Англиискии для вас Новый курс XXI века

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Exercise 1. Make up sentences using the table and translate them.

they enjoyed the concert.
if Mary is going there tomorrow.
he has booked tickets for the theatre.

when they will come to see us. how long they stayed in London, who is going to help them.

  1. Please tell me how he did it. Пожалуйста, скажите мне, как он это сделал.

Exercise 2. Make up sentences using the table and translate them.

where Mr Brown is.
who called me up last night.

Please tell me

how much that sweater is.
what time it is.
how long it will take us to get there.

Exercise 3. Translate into English.

сколько стоит этот галстук.
присутствовали ли они на лекции.

Скажите мне, пожалуйста.
когда мы пойдем осматривать достопримечательности.
когда вы собираетесь вернуться.
понравится ли им этот фильм.
читали ли они эту книгу.
когда вы видели этот фильм.
кто собирается отвечать на это письмо.
сколько она заплатила за перчатки.

  1. They are sure to win the match. Они несомненно (наверняка, обяза­тельно) выиграют матч.

Exercise 4. Make up sentences using the table and translate them.



to help them.



to show them round the city.



to enjoy the performance.


to like him.

Exercise 5. Translate into English.
1. Он несомненно ответит на ваше письмо. 2. Она обязательно придет на конференцию. 3. Им наверняка понравится этот фильм. 4. Вам несом­ненно доставит большое удовольствие его последний роман. 5. Она вам непременно позвонит.

Learn these words and word combinations
foolball f'futball n футбол; football fan болельщик (футбола); My brother is a football fan; football ground Igraund] футбольное поле, стадион; football player футболист; Is Peter a very good football player? football match фут­больный матч; Are you going to the football match today? football team футбольная команда
team n спорт, команда; home team хозяева (футбольного поля, баскетболь­ной площадки и т. д.); to play for a team играть за команду.
beat (beat, beaten) (bit. bi:tn] v 1. бить, ударять; 2. спорт, победить, побить; 1 wonder if Spartak beat Tractor yesterday.
crowded [ kraudidl а переполненный; Was the football ground crowded yes­terday?
crowd [kraud] n толпа; There was a crowd of people in the street.
that's why вот почему, поэтому; Peter was absent yesterday, that’s why 1 was not able to tell him about it.
be on business быть в командировке; Are you here on business? to go on busi­ness поехать в командировку (поехать по делам); When do you plan to go on business?
bring (brought, brought (brat]) v 1. приносить; Bring me your book, please.
2. приводить, привозить; Will you bring your elder daughter to the party, please?
later on (=later) позже; We shall see what will happen later on.
find [faind] (found, found (faund|) v находить, отыскивать; I cannot find my English textbook.
park v парковать, ставить на стоянку (автомобиль, самолет и т. п.); to park а саг (a plane, etc.); Where did you park your car?
parking-place n место стоянки автомобилей
seat n место; to take a seat садиться; Will you take a seat, please? Садитесь, пожалуйста, syn. to sit down
stand n трибуна (на стадионе): It did not take them long to find their seats in the stand.
scorer | sko:ra] n игрок, забивающий мяч, “автор” гола; top scorer лучший бомбардир; 1 wonder who their top scorer is.
goal [goulj n гол; to score a goal забить гол; Who scored the last goal yesterday?
score |ska:] n спорт, счет; What was the score? to open the score открывать счет; Which team opened the score?; the score is 2 to 1 in favour I'feiva] of счет 2:1в пользу The score is 3 to 2 in favour of Dynamo.
goalkeeper n вратарь
in one’s favour | feiva] в чыо-л. пользу. The score is two to one (2 : 1) in Spartak's favour. Счет два один в пользу “Спартака”.
leg п нога (от бедра до ступни), голень
injury f incfcan] п травма; to get a leg injury получить травму ноги (поранить ногу)
couple [' клрЦ п I. пара (обычно супружеская). 2. разг, несколько; I think he has a couple of English novels; a couple of weeks (months, years) две-три не­дели (месяца, года); Не is going to Kiev for a couple of weeks.
field (fi:ld| n спорт, футбольное поле; to come onto the field выходить на по­ле; “Look! The teams are coming onto the field,” Peter said.
referee [refjr ri:] n спорт, судья
blow [blou| (blew, blown [blu:, blounj) удуть
whistle ['wisl] n свисток; to blow a whistle дать свисток; The referee blew the whistle and the match started.
shout Lfaut) n кричать; “Come here and help me,” he shouted; to shout for спорт, болеть за команду (на стадионе во время игры)
support |so'рэЛ] у 1. поддерживать; спорт, болеть за команду; What team do you support?
understand | Mnda staend] (understood | ,Ando'stu:d|) у I. понимать; I’m sorry to say I don’t understand this rule; 2. узнать, заключить из услышанного; Mr Smith has gone on business, 1 understand.
popular f popjulo] а популярный, пользующийся известностью; Spartak аге a very popular team, to be popular with пользоваться известностью, попу­лярностью у
Come on! воскл. Давай, давай!
centre forward f'sentoTo:wad| спорт, центральный нападающий
shoot [fu:t] (shot, shot [fatj) v спорт, с силой посылать мяч (шайбу); to shoot at the goal бить по воротам (в футболе, хоккее): Shoot! воскл. Шайбу!
lose [lu:z] (lost [bsti) ттерять; He lost his notebook yesterday: to lose the game (the match) проиграть игру (матч); They have lost the game. Они проиг­рали.
win (won |wxn|) v выиграть, победить, одержать победу; to win a match вы­играть матч (соревнование); I wonder who won the last match.
exciting lik'saitirj] а волнующий, захватывающий, увлекательный; It was an exciting match.
Exercise 6. Read and translate these sentences. Pay attention to active words and word combinations.
1. “Which team won the game yesterday? Spartak did. They beat Tractor 3 : I (three to one).” “The football ground was crowded, I understand.” “Yes. Those are very popular teams, you know. It was quite an exciting match. Unfortunately* a Spartak playergot a bad leg injury.” “I'm sorry to hear that. He won't be able to play for a couple of weeks now, I understand.” “1 don’t know. It will be very bad if he isn't able to play in October when they go to London. He’s one of Spartak s top scorers.” 2. The players are coming onto the field. The game will begin as soon as the referee blows his whistle. 3. “Our home team is not as good as it was last year. 1 can’t understand why.” “I’ll tell you why. Two very good players have left the team. That’s why they aren’t playing as well as they did last year.” 4. If we win this game we shall play in Luzhniki next week. 5. The referee will speak to the players before the match begins.
Mr Green is very fond of football. He is a football fan. He thinks that the Blackpool team' are very good. But he knows that they are not as good as the Manchester City team. Manchester City’ beat Blackpool three to one in the last match.
When the Manchester City players come to Blackpool next Saturday the Football Ground will be crowded.
If the day is fine it will be very difficult to get tickets. That’s why Mr Green has booked tickets in advance.
Next Friday Mr Green is going to have a Russian guest: Sedov is coming to Blackpool on business. Mr Green will meet him at the station and bring him to the hotel in his car. On Saturday they will go to the Blackpool Football Ground.
* * *
Here they ~^come,’ Mr Green and Se“Tdov. They are a little “Nearly, but it is always good to come T early for a football “Л match. _) Later on > there will be crowds J and it may be "^difficult to'find a "T place to park the “'i car.
They take their 'seats in the -) stand and 'wait for the 'match to be gin.’ “I wonder if T Harris is playing,” says Mr Green. “'Who does he Tplay for?” asks Sedov. ““Л Manchester City. He’s their top Tscorer. He got a leg
unfortunately |лп'fo:tfmtliJ adv к сожалению
injury a couple of weeks ago. If he' plays to-J day J the Manchester City -J team are sure to win.”
“Oh. “Л here they -2come.” says Sedov. The 'players come 'onto the “Л field. The 'referee blows his -J whistle and the 'match beTgins.
' Black ~\pool! 'Black ~Лроо1Г shout Blackpool fans, ““'i Manchester!" shout Manchester City fans.
A Tot of "T people are shouting for Manchester -J City, I understand,” says Sedov. “Well, they’re a "T very popular _7team,” says Mr Green. “'Come “Aon, -J Jackson, come "Ton,” he shouts. -J Jackson, the Blackpool centre -J forward is going to "T score. If he scores * it will give Blackpool a “A lead.4 Shoot, shoot!" the crowd shouts.
“-/Well, “A there’s the 'first -Jgoal. Jackson has “Aopened the -/score,” says Mr Green. “If Blackpool don’t Tose the -/spirit’ > the 'match may be T very ex“A citing."
He hopes that his “Thome -Tteam will win the "A match.

  1. the Blackpool [ Ь1гекри:1| team, the Manchester |'mКо­манды названы no имени городов Блэкпула и Манчестера.

Собственные имена существительные, выступающие в качестве на­звания футбольной (хоккейной) команды, обычно согласуются с гла­голом в форме множественного числа и заменяются личным место­имением they. Существительное team обычно согласуется с глаголом во множественном числе, однако форма единственного числа также возможна. The team is plaing well today.

  1. Here they come! Вот они идут! Here he comes! Вот он идет!

  2. they wait for the match to begin они ждут начала матча

  3. will give Blackpool a lead даст команде Блэкпула преимущество

  4. if they don’t lose the spirit ['spirit] если команда Блэкпула не падет духом

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