Assessing feasibility of hydropeacebuilding in the Jordan River Basin using serious gaming and a human ecosystem approach
Part. Michael C. Desch (Notre Dame) Part
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Michael C. Desch (Notre Dame) Part. Stephen Van Evera (Massachuse s Ins tute of Technology) Roundtable Interna onal Poli cal Sociology Interna onal Security Studies Security, War, and Ma er WD02: Wednesday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Chris Hendershot (York University) Disc. Claudia E. Aradau (King's College London) Panel War/Security/Geopoli cs: Cri cal Insights on War in/and Society Through Material Publics David Grondin (University of O awa) “What is a drone?”: Considering the Materiality of Contemporary Spaces of War and Security Katharine Kindervater (University of Minnesota) Secrecy in Focus: Photography, Materiality and Sites of Security William H. C. Walters (Carleton University) Seantel A.B. Anais (University of Victoria) Securing an Insecure World, One Gun at a Time! Chris Hendershot (York University) Proper Life in Improper Violence: On the Inadequacy of being Human in War Elke Schwarz (London School of Economics) Feminist Theory and Gender Studies FTGS Honors the Work of Carol Cohn WD03: Wednesday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair J. Ann Tickner (American University) Part. Terrell Carver (University of Bristol) Part. Sandra McEvoy (Wheelock College) Part. Malathi de Alwis Part. Lynn Eden (Stanford University) Part. Carol E. Cohn (Consor um on Gender, Security and Human Rights) Hon. Carol E. Cohn (Consor um on Gender, Security and Human Rights) Dis nguished Scholar ISA Canada ISA-Canada Honors the Work of Kim Richard Nossal WD04: Wednesday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Lana Wylie (McMaster University) Part. Heather A. Smith (University of Northern Bri sh Columbia) Part. Denis Stairs (Dalhousie University) Part. Nelson Michaud (Ecole Na onales d' admin publique) Part. Alan Bloom eld (University of New South Wales) Part. Claire Turenne Sjolander (University of O awa) Part. Stephane Roussel (Ecole na onale d'Administra on publique) Hon. Kim Richard Nossal (Queen's University) Dis nguished Scholar Interna onal Communica on Diploma c Studies Reac ve Public Diplomacy: Responding to Diaspora, Ac vists, and Terrorism in the Public Sphere WD05: Wednesday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Philip Seib (University of Southern California) Part. Shawn M. Powers (Georgia State University) Part. Cris na Arche (University of Salford) Part. William La Youmans (George Washington University) Part. R. S. Zaharna (American University) Roundtable Interna onal Poli cal Sociology Global Development The Face in/as Poli cs WD06: Wednesday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair J. Peter Burgess (Peace Research Ins tute Oslo (PRIO)) Disc. Himadeep R. Muppidi (Vassar College) Panel Face, Expression, Emo on: Being Singular Plural Jenny Edkins (Aberystwyth University) The Transparency of the Face Dan M. Oberg (Swedish Na onal Defence College) Facing the Obscene: A Poli cal Return of the Face Andreja Zevnik (University of Manchester) Facing Horror and Living to Tell about It: Theorizing Defacement and the Impossibility of Poli cs Francois Debrix (Virginia Tech) War and Trauma: Dis gura ons of the Life World Floren na C. Andreescu (University of Norh Carolina, Wilmington) Michael J. Shapiro (University of Hawaii at Manoa) Ethnicity, Na onalism, & Migra on Studies ENMISA Honors the Work of Andreas Wimmer WD07: Wednesday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair R. William Ayres (Wright State University) Part. Nukhet A. Sandal (Ohio University) Part. Mar n O. Heisler (University of Maryland) Part. Patrick James (University of Southern California) Hon. Andreas Wimmer (Princeton University) Dis nguished Scholar Human Rights HR Honors the Work of Rhoda Howard-Hassmann WD08: Wednesday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair David P. Forsythe (University of Nebraska) Part. Shareen Hertel (University of Connec cut) Part. Alison Brysk (University of California Santa Barbara) Part. Mahmood Monshipouri (San Francisco State University) Part. Joanna R. Quinn (The University of Western Ontario) Hon. Rhoda E. Howard‐Hassmann (Wilfrid Laurier University) Dis nguished Scholar Peace Studies PEACE Honors the Work of Cynthia Enloe, Abdul Said, and John Paul Lederach WD09: Wednesday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Landon Edward Hancock (Kent State University) Disc. Roger Mac Ginty (University of Manchester) Hon. Cynthia H. Enloe (Clark University) Hon. Abdul Aziz Said (American University) Hon. John Paul Lederach Dis nguished Scholar Professional Development Commi ee Cri cal Security Studies Methods Cafe WD10: Wednesday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Megan D. Daigle (University of Gothenburg) Part. Laura J. Shepherd (University of New South Wales) Part. Annick T. R. Wibben (University of San Francisco) Part. Xymena Kurowska (Central European University) Part. Michael C. Williams (University of O awa) Part. Thierry Balzacq (University of Edinburgh) Part. Lene Hansen (University of Copenhagen) Part. Juha A. Vuori (University of Turku) Part. Vincent Pouliot (McGill University) Part. Chris an Bueger (Cardi University) Part. Cai Wilkinson (Deakin University ) Cmt. Chair Michelle Benson Saxton (University at Bu alo ‐ State University of New York) Commi ee Panel Foreign Policy Analysis Responding to Rise: Chinese Foreign Policy in the Context of Ascendance WD11: Wednesday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Eric H. Honda Disc. Hsin Chih Chen (Na onal Cheng Kung University, Department of Poli cal Science) Panel Rising China’s Management of its Periphery: Domes c Poli cal Explana ons for Threats and Reassurances Toward China’s Neighboring States, 1978‐2012 Jeehye Kim (Harvard University) A Responsible Stakeholder to Whom? Understanding China's Troop Contribu ons to UN Peacekeeping Courtney J. Fung (The University of Hong Kong) Assessing Inten ons: Foreign States’ Domes c Rhetoric and its In uence on Chinese Elites Jason Oaks (Cornell University) When Domes c ‘Weakness’ Becomes Strength: Leveraging Chinese Na onalis c Protest at the Interna onal Level Ivan W. Rasmussen (The Fletcher School, Tu s University) Adjudica ng among Compe ng Explana ons for Contemporary Chinese Na onalism Seanon Wong (University of Southern California) Interna onal Communica on in Sino‐US Rela ons Erik David French (The Maxwell School of Syracuse University) Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Con ict, Jus ce, and Jurisdic on WD12: Wednesday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Ca a Cecilia Confor ni (Wellesley College) Disc. Samy Gerges (Kennesaw State University) Panel Leaving Las Vegas: Interna onal Law, Territory, and the Prison‐ House of Language Nikolas M. Rajkovic (University of Kent) From Territorial Borders to Func on Boundaries: How the European Court of Human Rights Interprets Spa ality Ezgi Yildiz (Graduate Ins tute (IHEID), Geneva & ICourts, University of Copenhagen) The Geopoli cal Contexts and Transi onal Jus ce in the Arab Revolu on: The Validity of the Neoliberal Model Samy Gerges (Kennesaw State University) Genocide, Con ict, and Jus ce: Teaching in a Professional Military Environment Barbara J. Falk (Canadian Forces College) Maja Ca c (Brandeis University) Interna onal Security Studies Construc vism and Psychology: Rivals? Helpmeets? or Ships Passing in the Night? WD13: Wednesday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Brian Rathbun (University of Southern California) Part. Ronald R. Krebs (University of Minnesota) Part. Patrick Thaddeus Jackson (American University) Part. Rosemary E. Shinko (American University) Part. Stuart Kaufman (University of Delaware) Part. Ted Hopf (Na onal University of Singapore) Part. Paul A. Kowert (University of Massachuse s Boston) Part. Rose McDermo (Department of Poli cal Science, Brown University) Roundtable Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Presiden al Panel: Mari me Spaces and Places WD14: Wednesday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Aslaug Asgeirsdo r (Bates College) Disc. Aslaug Asgeirsdo r (Bates College) Panel Bones of Democra c Conten on: Mari me Disputes Sara McLaughlin Mitchell (University of Iowa) Kelly Daniels (University of Iowa) Islamic Law States and the United Na ons Conven on on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) Emilia Justyna Powell (University of Notre Dame) Mari me Con ict in the 20th Century Elizabeth Nyman (University of Louisiana at Lafaye e) Stakeholder Par cipatory Mapping and Assessment of the Development of Cod Fisheries in Associa on with Emerging Jelly sh Popula on in the Trondheim ord Rachel Tiller (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) Jarle Mork Naviga ng Mul ple Mul lateral Mari me Regimes Elizabeth R. DeSombre (Wellesley College) Junior Scholar Symposia Interna onal Ins tu ons: Development and Expansion WD15: Wednesday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Beth Ann Simmons (Harvard University) Junior Scholar Junior Scholar Symposia Collec ve Management of Interna onal Crises WD15-A: Wednesday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Disc. Ole Jacob Sending (Norwegian Ins tute of Interna onal A airs) JSS Group Toward a Theory on European Security Coopera on Marina E. Henke (Northwestern University) Crisis Management: EU's Evolu on in Military and Civilian Opera ons in the Last Ten Years Milena Romano (University of Bath) Will it Work? The Poli cal and Economic Determinants of EU Pooling & Sharing Giovanni Faleg (Centre for European Policy Studies) Alessandro Giovannini (CEPS - Centre for European Policy Studies) Junior Scholar Symposia EU Evolu on and Expansion WD15-B: Wednesday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Disc. Iver B. Neumann (London School of Economics) JSS Group The European Union: Between Territorial State System and Postmodern Space of Flows Alena Drieschova (University of Toronto) S ll Waters Run Deep: The Undercurrents of E.U. Ins tu onal Change Velibor Jakovleski (Graduate Ins tute of Interna onal and Development Studies, Geneva) Becoming Europe: Shi ing Territories of Government in the Western Balkans Dunja Apostolov-Dimitrijevic (Carleton University) Role‐Playing Geopoli cs: The Poli cal Contesta on of Kosovo’s Status within the European Union Lorinc Redei (LBJ School of Public A airs, University of Texas) Junior Scholar Symposia IGO Design and Development WD15-C: Wednesday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Disc. Margaret P. Karns (University of Dayton) JSS Group Leadership of Interna onal Organiza ons: The Design of the O ce of the UN Secretary‐General Ellen Jenny Ravndal (University of Oxford) Tracing Ins tu onal Memory: Poli cal and Strategic Learning in NATO Crisis Management Heidi Hardt (University of Texas at Arlington) Explaining Ins tu onal Change in Regional Security Organiza ons: Causes, Processes, and Outcomes Kei Koga (Nanyang Technological University) Foregrounding Embodied Prac ce and Experience in the Study of Ins tu onal Design Deepak Nair (London School of Economics and Poli cal Science) Junior Scholar Symposia Migra on and Movement in the EU WD15-D: Wednesday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Disc. James F. Holli eld (Southern Methodist University) JSS Group “Fortress Europe” and the “Arab Uprisings” ‐ Analyzing Transna onal Migra on Policies towards the Middle East and North Africa Inez Freiin von Weitershausen (London School of Economics and Poli cal Science) The Challenges of Migra on and Enlargement in the European Union Jamie E. Scalera (Georgia Southern University) Price Tag: Exchange Rates and the Provision of Migrants’ Rights in Advanced Democracies Adrian Shin (University of Michigan) Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Presiden al Panel: Contagion of Protest: Arab Awakening WD16: Wednesday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Will H. Moore (Florida State University) Disc. Erica Chenoweth (University of Denver) Panel Roundabouts and Revolu ons: Public Squares, Revolu on, and the Di usion of the Arab Uprisings David S. Patel (Cornell University) Wall on Fire or Firewall? Shahryar Minhas (Duke University) Dissident Sectors in the Middle East and North Africa During the Arab Awakening Will H. Moore (Florida State University) Stephen Shellman (College of William & Mary) Winds of Change: From Small‐Scale Resistance to Full‐Blown Mobiliza on Arne F. Wackenhut (University of Gothenburg) Isabell Schierenbeck (Associate Professor, School of Global Studies, Gothenburg University) Michael Schulz (School of Global Studies, University of Gothenburg) Scien c Study of Interna onal Processes Methodological Challenges in IR WD17: Wednesday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Constan n Ruhe (University of KOnstanz) Disc. Kris an Skrede Gleditsch (University of Essex) Panel Ba ling Methodologies: Findings Regarding Civil War Onset and Methodological Choices Christopher K. Butler (University of New Mexico) Kendra Koivu (University of New Mexico) Analyzing Casual Rela ons Between Interna onal events: Comparing Times Series Analysis of Weighted Event Aggrega ons and Mul ple Event History Analysis Ranan David Kuperman (University of Haifa) Do We Really Know the WTO Cures Cancer? Stephen Chaudoin (University of Pi sburgh) Raymond P. Hicks (Princeton University) How Much Goes Out With the Bath Water? Omi ed Variable Bias and E ciency Loss in Spa o‐Temporal Studies With Dichotomous Dependent Variables Håvard Hegre (Department of Peace and Con ict Research, Uppsala University and Peace Research Ins tute Oslo) Jonas Nordkvelle (Peace Research Ins tute Oslo) Policy Osmosis: Rethinking Di usion Processes When Policies Have Subs tutes Federica Genovese (Stanford University) Florian Kern (University of Konstanz) Chris an W. Mar n (University of Kiel) Theory Interna onal Ethics English School Why Does Hans Morgenthau Ma er Now? WD18: Wednesday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair W. David Clinton (Baylor University) Disc. Nicolas Guilhot (CNRS‐NYU) Part. Daniel J. Levine (The University of Alabama) Part. Alison McQueen (Stanford University) Part. Douglas Klusmeyer (American University) Part. Vibeke S. Tjalve (University of Copenhagen) Part. Felix Roesch (Coventry University) Part. Hartmut Ernst Behr (Newcastle University) Roundtable Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Presiden al Roundtable: Ideas and Territorial A achment WD19: Wednesday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Ron Hassner (University of California Berkeley) Part. Ehud Eiran (University of Haifa, Israel) Part. Stacie Goddard (Wellesley College) Part. Henk E. Goemans (University of Rochester) Part. Nadav Shelef (University of Wisconsin) Roundtable Interna onal Ethics Human Rights Theory Autonomy and Vulnerability in Interna onal Ethics WD20: Wednesday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Kimberly Hutchings (London School of Economics) Disc. Kimberly Hutchings (London School of Economics) Panel Iden ty, Autonomy, and Recogni on in Global Poli cs Fiona Robinson (Carleton University) Autonomy, Vulnerability, and Global Labour Jus ce Catherine Lu (McGill University) Emo ons and Vulnerability: Recognizing and Responding to Human Need Renee Je ery (Australian Na onal University) Vulnerability, Autonomy, and Recogni on in Interna onal Ethics: The Case of Freedom of Movement Chris ne Straehle (University of O awa) Vulnerability and World Order Amanda Russell Bea e (Aston University) Interna onal Security Studies Arms Control and Deterrence: Limits and Possibili es WD21: Wednesday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Marianne Hanson (University of Queensland) Disc. David Kinsella (Portland State University) Panel Medicaliza on of Su ering and Racialism in Arms Control & Disarmament Ritu Mathur (McMaster University, Canada) Before Zero: Inves ga ng Approaches to Achieving Transparency in Arms Control William T. Eliason (Na onal Defense University) Has the Mine Ban Treaty Failed? M. Patrick Co rell (Lin eld College) J. Chris an Kessler (SUNY Stony Brook) The Possession and Use of Chemical and Biological Weapons: What Determines Whether States Will Acquire or Use Non‐Conven onal Weapons? Allyn Milojevich (University of Tennessee) Amanda Gale Sanford (University of Tennessee) Foreign Policy Analysis Bridging the Gap : The Art and Prac ce of Strategic Foresight in Interna onal Rela ons WD22: Wednesday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Catarina Isabel Tully (Strategy & Security Ins tute, Exeter University, UK) Disc. Thomas G. Mahnken (U.S. Naval War College) Disc. Andrew Mark Dorman (King's College London) Part. Robert R. Odell (US Government) Part. Deborah W. Larson (University of California, Los Angeles) Part. Peter D. Feaver (Duke University) Roundtable Interna onal Security Studies Interna onal Security Studies: Ques ons in Theory and Methods WD23: Wednesday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Jay M. Parker (Na onal Defense University‐CISA) Disc. Franz J. Eder (University of Innsbruck) Panel The cri cal study of cri cal data: the re exivity of empirical data on interna onal crime, mortality and small arms Aaron Karp (Old Dominion University) Inconsistency Can Prove Useful: What the Analysis of Compe ng Hypotheses (ACH) Method Can O er Poli cal Science Tania Chacho (United States Military Academy) A War by Any Other Name… Reduces the Size of Your ‘N’ by 20%: Case Selec on and the Correlates of War (COW) Inter‐State War Data Set Jon D. Carlson (University of California, Merced) The Ambiguous Rela onship between Ra onalism and Realism Brian C. Schmidt (Carleton University) Interna onal Poli cal Sociology Global Development Recovering IR’s Space Amnesia: Bringing Together Cri cal Geopoli cs and Postcolonial Studies WD24: Wednesday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Jeppe Strandsbjerg (Copenhagen Business School) Disc. Jeppe Strandsbjerg (Copenhagen Business School) Panel The Prison State in the Post‐Na onal Era: Narra ves of Flight from Eritrea and the Disintegra ng Hyphen Between Na on and State Jennifer A. Riggan (Arcadia University) Geopoli cs and the New Fron er of Development: The Case Against Charter Ci es Kamil P. Shah (University of Queensland) Michael Spann (University of Queensland) The Fron ers of Empire: A Marginal History of Interna onal Rela ons Alejandro Colas (Birkbeck College) The Geopoli cal Legacies of An ‐Colonial Empires Clemens Ho mann (Bilkent University) Capitalism, Class and Geopoli cs: Marx and Engels on the ‘Eastern Ques on’ Cemal Burak Tansel (University of No ngham) Human Rights NGOs and Civil Society in the Promo on of Human Rights WD25: Wednesday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Helen Yanacopulos (Open University) Disc. Helen Yanacopulos (Open University) Panel The Landscape of Human Rights Media Advocacy Joel R. Pruce (University of Dayton) Externalizing Human Rights: From Commission to Council, the Universal Periodic Review and Egypt Laura K. Landolt (Oakland University) Localizing Rights: Evolving Concep ons of Human Rights in Southern Africa Kris Heather Kenyon (Acadia University) Who Cares about Human Rights? And Why? Michelle Allendoerfer (George Washington University) Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Crowdsourcing in the Study of Violence WD26: Wednesday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Robert Blair (Yale University) Disc. Michael Findley (University of Texas at Aus n) Panel NGOs as monitors of interna onal aid projects Mark Buntaine (University of California, Santa Barbara) Bradley C. Parks (London School of Economics and Poli cal Science) Verifying Crowdsourced Data: A Bayesian Approach Robert Blair (Yale University) Crowdsourcing Early Warning Baselines: Using Exploratory Data Analysis Logic and Crowdsourcing to Derive Alterna ve Local Con ict Indicators Charles Patrick Mar n-Shields (George Mason University) Accountability versus Poli cs in Zambian interac ve media Alastair Fraser (University of Cambridge) When Big Data Meets Crowdsourcing: Valida ng Mobility Pa erns Inferred from Call Detail Records Using Cell‐Phone Based Survey Data Emmanuel Letouzé The Carrot and the S ck? Strategies of Violence in Burundi 2010 Elec on Manuela Travaglian (New York University) Scien c Study of Interna onal Processes The Forma on and Evolu on of Alliances WD27: Wednesday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Manjeet Pardesi (Indiana University) Disc. Paul Poast (Rutgers University) Panel Finding Friends in Tough Times: Compa ble Partners, Domes c Poli cs and Alliance Behavior Anessa L. Kimball (Laval University) Domes c Power Transi ons: Why Coups Encourage Alliance Forma on Wilfred Ming Chow (University of California, Davis) Alliance Provisions and Con ict between Allies Stephen Quackenbush (University of Missouri) Finding New Friends: The Construc on and Maintenance of Alliance Por olios Keith A. Grant (James Madison University) Aakri A. Tandon (Daemen College) Interna onal Poli cal Sociology Poli cs of Exper se WD28: Wednesday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Sullivan Gavin (University of Amsterdam) Disc. Anna Leander (Copenhagen Business School, Department of Management, Poli cs and Philosophy) Panel The Pi alls of Exper se: When Epistemic Communi es Make Claims About the Future of the Soviet Union, the Arab World, and China Ariel Colonomos (CNRS Sciences Po) Studying the Everyday: Interna onal Interven ons in Prac ce Severine Autesserre (Barnard College, Columbia University) Always Walking Down the Same Paths: How Spaces Shape Knowledge and Interac ons in Statebuilding and Interven on Werner Distler (Philipps-University Marburg) On UN Peacemakers: The Poli cs of Exper se Corinne Heaven (University of Reading) Transna onal Torture and the Balance of Prac ce Jonathan Aus n (Graduate Ins tute Geneva) Peace Studies BRICS, the 'West', and Complex Engagements with Fragile States WD29: Wednesday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Peter Mandaville (George Mason University) Disc. Terrence P. Lyons (George Mason University) Panel Exmaining the Drivers and Impacts of Emerging Power Investment, Aid, and Engagement in Fragile States Agnieszka Paczynska (George Mason University) Changing Percep ons, Changing Preferences, S ll the Same Concepts: South‐South Rela onship’s E ects on Brazilian Foreign Policy Erico Esteves Duarte (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul) Brazil, the BRICS and the future of R2P Oliver Stuenkel (Fundacao Getulio Vargas) Post‐Con ict Reconstruc on in Central Asia: Russia, the West, and the Osh Con ict David G. Lewis (University of Exeter) Interna onal Security Studies 'Securi zing' American Iden ty WD30: Wednesday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Karin Fierke (University of St. Andrews) Disc. Richard Jackson (University of Otago, New Zealand) Panel The Jacksonian Tradi on and American Iden ty in an Age of Terror Jack Holland (University of Surrey) Securing the Naked City: The Global War on Terrorism, Individual Consumers, and Tac cs of Living in the American Capitol Jacob L. Stump (Shepherd University) Gendered Bodies: Legi mizing Drone A acks in the War Against Terror M. L. deRaismes Combes (American University) Namalie Jayasinghe (American University) Disloca on and Con ngency in US foreign Policy Discourses from Clinton to Obama Dirk Nabers (University of Kiel) Interna onal Poli cal Economy Collabora ve Governance Arrangements and their Impact on Resource-Rich Developing Countries WD31: Wednesday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Kathleen Hancock (Colorado School of Mines) Disc. W. R. Nadège Compaoré (Queen's University) Panel From Collabora ve Global Governance to Local Adop on: The Example of the Extrac ve Industry Transparency Ini a ve (EITI) in Ghana and Nigeria Hevina S. Dashwood (Brock University) Uwa okun Idemudia (York University) Corporate Social Responsibility as a Tool for Realizing the Bene ts of Extrac on in the Global South: Possibili es and Pi alls Leah Kathleen McMillan (Tyndale University College) Prospects for African Agency Post‐2015: From the Kimberley Process to the African Mining Vision Timothy M. Shaw (University of Massachuse s Boston) The Governance of the Explora on Phase of a Copper‐Gold‐ Mine in the Philippines Brigi e Hamm (University of Duisburg-Essen) Anne Schax (University of Duisburg-Essen) Interna onal Poli cal Economy Trans-na onal Networks, Social Power, and Development in the Middle East: Contemporary and Historical Perspec ves WD32: Wednesday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Waleed Hazbun (American University of Beirut) Disc. Mark Tessler (University of Michigan) Panel Global Energy Transi ons and Na onal Poli cs Ellis Goldberg Social Power and Development in the Middle East: A Transna onal Perspec ve Sandra S. Halperin (University of London) The Loo ng of Lebanon: The Civil Wars Reconsidered Najib Hourani (Michigan State University) Transna onal Clerical Elite Network: Shiite Poli cal Ac vism in the Middle East Mohammadreza Kalantari (Royal Holloway University of London) Regional Development and Labour Markets in Turkey: Southeastern Anatolia Region and Southeastern Anatolia Project(GAP) As a Case Study Bulent Acma (Anadolu University) American and French transna onal elite networks with the Levant: the American University of Beirut and the Universite Saint‐Joseph de Beyrouth, Rasmus G. Bertelsen (Aalborg University) Compara ve Interdisciplinary Studies European Union and World Challenges WD33: Wednesday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Stefan Fritsch (Bowling Green State University) Disc. Mark T. Nance (North Carolina State University) Panel Intelligence Support for Diplomacy: Informa on Sharing and the Common Foreign and Security Policy of the European Union Artur Gruszczak (Jagiellonian University) ‘Flexicurity’ And The Movement Across Borders Laura Salmela (VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland) Coopera on, Coordina on or Con ict? Interins tu onal Rela ons Among EU Agencies in the Field of Migra on Policy Peter Slominski (University of Vienna) Europe's Second‐Order Phenomena: Learning to Par cipate in Mul ‐Level Poli cal Systems Nicholas Clark (Susquehanna University) Croa a's Accession to the EU: De‐Balkanizing the Balkans? Kristen Pue (University of Toronto) Peace Studies Human Rights Saying Sorry: Reconcilia on and Apology A er War WD34: Wednesday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Laura K. Taylor (University of North Carolina at Greensboro) Disc. Karen Brouneus (Uppsala University) Panel Peacebuilding, Local Subjec vity, and the Vic m/Perpetrator Dichotomy Genevieve S. Parent (Saint Paul's College) Producing the Subjects of Reconcilia on: The Making of Sierra Leoneans as Vic ms and Perpetrators of Past Human Rights Viola ons Judith Renner (Technical University Munich) Trust, Forgiveness, and Peace Among Adolescents in Northern Ireland Laura K. Taylor (University of North Carolina at Greensboro) Peter Shirlow US Foreign Policy and Reconcilia on with Former Enemies Loramy Gerstbauer (Gustavus Adolphus College) Interna onal Poli cal Sociology Interna onal Poli cal Economy Governing the Financial Crisis WD35: Wednesday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Jason R. Weidner (El Colegio de México) Disc. Jason R. Weidner (El Colegio de México) Panel Central banks and Financial Regula on in the A ermath of the Financial Crisis: Toward a new consensus? Joelle Dumouchel (University of Toronto) Conjuring the spirit of mul lateralism: Histories of crisis management during the Great Credit Crash Amin Samman (City University London) Of Good Europeans and 'PIIG' Me le Nicholas Kiersey (Ohio University) O shore and Dis‐Embedding – Moving Beyond Spa al Metaphors in Explaining Financializa on Timo Walter (Graduate Ins tute of Interna onal and Development Studies, Geneva) Interna onal Poli cal Sociology Governing by Algorythms WD36: Wednesday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Tanja E. Aalberts (VU University, Amsterdam) Disc. Rocco Bellanova (Peace Research Ins tute Oslo (PRIO) & Université Saint‐Louis (Brussels)) Panel The Poli cs of Algorithmic Governance Hans Krause Hansen (Copenhagen Business School) Risk Prac ces and Pragma c Policymaking: EU Disaster and Migra on Monitoring Christopher C. Leite (University of O awa) Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Security Challenges in Africa WD37: Wednesday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Jana Hoenke (University of Edinburgh) Disc. John F. Clark (Florida Interna onal University) Panel Everyday Needs, Legi macies and Contesta ons Among Local Actors in War‐Torn Socie es Aime Saba (School of Poli cal Science and Interna onal Studies, University of Queensland) Poli cal and Spa al Development in Contested Ci es: Insurgency and Defensible Architecture in Goma, Eastern Congo David Peyton (Northwestern University) Carving Borders out of Bodies: The Lord’s Resistance Army, The Revolu onary United Front and Territorial Ar cula on through Atroci es Nirojan Kulendrarajah (Norman Paterson School of Interna onal A airs, Carleton University) Ushahidi: Swahili for ‘Tes mony’ and a Tool for Eyewitness Accounts of Ac vists Worldwide Lynne Gayle (Georgia State University) Unleashing Africa's Hidden Resource: Women Cindy Jebb (United States Military Academy) Theory Cyborg Planet? Drone Warfare and the Rise of Posthuman IR WD38: Wednesday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Daniel Jacobi (Goethe University Frankfurt) Disc. Daniel Jacobi (Goethe University Frankfurt) Panel The Drone Manifesto: The Transgressive Poten al of Drone Warfare Cara Dagge (Johns Hopkins University) Drone Warfare as a Challenge for Interna onal Society Jodok Troy (University of Innsbruck) Taco Bell Ethics: Drones, Rules of Engagement and the Strange Ethics of Techno‐War Ma hew D. Crosston (Bellevue University) War in a Postheroic Geopoli cal Age: The Rise of the Posthuman Project Sylvain Munger (O awa University) Self‐Defense without a “Self?”: A Perverse Outcome of Lethal Autonomous Weapons. Heather Ro (University of Denver) Interna onal Poli cal Economy Elites in Global Poli cs III – Chinese Elites in a Mul polar World: Strategies, Interests, and Challenges WD39: Wednesday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Herman Schwartz (University of Virginia) Disc. Wesley W. Widmaier (Gri th University) Panel Strained Dependencies. How the Rise of China’s New Elites Is Changing Global Economic Power Constella ons Tobias ten Brink (Goethe University Frankfurt) China Investment Corpora on: An Elite‐Driven Analysis Le a Corina Matarea Türk (Johann Wolfgang Goethe University) Strategies of Expansion: Chinese State‐Owned Energy TNCs and the Two Faces of Chinese Energy Elites Nana De Graa (Free University of Amsterdam) The Asia Pivot and the American Corporate‐Elite Think Tank Nexus Nana De Graa (Free University of Amsterdam) Bas aan Van Apeldoorn (Free University of Amsterdam) Intelligence Studies Improving Intelligence Analysts’ Understanding of Interna onal Actors and Outcomes through Social Sciences and History WD40: Wednesday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Stephen Marrin (James Madison University) Disc. Stephen Marrin (James Madison University) Panel Intelligence Analysis and Social Science Methods: Exploring the Poten al and Explaining the Limits of Mutual Learning Mark Phythian (University of Leicester) Intelligence Analysis and History‐‐History and Analysis: A Search for Common Goals and Standards Michael Warner (US Department of Defense) Culture as Constraint: Intelligence Analysis, Organiza ons, and Social Learning Richard James Aldrich (University of Warwick) Intelligence Analysis and Philosophy Terry C. Quist (U.S. Army) Foreign Policy Analysis Determinants of U.S. Foreign Policy a er 9/11: American Excep onalism or Domes c Interests? WD41: Wednesday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Richard W. Maass (Cornell University) Disc. James M. McCormick (Iowa State University) Panel A Bi er and Sweet Rela onship: Pakistan and the United States Sanjoy Banerjee (San Francisco State University) Gi ka Commuri (California State University, Bakers eld) The Military‐Industrial Complex and US Foreign Policy a er 9/11 Ronald Wade Cox (Florida Interna onal University) President Obama and the Role of American Excep onalism in a post ‐American World Georg Lö mann (University of Warwick) Organized Labor and U.S. Foreign Policy During the "War on Terror" G. Nelson Bass III (Nova Southeastern University) Unmaking an Excep on: A Cri cal Genealogy of U.S. Excep onalism David Hughes (UEA) Policy by Tautologies: How Ins tu onal Structures and Communica on Flaws Led to War Todd Joseph Barry (University of Southern Mississippi) Global Development Domes c to Inter-Na onal? Canadian Se ler Colonialism and Neoliberal Imaginaries WD42: Wednesday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair David Bruce MacDonald (University of Guelph) Panel Domes ca ng Reconcilia on: A Contrapuntal Reading of the 2008 “Statement of Apology to Former Students of Indian Residen al Schools” Julie Hyde (University of Manitoba) Reconstruc ng the Na on Through Mega‐Events: The Vancouver 2010 Olympic Games and Indigenous Peoples Laura Pin (York University ) Bi‐Na onalism as a form of Aboriginal‐Se ler Reconcilia on in a Mul cultural Context: What Can Canada Learn from New Zealand's Model of Power‐Sharing? David Bruce MacDonald (University of Guelph) Global Development Feminist Theory and Gender Studies Interna onal Poli cal Sociology Unse ling IR: Indigeneity, Se ler Colonialism, and Academic Knowledge Produc on WD43: Wednesday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Robbie G. Shilliam (Queen Mary, University of London) Download 5.69 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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