Assessing feasibility of hydropeacebuilding in the Jordan River Basin using serious gaming and a human ecosystem approach
Part. Anna M. Agathangelou (York University) Part
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Anna M. Agathangelou (York University) Part. Hayden King (Ryerson University) Part. Sheryl Ligh oot (University of Bri sh Columbia) Part. Sco Morgensen (Queen's University) Part. Meera Sabaratnam (SOAS, University of London) Part. Alina Sajed (McMaster University) Roundtable Interna onal Organiza on The New Global Governance of Forced Labour: Complexity and Convergence in State, Interna onal Organiza on, and Civil Society Ini a ves to Eradicate the Worst Forms of Exploita on WD44: Wednesday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Sébas en Rioux (University of Bri sh Columbia) Chair Chun‐Yi Lee (Univeristy of No ngham) Disc. Sébas en Rioux (University of Bri sh Columbia) Panel The ILO and its Expanding Remit Allowing Forced Labour Jean Allain (Queen's University Belfast) Migrants, Unfree Labour and the Legal Construc on of Domes c Servitude: Migrant Domes c Workers in the UK Kendra Strauss (Simon Fraser University ) Unfree Labour and Workfare Phoebe Moore (University of Middlesex London) Kirsten Forkert (Birmingham City University) Forced Labour and the State: the Business, Poli cs, and Governance of U.S. Prison Labor Programs Genevieve LeBaron (University of She eld) Governance Gaps in Eradica ng Forced Labour in Domes c Supply Chains: the Role of Complexity, Coordina on and Corrup on Andrew Crane (York University) Interna onal Poli cal Sociology Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Theorizing the Body in/and Space/Place WD45: Wednesday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Jessica Auchter (University of Tennessee at Cha anooga) Disc. Lauren Wilcox (University of Cambridge) Panel Violated Boundaries and Bodies That Move: Hungry Bodies in Bahía de Guantánamo Kandida Iris Purnell (University of Aberdeen) The Spaces Enemy Bodies Occupy Jessica Auchter (University of Tennessee at Cha anooga) Let There Be Bodies: Materializing the Word in Interna onal Rela ons Stefanie R. Fishel (Hobart William Smith) The Geopoli cs of Comba ng Violence Against Women (Away) Andra-Mirona Dragotesc (West University of Timisoara) Space, Place, and the Body in Social Movements: Dis/placing Bodies in HIV Ac vism Suzanne Hindmarch (University of Toronto) Interna onal Communica on Deriving Meaning from Spaces and Places: The Impact of Na on Brands on Economic, Social, Poli cal, and Cultural Rela ons WD46: Wednesday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair James Pamment (University of Texas at Aus n) Disc. James Pamment (University of Texas at Aus n) Panel When Branding Meets Foreign A airs: Branded Spaces and Places in IR Efe Sevin (American University) Craig Hayden (American University) Sweden, Inc and the campaign to sell JAS‐Gripen to the Swiss electorate James Pamment (University of Texas at Aus n) Ethnicity, Na onalism, & Migra on Studies Religion, State, and Na onalism WD48: Wednesday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Gregorio Be za (European University Ins tute) Disc. Gregorio Be za (European University Ins tute) Panel Imagining “Home” Abroad: Tibetan and Pales nian Ac vists in Chicago Atalia Omer (University of Notre Dame) Produc ve Intolerance: Godly Na onalism in Indonesia Jeremy Menchik (Dept of IR, Boston University) Religion and Belonging: A Response to the Experience of Immigra on in the Case of Central‐Eastern European Migrants in Ireland Vladimir Kmec (University of Cambridge) Respect & Produc on of Sa re: Contemporary Indicators of ‘Religious’ Integra on Amelie Barras (University of Montreal) Jasmine Gani (London School of Economics and Poli cal Science) The Determinants of Par cipa on in Conten ous Rituals Jonathan S. Blake (Columbia University) Post Communist States Security Issues & Central Asia: New Developments WD49: Wednesday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Omar Vera‐Muniz (Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola) Disc. Omar Vera‐Muniz (Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola) Disc. Aigerim Shilibekova (Eurasian Na onal University, Astana/Kazakhstan) Panel Great Powers, Security, and Kazakhstan Houman A. Sadri (University of Central Florida) Cherie J. Farrell (Florida Interna onal University) Bakyt Ospanova (L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian Na onal University) Zarina Kakenova (L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian Na onal University) Mul factorial as a Challenge to Regional Security System in Central Asia Zhanar Medeubayeva (L.N.Gumilev Eurasian Na onal University) Aizhan Serikbayeva (L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian na onal university) Migra on of Popula on in the Republic of Kazakhstan: Challenges and Possible Variants of their Se lement Bolat La povich Ta bekov (Suleyman Demirel University, Kazakhstan) Reuel Hanks (Oklahoma State University) Analysis of the Most Ar culated Threats in Central Asia (How Real Are ‘Security Threats’ in Central Asia?) Galym Zhussipbek (Suleyman Demirel University) Does Central Asia Exist? The Construc on of Regional Iden ty and Security Issues in Central Asia Raushan Yelmurzayeva (Eurasian Na onal University) Dana Akhmedyanova (Interna onal Rela ons Department, Interna onal Rela ons Faculty of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian Na onal University) Foreign Policy Analysis Par san Polariza on, Congress, and U.S. Foreign Policy WD50: Wednesday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Cris an A. Can r (Oakland University) Disc. Jessica De Alba‐Ulloa (Universidad Anahuac Mexico Norte) Panel Russophobia in U.S. Arms Control Discourse – The Case of New START David Parker (King's College, London) Democracy, the State, and War: Execu ve War Powers and the Use of Force by America Eric Hamilton (University of Southern California) Obama’s Treaty Troubles: Who is to Blame? Patrick Homan (Dominican University) Par san Polariza on over Foreign Policy in the US Congress Gyung-Ho Jeong (University of Bri sh Columbia) Congressional Foreign Policy Entrepreneurship and the Obama presidency: Lugar, Kyl and the New START Treaty Vincent Boucher (Université du Québec à Montréal) Ethnicity, Na onalism, & Migra on Studies Book Roundtable on "Survival Migra on: Failed Governance and the Crisis of Displacement" WD52: Wednesday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Alexander Be s (University of Oxford) Part. Kelly M. Greenhill (Tu s University, Harvard University) Part. Catherine Elizabeth Weaver (University of Texas at Aus n) Part. Philip Orchard (University of Queensland) Part. James Milner (Carleton University) Part. Alexandra Delano (The New School) Roundtable Interna onal Security Studies Strategic Challenges for NATO and Europe WD53: Wednesday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Serena Simoni (Samford University) Disc. Luis Simon (Ins tute for European Studies, Vrije Universiteit Brussel) Panel The EU, NATO and the Serbian Ques on: Between the Poli cs of Condi onality and the Poli cs of Enlargement Dejan Guzina (Wilfrid Laurier University) What (Discursive) Boundaries for the European Union as a Security Actor? Monica Oproiu (Na onal School of Poli cal Studies and Public Administra on) NATO a er 2014: Regional Alliance or Democra c Security Community (or both)? Jack J. Porter (Military College of South Carolina) From Deterrence to Out‐of‐Area Missions: The Geopoli cs of NATO’s Democracy Promo on in the Post‐Cold War Muge Kinacioglu (Hace epe University) Defense Coopera on and Integra on in the European Pluralis c Security Community Regina H. Karp (Old Dominion University) Interna onal Poli cal Economy The Poli cs of Trade Con ict and Coopera on WD54: Wednesday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Mariana Kalil (Rio de Janeiro Federal University) Disc. Lisa M. Samuel (College of Charleston) Panel Japan and the Liberaliza on of Trade in Services Gregory P. Corning (Santa Clara University) America's FTAs with Australia and Korea: Mo va ons, Complica ons, Implica ons David R. Hundt (Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia) The Centre‐Periphery Divide in the Euro‐Crisis Angelos Sepos (Al Akhawayn University) Preferen al Trade Agreements and Development Sarah Bermeo (Duke University) Interna onal Security Studies Security and the New Wars: Problema zing the Fading Dis nc on Between Public Safety and Interna onal Security WD55: Wednesday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Monica Herz (Pon cal Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro) Disc. Monica Herz (Pon cal Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro) Panel State Transforma ons and the Conduct of the War on Drugs in La n America: Nega ve Impacts on Democra c Consolida on, Human Rights and the Rule of Law in Mexico, Colombia and Brazil Bruce Bagley (University of Miami) Merging Ambiences of Security: The Fading Boundaries Between External and Internal Security Through the Case of the Brazilian Militariza on of the Public Safety Thiago Rodrigues (Universidade Federal Fluminense) Failed States or Failed ci es? Re‐scale security analysis. Manoela S. Miklos (Sao Paulo State University (UNESP)) The Visible and the Invisible: Con ict, Private Security, and Economic Development in Angola Tomaz Paoliello (San Tiago Dantas Program) Broken Mirrors: Drones Employment in Urban Scenarios and the Militariza on of Public Security: The Case of Rio de Janeiro Fernando Luz Brancoli (San Tiago Dantas Program, Unicamp, Unesp, PUC-SP) Interna onal Organiza on The Ongoing Struggle for In uence: Mid-Range Powers and Interna onal Organiza ons WD56: Wednesday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Karina Jędrzejowska (University of Warsaw, Ins tute of Interna onal Rela ons) Disc. Laura Carsten Mahrenbach (Technical University of Dresden) Panel Regionalism in Brazilian Foreign Policy – Past Trends and New Challenges Flavia de Campos Mello (Pon cal Catholic University of Sao Paulo) Norms in Global Economic Governance and Rising Powers Clara A. Brandi (German Development Ins tute) Challenging the DPT: India, Brazil and New Concepts of Democracy Diana Soller (University of Miami) The Policy Relevance of Interna onal Ins tu ons: A Case Study of the Arc c Council Andrew Chater (University of Western Ontario) The World Bank and Emerging Powers: Evolving Pa erns of Engagement Ali Burak Guven (Birkbeck, University of London) Poli cal Demography and Geography Ethnicity, Na onalism, & Migra on Studies Mobility, Migra on, and Popula on Policies and Laws: Cases from Across the Globe WD57: Wednesday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Vanja Petricevic (Florida Gulf Coast University ) Disc. Tadeusz Kugler (Roger Willams University) Panel The Demography of Israel’s 2013 Elec on: Ethnoreligious Poli cs and the Future of Israeli Democracy Richard Cinco a (The S mson Center) Keeping the Peace or Guarding the Moat Jeroen Doomernik (University of Amsterdam) Renée Daamen China's Interna onal Integra on and the E ects on the One Child Policy Danielle Cohen (Cornell University) Birth Sex Ra os and Popula on Policies in Asian States: Analyzing The Interplay of State Policies, Gender, and Interna onal Poli cs Andrea Den Boer (University of Kent) Between Systems of Responsibility: Filipino Workers in the United Arab Emirates Regina Nockerts (University of Denver) Interna onal Law Understanding State Behavior in Rela on to Interna onal Law WD58: Wednesday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Anne Holthoefer (University of Chicago) Disc. Mar n Renner (University of Tuebingen) Panel Levels of Commitment: Human Rights Trea es and Compliance Behavior Audrey L. Comstock (Cornell University) Keeping All Doors Open: Indonesia’s Non‐Ra ca on of the Rome Statute of the Interna onal Criminal Court Salla Garsky (University of Helsinki) Cons tu ng the Law of War in Drone Warfare Michael E. Newell (Syracuse University) Domes c Poli cal Inputs and Instrumental Generosity: The Role of Elite In‐Figh ng In the Crea on of Poli cally Expedient Humanitarianism in Belgium and South Korea Sean Christopher Anderson (Wayne State University) Seunghan Kim (Wayne State University) Ra ca on Without Enforcement, Enforcement Without Ra ca on Chris Kendall (Princeton University) Foreign Policy Analysis Energy Security & Climate Change: New Challenges in Geopoli cs and Foreign Policy WD59: Wednesday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Amy Below (Oregon State University) Disc. Randall E. Newnham (Pennsylvania State University) Panel Petroleum Poli cs South of the Sahara: A New "Scramble for Africa"? Robert E. Williams (Pepperdine University) Energy Deposits Under Disputed Boundaries Robert Or ung (George Washington University) Georgia on my Mind?: Russian Energy Sanc ons and the End of the ‘Rose Revolu on’ Randall E. Newnham (Pennsylvania State University) Climate Change, Role theory, and Geopoli cs Amy Below (Oregon State University) Two Worlds Colliding to Save the Planet: How Science and Poli cal Prac ce (Mis)Communicate on Global Climate Issues Felix S. Grenier (University of O awa) Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Neighbors Killing Neighbors?: Geography, Connec ons, and Poli cal Violence WD60: Wednesday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair William Brani (University of Maryland) Disc. Victor Asal (State University of New York at Albany) Panel Close at hand: Geography and VNSA Alliances Victor Asal (State University of New York at Albany) "They Must All Be Militants": Drone Strikes and Terrorism in Afghanistan and Pakistan James Walsh (University of North Carolina Charlo e) Domes c Compe on and Transna onal Poli cal Violence Jus n Conrad (University of North Carolina at Charlo e) The Contagious Di usion of Terrorism Gary LaFree (University of Maryland) Min Xie Aila M. Matanock (University of California, Berkeley, Poli cal Science) Mapping Territorial Control and Violent Armed Con ict Joseph Young (American University) Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Geopoli cs of the Middle East WD61: Wednesday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Mojtaba Mahdavi (University of Alberta) Disc. Mojtaba Mahdavi (University of Alberta) Panel The Arab Spring and the New Geopoli cs in the Middle East Adnan M. Hayajneh (Qatar University) Ethnic Mobiliza on, Globaliza on, and Conten ous Geopoli cs: The Case of Iran and Azerbaijan Geo rey F. Gresh (Na onal Defense University) The Geopoli cs of the Wahhabi Movement: Its Roots and its Contemporary Threat Deina A. Abdelkader (University of Massachuse s) Geopoli cs and the Gulf: Iran as "Threat" and the Arab Spring ‐ The Case of Bahrain Tamires Alves (UFF) Paloma Cupello (Universidade Federal Fluminense) Religion and Geopoli cs in the Syrian Crisis: Iran, Russia and Turkey Ioannis N. Grigoriadis (Bilkent University) Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Na onalism, Territory, and War WD62: Wednesday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Andrew J. Bowen (Rice University's Baker Ins tute) Disc. Uriel Abulof (Princeton University, Tel‐Aviv University) Panel Did History End? Democracy, Capitalism, Na onalism, Religion, War, and Boredom Since 1989 John Mueller (Ohio State University/Cato Ins tute) Na onalism and Interna onal System in Change: Principles and Prac ces Xuecun Liang (University of St Andrews) Challenging Borders, Reframing iden es: Lebanese Hezbollah and Sunni Fighters in Syria Elena Aoun (Université Catholique de Louvain) Didier Leroy (Royal Military Academy of Belgium) De ning Cyber‐Na onalism Across Mul ple Territorial Disputes Jonathan Allen Dixon (American University) Claiming One’s Territory by Violent or Non‐Violent Means: The Framing and Strategic Ac on of Self‐Determina on Movements Anne Theobald (University of Tuebingen) Interna onal Poli cal Sociology Contending Sovereign es? WD64: Wednesday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Peter Nyers (McMaster University) Disc. Peter Nyers (McMaster University) Panel Sovereign es, Temporali es, Limits Tom Lundborg (Stockholm University) Rela onal and Transna onal Sovereigns: Ar cula ng the Tenta ve and Emergent Authority of Sovereignty Over Time And Over Food Prem K. Rajaram (Central European University) The Role of Language in Narra ng Stories About Sovereignty Reiko Shindo (University of Tokyo ) Unbinding Sovereignty? Re ec ons on the Poli cs of Li le Nothings Jef Huysmans (Open University) Global Development Global South Caucus South-South Coopera on WD65: Wednesday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Jonathan R. Strand (University of Nevada, Las Vegas) Disc. Amentahru Wahlrab (University of Texas at Tyler) Panel South‐South Coopera on, Realpoli k, and the Changing Global Aid Architecture: Exploring the Evolving Role of China and India as Aid Providers in Africa Fahimul Quadir (York University) South‐South Narra ves of Brazilian Development Coopera on in Mozambique Danilo Marcondes de Souza Neto (University of Cambridge) Adriana Abdenur (PUC-Rio / BRICS Policy Center) New Actors, New Approaches? A Compara ve Analysis of Post‐ Interven on State‐Building Ac vi es in Hai by Brazil, Canada, Chile, and the United States from 2004‐2011 Karina Gould (University of Oxford) The Geopoli cs of Development Aid: India as an Emerging Donor Garima Mohan (Freie Universitat, Berlin) Interna onal Poli cal Sociology Spaces and Sites of Trauma & Memory: Visual, Cultural, and Poli cal Dimensions of Remembering and Forge ng in World Poli cs WD66: Wednesday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Dovile Budryte (Georgia Gwinne College) Disc. Viatcheslav Morozov (University of Tartu) Disc. Diogo M. Dario (University of St Andrews) Panel Tes monial Objects as “Points of Memory”: Exploring the Visual Dimension of Memory Construc on in Post‐Soviet Lithuania Dovile Budryte (Georgia Gwinne College) Film and Historical Memory: The Role of Filmmakers as Memory Entrepreneurs in US foreign policy and American iden ty Douglas Becker (University of Southern California) Expecta ons of Peace: Documenta on, Memorializa on, and the Construc on of the Archive in Northern Uganda Ma hew Sebas an (DePaul University) The “Sèvres Syndrome”: The Role of Memory and Trauma in Turkey’s Internal Percep on of EU Accession Isabel David (Universidade de Lisboa) Environmental Studies Instruments and Opportuni es for Environmental Policy Change WD67: Wednesday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Katharina Rie g (London School of Economics and Poli cal Science) Disc. Marco Vieira (University of Birmingham) Panel Turn Crisis into Opportunity: Reconstruc on of Climate Change Policy Maki Koga (Tokyo Ins tute of Technology) Interna onal Climate Policy Instruments as Examples of Transna onal Transi on Management and Strategic Niche Management Wolfgang Sterk (Wuppertal Ins tute for Climate, Environment and Energy) Karoline Augenstein (Wuppertal Ins tute for Climate, Environment, Energy) Timon Wehnert (Wuppertal Ins tute) Pull to the Poli cal Center or Di usion Across Geographical Scales? The Role of Policy Entrepreneurs in Environmental Governance Katharina Rie g (London School of Economics and Poli cal Science) Policy‐Industry Feedback Loops in the Success of Interna onal Environmental Nego a on Nina Kelsey (UC Berkeley) The Roles and Character of Leader States in the Di usion of Environmental Policy Lada V. Kochtcheeva (North Carolina State University) Peace Studies Globaliza on, Iden ty, and Peace Values WD68: Wednesday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Volker Franke (Kennesaw State University) Disc. Gavan Du y (Syracuse University) Panel Exercising Agency: Civic Groups and Con ict Management in Africa Bertha K. Amisi (Syracuse University) Transna onal Threats and Interna onal Military Educa on: Transferring Values, Norms and Prac ces Eliza Markley (Kennesaw State University) The Symbolic Meaning of Urban Space: Reconceptualizing Ci es in Con ict Everita Silina (The New School) Anomie of the Displaced in Global Space: Findings from the Niger River Delta Karen Gu eri (Naval Postgraduate School) The Role of Concepts of Space and Place in Israeli Peace‐making since 1967 Galia Golan (Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya, Hebrew University of Jerusalem) Religion and Interna onal Rela ons Feminist Theory and Gender Studies Troubling Encounters or Challenging Possibili es? Religion, War, and Feminist Approaches WD69: Wednesday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Swa Parashar (Monash University) Download 5.69 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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