Assessing feasibility of hydropeacebuilding in the Jordan River Basin using serious gaming and a human ecosystem approach
Part. George J. Andreopoulos (City University of New York) Part
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George J. Andreopoulos (City University of New York) Part. Kwame Akonor (Seton Hall University) Part. Henry (Chip) Carey (Georgia State University) Part. Dorota J. Gierycz (City University of New York) Roundtable Post Communist States Dynamics of Integra on and Disintegra on WB49: Wednesday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Disc. Jason E. Strakes (Ilia State University) Panel Eulex Impact On The Rule Of Law In Kosovo Teresa Maria Cierco (University of Porto) Liliana Reis (University of Beira Interior) Social and Humanitarian Resources in the Post‐Soviet Area: Possibili es for Integra on Marina Lebedeva (Moscow State Instute of Interna onal Rela ons (University)) Democracy for Money: The Impact of Interna onal Financial Aid on Democra c Consolida on in Eastern Europe and Eurasia Evgeny E. Anikin (University of South Caroliona) “Russi ca on” of “So Power”: Transforma on of a Concept Yelena Osipova (American University) Reliving the Spring: Central and East European States' Democracy Assistance in North Africa Kris na Mikulova (World Bank/Johns Hopkins University) Women's Caucus Feminist Theory and Gender Studies More Power to Women!: Narra ves on Women's Inclusion in Formal Poli cal Processes WB50: Wednesday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Nicole Detraz (University of Memphis) Disc. Nicole Detraz (University of Memphis) Panel Mapping Girls in Global Poli cs Karen Brown (University of Minnesota) Women in the Military: A Theore cal Framework Claire Duncanson (University of Edinburgh) War, Women, and Poli cal Power: Rwanda and Bosnia in Global Context Marie Elizabeth Berry (University of California, Los Angeles) Confron ng the Norma ve Barriers to Ins tu onalizing and Implemen ng Gender Equality Goals: State Actors Localizing Gender Mainstreaming in Cambodia and Rwanda Sharon E. Rogers (American University, School of Interna onal Service) The Link Between Women in Peacebuilding and Substan ve Representa on in Post‐Con ict Socie es Keira Stearns (University of Southern California) Associa on of Korean Poli cal Studies How and Where to Publish Korean Poli cal Studies WB51: Wednesday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Taehyun Nam (Salisbury University) Disc. Terence Roehrig (US Naval War College) Disc. Mikyoung Kim (Hiroshima City University) Part. Jae‐Jung Suh (Johns Hopkins University) Part. Hun Joo Park Roundtable Austrian Ins tute for Interna onal A airs Does Europe Need a Grand Strategy? WB52: Wednesday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Heinz Gaertner (Austrian Ins tute for Interna onal A airs) Part. Markus Kornprobst (Vienna School of Interna onal Studies) Part. Kari Mo ola (University of Helsinki) Part. Adrian G. V. Hyde‐Price (University of Bath) Part. P. Terrence Hopmann (Johns Hopkins University) Part. Jan Willem Honig (King's College London) Part. Cengiz Gunay (Austrian Ins tute for Interna onal A airs (oiip)) Roundtable Interna onal Poli cal Economy Conceptualizing Eurasian Con nentalism WB53: Wednesday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Kent E. Calder (Johns Hopkins University) Disc. Alexander Cooley (Barnard College) Panel China’s New Con nentalism Fron er: A Case Study of the Interconnec vity between Chongqing and Broader Euro‐Asian Con nent Zongyuan Liu (SAIS, Johns Hopkins University) China's Energy Policy in Central Asia Shino Watanabe (Saitama University) Mongolia's Eurasian 'Third Neighbor' Policy Paradigm Alicia Campi A New Horizon for Japan’s Foreign Policy: Central and South Asia Kuniko Ashizawa (Johns Hopkins University, SAIS) Islamic Finance: Sukuk Bonds in Korea and Indonesia in Compara ve Perspec ve Hyunji Rim (SAIS, Johns Hopkins university) Environmental Studies When Does the Polis In uence Environmental Policy? WB54: Wednesday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Christopher L. Pallas (Kennesaw State University) Disc. Allen Lawrence Springer (Bowdoin College) Panel Climate Adapta on in an Evolving Global Policy Landscape: Local Ini a ves in the Northeastern US Mark Allen Boyer (University of Connec cut) Melanie Meinzer (University of Connec cut) Andy Bilich (University of Connec cut) Neil Oculi Ci zen Ac vism in Vietnam: Reconciling Agricultural Policy with Environmental Change Jennifer L. Wallace (University of Maryland) Could Civil Society Increase Public Support for Global Climate Policy in China? Robert Gampfer (ETH Zurich) Do Economic Downturns Reduce Public Support for Climate Policy? Thomas Bernauer (Swiss Federal Ins tute of Technology (ETH Zurich)) Aya Kachi (Swiss Federal Ins tute of Technology (ETH) Zürich) Interna onal Poli cal Economy Globaliza on and the City: Contemporary and Historical Perspec ves on Ci es, City-States, and Global City Regions. WB55: Wednesday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Sandra S. Halperin (University of London) Disc. Herman Schwartz (University of Virginia) Panel Mul ‐Level Spa al Strategies of Urban Elites: How the Merchants in Medieval Nijmegen Used Mul ple Poli cal Territories and Networks to Promote Their Economic Interests Kees Terlouw (Utrecht University) The re‐surfacing of global ci es, city regions, and city‐states. Sandra S. Halperin (University of London) Berlin and Chicago: Parvenu World Ci es and the Rise of the Fordist ‐Keynesian Synthesis, 1871‐1933. Parker Evere Change in the World City Network, 2000‐12. Ben Derudder (Ghent University) Ethnicity, Na onalism, & Migra on Studies Regional Perspec ves on the Future of Ci zenship 2 WB56: Wednesday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Willem Maas (York University) Disc. Kamal Sadiq (University of California at Irvine) Panel Viewing the (Re)Design of North American Ci zenship, Borders and Belonging through a Canadian Lense Christopher Anderson (Wilfrid Laurier University) Mul level Ci zenship in Southern Africa—Past Imperfect, Future Tense Audie Klotz (Syracuse University) Regional Integra on in the La n American Southern Cone and the Crea on of Regional Ci zenship Ana Margheri s (University of Southampton) The Future of Trans‐Tasman Ci zenship: De‐Na onalizing and Re‐ Na onalizing Trends Assessed Kate McMillan (Victoria University of Wellington) Making People Undocumented: the E ect of Introducing a Resident Card in Japan Atsuko Abe (J. F. Oberlin University, Tokyo) Global Development Global South Caucus Development Models in the Global South WB57: Wednesday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Markus Kröger (University of Helsinki) Disc. Mariana Kalil (Rio de Janeiro Federal University) Panel Shi ing Centers in World Economy? World System Theory Revisited Bezen B. Coskun (Zirve University) New Dynamics of Poli cal Power and Social Change: An Examina on of Brazil's Social Democra c Project Alesha Porisky (University of Toronto) “A Na on in a Hurry”: Constrcu ng a Developmental State in Rwanda Niamh Gaynor (Dublin City University) Revisi ng New‐Developmentalism: Argen na in the 2000s Ruth Felder (University of Buenos Aires) Is There a BRICS Model of Development? Rafael Bi encourt Rodrigues Lopes (Pon cal Catholic University of Minas Gerais (PUC Minas)) Interna onal Poli cal Economy Poli cal Economy and Foreign Economic Policy - The Second Image Restored WB58: Wednesday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Disc. Peter Harris (University of Texas at Aus n) Disc. Masatoshi Yokota (Tokyo University of Science) Panel The Poli cal Economy of Brazilian Foreign Trade Policy Ivan T. M. Oliveira (Ins tute of Applied Economic Research - IPEA) The Transforma on of Interna onal Poli cal Economy and Global Environmental Governance: Case of Japan’s Climate Change Policy Masatoshi Yokota (Tokyo University of Science) Liberal Atlan cism: The Domes c and Interna onal Bases of Bri sh Grand Strategy Peter Harris (University of Texas at Aus n) Financial Meltdowns and Na onal Security Policies Now and Then Maria Sperandei (Cornell University) When to Cooperate? Leadership survival and trade agreements as a part of economic reforms Nobuhiro Hiwatari (University of Tokyo) English School Interna onal Law The Dynamics of Norm Contesta on WB59: Wednesday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Janina Dill (University of Oxford) Disc. Filippo Dionigi (London School of Economics and Poli cal Science) Panel A Theory of Norm Evasion: The Case of Racial Equality Zoltan Buzas When Norms Fail to Di use: Interac on between Norm Entrepreneurs and Norm Protectors Kenki Adachi (Ritsumeikan University) Nonstate Socializa on and Interna onal Norms: Physicians against Organ Tra cking Asif Efrat (Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya) Jus Cogens, Social Structure and Norma ve Theory: The Poten als of an English School Approach Dennis Robert Schmidt (Durham University) Responsibility to Protect and Emerging Democracies: views form the South Gustavo Carlos Macedo (University of São Paulo) Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Geopoli cs and Interna onal Rela ons Before, During, and A er the First World War WB60: Wednesday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Brian C. Schmidt (Carleton University) Disc. Brian C. Schmidt (Carleton University) Panel The Real First Great Debate? Mahan vs. Angell Sean P. Molloy (University of Kent) Geopoli cs and na onalism: interpre ng Ratzel in Italy, 1900‐1916 Or Rosenboim (University of Cambridge) A New World? Isaiah Bowman and the Americaniza on of Ratzel’s Poli cal Geography. Lucian Mark Ashworth (Memorial University of Newfoundland) Mackinder’s Map and Early Realist IR Torbjorn Knutsen (University of Trondheim) Rudolf Kjellén and the Birth of Geopoli cs Ola G. Tunander (Peace Research Ins tute Oslo (PRIO)) Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on The Use of Cyberspace as a Tool WB61: Wednesday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Mark Raymond (Balsillie School of Interna onal A airs) Disc. Johan Eriksson (Swedish Ins tute of Interna onal A airs) Panel Tinker Tailor Computer Spy ‐ Domina ng “Digital (In)Security” Discourses and its Foreign Policy Implica ons Frida Stranne (Halmstad University) Urban Bilstrup A New 'Anonymous' Era: Cyber Protest and Geopoli cal Context Anastassia Bugday (Bilkent University) A Drone's Eye View: A Feminist Analysis of Space, Place, and the Ethics of Dronestagram Jillian Terry (London School of Economics and Poli cal Science) Interna onal Security Studies Interna onal Communica on Bringing the State Back in, or the Retreat of the State?: What Place for the State in Cyberspace WB62: Wednesday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Gabriel Michael (The George Washington University) Disc. Henry Farrell Panel In uencing Behavior in Cyberspace Sco Jasper (Naval Postgraduate School) Bringing the State Back In, or the Retreat of the State? Divergent Predic ons in Cyberlaw and Cybersecurity Gabriel Michael (The George Washington University) The Twi er Shi : Social Media and the Poten al for Delibera ve Democracy Ryan T. Willbrand (George Washington University) Agenda Se ng as Co‐opta on on the Chinese Internet Bre Heiney (The George Washington University) Violence in the Digital Domain: An Evolving Monopoly Trey Herr (GWU) Interna onal Organiza on Security Ins tu ons: New Concepts and Data WB63: Wednesday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Jessica De Alba‐Ulloa (Universidad Anahuac Mexico Norte) Disc. Mischa Hansel (Justus Liebig University Giessen) Panel Loca ng Interna onal Friendship Andrea Oelsner (University of Aberdeen) Simon Koschut (University of Erlangen-Nuremberg) Processes of Legi ma on of Mul lateral Ac ons in Interna onal Security ‐ An Interpreta on of the A empts of Se lement of Intrastate Poli cal Crises by the UNSC (2005‐2013) Lucas Perez (Pon cia Universidade Catolica do Rio de Janeiro) Crea ng Poli cal Space: Think Tanks and New Forms of Non‐ Tradi onal Security Governance in Asia Erin Zimmerman (University of Adelaide) From Handshakes to Harmony: The E ect of Resonant Prac ces for Transna onal Integra on Cli on van der Linden (University of Toronto) Arms Control Commitments and Interna onal Authority Alexandros Tokhi (Social Science Research Center Berlin) Autumn Lockwood Payton (Alfred University) Interna onal Poli cal Economy America and the World Economy WB64: Wednesday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair David W. Blagden (University of Cambridge) Disc. Wesley W. Widmaier (Gri th University) Panel US‐EU TTIP: A New Dawn or False Hope for Trasatlan c Rela ons? Geo rey Harris (European Parliament) American Economic Power Hasn’t Declined — It Globalized! Summoning the Data and Taking Globaliza on Seriously Sean K. Starrs (York University) The Place‐based Poli cs of Access to Knowledge Movements: Intellectual Property, Innova on, and Development in Silicon Valley and Bangalore Joseph F. Turco e (York University) Imperialism: An Historiographical Analysis Alex Su on (University of Warwick) Explaining the Pa ern of US Trade Enforcement Behavior: A Strategic Interac on Perspec ve on the Escala on of Interna onal Trade Disputes Marco Mar ni (ETH Zurich) Compara ve Interdisciplinary Studies The Spaces of Se ler Colonialism: Situa ng Canada/Turtle Island within Transna onal Genealogies WB65: Wednesday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Kathryn Labelle (University of Saskatchewan) Disc. Julie Hyde (University of Manitoba) Panel Fractured Rela ons? Indigenous Peoples and Energy Development in Canada and Australia Gabrielle A. Slowey (York University) Uphill on Thinning Ice: Indigenous Securi za ons, Colonial States, and Arc c Climate Change Wilfrid Greaves (University of Toronto) Rethinking the ‘Land‐Grab’ as Cons tu ve Rela on of Colonial‐ Capitalist Modernity Bikrum Gill (York University) Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Interna onal Poli cal Sociology Sites of Struggle: Re ec ons on the Everyday Geopoli cs of Resistance WB66: Wednesday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Daniel Conway (The Open University) Disc. Jennifer Bickham‐Mendez (The College of William & Mary) Panel ‘A Space to Learn, Grow and Challenge’? Protest Camps and the Everyday Geopoli cs of Resistance Catherine Eschle (University of Strathclyde) The Global Jus ce Movement and its Subterranean A erlife? The Global Social Forum Rhizome, Occupy, and Austerity Protests Peter Funke (University of South Florida, Tampa) ‘They’re Talkin’ Bout a Revolu on’: Feminism, Anarchism and the Poli cs of Social Change in the Global Jus ce Movement Bice Maiguashca (Exeter University) Armed Revolu onary Struggle in Central America and the Caribbean Basin during the Cold War Rachel May Turkish Interna onal Studies Associa on Syria, Turkey, and the Middle East: Changing Dynamics in a Fragile Middle East WB67: Wednesday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Mustafa Aydin (Kadir Has University) Disc. Mustafa Aydin (Kadir Has University) Panel United we Frame ?: Turkish and American Foreign Policies on the Syrian Con ict Ahmet Sozen (Eastern Mediterranean University) Berna Numan “Kemalist” Hegemony and the Construc on of the "Islamist" Hegemony as the "Other": Understanding the Transforma on in Turkish Foreign Policy from the "Islamist" Hegemony Perspec ve Kemal Ci ci (Turkiye Halk Bankası A.S and Ufuk University) “Esad” to “Esed”: The Impera ves behind Turkey’s Strategic Policy Shi towards Syria Sevket Ovali (Dokuz Eylul University) Cagla Luleci (Dokuz Eylul University) "Religious A ni es in Foreign Policy: Turkish‐Syrian Rela ons before and a er the Arab Uprisings" Yasemin Akbaba (Ge ysburg College) Ozgur Ozdamar (Bilkent University) Turkish Foreign Policy In Middle East In The Aspect Of Humanitarianism: Where Turkey Posi oning Herself In Post Con ict Syria Gizem Bilgin Aytaç (Istanbul University) Interna onal Ethics Peace Studies Peace, Theory, Agency, and Ethics WB68: Wednesday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Jack L. Amoureux (Wake Forest University) Disc. Jack L. Amoureux (Wake Forest University) Panel Ontologies, Epistemologies, and Poli cal Agency: Mapping Non‐ Substan alist Possibili es Laura Zano (Virginia Polytechnic Ins tute and State University) The Paradoxical Ethics and Poli cs of Anonymous Hans Scha le (Yonsei University) Transforming Space and Place: Spa al Agency in Transi ons to Peace Stefanie Kappler (Liverpool Hope University) Annika F. Bjorkdahl (Lund University) “Then and There” Versus “Here and Now”: The Collapse of Time, Space, Agency, and Sovereignty in Post‐Interven onary Socie es Gilberto J. Algar-Faria (University of Bristol) A Perpetual Piece? The Ethics of Aesthe cs and the Self in Interna onal Rela ons Michael N. Di Gregorio (McMaster University) Feminist Theory and Gender Studies Interna onal Poli cal Sociology Accidental Research(ers): Re ec ng on Field Experiences that Don't Fit the Script WB69: Wednesday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Megan D. Daigle (University of Gothenburg) Disc. Jennifer A. Riggan (Arcadia University) Panel The Scholar‐Consultant and the GBV Field Mission in Con ict Africa Chiseche Mibenge (City University of New York Lehman College) The Employable Self and the Ideal Researcher: Re ec ons on Interviewing Whilst Queer Catherine Baker (University of Hull) Fieldwork Without Boundaries: Entering, Engaging and Not Exi ng Garifuna Communal Life Kia Hall (American University) Failing at Fieldwork Megan D. Daigle (University of Gothenburg) Abstrac on, Authen city, Objec on: Thinking About the Non‐Field and the An ‐Field in Engaged Research Paul C. Kirby (University of Sussex) Ethnicity, Na onalism, & Migra on Studies Immigra on and Poli cal Mobiliza on in the European Union WB70: Wednesday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Serena Simoni (Samford University) Disc. Serena Simoni (Samford University) Panel Migrants in a Dangerous Time: Comparing Migra on Networks in the European Union and United States Michael Johns (Lauren an University- Barrie) Iden ty and Ins tu onal Nego a on in Europe: the Case of the Roma Danielle K. Scherer (Temple University) Poli cal Mobiliza on of the Romani/Gypsy minority in Europe: More Ques ons than Answers Gabriela Marin Thornton (Texas A&M University) The Poli cal Psychology of Integra on Strategies: The Case of the European Commission’s Interculturalism Tal Dingo Alkopher (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) The Re‐Construc on of Immigra on as a Security Threat in Times of Economic Crisis Natascha Zaun (University of Bremen) Interna onal Organiza on Development Prac ces: The Role of The Regional Development Banks WB71: Wednesday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Tina Zappile (The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey) Disc. Morten Boas (Norwegian Ins tute of Interna onal A airs) Panel The African Development Bank: Innovator or Follower? Karen Ann Mingst (University of Kentucky) Civil Society and the Liberaliza on of the Asian Development Bank Anders Uhlin (Lund University) The European Bank for Reconstruc on and Development building Warsaw on the Nile: Lessons from Eastern Central Europe for Egypt's transi on Stuart Shields (University of Manchester) Implica ons of Accommoda ng Rising Powers for the Regional Development Banks Jonathan R. Strand (University of Nevada, Las Vegas) Interna onal Communica on Framing and Reality in Interna onal Rela ons WB72: Wednesday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Cris na Arche (University of Salford) Disc. Amelia H. Arsenault (Georgia State University) Panel Framing African Democracy: Does Media Coverage Match the Reality? Babak Bahador (University of Canterbury) Virgil Hawkins (Osaka University) “The Word ‘Chechen’ Connected the Two Hemispheres… Or Did It Deepen the Divide?” A Compara ve Analysis of the US and Russian Print Media Coverage of the Boston Marathon A ack Inves ga on. Anna A. Popkova (University of Minnesota) Assemblage of Media Frames Through Space and Time Luke R. Barnesmoore (San Francisco State University) When Threats are Internal: Cascading Frames, Na onal Iden ty and the U.S. War in Afghanistan Charles Rowling (University of Nebraska Kearney) Intelligence Studies (Interna onal) Poli cal Risk: Bridging the Gap between Scholars and Prac oners WB73: Wednesday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Ra aele Marche (LUISS Guido Carli University) Panel Poli cal Risk Analysis and the Theories of Globaliza on: Bridging the Gap with a New Conceptual Model Ra aele Marche (LUISS Guido Carli University) The Rise of Poli cs: Cogni on and the Changing Importance of Poli cal Variables to Financial Market Actors Lauren M. Phillips (London School of Economics and Poli cal Science) Model, Methodology, and Forecast: Poli cal Risk Over Time in Malaysia Llewellyn D. Howell (Thunderbird School of Global Management) Poli cal Risk or Poli cal Risks: An Empirical Inves ga on on the E ects of Di erent Types of Poli cal Risks on Economic and Financial Indicators of Crisis Countries Francesco Giumelli (University of Groningen) Ethnicity, Na onalism, & Migra on Studies Ethnic Iden ty Con ict and Grievances WB79: Wednesday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair A. Burcu Bayram (University of Texas at Arlington) Disc. A. Burcu Bayram (University of Texas at Arlington) Panel Ethnic Elites and Rituals of Provoca on Jonathan S. Blake (Columbia University) The Role of Internal and Interna onal Grievances in Civil Con ict Arevik Avedian (Claremont Graduate University) Sinhalese Na onalism in Post‐War Sri Lanka: An All‐Encompassing Victory Anne Gaul (University of Limerick) “We are Bosnians”: How Branding and Consumer Culture are Re‐ Unifying Postwar Bosnia and Herzegovina Sonja Pesko (McMaster University) Separate but Not Equal: Measuring the E ects of Divided Educa on in Bosnia‐Herzegovina Mary Kate Schneider (University of Maryland) ISA Cultural Event Film/Filming in IR: Enemy Images and the Media WL05: Wednesday 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM Chair Babak Bahador (University of Canterbury) Film Screening Enemy Images and the Media Babak Bahador (University of Canterbury) Interna onal Security Studies What is a "Conserva ve" Foreign Policy? WC01: Wednesday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Keith Leonard Shimko (Purdue University) Download 5.69 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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