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detailed | diaeild] а детальный, подробный
by noon к полудню
resignation |. rezig' neijh] n отставка; отказ от должности; уход в отставку; to accept |ok'sept] one’s resignation принять чью-л. отставку
resign |rrzain| v уходить в отставку, слагать с себя обязанности; When did he resign from the Cabinet?
the armed services [ sarvisiz] вооруженные силы
military aide |miht(a)n eid] военный советник
the Army сухопутные войска
the Navy военно-морской флот
the .Air Force военно-воздушные силы
the Marine [ms'rim] aide советник no вопросам морской пехоты
promote [pnrmout] v повышать в чине или звании; Не was promoted captain (to the rank of the captain). Ему присвоили звание капитана.
brigadier general | .bnga'dia cfcenrl] бригадный генерал (в армии США) extent [iks tent] п степень, мера; to what extent...? в какой степени...? to some extent в известной, в какой-то степени
assume [asju:m| v предполагать, допускать
laughter [krfta] п смех
authoritative [o'Gantativ] а авторитетный
intelligence | in' tehc^ans] п разведка
involve [mvolv] v вовлекать, вмешивать, затрагивать; The contract involves the interests of both countries.
intention [in tenjnj n намерение, стремление; 1 wonder what their intentions are.
intend [in tend] v намереваться, хотеть, собираться, предполагать (что-л. сделать); What do you intend to do today?
abide |o'baid] by убыть верным, выполнять
treaty | 'trill] л договор
correct [ko'rekt] а правильный, верный, точный
deny (dr nai| v отрицать, отвергать; to deny the truth of the statement утверж­дать, что заявление не соответствует действительности
useful [ ju:sf(u)l] а полезный, пригодный; This textbook will be very useful.
inform Jin'fam] v информировать, извещать, сообщать; to inform smb. of smth.: Have you informed Mr Smith of the press conference?
in good time в свое время
consult [kan SAlt] v l. советоваться; Did you consult the doctor? 2. (with) со­вещаться, советоваться; The President consulted with his advisers.
in this particular |рэ' tikjula] case зд. в данном конкретном случае
cause |ko:z] n причина, основание; What was the cause of the general’s resig­nation?
stir v волновать, возбуждать, пробуждать
A. Television

  1. Do you happen to know what’s on after the news?

В: I think it’s a documentary.
A: Would you mind if I watched it?

  1. Don't you want to see part two of the serial on BBC1 2?


  1. Do you remember what’s on channel 2 at 9.30?

  2. As far as I can remember, it’s a play.

  1. Do you mind if we switch over?

  2. No, I’ve been looking forward to it all evening.

Four University students discuss advantages and disadvantages of television. Michael and Ann are Russian students, John is an American student and Ruth is an English student.
John: I think television is one of the worst inventions the man ever made. It occupies all our spare time. We rush home to be in time for this or that pro­gramme.
Ann: I can’t agree with you, John. Television made it possible for people who live far away from cultural centres to watch theatrical productions, concerts, music and drama competitions, international and national sports events and what not.
Ruth: I do agree with Ann in this. That’s an advantage the television has. Unfortunately children are the ones who suffer most.
John: Yes. Some American children spend more time in front of TV-sets than in front of the teacher. Too much television is bad for children.
Michael: Children should be taught what programmes to watch. Most of our educational programmes are really good and informative. I used to enjoy them when a child.
Ruth: We also have some very good educational programmes — especially the one called “Play School”.2 It teaches the alphabet and arithmetic so that it all seems like a game.’ That’s the way to teach young children. What I hate is violence.
John: Yes, that’s really awful. There’s always a film of violence on one of the channels. I think children feel indifferent when people are killed.
Michael: I doubt that. But such films sell well.*
В. Newspapers
Clare (io Anna who is reading a paper): Looking through the "Daily Mirror”? Anna: Yes. It's the first time that I see this paper.
Clare: How- do you like it?
Ллла. I Feel puzzled.- It isn't very informative: a lot of sensational news, strip cartoons and ads. A few articles cover the domestic news and there's almost next to nothing about the international situation.
Clare: Well, that’s the way tabloids are made in this country.
C. Press Conference
The President: Good morning. I have several announcements. First, the arrangements for the trip to Vienna are now complete, and Mr Simon will have detailed information on that for you by noon today. Second, I have accepted a number of resignations in the armed services. There will be a list available after the press conference, by the way.
Malcolm Haters, "Associated Press”: Mr President?
The President: Excuse me, Mr Waters, I have one further announcement. As you all know the President has traditionally had three military aides — one each from the Army, Navy and Air Force. I thought it was about time a Marine was added, and I am appointing Colonel Casey as my Marine aide. He will be promoted to brigadier general. That’s ail 1 have.
James Compton, "Knight Newspapers”: Sir, you didn't make it clear in your speech on Saturday to what extent you encouraged the generals to resign.
The President: Jim, I’ll assume that’s a question even though I couldn’t hear a question mark on it. Let’s just say I advised them to resign and they accept­ed my advice. {Laughter.}
Hal Brennan, "New York Times”: Mr President, we have an authoritative report that some intelligence information, involving Russia’s intentions to abide by the treaty, accounts for your trip to Vienna to see Mr Feemerov. Is that correct, sir?
The President: I'm sorry, but I will have nothing more to say on the Vienna conference until it is over.
Hui Brennan, "New York Times”: Then we may assume the report is correct? The President: Now, Mr Brennan. I am neither confirming nor denying any­thing. 1 am simply not discussing the subject. I'd like to be helpful, but I think it would not be useful for me to discuss it just now. You’ll be informed in good time.
Thomas Hodges, “Minneapolis Star and Tribune”: Mr President, did you con­sult with the National Security Council6 or the Cabinet or other advisers on those resignations?
The President: Not the NSC or the Cabinet as such, but I did consult with cer­tain of my advisers.
Thomas Hodges, “Minneapolis Star and Tribune": I wonder if you could give us their names, please, sir?
The President: In this particular case. I don’t believe it would be useful.
Roger Swensson, "Chicago Tribune”: Mr President, many people find it hard to believe that the treaty alone7 was the cause of this mass resignation. Was anything else involved?
The President: The treaty stirred very deep feelings in this country. Men in high position are not immune to deep feelings.8
Malcolm Waters, “Associated Press”: Thank you, Mr President.
(After “Seven Days In May" by Fletcher Knebel and Charles Bailey)
Ruth [ru:0] Рут
Clare [к!еэ] Клер
Malcolm pmaelkam] Малькольм
the Associated [o'soujieitid) Press Ассошиэйтед Пресс
the Knight Newspapers газеты Найта
Thomas Hodges ['tamos hotfeiz ] Томас Ходжис
the “Minneapolis [,mini tepalis] Star and Tribune" [ tnbju:n] “Стар энд Трибюн”
Roger [ гэфэ] Роджер
the “Chicago [|rko:gou| Tribune” “Чикаго трибюн”

  1. BBC (British Broadcasting [ braJkoistirj] Corporation [,ko:pa'reijn] Би- Би-Си (Британская радиовещательная корпорация — радио- и теле­вещательная компания в Лондоне)

  2. “Play School” “Играем (играйте) в школу”, телепрограмма для детей дошкольного возраста.

  3. so that it all seems like a game так, что все это похоже на игру (кажет­ся игрой)

  4. These films sell well. Эти фильмы легко распродаются.

  5. I feel puzzled. Я в недоумении. (Я смущен.)

  6. the National Security [srkjuanti] Council (NSC) Совет национальной безопасности (США )

  7. the treaty alone только договор

  8. Men in high position are not immune to deep feelings. Лица, занимаю­щие высокое положение, не защищены от глубоких переживаний.

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