, Sculpture and Graphic Work. 

Moscow, 1989.

Aleksandr Deineka: Kursk Picture 

Gallery, “Gold Russian Map” Project. 

Moscow: State Tretyakov Gallery, 2001.

Aleksandr Deinek. Paintings, Graphic 

Art, Sculpture [exh. cat. Aleksandr 

Deineka. “Work, Build and Don’t Whine.” 

Paintings, Graphic Art, Sculpture. State 

Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, March 17 

– May 23, 2010], ed. I. Lebedeva and I. 

Ostarkova. Moscow: Interrosa, 2010.

Aleksandr Deineka. Il maestro sovietico 

della modernità [Palazzo delle 

Esposizioni, Rome]. Geneva; Milan: 

Skira, 2011.

Aleksandr Deineka [1899–1969]: An 

Avant-Garde for the Proletariat. Madrid: 

Fundación Juan March, 2011.

II.2. Group Exhibitions

1st Discussional Exhibition of the Active 

Revolutionary Art Associations [Palace 

of Youth, Moscow]. Moscow, 1924.

Catalogue of the 1st Exhibition of the 

Society of Easel Painters (OST) [Institute 

of Artistic Culture,

 Moscow]. Moscow, 


Catalogue of the 2nd Exhibition of the 

Society of Easel Painters (OST) [State 

Historical Museum, Moscow]

. Moscow, 


4th International Exhibition “The Art of 

the Book.” Leipzig; Nuremberg, 1927. 

10 Years since October [VKhUTEIN, 

Moscow]. Moscow, 1928.

10th AKhRR Exhibition on the 10th 

Anniversary of the Workers’ and 

Peasants’ Red Army. Moscow, 1928.

XVI Biennale di Venezia. Venice, 1928.

Catalogue of the Moscow Works of Art 

Acquired by the State Purchasing 

Commission in 1927–28 Exhibition. 

Moscow, 1928.

Exhibition of Contemporary Art in 

Soviet Russia: Painting, Graphic, 

Sculpture [Grand Central Palace, 

New York, 1928; Philadelphia; Boston; 

Detroit, 1929]. New York, 1929.

Le livre d’enfant en URSS. Paris: Éditions 

Bonaparte, 1929.

1st Exhibition of the October Association 

of Artists [Gorky Park, TsPKiO, Moscow]. 

Moscow, 1930.

XVII Biennale di Venezia. Venice, 1930.

Internationale Ausstellung “Frauen in 

Not”. Berlin, 1931.

Anti-Imperialist International Art 

Exhibition [Gorky Park, TsPKiO, 

Moscow]. Moscow, 1931.

30th Carnegie International [Carnegie 

Institute, Pittsburgh; Baltimore; Saint 

Louis, 1932]. Pittsburgh, 1931.

XVIII Biennale di Venezia. Venice, 1932.

15 Years of Artists of the RSFSR, 1917–

1932. Painting, Graphic Art, Sculpture 

[State Russian Museum, Leningrad, 

1932; State Historical Museum and 

State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, 1933]. 

Leningrad, 1932.

15 Years of the RKKA (Workers and 

Peasants Red Army) [Vsekokhudozhnik, 

Moscow; Leningrad, 193334; Kiev, 

1934; Kharkiv, 1935]. Moscow, 1933.

XIX Biennale di Venezia. Venice, 1934.

33rd Carnegie International. Pittsburgh: 

Carnegie Institute, 1934.

The Art of Soviet Russia [Pennsylvania 

Museum of Art, Philadelphia; travels to 

various cities in the United States and 

Canada]. Philadelphia: Pennsylvania 

Museum of Art; American Russian 

Institute, 1934.

Exhibition of Summer Works by Moscow 

Artists [Kuznetski Most, Moscow]. 

Moscow, 1936.

Exposition Internationale “Arts et 

techniques dans la vie moderne”. Paris, 


The Industry of Socialism: Exhibition of 

USSR Artists. Moscow, 1939.

Works by Moscow and Leningrad Artists. 

Lviv, 1940.

The Great Patriotic War: Exhibition of 

USSR Painting, Graphic Work, Sculpture 

and Architecture [State Tretyakov 

Gallery, Moscow]. Moscow, 1943.

S. V. Gerasimov, A. A. Deineka, P. P. Kon-

chalovskii, S. D. Lebedeva, V. I. Mukhina, 

D. A. Shmarinov [State Tretyakov 

Gallery, Moscow]. Moscow, 1944.

Fundación Juan March

Exhibition of Russian Paintings. Palm 

Beach, FL: Society of the Four Arts, 


All-Union Art Exhibition, 1946: Painting, 

Sculpture, Graphic Work [State Tretya-

kov Gallery, Moscow]. Moscow, 1946.

Ausstellung Sowjetischer Malerei: Alex-

ander Gerassimow, Sergei Gerassimow

Alexander Deineka, Arkadij Plastow 

[Staatliches Kunstgewerbemuseum, 

Vienna (now MAK); Prague; Belgrade; 

Sofia]. Vienna: Kunstgewerbemuseum 

Wien, 1947.

All-Union Art Exhibition, 1947: Painting, 

Sculpture, Graphic Work [Moscow; 

Leningrad]. Moscow, 1947.

All-Union Art Exhibition, 1949: Painting, 

Sculpture, Graphic Work [State Tretya-

kov Gallery, Moscow]. Moscow, 1949.

Soviet Painting: Sculpture and Graphics. 

Cairo, 1950.

All-Union Art Exhibition, 1951: Painting, 

Sculpture, Graphic Work [State Tretya-

kov Gallery, Moscow, 1951

–52]. Moscow, 


Exhibition of Works by Members of the 

Academy of Arts of the USSR [USSR 

Academy of Arts, Moscow]. Moscow, 


All-Union Art Exhibition of the Soviet 

Republic, 1955: Painting, Sculpture, 

Graphic Work, Posters and Decorative 

Arts [State Tretyakov Gallery; Dom 

Khudozhnika (Central House of the 

Artist); Painters Union Exhibition Hall, 

Moscow]. Moscow, 1955


4th Exhibition of Works by Members of 

the Academy of Arts of the USSR [USSR 

Academy of Arts, Moscow]. Moscow, 


Paintings, Sculptures and Drawings 

on the Occasion of the 1st All-Union 

Congress of Soviet Artists [USSR Artists 

Union, Moscow]. Moscow, 1957.

200 Years of the Academy of Arts of 

the USSR [USSR Academy of Arts, 

Leningrad; Moscow, 1957]. n. p., 1958.

Exposition Universelle et Internationale, 

Expo’58. Brussels, 1958.

40 Years of the Young Communist 

League of the Soviet Union (VLKSM). 

Painting, Sculpture, Graphic Art. 

Moscow, 1958.

Art in Socialist Countries [Manezh 

Gallery, Moscow]. Moscow, 1958.

5th Exhibition of Works by Members of 

the Academy of Arts of the USSR: Our 

Contemporary Art [USSR Academy of 

Arts, Moscow]. Moscow, 1959.

Contemporary Art in the USSR. 

Belgrade, 1959.

Biennale di Venezia. Venice, 1960.

Soviet Russia: Art Exhibition of the 

Republics, Painting, Sculpture, Graphic 

Works, Posters, Monumental Decorative 

Arts, Stage Set Designs. Moscow, 1960.

Soviet Painting [Montreal Museum of 

Fine Arts, Montreal; Ottawa; The Art 

Gallery of Toronto]. Montreal: Montreal 

Museum of Fine Arts, 1960.

All-Union Art Exhibition of the Soviet 

Republic, 1961: Painting, Sculpture, 

Graphic Work, Posters and Decorative 

Arts [Union of Artists of the USSR, 

Moscow]. Moscow, 1961.

6th Exhibition of Works by the Full 

Members and Corresponding Members 

of the USSR Academy of Arts [USSR 

Academy of Arts, Moscow]. Moscow, 


Sowjetische Künstler. Akademie der 

Künste der UdSSR: Malerei, Graphik, 

Plastic. Ausstellung. Berlin, 1963.

Painting and Sculpture by Soviet 

Masters. Warsaw, 1963.

Works by Members of the USSR Acade-

my of Arts: Painting, Sculpture, Graphic 

Art, traveling exhibition [Moscow; 

Ulyanovsk; Kazan; Nizhny Novgorod; 

Sverdlovsk; Tiflis; Yerevan, Baku]. 

Moscow, 1963.

Arte e resistenza in Europa. Ventesimo 

anniversario della resistenza [Museo 

Civico, Bologna; Galleria Civica d’Arte 

Moderna, Turin]. Bologna, 1965.

To the Defenders of Moscow (Exhibition 

Dedicated to the 25th Anniversary of 

the Defeat of Nazi Invaders near 

Moscow). Moscow, 1966.

“Man and his World” Montreal Inter-

national Fine Arts Exhibition, Expo-67. 

Montreal, 1967.

50 Years of Soviet Power (Art Exhibition 

Dedicated to the Anniversary of the 

USSR). Moscow, 1967.

L’Art russe des Scythes à nos jours. 

Trésors des musées soviétiques. Paris, 


Guarding the Mother Country: Moscow 

Soviet Art. Painting, Sculpture, Graphic 

Art, Monumental Decorative Art. 

Moscow, 1968.

50 Years of the Young Communist 

League of the Soviet Union (VLKSM). 

Moscow, 1968.

9th Exhibition of Works by Members of 

the USSR Academy of Arts [USSR Acad-

emy of Arts, Moscow]. Moscow, 1969.

XXXV Biennale di Venezia, Venice, 1970.

Art in Revolution: Soviet Art and Design 

since 1917 [Hayward Gallery, London]. 

London: Arts Council, 1971.

Labor in the Works of Soviet Artists: 

Painting, Sculpture, Graphic Work 

[State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow]. 

Moscow, 1971.

Exhibition of Works by Members of the 

USSR Academy of Arts on the Occasion 

of the 25th Anniversary of the Trans-

formation of the Academy of Arts of 

Russia into the Academy of Arts of the 

USSR. Painting, Sculpture, Graphic Art 

[Moscow; Leningrad; Warsaw; Szczecin, 

1973–75]. Moscow, 1973.

30 Years after the Victory of the Soviet 

People in the Great Patriotic War of 

1941–45 [Moscow; Berlin; Leningrad; 

Almaty]. Moscow, 1975.

Kunst aus der Revolution. Sowjeti-

sche Kunst während der Phase der 

Kollektivierung und Industrialisierung, 

1927–1933. Berlin: Neue Gesellschaft für 

Bildende Kunst, NGBK; Moscow: State 

Tretyakov Gallery, 1977.

Soviet Portrait. Moscow, 1977.

Wege des Kampfes. Ausstellung anläß-

lich des 60. Jahrestages der Großen So-

zialistischen Oktoberrevolution [USSR 

Academy of Arts, Moscow; Akademie 

der Künste der DDR, Berlin]. Berlin: Aka-

demie der Künste der DDR, 1977.

Self-Portrait in the Works of Russian and 

Soviet Artists [State Tretyakov Gallery, 

Moscow; Leningrad; Kiev; Minsk; Sofia; 

Warsaw; Poznan; Wroclaw, 1977–78]. 

Moscow, 1977.

The Young Guard of the Soviet Country. 

Exhibition of Art of the USSR on the 

60th Anniversary of the VLKSM: Painting, 

Sculpture, Graphic Art, Posters, Applied 

and Decorative Arts [Manezh Gallery, 

Moscow]. Moscow, 1978.

Revolution und Realismus: Revolutionäre 

Kunst in Deutschland 1917 bis 1933 

[Altes Museum, Berlin]. Berlin: Staatliche 

Museen zu Berlin, 1978.

Art of the First Five-Year Plan: Painting, 

Sculpture. Moscow: State Tretyakov 

Gallery, 1979.

Together Forever: Ukraine Socialist 

Soviet Republic Exhibition of USSR 

and RSFSR Museum Holdings on the 

325th Anniversary of the Reunification 

of Ukraine and Russia [Kiev; Moscow]. 

Kiev, 1979.

Paris–Moscou: 1900–1930. Arts 

plastiques, arts appliqués et objets 

utilitaires, architecture-urbanisme, 

agitprop, aff iche, théâtre-ballet, littéra-

ture, musique, cinéma, photo créative 

[Centre national d’art et de culture 

Georges Pompidou, Paris, 1979; 

Moscow, 1980). Parrs: Centre national 

d’art et de culture Georges Pompidou, 


All-Union Exhibition Marking the 110th 

Anniversary of Lenin’s Birth. Moscow, 


Sport as Ambassador of Peace: 

USSR Exhibition Celebrating the XXII 

Olympics of Moscow. Moscow, 1980.

Moscow in Russian and Soviet Painting 

[State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow]

Moscow, 1980.

Petersburg-Petrograd-Leningrad in the 

Works of Russian and Soviet Artists. 

Leningrad, 1980.

60 años de pintura soviética [Galería 

del Auditorio Nacional, Mexico City; 

Casa de la Cultura Benjamín Carrión, 

Quito; San Luis Potosí]. Mexico City, 


Soviet Art: Painting and Sculpture from 

the State Tretyakov Gallery [Kolomna, 

1981–82]. Moscow, 1981.

50 Years of MOSKh: 1932–1982: Exhibition 

of Works by Moscow Artists. Moscow, 


Art and Revolution. Tokyo, 1982 (Edi-

tions in English, Japanese and Russian).

Sowjetische Malerei und Plastik, 

1917–1982. Ausstellung anlässlich des 

60. Jahrestages der Bildung der UdSSR 

[Altes Museum, Berlin]. Berlin: Ministeri-

um für Kultur, 1982. 

100 œuvres du Musée Tretyakov de 

Moscou. Geneva: Musée du Petit Palais, 


225 Years of the Academy of Arts of the 

USSR: Painting, Sculpture, Architecture, 

Graphic Art, Decorative and Applied 

Arts, Documents, Publications. Moscow, 


Sport in Art: USSR Exhibition Dedicated 

to the International Championship “Drú-

zhba-84”: Painting, Sculpture, Graphic 

Art, Applied and Decorative Arts, Docu-

ments and Publications. Moscow, 1984.

Traditions et recherches. Chefs-d’œuvre 

des musées de l’URSS. Jeunes artistes 

soviétiques. Art contemporain français. 

Paris: Grand Palais, 1984.

Russische und Sowjetische Kunst. Tra-

dition und Gegenwart. Werke aus sechs 

Jahrhunderten [Kunstverein fü r die 

Rheinlande und Westfalen und Städti-

sche Kunsthalle, Düsseldorf; Stuttgart, 

1984; Hannover, 1985]. Düsseldorf: 

Kunstverein fü r die Rheinlande und 

Westfalen und Städtische Kunsthalle, 


Shostakovich and His Time: Painting, 

Sculpture, Graphic Art, Posters and 

Landscape (1906–1983) [Budapest; 


 Budapest, 1984.

Sowjetische Malerei und Plastik von 

1917 bis zur Gegenwart [Altes Museum, 

Berlin]. Berlin: Nationalgalerie, 1985.

Stages on the Long Path: Exhibition 

of Works by Soviet Artists in the State 

Tretyakov Gallery and the USSR State 

Art Gallery Marking the 27th Congress 

of the USSR Communist Party. Moscow, 


Schrecken und Hoff nung. Künstler 

sehen Frieden und Krieg [Hamburger 

Kunsthalle, Hamburg; Münchner Stadt-

museum, Munich; State Tretyakov Gal-

lery, Moscow; Hermitage, Leningrad]. 

Hamburg: Hamburger Kunsthalle, 1987.

In Defense of Socialist Achievements: 

Exhibition Marking the 70th Anniversary 

of the USSR Armed Forces. Moscow, 


Exhibition of Paintings and Graphic Art 

from the S. N. Gorshin Collection. 

Moscow, 1989.

Arte russa e sovietica: 1870–1930 

[Lingotto, Turin]. Milan: Fabbri Editore, 


Fundación Juan March


Russian Faces, Soviet Lives, 1910–45: 

Paintings from the State Russian 

Museum, Leningrad. Manchester: 1990.

Moscow: Treasures and Traditions [Se-

attle Art Museum, Seattle; Smithsonian 

Institution, Washington, DC]. Washing-

ton DC: University of Washington Press, 


The 1930s: Painting, Sculpture, Cata-

logue of the State Tretyakov Gallery. 

Moscow: State Tretyakov Gallery, 1990.

The Great Utopia: The Russian and 

Soviet Avant-Garde, 1915–1932 [The 

Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation

New York; State Tretyakov Gallery, 

Moscow; State Russian Museum, Saint 

Petersburg; Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt; 

Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam]. New 

York: Guggenheim Museum, 1992.

Agitation zum Glück: Sowjetische Kunst 

der Stalinzeit [Saint Petersburg; doku-

menta-Halle, Kassel, 1993–94; Prague, 

1994; Turku, 1995; Stockholm, 1996]. 

Bremen: Temmen, 1993; Saint Peters-

burg: Palace Editions, 1996.

Kunst und Diktatur. Architektur, Bild-

hauerei und Malerei in Österreich, 

Deutschland, Italien und der Sowjetu-

nion 1922–1956 [Künstlerhaus, Vienna]. 

Baden: Grasl, 1994.

Staatliches Russisches Museum, St. 

Petersburg: Die grossen Sammlungen 

III. Kunst- und Kulturgeschichte 

Russlands in Werk und Bild [Kunst- und 

Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik 

Deutschland, Bonn]. Bonn: Cantz 

Verlag, 1995.

XLVI Biennale di Venezia. Venice, 1995.

Il tempo delle illusioni. Arte russa degli 

anni venti [Palazzo Ducale, Genoa]. 

Milan: Charta, 1995. 

The Beauty of Russian Women from the 

15th to the 20th Centuries. Sapporo: 

1995 (Editions in English and Japanese).

Berlin-Moskau/Moskau-Berlin, 1900–

1950 [Berlinische Galerie, Landesmu-

seum für Moderne Kunst, Photographie 

und Architektur; Martin-Gropius-Bau, 

Berlin; Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, 

Moscow]. Munich; New York: Prestel, 


Art and Power: Europe under Dictators 

1930–1945: the XXIII Council of Europe 

Exhibition [Hayward Gallery, London; 

Centre de Cultura Contemporània de 

Barcelona, CCCB, Barcelona; Deutsches 

Historisches Museum, Berlin]. London: 

Hayward Gallery, 1995.

Painters from Russia in the Nizhny 

Novgorod Fair Celebrating the 100 

Anniversary of the Russian Art and In-

dustry Fair: Painting, Sculpture, Graphic 

Art, Photography, Applied and Decora-

tive Arts, Popular Art. Nizhny Novgorod, 


Homage to Shostakovich on the 90th 

Anniversary of the Composer’s Birth. 

Moscow: Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, 


Années 30 en Europe: le temps 

menaçant, 1929–1939. Paris: Musée 

d’art moderne de la Ville de Paris, 1997.

The Age of Modernism: Art in the 20th 

Century. Berlin: Martin-Gropius-Bau, 


Pioneros del arte moderno. Arte ruso y 

soviético: 1900–1930. Bogota: Biblioteca 

Luis Angel Arango, 1999.

Russische Avantgarde 1910–1934. Mit 

voller Kraft. Hamburg: Museum für 

Kunst und Gewerbe, 2001.

20th Century Portraiture in Russia. Saint 

Petersburg: The State Russian Museum, 


The Art of Vladimir’s Land: Icons, 

Painting, Decorative and Applied Arts, 

Manuscripts and Old Printed Material, 

“Gold Russian Map” Project. Moscow: 

State Tretyakov Gallery, 2002.

500 Anos de Arte Russa [Oca do Par-

que do Ibirapuera, São Paulo]. São 

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