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refuse [n'fjuiz] уотказывать(ся), отвергать (то. что предлагают); to refuse to do smth. отказаться сделать что-л.; He refused to deal with that matter; to refuse smth. отказаться от чего-л.; He refused my help. But; He gave up (studying) the problem. Он отказался от изучения проблемы (перестал, бросил заниматься этой проблемой). Не gave up smoking. Он бросил курить.
firm а твердый, решительный; firm measures (steps, etc.) решительные ме­ры (шаги и т. п.); They should take firm steps.
check oneself v остановиться, удержаться, сдержаться; He was going to say something but checked himself.
go on v продолжать; to go on doing smth. продолжать делать что-л.; He went on painting. He went on to say... Далее он сказал...
politely |pa'laitli] adv вежливо, любезно, учтиво
sympathize psimpaOaiz] v сочувствовать, выражать сочувствие; to sympathize with smb. сочувствовать кому-л.
wish n желание
save v спасать, уберегать; to save smb. (smb.'s life) спасти кого-л. (чью-л. жизнь)
miserable ['miz(a)rabl) а жалкий, несчастный sheet n лист (бумаги)
silence psaibnsj n молчание, безмолвие: to keep silence молчать, хранить молчание; They kept silence fora long time; to break silence нарушить мол­чание, заговорить; Nobody wanted to break silence; in silence молча; He smoked in silence.
masterpiece |' ma:stdpi:s] n шедевр
promising I'pramisitj) а многообещающий, подающий надежды, перспек­тивный
humour I'hjuzma] n юмор
inspiration |jnsp.vreijh| n вдохновение
hopeless а безнадежный, безвыходный, безысходный; hopeless situation безвыходное положение; “I don't think the situation is hopeless,” said the painter. Ant. hopeful обнадеживающий; подающий надежду
be prepared |pn'pead| v быть готовым; to be prepared to do smth. быть гото­вым сделать что-л.; Не was prepared to apologize for the misunderstanding.
sum n сумма
figure I'figo] n цифра
sweetly adv сладко; ласково
gasp Jgu-spl v открывать рот (от изумления)
joke [cfcouk] v шутить; to tell a joke рассказать шутку
to one's surprise (sapraiz) к чьему-л. удивлению; To his great surprise they agreed at once.
dial I daial] a (telephone) number набрать (телефонный) номер
solicitor [srlisita] n адвокат
cheque [tjek] n чек
nervous | na:vos| а нервный
excited |ik saitid| а возбужденный, взволнованный
worthless I'wazObs] а ничего не стоящий, никудышный
run (ran. run) out v выбежать
in despair (dr sped) в отчаянии
remember [rrmemba] v помнить, хранить в памяти; Do you remember the painter’s name?
be independent (,indrpendant) быть независимым, самостоятельным; to be independent ofsmb., smth. быть независимым от кого-л., чего-л.; Charles wanted to be independent of his mother.
congratulate |kan'graetjuleit | v поздравлять; to congratulate smb. on (upon) smth. поздравлять кого-л. с чем-л.; 1 congratulate you on this happy event. But: Many happy returns of the day! Br. Happy birthday! Am. Поздравляю с днем рождения! A Happy New Year! Поздравляю с Новым годом! (Сча­стливого Нового года!); Merry Christmas! С Рождеством Христовым!
congratulations Ik^n.gnetju'leijnz] поздравляю
sincerely [sin'siah] adv искренне
benefactor f'benifaektoj n благодетель
Exercise 5. Read and translate these sentences. Pay attention to active words and word combinations.
I. He must have borrowed the magazine from Peter. 2.1 regret to say that he has changed his mind. 3. Dr Ingram was determined to clear up the matter.
4. You should not discourage him. He has made up his mind to become a painter and he will be as he has a talent. 5. I think very much of this young man. He is a promising painter. 6. Can you lend me this book? I need it badly. 7. They listened to the painter in silence. 8. She was very angry with her son but she managed to check herself. 9. Many of the Kennedy men went into politics. 10. Pushkin was married to Natalie Goncharova. They got married in 1831. 11. Charles refused to give up painting as he was really good al it. 12. Mendoza's voice was firm when he told Charles that he (Charles) was hopeless. 13. “What do you mean by this?” asked the painter. 14. The country became independent in 1971. 15. Some peo­ple say that “SOS” means “Save our souls,”* which is quite wrong.
The clock had just struck ten in the morning when Mendoza's servant came into the studio with a card. The painter took the card and read: “Mrs Catacre - Burtenshaw.” The name meant nothing to him. “Has she come to borrow money?” he asked.
The servant said, “The lady looks rich. I do not get the impression that she has come to borrow.” “All right,” said Mendoza. “Ask her in.”
Mendoza disliked her at once though she was obviously determined to please him.
“I hope you will forgive my early visit,” she began. “I want to speak to you about my son Charlie. I want your advice, and I want your help. He is my only child, all I have in the world. He grew up a good boy until he made up his mind to go in for Art." The woman stopped for a moment.
“Do you want me to give him lessons? If so I regret to say I shan’t be able to...”
“Oh, no, my dear Mr Mendoza,” she exclaimed, “on the contrary, I want you to let him come and show you his drawings, and then 1 want you to tell him that he has no talent; in short, to discourage him. You are the only man who can do me this favour. Charlie thinks a lot of you, he has collected hundreds of your drawings. Just tell him that he is no good. He should go into politics and marry well.”
“Perhaps he should," Mendoza agreed. “But what if your son refuses to change his mind? What will you do then?”
The woman's voice became firm. “In that case he will never get a penny from me as long as I live.”1
Mendoza realized that she would be as good as her word? He had an impulse to put her out of the studio by the shoulders,’ but he checked himself and went on politely. “I sympathize with you, Mrs Catacre-Burtenshaw,” he said, “in your wish to see your son saved from the miserable life of an artist. But 1 can't promise anything definite until 1 see his work. He may be really gifted.”
She produced a sheet of paper which she handed to Mendoza.
Mendoza looked at the drawing in silence. The drawing was not a master­piece but it certainly was promising.
“But my dear madam,” he said, “I must say the drawing shows both humour and inspiration. Now you must know that neither humour nor inspiration can be taught. A painter either has got it or he hasn't. Don't you understand that 1 find
soul [soul] душа
387 that drawing of your son most promising? Why should 1 tell him that he is hope­less?”
She looked at him. “You don't think that I am asking you to criticize my son’s work for nothing? I am prepared to pay a large sum of money.”
“May I ask you what figure you have in mind?” Mendoza asked sweetly. “Well,” she said, “it will be one hundred pounds.”
Mendoza shook his head. “You don’t understand you are dealing with Mendoza. 1 will not do this for less than a thousand pounds.”
“A thousand pounds!” she gasped. “You must be joking.” “Not at all,” Mendoza was firm. “A thousand pounds and not a penny less.”
To his great surprise she agreed.
When Mendoza was alone he went to the telephone and dialled a number. “Freddie,” he said to his friend, a solicitor. “Will you dine with me tonight? 1 have something to arrange with you.”4
The cheque for £1.000 from Mrs Catacre-Burtenshaw came the next day. And two days later Mrs Catacre-Burtenshaw with her son appeared in the stu­dio. Charles, very nervous and excited, brought some more of his drawings which he showed to Mendoza. No word said Mendoza* while he looked through them. No word said Charles?
Then Mendoza put down the drawings and said: “Mr Catacre-Burtenshaw, I regret to say that your drawings are worthless. I think you should give up Art and go into politics as your mother wants. Goodbye to you both, goodbye.”
He opened the door. Charles ran out of the room in despair.
Four years had passed. The same servant showed Mr Charles Catacre- Burtenshaw into Mendoza’s studio. “Do you remember me?” he said, “I was here four years ago with my mother and you said I was hopeless. Could you look at my work now?”
“You haven’t given up drawing then?”
“No, I haven’t. When I left your studio I was in despair. In the street a young man came up to me and handed me a note from a firm of solicitors. It turned out a client of theirs had placed with them a sum of one thousand pounds for my benefit? Well, it made me independent of my mother. I left her house for Paris where I lived hard and worked hard. Now I’m back. This is my first pub­lished drawing.”
Mendoza examined the drawing carefully. It was really good.
“I think,” he said, “it’s a fine piece of work. 1 congratulate you on it sin­cerely. The thing is as good as gold.”
Charles flushed with pleasure? “Thank you very much,” he said. “If I could only thank my benefactor... But the solicitor didn't give me his name.”
“In your place I wouldn’t worry! Just go ahead and make a big success of yourself? I think your unknown benefactor will be quite happy.”
(After “Mendoza Sells Himself’ by William Caine)
Mendoza fman douza] Мендоса
Catacre-Burtenshaw ['кж(экгэ'Ьэ1(э)п[э:] Катакре-Бертеншау
Charlie |tfa:li] Чарли
Freddie ['fredi] Фредди

  1. as long as I live пока я жива

  2. she would be as good as her word она будет верна своему слову

  3. to put her out of the studio by the shoulders fjouldaz] и, взяв ее за плечи, вытолкать из студии

  4. I have something to arrange with you. Мне нужно кое о чем договорить­ся с вами.

  5. No word said Mendoza... No word said Charles. Используется инверти­рованный порядок слов (сказуемое стоит перед подлежащим) с целью выделения подлежащего.

  6. It turned out a client [' klaisnt | of theirs had placed with them a sum of one thousand pounds for my benefit [ benifit]. Оказалось, что один из их клиентов передал им для меня тысячу фунтов.

  7. Charles flushed with pleasure. Чарльз покраснел от удовольствия.

  8. Just go ahead [shed] and make a big success of yourself. Продолжайте ра­ботать и добейтесь большого успеха.

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