Aleksandr Deineka (1899-1969) : an avant-garde for the proletariat

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 Cover for Prozhektor [Searchlight], 

no. 8 (30), 1924

. Magazine. Letterpress, 

36 x 27 cm

. Izdatel’stvo Pravda, 


. Archivo España-Rusia

108.  John Heartfield. Cover for 


zhektor [Searchlight], no. 48, 1931. 

Magazine. Lithography  and letterpress, 

33 x 25.4 cm. Izdatel’stvo Pravda, 

Moscow. Collection Merrill C. Berman

109. Mechislav Dobrokovskii. 

Stroi pro-

myslovuiu kooperatsiiu . . . [Build Pro-

ducers’ Cooperatives], ca. 1925. Poster. 

Lithography, 72.1 x 54 cm. VSEKOPROM-

SOIUZ, Moscow. Print run: 5,000. 

Collection Merrill C. Berman

110. Aleksandr Samokhvalov. 


zdrávstvuyet komsomol! [Hail the 

Komsomol!], 1924. Poster. Lithography, 

89.9 x 60 cm. Priboi, Petrograd. 

Collection Merrill C. Berman

111.  Aleksandr Deineka. 

V mekhaniches-

kom tsekhe. Risunok dlia zhurnala “U 

stanka”  [In the Mechanical Workshop.

Drawing for 

U stanka], 1925. Ink, water-

color and wash on paper, 56.3 x 37.5 

cm. State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow 

112.  Aleksandr Deineka. 

Parovoi molot 

na Kolomenskom zavode. Risunok dlia 

zhurnala “U stanka” [Steam Hammer at 

the Kolomenskaia Factory. Drawing for 

stanka], 1925, no. 3. India ink, gouache 

and graphite on paper, 43.1 x 34.5 cm. 

State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow

113.  Aleksandr Deineka. 

Udarnik, bud 

fizkulturnikom! [Shockworker, Be a 

Physical Culturist!], 1930

. Design for 

poster. India ink and tempera on paper, 

102.3 x 72.7 cm. Kursk Deineka Picture 


114. Nikolai Troshin. 

USSR in Construc-

tion, no. 5, 1932. Magazine. Letterpress, 

42 x 30 cm. Gosizdat, Moscow. English 

edition of 

SSSR na stroike. Fundación 

José María Castañé

115.  Aleksandr Deineka. 

Pered spuskom 

v shakhtu [Before the Descent into the 

Mine], 1925. Oil on canvas, 248 x 210 

cm. State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow

116.  Aleksandr Deineka. 

Na stroike 

novykh tsekhov [Building New Facto-

ries], 1926. Oil on canvas, 212.8 x 201.8 

cm. State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow

117.  Aleksandr Deineka. 


koe sorevnovanie [Socialist Competi-

tion] Cover for

 Daesh’! [Let’s Produce!], 

no. 2, May 1929. Magazine. Lithogra-

phy and letterpress, 30.5 x 22.9 cm. 

Rabochaia Moskva, Moscow. Print run: 

20,000. Price: 25 kopeks. Collection 

Merrill C. Berman

118.  Aleksandr Deineka. 


produktov pitaniia [The Production of 

Foodstuff s]. Cover for 

Daesh’! [Let’s Pro-

duce!], no. 5, August 1929

. Magazine. 

Lithography and letterpress, 30.5 x 22.9 

cm. Rabochaia Moskva, Moscow. Price: 

10 kopeks. Print run: 12,000. Collection 

Merrill C. Berman


 Chistku gos-apparata [The Purge of 

the State Apparatus]

. Cover of Daesh’! 

[Let’s Produce!]

, no. 1, April 1929. 

Magazine. Lithography and letterpress, 

30.5 x 22.9 cm

. Rabochaia Moskva, 


. 119b and 119c. Illustrations for 

inside pages by Aleksandr Deineka. 

Collection Merrill C. Berman



Piatiletku v massy [The Five-Year 

Plan to the Masses]

. Cover for Daesh’! 

[Let’s Produce]

, no. 3, June 1929. 

Magazine. Lithography and letterpress, 

30.5 x 22.9 cm

. Rabochaia Moskva, 


. 120b and 120c. Illustrations 

for inside pages by Aleksandr Deineka. 

Collection Merrill C. Berman


Daesh’! [Let’s Produce!], no. 11, 


. Magazine. Lithography, letter-

press and rotogravure, 30.5 x 22.9 cm

Rabochaia Moskva, Moscow

. Collection 

Merrill C. Berman


Podnimai proizvoditelnost’, snizhai 

brak [Raise Productivity. Reduce Waste]. 

Cover of

 Daesh’! [Let’s Produce!], no. 

12, 1929. Magazine. Lithography letter-

press and rotogravure, 30.5 x 22.9 cm

Rabochaia Moskva, Moscow

. Collection 

Merrill C. Berman

123.  Aleksandr Rodchenko. 

Polnyi khod 

[Full Speed]. Cover for 

Daesh’! [Let’s 

Produce!], no. 6, 1929

. Magazine. 

Lithography and letterpress, 30.5 x 23 

cm. Rabochaia Moskva, Moscow. 

Collection Merrill C. Berman

124.  Aleksandr Rodchenko. 


avtomobil’ [The Soviet Automobile] 

Cover for 

Daesh’!  [Let’s Produce!], no. 

14, 1929. Magazine. Lithography and 

letterpress, 30.5 x 23.2 cm. Rabochaia 

Moskva, Moscow. Collection Merrill 

C. Berman

125.  Aleksandr Deineka. 


[Female Textile Workers], 1927. Oil on 

canvas, 171 x 195 cm. State Russian 

Museum. Saint Petersburg

126.  Nataliia Pinus. 


zhenshchiny-v riady aktivnykh uchast-

nits [Working Women into the Ranks 

of Active Participants], 1933. Poster. 

Lithography and letterpress, 96.2 x 72 

cm. OGIZ-IZOGIZ, Moscow-Leningrad. 

Print run: 20,000. Price: 90 kopeks. 

Collection Merrill C. Berman

127.  Valentina Kulagina. 


nyi den’ rabotnits [The International 

Day of Working Women], 1930. Poster. 

Lithography and letterpress, 106.7 x 71.1 

cm. GOSIZDAT, Moscow-Leningrad. 

Print run: 40,000. Collection Merrill 

C. Berman

128. Nikolai Troshin. 

URSS en construc-

tion [USSR in Construction], no. 2, 

February 1936. Magazine. Letterpress, 

42 x 30 cm. OGIZ-IZOGIZ, Moscow. 

French edition of 

SSSR na stroike. 

Collection MJM, Madrid

129.  Nikolai Sidel’nikov. 


uluchshai kachestvo, snizhai sebe-

stoimost’ . . . [Woman Worker, Improve 

Quality, Reduce Cost], ca. 1930. Design 

for soap wrapper. Collage: gouache, 

ink, letterpress and photography 

(gelatin silver, vintage copy) on board, 

32.1 x 25.7 cm. State Trust Tezhe 

Moscow. Private collection


 Znenskii zhurnal. Besplatnoe prilo-

zhénie [Woman’s Journal. Free supple-

ment], 1930. Magazine insert. Lithogra-

phy, 74 x 104 cm. Patterns for various 

embroidery and knitting techniques. 

Ogonek, Moscow. Archivo España-Rusia

131.  Aleksandr Deineka. 

Oborona Petro-

grada [Defense of Petrograd], 1928. 

Oil on canvas, 209 x 247 cm. Copy of 

the original painted by Deineka in 1928 

(today in the State Museum of Armed 

Forces, Moscow). State Tretyakov 

Gallery, Moscow


SA, Sovremennaia arkhitektura [SA, 

Contemporary Architecture]

, no. 6, 1928. 


. Letterpress, 31 x 23 cm. GOS-

IZDAT, Moscow

. Archivo España-Rusia


 SA, Sovremennaia arkhitektura 

[SA, Contemporary Architecture]

no. 5–6, 1926. Magazine

. Letterpress, 

31 x 23 cm

. GOSIZDAT, Moscow. 

Archivo España-Rusia


 SA, Sovremennaia arkhitektura 

[SA, Contemporary Architecture]

, no. 

3, 1928. Magazine

. Letterpress, 31 x 23 


. GOSIZDAT, Moscow. 134b and 134c. 

Interior pages with the October Group 

Manifesto. Archivo España-Rusia


 SA, Sovremennaia arkhitektura 

[SA, Contemporary Architecture], no. 5, 

1928. Magazine

. Letterpress, 31 x 23 cm. 


. Archivo España-


136.  Aleksei Gan. 

SA, Sovremennaia 

arkhitektura [SA, Contemporary Ar-

chitecture], 1928. Poster. Letterpress, 

38.1 x 27.9 cm. Advertising poster for 

subscription to SA magazine 1928. 

Collection Merrill C. Berman


MAO Konkursy 1923–1926 [Moscow 

Architecture Society Competitions 

1923–1926], 1926

. Magazine. Letter-

press, 32.5 x 25 cm

. MAO, Moscow. 

137b. Page illustrating the design for the 

Central Telegraph building in Moscow 

by Aleksandr and Viktor Vesnin (second 

prize). Archivo España-Rusia


Stroitel’stvo Moskvy [Construction 

of Moscow], no. 10, 1930

. Magazine. 

Letterpress, 30 x 21.5 cm

. Mossovet, 


. Special issue devoted to the 

Narkomfin building by the architect 

Moisei Ginzburg, a prototype for com-

munal building

. Archivo España-Rusia

139.  Anton Lavinskii. 

Stachka [Strike], 

1925. Poster for the film 

Strike by Sergei 

Eisenstein. Letterpress and lithography, 

106.7 x 70.8 cm. GOSIZDAT, Moscow. 

Print run: 9,500. Collection Merrill 

C. Berman

140.  Piotr Galadshev. Brochure for the 


Battleship Potemkin, 1926. Let-

terpress, 15 x 11.5 cm. Archivo España-



Novaia obstanovka – novye zadachi 

khoziastvennogo stroitel’stva [A New 

Situation – New Tasks for Economic 

Construction], 1931. Poster. Lithography 

and letterpress, 104 x 71.1 cm. IZOGIZ, 

Moscow. Print run: 50,000. Price: 50 

kopeks. Collection Merrill C. Berman

142.  Gustavs Klucis. 

Piatiletku prevratim 

v chetyrekhletku [We Will Transform 

the Five-Year  Plan into a Four-Year 

Plan], 1930. Poster. Lithography and 

letterpress, 101.5 x 73.7 cm. GOSIZDAT, 

Moscow. Print run: 30,000. Price: 35 

kopeks. Collection Merrill C. Berman

143.  Gustavs Klucis. 

Untitled. Dummy 

for the cover of 

Za proletarskoe 

iskusstvo [For Proletarian Art], ca. 1932. 

Photography. Illuminated gelatin silver, 

vintage copy, 21.3 x 16.2 cm. Collection 

Merrill C. Berman

144.  Gustavs Klucis. Poster reproduced 

on the cover of 

Za proletarskoe iskusst-

vo [For Proletarian Art], no. 5, 1932. 

Magazine. Letterpress, 29.8 x 21.3 cm. 

OGIZ-IZOGIZ, Moscow. Collection 

Merrill C. Berman


Za proletarskoe iskusstvo [For 

Proletarian Art]

, no. 9, 1931. Magazine. 

Letterpress, 30 x 21.5 cm. OGIZ-IZOGIZ, 

Moscow. Archivo España-Rusia


Iskusstvo v massy [Art to the 

Masses], no. 2 (10), 1930. Magazine. Let-

terpress, 30 x 23 cm. AKhR, Moscow. 

Archivo España-Rusia


Za proletarskoe iskusstvo [For 

Proletarian Art], no. 3–4, 1931. Maga-

zine cover. Letterpress, 30.5 x 21.5 cm. 

OGIZ-IZOGIZ, Moscow-Leningrad. 

Archivo España-Rusia


 Znanie–sila [Knowledge is Power], 

no. 15, 1931

. Magazine cover. Letter-

press, 30 x 21 cm

 Molodaia Gvardiia, 


. Archivo España-Rusia


 Stroika [Construction], no. 16, 

August 5, 1930. Magazine. Letterpress, 

30 x 22 cm. Krasnaia Gazeta, Leningrad. 

Archivo España-Rusia


 Nauka i tekhnika [Science and 

Technology], no. 2, 1930

. Magazine. 

Letterpress, 31 x 23 cm

. Izdatel’stvo 

Krasnaia Gazeta, Leningrad

. Archivo 


151.  Aleksandr Deineka. Cover for 


naia panorama [Red Panorama], no. 

4, February 5, 1930. Magazine. Off set, 

27.9 x 20.3 cm. Krasnaia Gazeta, Lenin-

grad. Price: 10 kopeks. Collection 

Merrill C. Berman

152.  Aleksandr Deineka. 

Nado samim 

stat’ spetsialistami [We Need to Become 

Specialists], 1931. Poster. Lithography, 

144 x 102 cm. IZOGIZ, Moscow-Lenin-

grad. Print run: 30,000. Collection 

Merrill C. Berman

153.  Iurii Pimenov. 

My stroim sotsial-

ism [We are Building Socialism], 1928. 

Poster. Lithography, 68.5 x 53.3 cm. 

GOSIZDAT, Moscow-Leningrad. Print 

run: 35,000. Collection Merrill 

C. Berman

154.  Iurii Pimenov. Cover and illustra-

tions for the book of poems by Aleksan-

dr Zharov,

 Osen’ i vesna [Autumn and 

Fundación Juan March


Spring], 1933. Book. Letterpress and 

lithography, 30 x 23 cm. Khudozhest-

vennaia literatura, Moscow. 154b. Il-

lustration on page 8: “October People.” 

Archivo España-Rusia

155.  Aleksandr Deineka. 


Moskvu v obraztsovyi sotsialisticheskii 

gorod proletarskogo gosudarstva [We 

Will Transform Moscow into an Exem-

plary Socialist City of the 


State], 1931. Poster

. Lithography, 144. 

8 x 208.3 cm

. IZOGIZ, Moscow-Lenin-


. Print run: 5,000. Price: 1 ruble. 

Private collection

156.  Supplement in the children’s mag-


Murzilka, no. 10, ca. 1930. Maga-

zine. Letterpress, 29.5 x 24 cm. VLKSM 

Central Committee, Moscow. 156b. 

Cutout with model of the Palace of the 

Soviets by Boris IofanArchivo España-



 Solomon Telingater. Cover of 

Stroitel’stvo Moskvy [The Construction 

of Moscow], no. 10, 1929. Magazine. 

Letterpress, 30.5 x 23 cm. Mossovet, 

Moscow. Archivo España-Rusia


 Detail of the facade of the Hotel 

Moscow by architect Aleksei Shchusev

Moscow 1932–38 (demolished in 2001). 

Plaster, 47 x 60 x 2 cm. Archivo España-


159.  Aleksandr Deineka. 


Donbass! [We are Mechanizing the 

Donbass!], 1930. Poster. Lithography, 

106.6 x 73.6 cm. IZOGIZ, Moscow-

Leningrad. Print run: 25,000. Collection 

Merrill C. Berman


 Aleksandr Zharov. Stikhi i ugol 

[Poems and Coal], 1931. Book. Letter-

press, 17 x 12.5 cm. Molodaia Gvardiia, 

Moscow. Archivo España-Rusia


 Da zdravstruet 1 maia! [Hail the First 

of May!], ca. 1930

. Flag. Hand-painted 

cotton fabric

, 105 x 72.1 cm. Fundación 

José María Castañé

162.  Aleksei Gan. 

Vystavka rabot 

Vladimira Maiakovskogo [Exhibition of 

Mayakovsky’s Work], 1931. Poster for the 

exhibition that took place at the Litera-

ture Museum of the Lenin Public Library 

in 1931. Lithography and letterpress, 

64.8 x 46 cm. Glavlit, Moscow. Print 

run: 2,000. Collection Merrill C. Berman

163. Vladimir Mayakovsky. 

Vo ves’  golos 

[At the Top of My Voice], 1931. Book. 

Letterpress, 19 x 12.5 cm. Khudozhest-

vennaia literature, Moscow-Leningrad. 

Archivo España-Rusia

164. Vladimir Mayakovsky. 


v odnom tome [Collected Works in 

One Volume], 1940. Book. Letterpress, 

26.1 x 20.6 cm. Khudozhestvennaia lit-

eratura, Moscow. Fundación José María 


165.  Aleksandr Deineka. 

Dadim prole-

tarskie kadry Uralo-Kuzbassu! [We Will 

Provide Proletarian Cadres to Ural-Kuz-

bass!], 1931. Poster. Lithograph on can-

vas, 68.5 x 101.6 cm. IZOGIZ, Moscow. 

Print run: 10,000. Price: 50 kopeks. 

Collection Merrill C. Berman

166.  Solomon Telingater, E. Gutnov, 

N. Spirov. 

Oktiabr’. Borba za proletar-

skie klassovie pozitsii na fronte pros-

transtvennykh iskusstv [October. The 

Struggle for Proletarian Class Positions 

at the Spatial Arts Front], February 1931. 

Book. Letterpress, 26.7 x 19 cm. IZOGIZ, 

Moscow. Private collection

167.  Aleksandr Deineka. 


zhnoe depo [Railroad Depot], ca. 

1928. Watercolor, ink, pen on paper. 

29.9 x 44.8 cm. State Tretyakov Gallery, 


168.  Aleksandr Deineka. 


brigady v sovkhoze [Women’s Brigades 

to the State Farm!], 1931. Tempera on 

paper, 70.5 x 70.8 cm. State Tretyakov 

Gallery, Moscow 

169.  Aleksandr Deineka. 

“Kto kogo?” 

[“Who Will Beat Whom?”], 1932. Oil on 

canvas, 131 x 200 cm. State Tretyakov 

Gallery, Moscow 

170.  Mikhail Razulevich. 


nashei programmy – eto zhivie liudi 

[The Reality of Our Program is Living 

People], 1932

. Sketch for poster. 


, 38.3 x 25.4 cm. Collection 

Merrill C. Berman

171.  P. Urban. 

URSS en construction 

[USSR in Construction], no. 4, 1932. 

Magazine. Letterpress, 42 x 30 cm. 

OGIZ-IZOGIZ, Moscow. French edition 


SSSR na stroike. Collection MJM, 



USSR in Construction, no. 2, 1932. 

Magazine. Letterpress, 42 x 30 cm. 

OGIZ-IZOGIZ, Moscow. English edition 


SSSR na stroike. Fundación José 

María Castañé

173. Nikolai Troshin. 

URSS en construc-

tion [USSR in Construction], no. 1, 1933. 

Magazine. Letterpress, 42 x 30 cm. 

OGIZ-IZOGIZ, Moscow. French edition 


SSSR na stroike. Collection MJM, 


174. Mauricio Amster. Cover and layout 

of the book by

 M. Ilyin, Moscú tiene 

un plan [Moscow Has a Plan], 1932. 

Book. Letterpress and linocut, 21 x 15 

cm. Ediciones Oriente, Madrid. Archivo 



 Piatiletnii plan pischevoi pro-

myshlennosti . . . [The Five-Year Plan of 

the Food Production Industry], ca. 1932

Poster. Lithography and letterpress, 

103.5 x 72.7 cm. Publishers of the 

Central Committee of the Food Industry 

Union, Leningrad

. Print run: 1,000. 

Collection Merrill C. Berman

176.  Vasilii El’kin. 

Proizvodstvo [Produc-

tion], ca. 1932. Design for poster. 

Collage: letterpress,  cut paper and 

pencil, 55.8 x 41.9 cm. Private collection

177.  Aleksandr Deineka. 

V period pervoi 

piatiletki [During the Period of the First 

Five-Year Plan], 1933. Poster. Lithogra-

phy, 101.6 x 71.1 cm. OGIZ-IZOGIZ, Mos-

cow-Leningrad. Print run: 25,000. Price: 

70 kopeks. Collection Merrill C. Berman

178.  Vasilii El’kin. 

5 in 4 Jahre [5 in 4 

Years], 1933. Design for book cover. 

Letterpress, gouache, pencil and cut 

paper, 19.5 x 27.8 cm. Collection Merrill 

C. Berman

179. Aleksandr Rodchenko and Varvara 


URSS en construction 

[USSR in Construction], no. 8, August 

1936. Magazine. Letterpress, 42 x 30 

cm. OGIZ-IZOGIZ, Moscow. French 

edition of 

SSSR na stroike. Collection 

MJM, Madrid

180.  Aleksandr Deineka. 

Polden’ [Noon], 

1932. Oil on canvas, 59.5 x 80 cm. State 

Russian Museum, Saint Petersburg

181. Georgii Petrusov. 

URSS en con-

struction [USSR in Construction], no. 

1, January 1936. Magazine. Letterpress, 

42 x 30 cm. OGIZ-IZOGIZ, Moscow. 

French edition of 

SSSR na stroike. 

Collection MJM, Madrid

182.  Aleksandr Deineka. 


v Berline [The Unemployed in Berlin], 

1932. Oil on canvas, 118.5 x 185 cm. 

State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow

183. Aleksandr Deineka. 

Da zdravs-

tvuet pobeda sotsializma vo vsem 

mire! [Hail the Victory of Socialism the 

World Over!], 1933. Poster. Lithogra-

phy, 68.6 x 200.7 cm. OGIZ-IZOGIZ, 

Moscow-Leningrad. Print run: 15,050. 

Collection Merrill C. Berman


 Stroitel’stvo Moskvi [The Construc-

tion of Moscow],

 no. 10–11, 1933. Maga-


. Letterpress, 30 x 22 cm. Mossovet, 


. Archivo España-Rusia


 V. P. Volkov. Tonnelnyi shchit i 

rabota s nim [The Tunnel Shield and 

Work with It], 1934. Book. Letterpress, 

22 x 16.5 cm. Metrostroi, Moscow. 185b. 

Fold-out spread. Archivo España-Rusia


 Stroitel’stvo Moskvi [The Construc-

tion of Moscow]

, no. 5, 1934. Magazine. 

Letterpress, 30 x 22 cm

. Mossovet, 


. Cover image: Krasnye Vorota 

metro station, architect I. Golosov

Archivo España-Rusia

187.  Viktor Deni (Denisov) and Nikolai 


Est’ metro! [The Metro 

is Here!], 1935. Poster. Lithography 

and letterpress, 99.1 x 69.7 cm. OGIZ-

IZOGIZ, Moscow-Leningrad. Print run: 

10,000. Price: 60 kopeks. Collection 

Merrill C. Berman


 General’nyi plan rekonstruktsii 

goroda Moskvi [General Plan for the 

Reconstruction of the City of Moscow], 

1936. Book. Letterpress, 26.7 x 20 cm

Izdatel’stvo Moskovski Rabochi, Mos-

cow. 188b. Fold-out with underground 

map. Fundación José María Castañé


 Spartakiada URSS, 1928. Book. 

Letterpress, 30.4 x 23.2 cm. Izdatel’stvo 

Pravda, Moscow. 189b and 189c. Cover 

and back cover. Fundación José María 


190.  Nikolai Sidel’nikov. 

Vremia, ener-

giia, volia [Time, Energy, Will], ca. 1930. 

Collage: gouache, letterpress, ink, 

33.2 x 25.1 cm. Private collection

191.  Aleksandr Deineka. 


bud fizkulturnikom! [Collective Farmer, 

Be a Physical  Culturist!], 1930. Sketch 

for poster. Paper on cardboard, color 

pencil, watercolor, pastel, 71.5 x 160 

cm.State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow

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