Assessing feasibility of hydropeacebuilding in the Jordan River Basin using serious gaming and a human ecosystem approach
Part. James Daniel Philpo (University of Notre Dame) Part
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James Daniel Philpo (University of Notre Dame) Part. Janice Gross Stein (University of Toronto) Part. Iza Hussin (University of Chicago) Part. Leslie Vinjamuri (University of London) Part. Benjamin Berger (Osgoode Hall Law School, York University) Part. Stacey Gutkowski (King’s College London) Part. Erin K. Wilson (University of Groningen) Roundtable Scien c Study of Interna onal Processes Poli cal Demography and Geography Pa erns of Con ict Di usion TB04: Thursday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Charity Butcher (Kennesaw State University) Disc. Andrea Ruggeri (University of Amsterdam) Panel The Impact of Insurgent/Terrorist Organiza onal Structure on Con ict Progression Frederic Stephen Pearson (Wayne State University) Marie Olson Lounsbery (East Carolina University) Isil Akbulut (Wayne State University) Internal Armed Con ict: Projected Trends 2012‐‐2050 and the Con ict Tra Håvard Hegre (Department of Peace and Con ict Research, Uppsala University and Peace Research Ins tute Oslo) Haavard M. Nygaard (University of Oslo) Sco Gates (Peace Research Ins tute Oslo (PRIO) and Norwegian University of Science and Technoogy (NTNU)) How Terrorism Spreads: Informa on, Emula on, and the Spa al Di usion of Terrorism Sara Polo (University of Essex) Fear or Opportunity? Why Groups Start Figh ng in War‐Torn States Nils-Chris an Bormann (ETH Zurich) Jesse Hammond (University of California, Davis) Explaining the Outbreak and Spread of the Arab Revolts of 2011 Tansa G. Massoud (Bucknell University) Christopher S. Magee (Bucknell University) ISA Innova ve Panel Infec ous Disease, Security, and the Downside to Globaliza on: A Fred Friendly Seminar TB05: Thursday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Elizabeth Chalecki (S mson Center) Part. Marcus D. King (The George Washington University, Ellio School ) Part. John Hagen (U.S. Military Academy at West Point) Part. Natasha Bajema (Na onal Defense University) Part. Gregory W. White (Smith College) Part. Erik Dahl (Naval Postgraduate School) Part. Shannon Orr (Bowling Green State University) Part. Elisabeth Gra y (Arizona State University) Innova ve Panel Theory THEORY Honors the Work of Robert W. Cox TB06: Thursday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Shannon K. Brincat (University of Queensland) Part. Ritu Vij (University of Aberdeen) Part. Craig N. Murphy (Wellesley College and UMass Boston) Part. Vendulka Kubalkova (University of Miami) Part. Mustapha Kamal Pasha (Aberystwyth University) Hon. Robert W. Cox (York University) Dis nguished Scholar Feminist Theory and Gender Studies Interna onal Security Studies Interna onal Poli cal Economy Feminist Security Studies and Feminist Global Poli cal Economy: Crossing Divides and Rebuilding Bridges TB07: Thursday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Juanita Elias (University of Warwick) Chair Shirin M. Rai (University of Warwick) Part. Jacqui True (Monash University ) Part. Carol E. Cohn (Consor um on Gender, Security and Human Rights) Part. Katherine Allison (University of Glasgow) Part. Laura Sjoberg (University of Florida) Roundtable Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Jus ce and Security in Di cult Places and Hybrid Spaces TB08: Thursday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Henry Radice (London School of Economics and Poli cal Science) Part. Eileen Babbi (The Fletcher School, Tu s University) Part. Stephen J. Hopgood (School of Oriental and African Studies) Part. Mary H. Kaldor (London School of Economics and Poli cal Science) Part. Mareike Schomerus (London School of Economics and Poli cal Science) Roundtable Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Presiden al Roundtable: Recognizing the Contribu ons of John Mueller TB09: Thursday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Christopher J. Fe weis (Tulane University) Part. Richard Rosecrance (Harvard University) Part. Stephen Mar n Walt (Harvard University) Part. Steven Pinker (Harvard University) Part. Jacques E. C. Hymans (University of Southern California) Part. Nils Pe er Gleditsch (Peace Research Ins tute Oslo (PRIO)) Part. John Mueller (Ohio State University/Cato Ins tute) Roundtable Scien c Study of Interna onal Processes New Direc ons in Experiments in Interna onal Rela ons TB10: Thursday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Michael Findley (University of Texas at Aus n) Disc. Daniel L. Nielson (Brigham Young University) Disc. Lauren Prather (Stanford University) Panel Public Aid vs. Private Charity: Examining Generosity Towards the Domes c and Foreign Poor Lauren Prather (Stanford University) Students as World Leaders? Perspec ve Taking in Interna onal Rela ons Experiments Joshua D. Kertzer (Dartmouth College / Harvard University) Jonathan Renshon (University of Wisconsin-Madison) Reputa on, Informa on Asymmetry and NGO Opportunism: A Randomized Global Field Experiment Daniel L. Nielson (Brigham Young University) Michael Findley (University of Texas at Aus n) Distribu onal Concerns in Global Climate Change Mi ga on Mark Buntaine (University of California, Santa Barbara) The Credibility Paradox: Violence as a Double‐Edged Sword in Interna onal Poli cs Max Abrahms (Northeastern University) Global South Caucus Global Development Ac ve Learning in Interna onal A airs Assessing the Status of Teaching and Research on Development TB11: Thursday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Jacqueline Braveboy‐Wagner (City University of New York) Part. Nane e Archer Svenson (Tulane University) Part. Michael H. Allen (Bryn Mawr College) Part. Lisa Ann Richey (Roskilde University) Part. Dêlidji Eric Degila (Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3, France and Ecole Na onale d'Administra on, ENA du Bénin) Part. Vidyamali Samarasinghe (SIS, American University) Roundtable Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Interroga ng the Remaking of Place and Space in Global Development 2: The New Governance of Aid and Disaster Relief TB12: Thursday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Ma hew D. Crosston (Bellevue University) Disc. Philip McMichael (Cornell University) Panel Humaniterrorism? When Aid to Refugees Meets the ‘War on Terror’ Jennifer Hyndman (York University) Placing Climate Change Adapta on: From Representa on to Prac ce in the Poli cal Ecology of Disasters Marcus E. Taylor (Queen's University, Kingston) Resilience to Environmental Change: Neoliberalising Adapta on Romain Felli (University of Geneva) The Geopoli cs of the Disaster Industry: Cri cal Re ec ons of Relief and Reconstruc on Susanne M. Soederberg (Queen's University, Canada) “Spectacular NGOs”: Ac vism Without Ac on? Ilan Kapoor (York University) Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Security Issues in the Middle East TB13: Thursday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Zenon Tziarras (University of Warwick) Disc. Wesley B. Renfro (St. John Fisher College) Panel Europeaniza on of Foreign Policy Style: Case of Turkey Rahime Suleymanoglu Kurum (Istanbul Gelisim University) Channels of Di usion: Comparing the Color Revolu ons and the Arab Spring Te ah B. Alajmi (Rutgers University) Coopera on Between the EU and Turkey Regarding the Syrian Uprising Bugra Susler (London School of Economics and Poli cal Science) Arab Awakening: Is Islamic Neoliberalism the Only Op on? Abdy Javadzadeh (Florida Interna onal University) The "Turkish Spring" and its Discontents: A Renewed Fight for Turkey's State Iden ty Binnur Ozkececi-Taner (Hamline University) Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Presiden al Panel: New Fron ers in Quan ta ve Terrorism Research TB14: Thursday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Todd Sandler (University of Texas at Dallas) Disc. James A. Piazza (The Pennsylvania State University) Panel What is Terrorism? Joseph Young (American University) Interna onal Coopera on on Terrorism Thomas Jensen (University of Copenhagen) Natural Resources, Discrimina on and Ethnic Civil War James Walsh (University of North Carolina Charlo e) Understanding the Growth of African Terrorist Movements Navin Bapat (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) INTERPOL's MIND/FIND network in curbing transna onal terrorism Todd Sandler (University of Texas at Dallas) Junior Scholar Symposia Modern Con ict Between and Within States TB15: Thursday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair John A. Vasquez (University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign) Junior Scholar Junior Scholar Symposia Domes c and Interna onal Linkages in Con ict Analysis TB15-A: Thursday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Disc. Michelle Benson Saxton (University at Bu alo ‐ State University of New York) Disc. Cameron G. Thies (Arizona State University) JSS Group To Mi gate or to Aggravate? Democracy Aid, Civil War and Violent Unrest Sebas an Ziaja (University of Essex & German Development Ins tute / Deutsches Ins tut fuer Entwicklungspoli k (DIE)) Does Di erence Make a Di erence? Women Leaders and Peace Dura on Courtney N. Burns (University of Missouri) Rivalries, Con ict, and the Dura on of Authoritarian Regimes Joonbum Bae (University of California, Los Angeles) The Inadvertent Costs of Repression: Human Rights and Interna onal Con ict Colton He ngton (University of Missouri) Junior Scholar Symposia Ins tu ons, Norms, and Con ict TB15-B: Thursday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Disc. Zaryab Iqbal (Pennsylvania State University) JSS Group Interna onal Approval for Military Interven on: When Do IOs Support The Projec on of Military Force? Clayton J. Cleveland (University of Nevada, Reno) Ins tu onal Design and Military E ec veness in Mul na onal War Sara Bjerg Moller (Columbia University) Law, Norms and the Escala on of Mari me Disputes James Baker (Royal Military Academy Sandhurst) Junior Scholar Symposia Markets, Trade, and War TB15-C: Thursday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Disc. Brian Michael Pollins (The Ohio State University) JSS Group Tes ng the Capitalist Peace Theory and Economic Integra on on the Likelihood of War Andrew J. Heritage (Claremont Graduate University) Does Capital Fear War? Tes ng Capital Flight in the Face of Con ict Chia-Chien Chang (University of California, Santa Barbara) Jus n Rohrer (University of California Santa Barbara) The E ects of Sector‐Speci c Bilateral Trade Flows on Interven on into Civil War Katherine Felt (Binghamton University) Junior Scholar Symposia Nuclear Prolifera on TB15-D: Thursday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Disc. Je rey W. Knopf (Monterey Ins tute of Interna onal Studies) JSS Group Missiles and the Reduc on of Space Davis Florick (Creighton University) Intra‐Governmental Compe on and Nuclear Weapon Ac vity Abandonment: Predic ve Hypotheses and Empirical Findings Simon Palamar (Centre for Interna onal Governance Innova on/Carleton University) The Other Dimension of Prolifera on‐ Ver cal Prolifera on & The Case of China Susan Turner Haynes (George Mason University) A Radiant Trust: Explaining France’s Decision to Share Nuclear Secrets With The Federal Republic of Germany, 1956‐1958 Michael Urban (University of Oxford) Interna onal Security Studies Realist Ins tu onalism TB16: Thursday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair J. Samuel Barkin (University of Massachuse s Boston) Disc. Ronald R. Krebs (University of Minnesota) Panel Pres ge and Membership in Exclusive Interna onal Ins tu ons Jason William Davidson (University of Mary Washington) Power within IOs Aus n M. Carson (Princeton University) Alex Thompson (Ohio State University) Neoclassical Realism, Construc vism, and the Role of Ins tu ons J. Samuel Barkin (University of Massachuse s Boston) Strong Ins tu onaliza on and the Strategies of the Weak: Explaining Small States in the European Union Anders Wivel (University of Copenhagen) Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Presiden al Panel: Environmental Security Revisited: New Theore cal and Empirical Challenges TB17: Thursday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Marwa Daoudy (Georgetown University) Disc. Thomas F. Homer‐Dixon (University of Waterloo) Disc. Ken Conca (American University) Panel Geopoli cs, Global Security and Geoengineering Simon Dalby (Balsillie School of Interna onal A airs) Climate change, Water and Security: The Environment Successfully Securi zed? Marwa Daoudy (Georgetown University) Environmental Security and the Middle East Jeannie L. Sowers (University of New Hampshire) Erika S. Weinthal (Duke University) Preven ng Water Wars: Subs tutability or Complementarity of Interna onal and Domes c Ins tu ons Jaroslav Tir (University of Colorado) Women's Caucus Peace Studies Feminist Theory and Gender Studies Women and Post-Con ict Transforma on TB18: Thursday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair J. Ann Tickner (American University) Part. Helen S. A. Basini (University of Limerick) Part. Joyce P. Kaufman (Whi er College) Part. Megan H. MacKenzie (The University of Sydney) Part. Kristen Williams (Clark University) Roundtable Interna onal Security Studies The Dynamics of Great Power Poli cs TB19: Thursday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Robert Art (Brandeis University) Disc. Robert Art (Brandeis University) Panel When are Great Powers Super? Why Periodiza on Ma ers for IR Theory Robert Musgrave (Georgetown University) Revisionists and Networks in Great Power Poli cs Stacie Goddard (Wellesley College) Shi ing Assets, Sharing Burdens: Great Powers and Strategies of Retrenchment Joseph M. Parent (University of Miami) Decline and Its Consequences: Rising State Strategies towards Declining Great Powers Joshua R. Itzkowitz Shifrinson (Massachuse s Ins tute of Technology) The Missing Dimension: Time and the Rise of Great Powers David M. Edelstein (Georgetown University) Environmental Studies Global Development Tales of Power, Tales of Change? Telling New Narra ves About Global Environmental Poli cs TB20: Thursday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Katharina C. L. Glaab (University of Münster) Disc. Tobias Dan Nielsen (Lund University) Panel Embracing the Forbidden? A New Environmental Poli cs of Sacri ce Michael Maniates (Yale-NUS College) Food Sovereignty: Tracking a Narra ve from South to North Simon Nicholson (American University) Performing ‘Green Europe’ in the Face of Tragedy: Contending Narra ves about European Fisheries Stephan Engelkamp (University of Münster) Faith in Sustainability: Ethical Responses to the Ecological Crisis Katharina C. L. Glaab (University of Münster) Global Environmental Poli cs: An Integral Narra ve Karen Li in (University of WAshington) Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Presiden al Panel: Spa al Elements of Interna onal Rela ons TB21: Thursday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Paul F. Diehl (University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign) Disc. Paul F. Diehl (University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign) Panel The Importance of Size and Space: Comparing Local Level and State Level Findings on Civil War Violence and Analyzing the MAUP Ashly Adam Townsen (University of Illinois) Bryce W. Reeder (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign) Ma hew Powers (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) Is Food Poli cs Local or Global? Benjamin T. Jones (The University of Mississippi) Eleonora Ma acci (The Ohio State University) Complex Emergencies Clionadh A. Raleigh (University of Dublin) Displacement or Containment? Peacekeeping and the Loca ons of Intrastate Poli cal Violence Kyle Beardsley (Duke University) Kris an Skrede Gleditsch (University of Essex) Interna onal Poli cal Economy IPE and IR Theory TB22: Thursday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Panel Global Trade and Systemic Crisis: Do Exis ng Theories Explain Contemporary Trade Policies? James W. Davis (University of St. Gallen) E ects of the IMF and the World Bank on Financial Policy Reforms Sawa Omori (Interna onal Chris an University) History and Crisis Theory: A Contribu on to the Construc vist and Cultural Poli cal Economy Approaches Amin Samman (City University London) Varie es‐of‐Financializa on in the Reform of Interna onal Financial Regula on Marcel Heires (Goethe University Frankfurt) Interna onal Poli cal Sociology Interna onal Security Studies Cri cal Approaches to Nuclear Weapons 2 TB23: Thursday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Maria Rost Rublee (Australian Na onal University) Disc. Ritu Mathur (McMaster University, Canada) Panel Construc ng the Power of Nuclear Weapons Anne Harrington (American Poli cal Science Associa on) Normalizing Zero: Dislodging the Habituated Nature of Nuclear Weapons Marianne Hanson (University of Queensland) Innova on in Nuclear Thinking: Incompetent, Dangerous or Fu le? Benoit Pelopidas (University of Bristol) A Gendered Nuclear Divide – Gender in Sweden’s Nuclear Reversal 1954‐1968 Emma Magdalena Rosengren (Stockholm university) Reassessing the Grand Nuclear Bargain: Dysfunc onal, But Stable? Ulla Jasper (Center for Security Studies, Zurich) Interna onal Poli cal Sociology Feminist Theory and Gender Studies Poli cs of Representa on 2: IR as Storytelling TB24: Thursday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Ca a Cecilia Confor ni (Wellesley College) Disc. Daniel J. Levine (The University of Alabama) Panel Lawrence of Arabia Meets Che Guevara: Roman c Narra ves of Rebellion in Libya and the Marginaliza on of Human Rights Abuses Alexander Spencer (Ludwig-Maximillians-University Munich) Governance at the Space of the Theater: The Logic of Dramaturgical Interac on in Interna onal Poli cs Shane Markowitz (Central European University) For a Narra ve Theory of Interna onal Rela ons Chiara De Franco (University of Southern Denmark) The Aesthe c Turn Meets Cri cal Race Theory Danielle Blab (McMaster University) Popular Culture, Terrorism, Security, and Iden ty: The Daily Show and the Stabiliza on of Elite Discourse Jacob L. Stump (Shepherd University) Peace Science Society (Interna onal) The Advantages and Disadvantages of Media-Sourced Data on Con ict TB25: Thursday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Idean Salehyan (University of North Texas) Disc. Chris an Davenport (University of Michigan) Panel Source Selec on and Con ict Data: Assessing Various forms of Media Bias Idean Salehyan (University of North Texas) Cullen Hendrix (Korbel School, University of Denver) Talkin' Bout a Revolu on: Comparing al‐Jazeera Repor ng of the Arab Spring in Arabic and English Joakim Kreutz (Swedish Ins tute for Interna onal A airs) Mihai Catalin Croicu (Uppsala University) PETRARCH: Python Engine for Text Resolu on And Related Coding Hierarchy Philip A. Schrodt (Parus Analy cal Systems) John Beieler (Pennsylvania State University) Christopher Boylan Muhammed Idris (The Pennsylvania State University) How Much War Do We See? Repor ng Bias in Con ict Event Data Nils Weidmann (University of Konstanz) Using Crowdsourcing To Measure Militarized Interstate Disputes: A Pilot Study Vito D'Orazio (Harvard University, IQSS) Michael Kenwick Ma hew Aus n Lane (The Pennsylvania State University) Glenn Palmer (Pennsylvania State University) Human Rights Interna onal Ethics Holding Corpora ons Accountable: Ethics, MNCs, and Global Human Rights TB26: Thursday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Hevina S. Dashwood (Brock University) Disc. Hevina S. Dashwood (Brock University) Panel Race and Racism in World Poli cs: A Special Focus on Asia Aigul Kulnazarova (School of Global Studies, Tama University) CSR in Con ict Zones and Fragile States: The Case of Colombia Gonzalo A. Vargas (Universidad de los Andes) "Transla ng" Human Rights to Interna onal Markets‐ The Emergence of a Private Human Rights Regime? Ioana Alexandra Tuta (Graduate Ins tute of interna onal and Development Studies) The Pursuit of Transna onal Corporate Accountability: A Comparison of Norm Crea on in Voluntary and Binding Arenas Claire Palmer (University of Oxford) The Poten al and Limita ons of Voluntary Codes of Conduct as a Means to Protec ng Human Rights: The Baby Food Marke ng Example Tracey Wagner-Rizvi (Balsillie School of Interna onal A airs, University of Waterloo) Scien c Study of Interna onal Processes Human Rights Instruments of Repression TB27: Thursday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Disc. Dursun Peksen (University of Memphis) Panel Coercive Ins tu ons & State Violence under Authoritarianism Sheena Chestnut Greitens (Harvard University) Loyalty and Defec on: Towards a Theory of Security Forces’ Behavior during Popular Revolts Alejandro A. Pachon (Norman Paterson School of Interna onal A airs) Post‐Elec on Violence in Compe ve Authoritarian Regimes Jennifer Notariano Giardina (University of New Orleans) Divided Loyal es: Agency Loss and Agents of Repression Paul Lorenzo Johnson (University of California, Davis) Interna onal Ethics Massacres and Morality: Interna onal Ethics Sec on Book Prize Winner, 2013 TB28: Thursday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Neta Carol Crawford (Boston University) Download 5.69 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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