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register ['resists) v регистрироваться, зарегистрироваться, отметиться; All visitors are to register in the visitor's book.
expression [iksprejn] n выражение (лица, а?дз и т. п.)
withdraw [wid'dra] (withdrew, withdrawn [widdru;. wid'drain]) v I. отказы­ваться, брать обратно; I hope you will not withdraw your promise. 2. ухо­дить, отходить, отодвигаться; удаляться, ретироваться; to withdraw from business отойти от дел; to withdraw troops вывести войска
push [puf] vтолкать; Push! (надпись на дверях) От себя. Pull [pul]! К себе, firmly adv твердо, крепко, решительно
undisturbed ['Andis taibd] а спокойный, безмятежный, невстревоженный smile v улыбаться; to smile at smb. улыбаться кому-л.; Keep smiling! He ве­шайте носа!
in a friendly way дружески, по-дружески, приветливо; The old professor spoke with the student in a friendly way.
confirm |karrfa:m| v подтверждать: to confirm one’s report (one’s message, etc.): Please, confirm your telephone message by letter.
confirmation |.kanfa meijn| n подтверждение, доказательство: confirmation of a promise (a report, etc.) подтверждение обещания (сообщения и т. п.); There has been no confirmation of his report.
produce |pra'dju:s] v предъявлять, представлять
hardly | ha;dh| adv едва, насилу, с трудом; His English was so poor that 1 could hardly understand him.
glance [glams] vмельком взглянуть
place v ставить, помешать, класть
in front of prep перед, впереди
convention [kan'venjn] «съезд, конференция, собрание
nod v кивать головой
shake [feik] (shook, shaken [fuk.Jeikn]) v качать: to shake one’s head качать го­ловой (в знак несогласия, неодобрения, сомнения, укоризны и т. п.); In answer to my question he just shook his head; to shake hands (with smb.). to shake smb.’s hand пожать кому-л. руку, обменяться с кем-л. рукопожа­тием; They shook hands and walked towards the reception desk.
put away v прятать, убирать
in this (that) case в этом (таком) случае; In that case we shall send you a con­firmation: in any case в любом случае; In any case you will have to fill in a form.
assistant manager [crsistant'maenictsa] помощник управляющего
duty [dju.li] n функция, обязанность
apologize [a polocfeaiz] v извиняться; просить прощения; to apologize to smb. for smth. (doing smth.) извиниться перед кем-л. за что-л.; Не apologized for coming late.
misunderstanding |.miSAnda'stn недоразумение, отсутствие взаимо­понимания; It’s just a misunderstanding, there’s nothing serious about it.
receiver [rr sirva] n телефонная трубка; to lift (to take up) the receiver снять те­лефонную трубку; to put down the receiver положить телефонную трубку; Will you put down the receiver, please.
voice [ v3is] n голос
check in v регистрироваться) (при въезде в гостиницу)'. Have you checked in yet?
check out v расплатиться с гостиницей перед отъездом; When are you going to check out?
checking out time время выписки из гостиницы
cheerful |'а бодрый, веселый
greeting |'grirtirj| л приветствие; friendly greeting дружеское приветствие: to answer smb.'s greeting отвечать на чье-л. приветствие; She answered our greeting with a smile; greeting-card поздравительная открытка
greet [gri:t] v здороваться, кланяться; приветствовать; to greet smb. (with a smile) приветствовать кого-л. (улыбкой)
grey-haired [ greihcad] а седой
hair [hca] n собир. волосы (употр. с глаголом в форме ед. числа)'. Her hair is beautiful.
mouth disease ['mauO drzi:z] заболевание полости рта
cause |ko:z] убыть причиной, служить поводом, вызывать report [ггрэ.1] п доклад, сообщение
drink |dnr>k] п напиток; to have a drink выпить что-л.; Would you like to have a drink'.’ Вы хотите чего-нибудь выпить? soft drinks безалкогольные на­питки; strong drinks спиртные напитки
clear up v выяснить, раскрыть; to clear up a question (a situation) выяснить вопрос (разобраться в ситуации)
apology [э'рэЬф] п извинение
guarantee [,ga?nn li;] v гарантировать, обеспечивать, ручаться; to guarantee smth., to do smth.. that smth. will be done: We guarantee success, you needn't worry.
walk out v демонстративно покинуть (собрание и m. п.) fault [fo:lt] n вина; Whose fault is it?
pain (pein] л страдание, огорчение, горе turn v поворачиваться)
pretend [prrtend] v притворяться, делать вид; Нс pretended to be asleep, fight (fait] (fought [fol]) v бороться, сражаться
prefer [prrfa] (preferred) v предпочитать, отдавать предпочтение; to prefer smth. (smb.) to smth. (smb.); to prefer doing smth. to doing smth.; предпо­читать что-л. (кого-л.) чему-л. (кому-л.); Не prefers walking to driving.
research [rrsa:tf] n научно-исследовательская работа
Exercise 3. Read and translate these sentences. Pay attention to active words and word combinations.
1. “I'm checking out, can I have the bill, please?" said Mr Brooks. 2. At the reception desk I saw a line of people wailing to check in. 3. The receptionist handed me a form to fill it in. 4. A middle-aged woman greeted me with a smile, I answered her greeting. 5. I hope we shall manage to get hotel accommodation as soon as we come there. 6. The room-clerk asked me to register my name in the visitor’s book. 7. “In this case you’ll have to apologize to your colleagues. This was your fault,” the old doctor said. 8. “Would you have a cup of coffee?” “No, thanks. I prefer lea." 9. You should have made a reservation in advance. 10. We can hardly expect him today. 11. His hair is grey. 12. I could not find the book I needed so badly. 13. lam afraid he will not be able to clear up the matter as he has withdrawn from business. 14. He pretended that he did not see the young Negro. 15. When he heard the news the expression of his face changed. 16. “Don’t worry, it was just a misunderstanding, he didn’t want to upset your plans,” said the manager. 17. “The convention of the Democratic party will take place next week,” he said.
The lounge was becoming busy. A small line had formed al the reception counter.
A middle-aged well-dressed Negro entered the hotel and came towards “Reception." At the counter he put down his bag and stood waiting, third in line.
“Good morning,” he said to the room-clerk. “I'm Dr Nicholas, you have a reservation for me.”
“Yes. sir. if you'll register, please.”1 The words were spoken before the clerk looked up. As he did so the expression of his face changed. His hand went out- withdrawing the registration form he had pushed forward a moment earlier.
“I’m sorry." he said firmly, “the hotel is full.”
Undisturbed, the Negro smiled in a friendly way. “I have a reservation. The hotel sent a letter confirming it.” He produced the letter.
“There was probably a mistake, I’m sorry.” The clerk hardly glanced at the paper placed in front of him. “We have a convention here.”
“I know." the Negro nodded, his smile disappearing, “h’s a convention of dentists. I happen to be one.’”
The room-clerk shook his head, “There’s nothing I can do for you.”
The Negro put away his papers. “In that case I'd like to speak to someone else.” “You can talk to the assistant manager.” The room-clerk called, “Mr Bailey! Will you come here, please!”
The assistant manager looked up from his desk and got up with a tired look. As he walked across the room his tired face assumed a professional greeter’s smile.4 It was his duty to handle matters of this kind.5 “Well,” he said, “we’ll just have to see what we can do.” He led Dr Nicholas towards his desk and gestured him to a chair.6 “Well, Doctor,” he said. “I apologize for the misunderstanding, but I'm sure we can find you other accommodation in the city." With one hand he lifted the receiver.
“Just a moment." For the first time the visitor's voice sounded angry. “You tell me the hotel is full, but your clerks are checking people in. Do they have some special kind of reservation?”
“I think you could say that.” The professional smile had disappeared.
“Jim Nicholas!” A cheerful greeting sounded across the lounge. A small grey-haired man hurried towards the desk. The Negro stood up. “Dr Ingram, how good to see you!” They shook hands. “I can see, Jim. you’re doing fine,7” Dr Ingram said, “that paper of yours on mouth diseases has caused a lot of dis­cussion and we’re all looking forward to a brilliant report. A few of us will be hav­ing drinks later on and I'd like you to join us. Give me your room number, Jim.”
“Unfortunately,” Dr Nicholas said, “I've just been told I won’t be getting a room. It seems it has something to do with my colour.”
There was a silence in which Dr Ingram became very red. “Jim, I’ll deal with this. I’ll clear up the matter. I promise you there'll be an apology and a room. If there isn’t I guarantee every other dentist’ will walk out of this hotel!” Dr Ingram walked to the manager’s office.
“I’m as sorry as you, Dr Ingram,” the manager said, “but there is a house rule’... We should have made it clear,10 when your convention was booked. It’s our fault we didn't.”
There was pain in Dr Ingram's voice as he turned to speak to Jim. “I’m not going to leave it as it is!” he said.
The Negro shook his head. “I won’t pretend it doesn’t hurt, and I am sure my colleagues think I should fight. 1 prefer research. There’s an afternoon flight north. I’ll try to get on it.”
(After “Hotel” by A. Hailey)
Jim Nicholas pnikbs] Джим Николас
Bailey | belli| Бейли
Ingram [ irjgram] Ингрем

  1. Yes, sir, if you’ll register, please. Да, сор, зарегистрируйтесь, пожалуй­ста.

  2. His hand went out. Он протянул руку.

  3. I happen to be one. Дело в том, что я один из них.

  4. his tired face assumed [a'sju:md] a professional greeter’s smile на его ус­талом лине появилась профессиональная улыбка человека, встречаю­щего гостей

  5. to handle matters of this kind улаживать дела такого рода

  6. gestured J'cfeestfad] him to a chair указал ему на стул

  7. you're doing fine у вас дела идут хорошо

  8. every other dentist каждый второй дантист

  9. there is a house rule в гостинице существует правило

  10. We should have made it clear. Нам следовало бы поставить вас в изве­стность.

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