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supermarket [.sju.p^mcLkit] n универсам, супермаркет; I go shopping to the supermarket three times a week.
buy [bai] v покупать; What are you going to buy in the supermarket?
all |э:1] indefpron все; Would you like to take all? That’s all. (Это) все. Вот и все.
need [ni:d| v нуждаться: Do you need these books?
walk [woikl v ходить, идти пешком; Are you going to walk there?
along 1зlop] prep вдоль; There are some shelves along the bedroom walls, counter |'kauntd| n прилавок
put [put] v класть, ставить; Please put the books on that desk.
purchase fportfas] n покупка
bascart fborskart] n тележка с установленной на ней корзиной (использует­ся в магазинах самообслуживания)
loaf [louf] л (pl. loaves); white loaf батон (белого хлеба); rye | rai| loaf буханка ржаного хлеба
fresh [fref] а свежий; fresh bread (eggs, fruit, etc.); Is the bread fresh?
meat [mi:t] n (неисчисл.) мясо; We need some meat for dinner.
fish [fiJl n (неисчисл.) рыба; Please buy some fish in the supermarket.
sausage )' sosicfc] л (неисчисл.) колбаса, сосиска; Is there any sausage at home?
cereals |'sianalz] л pl. крупы (рис и т. д.)
vegetables f'vatfcatablz] л pl. овощи; What vegetables are you going to buy in the supermarket?
fruit |fru:t] л (собир.) фрукты; Would you like to have some fruit?
potato [porteitou] л картофелина; potatoes картофель
tomato [t^mortou] л помидор; tomatoes помидоры
cucumber ['kju:kamba| л огурец
lemon I'lemon| л лимон
department [drpartmantj л отдел, отделение; Men’s Department отдел муж­ской одежды; department store [star] универсальный магазин
birthday [borOdei] л день рождения; Tomorrow is my mother’s birthday; birth­day party ['parti] прием гостей по поводу дня рождения
invite [in'vait] v приглашать, звать, просить; Who are you going to invite to your birthday party?
present ['prezntj л подарок
for [for, fo| prep для; Can you buy a present for Jane today?
want |wont] v хотеть, желать; I don’t want to go there.
clothes fkloudz] л (собир.) одежда; women’s clothes отдел женской одежды
shoe [Ju:| л туфля, полуботинок
goods |gudz] л pl. товары, товар; sports [sports) goods спортивные товары; leather fteda] goods кожаные изделия
and so on и так далее, и тому подобное; You can buy there pens, pencils, note­books and so on.
glove |glxv] л перчатка; a pair of gloves (shoes) (э'реэг ov gkvz] пара перчаток (туфель)
sweater [ sweto] л свитер; What colour is that sweater?
like [laikj v нравиться, любить; Do you like this colour?
box of paints набор красок (коробка с красками); I’m looking for a box of paints.
tired [taiod] а усталый, утомленный; to be tired быть усталым, уставать; You are very tired, aren't you?
cafe' ['kaefei] л кафе; Is there a cafe' nearby?
Exercise 5. Read and translate these sentences. Pay attention to active words and word combinations.
1. How many times a week do you have an English class? 2. I can buy all I need in the supermarket. 3. Are white loaves fresh? 4. How much meat do we
133 need? 5. You must buy tomatoes and potatoes here. They are very good. 6. "Where can I buy a present for my sister?’* "In the department store. It’s round the corner.” 7. “Where's the sports goods department?” “It's on the fourth floor.” 8. “May 1 see those shoes, please?” “Here you are." 9. How many friends are you inviting to your birthday party? 10. "He isn't very tired, is he?” “I’m afraid, he is.” II. Yesterday I bought a pair of black gloves. 12. We have English classes three times a week.
Mr Roger Payne lives in ~Y London. He is a teacher of Y English. He teaches 'English to 'foreign _J students at St Giles School of Y Languages.1 Mr Payne has T four classes four times a Yweek. He “Mikes teaching English.
Mr Payne has got a _2wife, a daughter and a Yson. His 'wife, Grace J Payne, is a 'teacher Ytoo. She teaches 'French at London UniY versity. His daughter 'Jane is fif-2teen and his son -2 Dick is Y twelve. They are at compre Y hensive school.2
'Mrs Y Payne usually goes shopping on -J Monday and Y Wednesday. "ЛМг J Payne goes 'shopping on Saturday Y morning.
It is Y Saturday today. Mr Payne is going Y shopping now. He usually goes to the super Y market. He can buy T all they Y need there. He walks along the J counters and puts his purchases into the Ybascart. He 'buys two white Y loaves. The bread is “Galways fresh there. Then he buys some -^meat, -J fish, -J bacon, -J sausage and Y cereals. He'also buys vegetables and Y fruit; po-Jtatoes, to-Jmatoes, cucumbers, -J apples, -J oranges and Y lemons.
Today Mr Payne must go to a department store. Tomorrow is his son’s birthday. Dick is inviting a few friends to his birthday party. Mr Payne must buy a present for his son. He wants Jane to go to the department store with him.
They are going to a big department store in Oxford Street. There are a lot of departments in the store: women’s clothes, men’s clothes, shoes, sports goods, leather goods and so on.
On the ground floor Mr Payne buys a tie and Jane buys a pair of gloves. Then they go to the second floor, to the Men’s Department and buy a blue sweater for Dick. Dick likes that colour. They also buy a box of paints for him. They are very tired. Now they can go to a cafe' and have tea.

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