1.He is a gentleman in the proper sense of the word.
1.Bir so’z bilan aytganda u haiqiy jentlemen
2.There will be an extraordinary meeting next Wednesday to discuss the emergency resolution.
2.Keyingi chorshanba kuni favqulodda vaziyat qarorini muhokama qilish uchun navbatdan tashqari yig'ilish bo'lib o'tadi.
3.All those in favour , raise your hands.
3.Barcha tarafdorlar, qo'llaringizni ko'taring.
4. They showed all the novelties in fashion.
4.Ular modadagi barcha yangiliklarni namoyish etishdi.
5.I was on pins and needles to find out in whose favour the match had ended.
5.Uchrashuv kimning foydasiga tugaganini bilish uchun pinalar va ignalar ustida edim.
6.Obedience to law and order is perfectly natural in any civilized society.
6. Har qanday sivilizatsiyalashgan jamiyatda qonun va tartibga rioya qilish mutlaqo tabiiydir.
7. Punctuality is the politeness of princess ( believed to be said by Louis XIII of France ( 1755- 1824).
7.Diqqatlilik – bu malikaning xushmuomalaligi (frantsuzLyudovik XIII tomonidanaytilgan (1755-1824).
8.It was Fleming who discovered the behaviour of penicillin to human infections.
8.Penitsillinning odam infektsiyasiga ta'sirini aniqlagan Fleming edi.
9.I’d like to insert the quotation from W. Shakespeare:“All the world’s stage and all men and women are merely actors”.
9. Men V. Shekspirning so'zlarini qo'shmoqchiman: "Butun dunyo sahnasi va barcha erkaklar va ayollar shunchaki aktyorlardir".
10.The Government promised further pay rise when economic conditions permit.
10. Hukumat iqtisodiy sharoitlar mavjud bo'lganda ishhaqini yanada oshirishni va'da qildi.
11. They are driving the sheep out of the field.
The sheep are being driven by them out of the field
12. Why the rescuers saved the girl?
Why the girl has saved by them
13. They haven’t stamped the letter.
The letter haven’t stamped by them
14. The children will ask the bachelor to tell them a story.
The bachelor being asked to tell them a story
15. A robot could do this much better.
This can being much better by him
16. You project have been approved , if it(be/presented) at the proper time.
Your project has been approved , if it was presented at the proper time
17. If you ( not/help) us , we wouldn’t have been able to drag the dogs.
If youhadn’t helped us, we wouldn’t have have been ableto drag the dogs.
18 .If our counterparts ( be/not)reluctant to accept our conditions , they wouldn’t have been dragging the talks.
If our counterparts hadn’t reluctant to acceptour our conditions they wouldn’t have been dragging the talks
19. If I ( be) you , I wouldn’t approve their behavior.
If I were you, I wouldn’t approve their behaviour
20. If the referee ( be) honest, the match would have been ended in favor of our term.
If the referee had honest. The match would have been ended in favor of our term