Англиискии для вас Новый курс XXI века

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Exercise 13. Read these fractional numerals.

  1. ‘A, */2, '/5.7S, 5A- 712,78, */25;

  2. */4 mile, 2/5 km, 4/7 mile, 5/8 km, 3/28 km;

  3. 2 2/3 miles, 3 */2 km (kilometres). 4 3/5 miles.

Learn these words and word combinations
situated | sitfueitid] а расположенный, помешенный каким-л. образом; на­ходящийся; Great Britain is situated on the British Isles [ailz]. Великобри­тания расположена на Британских островах.
island paibnd] «остров
total 1'toutl] а общий, полный; The total area of the country is over 200,000 square miles.
kilometre fkibrnkto] n километр; square kilometre (sq km) kb. km (km2); France has an area of 554 thousand sq km.
separate f'separeit] v отделять, разъединять; England is separated from France by the Channel.
wash омывать (о море}\ In the north Canada is washed by the seas of the Arctic Ocean.
middle а средний
middle n середина
mountainous | mauntinss] а гористый
peninsula [prninsjub] n полуостров
occupy [ okjupai] v I. занимать: to occupy a house (a room, etc.); Their office occupies two floors. 2. захватывать, оккупировать; to occupy a country (a town, etc.)
peak n пик, вершина
m, metre ['mils] n метр; This street is only six metres wide.
flat а плоский, ровный
except |ik'sept] prep исключая, за исключением, кроме; Everyone has come except Peter.
deep а глубокий; That lake is very deep.
port n порт
estuary pestjuan] n устье (реки), эстуарий, дельта
mineral resources [minarl irsa:siz] полезные ископаемые; The Siberia is rich in mineral resources.
vast [varst] а обширный, огромный
deposit (di'pazit) n залежь, месторождение: There are vast deposits of gas in Siberia.
coal n каменный уголь
oil n нефть
gas n газ
discover [diskAva] v открывать; делать открытие; When was oil discovered in Siberia?
severely [srviah] adv сильно, чрезвычайно; Winters are not severely cold here. Зимы здесь не очень холодные.
rarely I'reah] adv редко
nationality [maejanaehti] n национальность; The Canada is a country of many nationalities.
Scottish 1'skat if] а шотландский
Welsh |welj] а валлийский, уэльсский
Irish [ ainjl а ирландский
immigrant ['imiqrant) n иммигрант
coloured [ клЫ] n цветной (о мулатах, неграх и т. д.)
former р fauna] а бывший, предшествующий, прошедший; Mr Bailey is the former manager of the company.
colony [' kalam] n колония
industrialized [in'dxstnalaizd] а индустриальный, промышленный; highly industrialized высокоиндустриальный; Syn. industrial
industry [ indAStn] а отрасль промышленности
develop [drvelap] v развиваться; to develop economy (rkanami], industry, etc. развивать экономику, промышленность и т. п.; Many new industries have been developed in the country.
no longer больше не
leading а ведущий, руководящий
state n 1. государство; 2. штат (в США}
dependent [dr pendant) a 1. on (upon) зависящий от; The success of the tour is dependent on the weather. 2. несамостоятельный, подчиненный, подвла­стный: a dependent country зависимая страна; Ant. independent Izindrpendant| независимый, суверенный, автономный
parliamentary monarchy [ puda mentan 'manakij конституционная (парла­ментская) монархия
Names of continents and some European and Asian countries

Name of the continent/country


Africa ['aefnkal


African [ asfnkan]

America (э'тепкэ]


American (o'menkon]

Asia I'eifa]


Asian f'eijan]

Australia [os'treilja]


Australian [os'treiljan]

Europe [ juarap]


European ['Juara'pian]

Afghanistan |;ef'g


Afghan r

Austria ['o:stna|


Austrian |'a:stnan|

Belgium I'belcfeam]


Belgian (bekfeanj

Bulgaria |ЬлГдсэпэ|


Bulgarian |ЬлГдсэпэп]

Canada ('kaenada]


Canadian (ka'neidjan]

China Гtfaina]


Chinese ['tfai'nkz]

Cuba |'kju:ba|


Cuban |'kju:ban|

Czeck Republic |tjek|


Czeck |tfek]

Demnark |'denma:k|


Danish I'demif]

Finland ['Finland]


Finnish ['fimj]

Germany [фэ:тат]


German |cfea:man|

France (fra:ns]


French | frentfl

Hungary ( hAogari]


Hungarian [1тлг)'дсэпэп]

Iceland ('aisland]


Icelandic |ais kendik]

India I'indja]


Indian [' indjan]

Iran [Ггшп]


Iranian [ai'remjan|

(the Republic of) Ireland 1'aialand |

Ирландская Рес­публика

Irish ['aiorifl

Italy 1'itali]


Italian [i' taeljan]

Japan jcfca'paen]


Japanese | cfcaepo'nizj

Korea |ko(u)'ri:a|


Korean |ka'nan]

Mongolia [marfgoulja]


Mongolian |morf gouljon]

the Netherlands ( nedalandz)


Dutch Iclstf]

Norway [' na:wei]


Norwegian |na:'wi:cfe(a)n]

Poland ['pouland]


Polish ['pouliJJ

Rumania [rufmeinja]


Rumanian (rufmeinjan]

Slovakia ['slo(u)'veekia|


Slovak |'slouv

Sweden |'swi:dn|


Swedish ['swcdifl

Turkey Г ta:ki|


Turkish |'ta:kij]

the United Kingdom I'kiijdam] of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
the United States of America

Соединенное Ко­ролевство Вели­кобритании и Се­верной Ирландии
Соединенные Штаты Америки

British, English
American [a'menkan]

319 Exercise 1. Read and translate these sentences. Pay attention to active words and word combinations.
1. The USA consists of fifty states. 2. The total area of Finland is over 337,000 sq km. 3. The Urals separate Europe from Asia. 4. Canada is washed by the seas of the Arctic Ocean in the north. 5. In the South Mongolia borders on China. 6. The Irish Republic occupies two thirds of the island of Ireland. 7. Most of the Siberian rivers flow into the Arctic Ocean. 8. The USA is rich in mineral resources. 9. There are vast deposits of oil and gas there. 10. The Czech Republic is a highly industrialized state. 11. When was Australia discovered? 12. Many new independent states appeared in the 20th century.

The United Kingdom is situated on the British Isles. The British Isles con­sist of two large islands. Great Britain and Ireland, and a great number of small islands. Their total area is over 244,000 sq km.
The British Isles are separated from the European continent by the North Sea and the English Channel. The western coast of Great Britain is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea.
Northern Ireland occupies one third of the island of Ireland. It borders on the Irish Republic in the south.
The island of Great Britain consists of three main parts: England (the south­ern and middle part of the island). Wales (a mountainous peninsula in the west) and Scotland (the northern part of the island).
There are no high mountains in Great Britain. The Highlands of Scotland are the highest of the British mountains. Ben Nevis, the tallest peak of the Highlands, is only 1,343 m high.
There is very little flat country except in the region known as East Anglia.
Most of the rivers flow into the North Sea. The Thames is one of the deep­est and the longest of the British rivers, it is over 300 km long. Some of the British greatest ports are situated in the estuaries of the Thames, Mersey. Tyne and Clyde.
Great Britain is not very rich in mineral resources, it has some deposits of coal and iron ore and vast deposits of oil and gas that were discovered in the North Sea.
The climate of Great Britain is mild. It is dependent on the Gulf-stream. So winters are not severely cold and summers are rarely hot.
The population of the United Kingdom is over 55 mln people. The main nationalities are: English, Scottish, Welsh and Irish. In Great Britain there are a lot of immigrants (black and coloured) from former British, Asian and African colonies.
Great Britain is a highly industrialized country though it is not a leading state of the West any longer. New industries have been developed lately. The main industrial centres are London. Birmingham, Manchester. Leeds. Liverpool. Glasgow and Bristol. The capital of the country is London.
Great Britain is a parliamentary monarchy.
East Anglia |'tepglia| Восточная Англия
the Mersey [ma:zi| p. Мерси
the Tyne [tain ] p. Тайн
the Clyde [klatd] p. Клайд
the GulfStream |'qxlf'strf.m| Гольфстрим
Birmingham fba:mtt)am] г. Бирмингем
Manchester fmaentfista] г. Манчестер
Liverpool |Tivapu:l| г. Ливерпуль
Glasgow |'glo:sgou| г. Глазго

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