Aleksandr Deineka (1899-1969) : an avant-garde for the proletariat

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10.  Liubov Popova. 

Da zdravstvuet 

diktatura proletariata! [Hail the Dictator-

ship of the Proletariat!], 1921. Sketch 

for poster. Ink, watercolor, pencil, cut 


, 20.1 x 24.9 cm. Private collection

11.  Gustavs Klucis. 

Untitled (The Red 

Man), 1918. Lithography, 25.4 x 15.2 cm. 

Collection Merrill C. Berman

12.  Gustavs Klucis. 

Vorkers of the vorld 

unite [Workers of the World, Unite!], 

1922. Linocut

, 23.5 x 13.5 cm. Sketch 

for revolving stand for propaganda 

designed on the occasion of the 6th 

Komintern Congress. Collection Merrill 

C. Berman

13. Valentina Kulagina. 

Untitled, 1923. 

Lithography, 22.9 x 15.2 cm. Collection 

Merrill C. Berman

14.  El Lissitzky. 

Klinom krasnym bei 

belykh [Beat the Whites with the Red 

Wedge], 1919. Lithography, 23 x 19 cm. 

Collection Merrill C. Berman

31.  Faik Tagirov. Cover of a VKhUTEIN 

publication, 1929. Letterpress, 

27.2 x 22.5 cm. VKhUTEIN, Moscow. 

Archivo España-Rusia

32. Aleksandra Ekster. 

Design for a 

Mechanical Engineering Pavilion, 1923. 

Collage: gouache, pencil and ink, 

61 x 89.2 cm. Pavilion for the 1st All-

Union Agricultural and Domestic Crafts 

Exhibition in Moscow. Private collection

33 and 34. Aleksei Gan. 


tivizm [Constructivism], 1922. Book. 

Letterpress, 23.8 x 19.4 cm. Tverskoe 

izdatel’stvo, Tver. Archivo España-Rusia. 

Collection José María Lafuente

35.  Aleksei Gan. Cover for 

Da zdravst-

vuet demonstratsiia byta! [Hail the 


of Everyday Life!], 1923. Book. Letter-

press, 22.3 x 18.1 cm. Glavlit, Moscow. 

Collection Merrill C. Berman

36.  Boris Arvatov. 

Iskusstvo i klassi [Art 

and Classes], 1923. Book. Lithography, 

22.9 x 15.2 cm. GOZISDAT, Moscow. 

Collection Merrill C. Berman


 Pechat i revoliutsiia [Press and 

Revolution], no. 4, 1923. Magazine. 

Letterpress, 25 x 17 cm. GOSIZDAT, 

Moscow. Archivo España-Rusia


 Pechat i revoliutsiia [Press and 

Revolution], no. 9, 1929. Magazine. 

Letterpress, 25 x 17 cm. GOSIZDAT, 

Moscow. Archivo España-Rusia

39.  Aleksandr Deineka. 

Bor’ba s raz-

rukhoi [The Battle against Disruption], 

1919. Ink, gouache and bronze on paper, 

25.7 x 31.7 cm. Kursk Deineka Picture 


40.  Aleksandr Deineka. 

Portret khu-

dozhnika K. A. Vialova [Portrait of the 

Artist Konstantin A. Vialov], 1923. Oil 

on canvas

, 117 x 89 cm. Kursk Deineka 

Picture Gallery 

41.  Konstantin Vialov. Cover for the 

book by Ignatii Khvoinik,


oformlenie obshchestvennogo byta 

[The Design of Social Everyday Life]

1928–30. Gouache, 23.2 x 15.2 cm. 

Private collection

42.  Konstantin Vialov. Dummy for 


vetskoe iskusstvo [Soviet Art], no. 1, 

1930. Collage: gouache, pencil, letter-

press and photography (gelatin silver), 

26.7 x 18.7 cm. IZOGIZ, Moscow. Private 


43.  Aleksandr Deineka. 

Futbol [Foot-

ball], 1924. Oil on canvas, 105 x 113.5 

cm. Collection Vladimir Tsarenkov, 


44.  Aleksandr Deineka. 


sidiashchaia na stule [Girl Sitting on a 

Chair], 1924. Oil on canvas, 118 x 72.5 

cm. State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow

45.  Kuzma Petrov-Vodkin. 


[Still Life], 1925. Oil on canvas, 54 x 65 

cm. Private collection


 Pod znamenem marksizma-

leninizma, pod rukovodstvom Kommu-

nisticheskoi Partii - vpered, k pobede 

kommunizma! [Under the Banner of 

Marxism-Leninism, under the Leader-

ship of the Communist Party. Forward, 

to the Victory of Communism!], ca. 


. Flag. Hand-painted cotton fabric, 

110.5 x 168 cm

. Fundación José María 


47.  Aleksandr Rodchenko. 


VKP(b) v plakatakh 15. 1917, Fevral’skaia 

revoliutsiia [History of the VKP(b) in 

Posters 15. 1917, the February Revolu-

tion] 1924. Poster. Lithography and 

letterpress, 33 x 12.7 cm. Print run: 

20,500. Collection Merrill C. Berman

48.  Aleksandr Rodchenko. 


VKP(b) v plakatakh 16. 1917, Ot fevralia k 

oktiabriu [History of the VKP(b) in Post-

ers 16. 1917, from February to October], 

1924. Poster. Lithography and letter-

press, 33 x 12.7 cm. Print run: 20,500. 

Collection Merrill C. Berman

49.  Aleksandr Rodchenko. 


VKP(b) v plakatakh 17. 1917, Oktiabrskaia 

revoliutsiia [History of the VKP(b) in 

Posters 17. 1917, the October Revolu-

tion], 1924. Poster. Lithography and 

letterpress, 33 x 12.7 cm. Izdatel’stvo 

Kommunisticheskoi Akademii i Muzeia 

Revoliutsii Soiuza SSR, Moscow. Print 

run: 20,000. Collection Merrill C. 


50.  Aleksandr Rodchenk. 

Istoriia VKP(b) 

v plakatakh 23. 1921-22, Nachalo NEPa 

[History of the VKP(b) in Posters 23. 

1921–22, the Start of NEP], 1924. Poster. 

Lithography and letterpress, 33 x 12.7 

cm. Print run: 20,000. Collection Merrill 

C. Berman

51.  Aleksandr Rodchenko. 


VKP(b) v plakatakh 24. 1923 [History of 

the VKP(b) in  Posters 24. 1923], 1924. 

Poster. Lithography and letterpress, 

33 x 12.7 cm. Print run: 500. Collection 

Merrill C. Berman

52.  Aleksandr Rodchenko. 


VKP(b) v plakatakh 25. 1924, Smert 

Lenina [History of the VKP(b) in Posters 

25. 1924, Lenin’s Death], 1924. Poster. 

Lithography and letterpress, 33 x 12.7 

cm. Print run: 20,000. Collection Merrill 

C. Berman

53.  Bust of Lenin, ca. 1930

. Painted 

plaster, 29 x 16.5 x 13.5 cm

. Made at 

Vsekokhudozhnik, Moscow

. Archivo 


54. Gustavs Klucis and Serguei Senkin. 

Pamiati pogubshikh vozhdei [In Memory 

of the Fallen Leaders], 1927–28. Design 

for book cover. Lithography, 42.2 x 59.1 

cm. Collection Merrill C. Berman


 Flag of the second column on Bols-

haia Serpukhovskaia street used in the 

funeral march in honor

 of Lenin on Red 

Square, 1924

. Painted wood and hand-

painted cotton fabric, 89.5 x 53 x 3.5 


. Archivo España-Rusia

56.  Dmitrii Bal’termants. 

Visit to Lenin’s 

Tomb, 1961. Photography, 61.8 x 89 cm. 

Private collection

57.  Aleksandr Rodchenko (graphic de-

sign) and Vladimir Mayakovsky (text). 

15.  El Lissitzky. 

Proun, ca. 1922. Oil on 

canvas, 50.5 x 40.5 cm. Collection 

Azcona, Madrid


 Ustroite “Nedeliu krasnogo podarka” 

vezde i vsiudu [Establish a “Week of the 

Red Present” Here, There, and Every-

where], ca. 1920. Planographic print, 

23.7 x 46 cm. Collection Merrill C. 



 Organizatsiia proizvodstva–pobeda 

nad kapitalisticheskim stroem [The 

Organization of Production is a Victory 

over the Capitalist Order], ca. 1920

Planographic print, 23.7 x 46 cm. 

Collection Merrill C. Berman

18 and 19. Kazimir Malevich. Illustra-

tions for his book 

O novykh sistemakh 

v iskusstve. Statika i skorost’ [On New 

Systems in Art. Statics and Speed], 

1919. Lithography, 22 x 18 cm. Artel’ 

khudozhestvennogo truda pri Vitsvo-

mas, Vitebsk. Cover by El Lissitzky after 

woodcuts by Kazimir Malevich. Collec-

tion José María Lafuente and private 


20.  Kazimir Malevich. 


kaia kompositsiia [Suprematist Com-

position], ca. 1919. Pencil on paper, 

22.5 x 14.5 cm. Private collection

21.  Cigarette cases for man and woman, 

ca. 1920. Enameled steel (green) and 

golden and enameled brass (black), 

10 x 8 x 1 cm. Archivo España-Rusia

22.  Kazimir Malevich. 

Sportsman, ca. 

1923. Pencil and watercolor on paper, 

25.2 x 15.2 cm. Private collection

23.  Natan Al’tman. 

Klub khudozhnikov 

[Artists’ Club], 1919. Linocut, 15.9 x 23.8 

cm. Collection Merrill C. Berman

24.  Natan Al’tman. 

Krasnyi student [Red 

Student], 1923. Design for magazine 

cover. Ink and crayon, 39.2 x 29 cm. 

Priboi, Petrograd. Private collection

25.  Natan Al’tman. 

Lenin. Risunki [Lenin. 

Drawings], 1920. Book. Letterpress, 

23.5 x 19 cm. IZO Narkompros, Petro-

grad. Private collection

26.  Aleksandr Rodchenko. 


siia [Construction], 1919. Oil on wood, 

37.5 x 21.5 cm. Private collection

27.  Aleksandr Rodchenko. Cover for 


[Left Front of the Arts], no. 3, June-July 


. Magazine. Letterpress, 23.8 x 15.9 

cm. GOSIZDAT, Moscow. Collection 

Merrill C. Berman

28.  Aleksandr Rodchenko. Cover for 


[Left Front of the Arts], no. 2, April-May 

1923. Magazine. Letterpress, 24 x 16 cm. 

Editor: Vladimir Mayakovsky. GOSIZDAT, 

Moscow. Collection Merrill C. Berman

29.  Aleksandr Rodchenko. 


podpiska na LEF [Open subscription 

to LEF], 1924. Poster. Lithography, 

68.3 x 53 cm. OGIZ, Leningrad-Moscow. 

Collection Merrill C. Berman

30.  Anastasiia Akhtyrko. 


distsipliny [VKhUTEMAS. Disciplines], 

1920. Collage: gouache, ink and pencil

23 x 18.7 cm. Private collection

Fundación Juan March


Dayte solntse nochyu! Gde naydiosh 

yego? Kupi v GUMe [Have Sun at Night! 

Where to Find it? Buy it at GUM!], 1923. 

Sketch for poster. Illuminated photog-

raphy: gelatin silver, gouache, ink and 

pencil, 11.1 x 28.4 cm. Private collection

58.  Gustavs Klucis. Cover of the book 

by Walter Hough, 

Ogon’ [Fire], Russian 

translation of the English original 


Story of Fire (1928), 1931. Letterpress 

and linocut, 19.5 x 13 cm. Molodaia 

Gvardiia, Moscow. Archivo España-


59. Nikolai Troshin. 

URSS en construc-

tion [USSR in Construction], no. 6, June 

1936. Magazine. Letterpress, 42 x 30 

cm. OGIZ-IZOGIZ, Moscow. French 

edition of 

SSSR na stroike. Collection 

MJM, Madrid

60.  Gustavs Klucis. 

Kommunizm - eto 

sovetskaia vlast’  plius elektrifikatsiia 

[Communism is Soviet Power Plus Elec-

trification], 1930. Poster. Lithography 

and letterpress, 72.7 x 51.3 cm. GOSIZ-

DAT, Moscow. Print run: 30,000. Price: 

20 kopeks. Collection Merrill C. Berman


USSR im Bau [USSR in Construction], 

no. 3, 1930. Magazine. Letterpress, 

42 x 30 cm. GOSIZDAT, Moscow. 

German edition of 

SSSR na stroike. 

Archivo España-Rusia

62.  Mikhail Razulevich. 


vlast’ plius elektrifikatsiia [Soviet Power 

Plus Electrification], n.d. Photography. 

Gelatin silver print, 16.6 x 58.4 cm. 

Private collection

63. Gustavs Klucis. Cover for G. 


Propaganda elektrifikatsii 

[Propaganda for Electrification]

, 1924. 

Letterpress, 22.9 x 12.7 cm. Collection 

Merrill C. Berman


Lenin i elektrifikatsiia [Lenin and 

Electrification], 1925. Poster. Lithog-

raphy and letterpress, 86.4 x 55.9 cm. 

Lenizdat, Leningrad. Reprint, 1969. 

Print run: 75,000. Price: 10 kopeks. 

Collection Merrill C. Berman

65.  Vladimir Roskin. 

GET, 1926. Design 

for poster. Gouache, ink and pencil, 

21.6 x 28.4 cm. Private collection

66.  Aleksandr Rodchenko. Cover for 

Novyi lef [New Left Front of the Arts], 

no. 5, 1927. Magazine. Letterpress, 

20.3 x 15.2 cm. GOSIZDAT, Moscow. 

Collection Merrill C. Berman

67.  Mechislav Dobrokovskii. 


trostroitelnaia piatiletka v 4 goda [The 

Five-Year Plan of Electrical Construc-

tion in 4 Years], ca. 1927–28. Poster. 

Lithography, 73.6 x 50.8 cm. From the 

series of posters The Five-Year Plan in 

Four Years. Gosudarstvennoe Nauchno-

Tekhnicheskoe Izdatel’stvo, Moscow. 

Print run: 11,000. Collection Merrill C. 


68.  Iulian Shutskii. 

Radio. Iz voli mil-

lionov sozdadim edinuiu voliu [Radio. 

From the Will of Millions, We Create a 

Single Will], 1925. Poster. Lithography 

and letterpress, 93.5 x 62 cm. KUBUCH, 

Leningrad. Print run: 5,000. Collection 

Merrill C. Berman

69.  Soviet radio, 1953

. Bakelite, 

27 x 25.5 x 11 cm. Archivo España-Rusia

70.  Homemade radio casing in imitation 

of a Stalinist skyscraper, 1954

. Plywood, 

53 x 31 x 22 cm. Archivo España-Rusia

71. Cigarette box “Novaia Moskva” [New 

Moscow], from the Moscow Dukat fac-

tory, with an image of a contemporary 

skyscraper, n. d. Cardboard, printed 

paper, silk, 22 x 23.5 x 2.5 cm. Archivo 


72. Nikolai Troshin. 

URSS en construc-

tion [USSR in Construction], no. 3, 

March 1934. Magazine. Letterpress, 

42 x 30 cm. OGIZ-IZOGIZ, Moscow. 

French edition of 

SSSR na stroike. 

Collection MJM, Madrid


Kremlevskaia lampa [Kremlin Lamp], 

1934. Metal and fabric, 50 x 30 x 30 

cm. Made by Elektrosvet, Moscow. 

Archivo España-Rusia 

74.  Stalin and Khruschev in a session of 

the Soviet Presidium standing behind a


Kremlevskaia lampa, first model, 1938. 

Photography, 17 x 23 cm. Archive Kino 

Foto Dokumentov. Archivo España-Rusia

75. Aleksandr Rodchenko and Varvara 


URSS en Construcción 

[USSR in Construction], no. 4, 1938. 

Magazine. Letterpress, 42 x 30 cm. 

OGIZ-IZOGIZ, Moscow. Spanish edition 


SSSR na stroike. Collection MJM, 


76.  New Year tree decoration lights 

in the shapes of a dirigible and an 

automobile, ca. 1940. Painted glass, 

3 x 9 x 2.5 cm. Archivo España-Rusia

77.  Automobile bumper, model GAZ-

12 ZIM (1950–59), 1950. Painted iron, 

stainless steel, glass, 10 x 47 x 10 cm. 

Archivo España-Rusia

78.  Aleksandr Deineka. Cover for 

U stan-

ka [At the Factory Workbench], no. 2, 

1924. Magazine. Lithography, 20.2 x 27.7 

cm. MKRKP (b), Moscow. Collection 

Merrill C. Berman

79.  Aleksandr Deineka. 


nik u stanka [Atheist at the Factory 

Workbench], no. 7, 1925, pages 10–11. 

Magazine Lithography, 35.5 x 53.3 cm. 

MKRKP (b), Moscow. Collection Merrill 

C. Berman

80.  Aleksandr Deineka. 

Bezbozhnik u 

stanka [Atheist at the Factory Work-

bench], no. 8, 1925. Magazine. 

Lithography, 35.5 x 25.4 cm. MKRKP (b), 

Moscow. Collection Merrill C. Berman

81.  Aleksandr Deineka. Illustration for 

the story by N. Dorofeev, “The History of 

a Homeless Child.” 

Bezbozhnik u stanka 

[Atheist at the Factory Workbench], 

1924, no. 10, page 4 of the back cover. 

Magazine. Lithography, 33.1 x 25.4 cm. 

MKRKP (b), Moscow. Collection Merrill 

C. Berman

82.  Aleksandr Deineka. Illustration for 

N. Dorofeev’s story “Pelageia Prokho-


Bezbozhnik u stanka [Atheist at 

the Factory Workbench], no. 11, 1925, 

pages 12–13. Magazine. Lithography, 

35.5 x 53.3 cm. MKRKP (b), Moscow. 

Collection Merrill C. Berman

83.  Aleksandr Deineka. Illustration for 

Bezbozhnik u stanka [Atheist at the 

Factory Workbench], no. 28, 1925. 

Magazine. Lithography, 35.5 x 53.3 cm. 

MKRKP (b), Moscow. Collection Merrill 

C. Berman

84.  Aleksandr Deineka. 

Rokfeller. Risu-

nok dlia zhurnala “Bezbozhnik u stanka”  

[Rockefeller. Drawing for 

Atheist at the 

Factory Workbench], 1926. India ink on 

paper, 32.6 x 38.7 cm. State Tretyakov 

Gallery, Moscow 

85.  Aleksandr Deineka. Illustration 


Bezbozhnik u stanka [Atheist at 

the Factory Workbench], no. 2, 1926, 

pages 12–13. Magazine. Lithography, 

35.5 x 53.3 cm. MKRKP (b), Moscow. 

Collection Merrill C. Berman

86.  Aleksandr Deineka. Illustration 


Bezbozhnik u stanka [Atheist at 

the Factory Workbench], no. 6, 1926, 

pages 12–13. Magazine. Lithography, 

35.5 x 53.3 cm. MKRKP (b), Moscow. 

Collection Merrill C. Berman

87.  Aleksandr Deineka. Illustration for 

Bezbozhnik u stanka [Atheist at the 

Factory Workbench], no. 2, 1927, page 

21. Magazine. Lithography

, 35.5 x 25.4 

cm. MKRKP (b), Moscow. Collection 

Merrill C. Berman

88.  Aleksandr Deineka. Illustration for

Bezbozhnik u stanka [Atheist at the 

Factory Workbench], no. 3, 1927, 

pages 12–13. Magazine. Lithography, 

35.5 x 53.3 cm. MKRKP (b), Moscow. 

Collection Merrill C. Berman

89.  Aleksandr Deineka. Illustration for 

Bezbozhnik u stanka [Atheist at the 

Factory Workbench], no. 9, 1927, 

back cover. Magazine. Lithography, 

35.5 x 25.4 cm. MKRKP (b), Moscow. 

Collection Merrill C. Berman

90.  Aleksandr Deineka. Illustration for 

Bezbozhnik u stanka [Atheist at the Fac-

tory Workbench]

, ca. 1928. Magazine. 

Lithography, 33.1 x 25.4 cm. MKRKP (b), 

Moscow. Collection Merrill C. Berman

91.  Aleksandr Deineka. 

Untitled, 1927. 

Drawing for the book by Henri Barbusse


Ogon’  [The Fire], Russian translation 

from the French original 

Le feu (1916). 

Ink on paper, 19.2 x 31.8 cm. Akademiia, 

Moscow. Private collection

92.  Aleksandr Deineka. Cover and illus-

trations for the book by Henri Barbusse,


Ogon’ [The Fire], Russian translation of 

the French original 

Le feu (1916), 1935. 

Letterpress, 20 x 14 cm. Akademiia, 

Moscow. Archivo España-Rusia

93.  Aleksandr Deineka. Cover and 

illustrations for the book by Agniia Barto

Pervoe maia [The First of May], 1926. 

Book. Letterpress, 32 x 22 cm. GOSIZ-

DAT, Moscow. Ville Paris, Bibliothèque 

l’Heure joyeuse

94.  Aleksandr Deineka. Cover and illus-

trations for the book by V. Vladimirov, 

Pro loshadei [About Horses], 1928. 

Book. Letterpress, 20 x 15 cm. GOSIZ-

DAT, Moscow. Ville Paris, Bibliothèque 

l’Heure joyeuse

95.  Aleksandr Deineka. Cover and illus-

trations for

 Iskorka [Spark], no. 8, 1929, 

pages 10–11. Lithography, 25 x 19.7 cm. 

Ville Paris, Bibliothèque l’Heure joyeuse

96.  Aleksandr Deineka. Cover and illus-

trations for the picture book 

V oblakakh 

[In the Clouds], 1930. Lithography, 

22.5 x 19 cm. GOSIZDAT, Moscow. 

Collection Merrill C. Berman

97.  Aleksandr Deineka. Cover and il-

lustrations for the book by Nikolai Aseev 

Kuter’ma (Zimniaia skazka) [Commotion 

(A Winter Tale)], 1930. Book. Letter-

press, 20.3 x 15.2 cm. OGIZ-Molodaia 

Gvardia, Moscow. Collection Merrill 

C. Berman

98.  Aleksandr Deineka. Cover and illus-

trations for the book by Boris Ural’skii, 

Elektromonter  [The Electrician], 1930. 

Book. Letterpress, 22.5 x 19.5 cm. GOS-

IZDAT, Moscow. Ville Paris, Bibliothèque 

l’Heure joyeuse

99.  Aleksandr Deineka. Cover for the 


Parad Krasnoi Armii [The Parade of 

the Red Army], 1930. Book. Letterpress, 

22.5 x 19.5 cm. GOSIZDAT, Moscow. 

Ville Paris, Bibliothèque l’Heure joyeuse

100.  Aleksandr Deineka. Cover for 

the book by Semen Kirsanov


tretii! [We Will Fulfill the Third (the goals 

of the third year of the first five-year 

plan)], 1930. Book. Letterpress, 22 x 14.7 

cm. Molodaia gvardiia, Moscow. Ville 

Paris, Bibliothèque l’Heure joyeuse

101. Cover and illustration for the book 

by Aleksei Kharov, 

Un ami sentimental, 

1930. Book. Letterpress, 21.8 x 17.5 cm. 

OGIZ, Moscow. Ville Paris, Bibliothèque 

l’Heure joyeuse

102.  Aleksandr Rodchenko. Cover for 

Novyi lef [New Left Front of the Arts], 

no. 4, 1927. Magazine. Letterpress, 

22 x 15 cm. GOSIZDAT, Moscow. 

Collection Merrill C. Berman

103.  Aleksandr Rodchenko. Cover for 

Novyi lef [New Left Front of the Arts], 

no. 11, 1928. Magazine. Letterpress, 

20.3 x 15.2 cm. GOSIZDAT, Moscow. 

Collection Merrill C. Berman

104.  Aleksandr Rodchenko. Cover for 

Novyi lef [New Left Front of the Arts], 

no. 12, 1928. Magazine. Letterpress, 

20.3 x 15.2 cm. GOSIZDAT, Moscow. 

Collection Merrill C. Berman

105.  Aleksandr Rodchenko. Cover for 

Novyi lef [New Left Front of the Arts], 

no. 1, 1927. Magazine. Letterpress, 

23 x 15 cm. GOSIZDAT, Moscow. 

Collection Merrill C. Berman

106. Aleksandr Deineka. 


siia. Risunok dlia zhurnala “Prozhektor”, 

no. 45 [Demonstration. Drawing for 

Prozhektor], 1928, page 6. India ink on 

Fundación Juan March

paper, 38.9 x 29.9 cm. State Tretyakov 

Gallery, Moscow 

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