Assessing feasibility of hydropeacebuilding in the Jordan River Basin using serious gaming and a human ecosystem approach
Part. Philip Steinberg (Durham University) Part
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Philip Steinberg (Durham University) Part. Chris an Wirth (Gri th University) Part. Jordan Branch (Brown University) Part. Hannes Hansen‐Magnusson (University of Hamburg) Roundtable Interna onal Security Studies Hegemonic Interven ons and Military Occupa ons in At-Risk States TC30: Thursday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair R. William Ayres (Wright State University) Disc. R. William Ayres (Wright State University) Panel The Domes c and Interna onal Sources of Regime Con icts Erin Jenne (Central European University) Harris G. Mylonas (George Washington University) Stefan Wol (University of Birmingham) Exi ng Military Interven ons David M. Edelstein (Georgetown University) A New "Civilizing Mission"?: The French Presence in West Africa in the 21st Century Marc Pape NATO Interven on in Libya: A Humanitarian Success? Alan J. Kuperman (University of Texas) America's Allies and Withdrawal from Iraq and Afghanistan Jason William Davidson (University of Mary Washington) Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on The Geopoli cs of Mediterranean Security: Middle Eastern, European, and US Perspec ves TC31: Thursday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Joseph R. Cerami (Texas A&M University) Disc. Joseph R. Cerami (Texas A&M University) Panel Regionaliza on of Security: Europe’s Military Responses to the MENA Crisis Andrew Michta The Arab Spring at Three: Implica ons for Mediterranean Security Amr Yossef Joseph R. Cerami (Texas A&M University) The Growing Iran‐Turkey Rivalry: Strategic or Ideological? Mohammad Tabaar (Texas A & M University) So Near, Yet So Far: NATO and the Mediterranean Seth A. Johnston (United States Military Academy) The Geopoli cs of the Sunni‐Shi'i Ri A.R. Norton (Boston University) Interna onal Security Studies Cybersecurity: Future Challenges and Direc ons TC32: Thursday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Nori Katagiri (Air War College) Disc. Ryan Grauer (University of Pi sburgh) Panel O ense, Defense, and Cyber War Wade Huntley (Naval Postgraduate School) The New Virtual Ba le eld: Washington's O ensive Strategy and the Militariza on of Cyberspace. William Grenier-Chalifoux (Chaire Raoul-Dandurand, UQAM) Elisabeth A. Vallet (University of Quebec in Montreal (UQAM)) Deterrence Through Norms in Cyberspace Vit Stritecky (Charles University, Prague) Con ict in a Priva zed Environment Hans-Inge Langø (University of Texas at Aus n) The Case of Brazil Reloaded: Interconnec vity and Customiza on as Key Variables for Cyber Security Diego Rafael Canabarro (University of Massachuse s (Amherst) / Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (Brasil)) Thiago Borne Ferreira (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul) Interna onal Educa on Interna onal Ethics Ac ve Learning in Interna onal A airs Opening Access and Removing Barriers to Global Educa on TC33: Thursday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Beth‐Ann Kutchma (University of North Carolina‐Chapel Hill) Part. Tripp Tu le (The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) Part. Grecthen Cook‐Anderson Part. Andrew Gordon (Diversity Abroad) Part. Ki y Stalberg (University of North Carolina) Roundtable Global South Caucus Interna onal Poli cal Economy The Signi cance of Geopoli cs in Global South IR TC34: Thursday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Jacqueline Braveboy‐Wagner (City University of New York) Disc. Cli ord E. Gri n (North Carolina State University) Panel Adap ng to Constructed Geopoli cal Des ny: The Caribbean Jacqueline Braveboy-Wagner (City University of New York) The Persistence of Geopoli cal Thinking in Cuba‐US Rela ons Elsada Diana Cassells (Lehman College, CUNY) Nigeria: Regional Geopoli cal Issues Paul G. Adogamhe (University of Wisconsin-Whitewater) Seeking Geopoli cal Alterna ves in Developing Eurasia: The Case of Belarus Jason E. Strakes (Ilia State University) Seeking Small State Op ons: S.E. Asia Alan Chong (S Rajaratnam School of Interna onal Studies, Nanyang Technological University) Poli cal Demography and Geography The Rise of Poli cal Demography: Honoring the Work of Jack Goldstone TC35: Thursday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Richard Cinco a (The S mson Center) Disc. Richard Cinco a (The S mson Center) Part. Jennifer Sciubba (Rhodes College) Part. Jack A. Goldstone (George Mason University) Part. Thomas F. Homer‐Dixon (University of Waterloo) Part. Valerie Hudson (The Bush School of Government and Public Service, Texas A&M University) Part. Philip A. Schrodt (Parus Analy cal Systems) Part. Monica Du y To (University of Oxford) Hon. Jack A. Goldstone (George Mason University) Dis nguished Scholar Interna onal Poli cal Economy In uencing Interna onal Rela ons: Power Poli cs, Informal Poli cs, or Both? TC36: Thursday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Charles Lipson (University of Chicago) Disc. Daniel L. Nielson (Brigham Young University) Panel Rising Powers and the Use of Informal IGOs to Bypass Formal Ins tu onal Constraints Felicity A. Vabulas (University of Chicago) Informal Poli cs in Mul lateral Aid Organiza ons and the Alloca on of Contracts Elena V. McLean (Texas A&M University) Who Loses When Interna onal Organiza ons Change? Evidence from the Global Environment Facility Johannes Urpelainen (University of Michigan) Patrick Bayer (University of Mannheim) Informal Governance, Networks and the Poli cs of Blood Diamonds Oliver Westerwinter (European University Ins tute) The Informal Poli cs of World Bank Lending Randall W. Stone (University of Rochester) Rabia Malik (University of Rochester) Human Rights Interna onal Law and Human Rights TC37: Thursday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Carolyn M. Shaw (Wichita State University) Disc. Carolyn M. Shaw (Wichita State University) Panel Figh ng Poli cal Corrup on: The Roles of Interna onal Conven ons Dave Benjamin (University of Bridgeport) Hate, Human Rights, and Interna onal Law Andrew S. Thompson (Balsillie School of Interna onal A airs) Interna onal Human Rights Law Implementa on through Domes c Law Jacob P. Wobig (Western State Colorado University) Occupa on, Sovereignty, and Interna onal Responsibility in Israel‐ Pales ne Virginia Tilley (University of the South Paci c ) Peace Studies Interna onal Ethics Raising the Bar: Ethics in Peacebuilding and Con ict Resolu on TC38: Thursday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Maneshka Eliatamby (Communi es Without Boundaries Interna onal, Inc) Disc. Sandra Cheldelin (George Mason University) Panel Peacebuilding as a Security Prac ce: A Cri cal Approach Burak Toygar Halistoprak (Bilkent University) Ethics in Peace Support Opera ons: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Afghanistan and Beyond Jean-Renold Al dor (Communi es Without Boundaries Interna onal, Inc. (CWBI)) Rethinking the Pedagogy of Ethics in Peace & Con ict Sandra Cheldelin (George Mason University) The Nonviolence of Ethics: Towards an Ethical Framework Johnny J. Mack (Communi es Without Boundaries Interna onal, Inc.) The Researched and The Researcher: "Ethics" the Invisible and Universal Thread that Binds Us? Maneshka Eliatamby (Communi es Without Boundaries Interna onal, Inc) Ethics in the Pedagogy of Peacebuilding: The Case of Experien al Learning Ele herios Michael (American University) Commi ee on the Status of Representa on & Diversity Diversify or Die: Representa on and Diversity in IR and Compara ve Poli cs TC39: Thursday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Arturo C. Sotomayor (Naval Post‐Graduate School) Disc. Chris an Davenport (University of Michigan) Part. Mona Lena Krook (Rutgers University) Part. Rose McDermo (Department of Poli cal Science, Brown University) Part. Aaron Belkin (Palm Center) Part. Sandra McEvoy (Wheelock College) Cmt. Chair Sara McLaughlin Mitchell (University of Iowa) Commi ee Panel Foreign Policy Analysis Theore cal Advancements in Compara ve Foreign Policy Analysis TC40: Thursday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Wolfgang Mar n Wagner (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) Disc. Marijke Breuning (University of North Texas) Panel Parliament Finds Its Voice: Analyzing the UK House of Commons' Vote on Syria in Theore cal and Compara ve Contexts Juliet Kaarbo (University of Edinburgh) Daniel P. Kenealy (University of Edinburgh) Cons tu onal and Poli cal Restric ons on the Use of Force: A Compara ve Analysis of Prevalent Regula ons and their Evolu on over Time Patrick A. Mello (Technische Universität Dresden) Comparing Legislatures in Military Interven ons: the U.S. and U.K. in Iraq and Afghanistan David Auerswald (Na onal Defense University) Comparing Liberal Democracies' Policies towards North Korea Michal Onderco (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) Wolfgang Mar n Wagner (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) Transatlan c Warfare Rhetoric and Prospect Theory Henrike Viehrig (University of Bonn) Interna onal Poli cal Economy Business Actors in World Poli cs – Corporate Percep ons, Perspec ves, and Prac ces of Global Governance TC41: Thursday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Aleksandra Fernandes da Costa (University of Exeter) Chair Ma hias Ho erberth (University of Texas, San Antonio) Disc. Hevina S. Dashwood (Brock University) Panel “And of course our major contribu on remains to run a decent business” – Making Sense of Shell and ExxonMobil in Global Governance Ma hias Ho erberth (University of Texas, San Antonio) Con ict Management Prac ces by Mining Companies: Stakeholder Engagement and Local Governance Factors Esther Thomas (Freie Universität Berlin) Corporate Poli cal Prac ce: Represen ng the Business Perspec ve as an Interna onal Board Member of the Extrac ve Industries Transparency Ini a ve (EITI) Aleksandra Fernandes da Costa (University of Exeter) Transla ng Norms of Corporate Social Responsibility into Prac ce: How are Firms Reac ng to Changes in the Marketplace of Ideas? Kelly Kollman (University of Glasgow) Oil Mul na onal Corpora ons and the Quest for ‘social licence to operate’ in Africa: The case of Di erent Approaches but Similar Consequences in Nigeria Uwa okun Idemudia (York University) Compara ve Interdisciplinary Studies Winners and Losers of Globaliza on: A Compara ve Interdisciplinary Understanding TC42: Thursday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Sai Felicia Krishna‐Hensel (Auburn Montgomery) Part. Tina Mavrikos‐Adamou (Hofstra University) Part. Artur Gruszczak (Jagiellonian University) Part. Howard M. Hensel (Air War College) Part. Steve On (Na onal Sun Yat‐sen University) Part. Dorota J. Gierycz (City University of New York) Roundtable Scien c Study of Interna onal Processes Irregular Armed Forces, Coercion, and Statebuilding TC43: Thursday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Lee Seymour (Leiden University) Disc. Lee Seymour (Leiden University) Disc. Paul S. Staniland (University of Chicago) Panel The Rise, Fall, and Func ons of State‐Sponsored Mili as Ariel I. Ahram (Virginia Tech) Debunking the Sta onary Bandit Myth: Violence and Governance in Statebuilding History Kimberly Marten (Barnard College) The Logic of State Outsourcing of Violence to Domes c Nonstate Actors Yelena Biberman (Brown University) Regional Coopera on and Internal Con ict: Does Coopera on Reduce External Support for Rebel Groups? Belgin San Akca (Koç University) War, Coups, and the Development of Coercive Ins tu ons Erica De Bruin (Yale University) Foreign Policy Analysis China's So Power TC44: Thursday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Joel R. Campbell (Troy University) Disc. Setsuko Tamura (Yamaguchi Prefectural University) Panel China Goes to Africa: A Strategic Move? Jianwei Wang (University of Macau) Jing Zou (University of Macau) Status, Security, and So Power: Understanding China's Quest for Global Leadership Chin-Hao Huang (University of Southern California) Chinese In uence in Africa: Contemporary U.S. Foreign Policy Issues Rebecca M. Krusz (University of Arkansas) Compara ve Interdisciplinary Studies Whose Governance? Theory and Prac ce in Contemporary World Order TC45: Thursday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Lucia Najslova (Charles university in Prague) Disc. Catarina Isabel Tully (Strategy & Security Ins tute, Exeter University, UK) Panel Indigenous or Illiberal? Towards a New Framework For the Study of Hybrid Regimes Kateryna Pishchikova (Cornell Ins tute for European Studies) Richard Youngs (Carnegie Endowment and Warwick University ) Venue‐Shopping for Interna onal Mobility. Emerging Countries as Interna onal Rule‐Shapers? Sandra Lavenex (University of Lucerne) Flavia Jurje (University of Lucerne/LSE Visi ng Fellow) Statehood and Segmentary Governance Till Förster (University of Basel) Remembering the State: From Mature Authoritarianism to Post‐ Authoritarianism Dina Bishara (University of Oxford) Nathan Brown (George Washington University) Foreign Policy Analysis Leaders, Ins tu ons, and Socializa on TC46: Thursday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Elena Aoun (Université Catholique de Louvain) Disc. Mark Ayyash (Mount Royal University ) Panel UNESCO Directors‐General and Organiza onal Con nuity and Change Roger A. Coate (Georgia College, University of South Carolina) Je rey A. Gri n (University of Nevada, Reno) His Life Before the Presidency: Barack Obama's Foreign Policy Role and In uence in the 109th and 110th Congresses Frederick Gagnon (University of Quebec at Montreal) Christophe Clou er (Université du Québec à Montréal) Linking the Opera onal Code Construct and Agent Socializa on by Interna onal Ins tu ons Klaus Brummer (University of Erlangen Nuremberg) A New Theory of High‐Impact Leaders Gautam Mukunda (Harvard Business School) Legacy Media on: US Presidents as Mediators Just Before Leaving O ce Anat Niv-Solomon (City University of New York) Standing Group on Interna onal Rela ons of the ECPR Small States in the Age of Global Flows TC48: Thursday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Tozun Bahcheli ( King's University College at Western University) Disc. Mika P. Aaltola (The Finnish Ins tute of Interna onal A airs ‐ Tallinn University) Panel Transna onalising Governance in Estonia: Strategies of Learning and Adapta on in a Polycentric Global World Mari-Liis Jakobson (Tallinn University) Nordic Mari me Security and Supply: The Opening of the Ar c Corridor Harri Mikkola (The Finnish Ins tute of Interna onal A airs) Juha H. Käpylä (University of Tampere) Neo‐Liberal Small States and Economic Crisis: Lessons for Democra c Corpora sm Baldur Thorhallsson (University of Iceland) Finland is an Island ‐ Emerging Hub and Spoke Dynamics in Bal c Sea Mika P. Aaltola (The Finnish Ins tute of Interna onal A airs - Tallinn University) Interna onal Poli cal Sociology Norm Development and its Discontents TC49: Thursday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Mikael Baaz (University of Gothenburg) Disc. Hans‐Mar n Jaeger (Carleton University) Panel The Power of Norms: Norm Decline in Interna onal Organiza ons Susan M. Park (University of Sydney) Antje Ve erlein (Copenhagen Business School) The Norma ve Sources of Human Rights Regression Rebecca Sanders (University of Cincinna ) Issue‐Area Linkages as a Source of Norm Contesta on: the Trade‐ Development Nexus Clara Weinhardt (Global Public Policy Ins tute) How Can Spa al and Temporal Discourses Strengthen Theories of Norm Internaliza on? Sally Beckenham (Kings College London) Disagreement and Ac vism Across Borders: The UN Special Rapporteur for the Right to Food, Publicity, and Equality of Speech in Canada Benjamin Butler (University of O awa) Peace Studies Global South Caucus Con ict Transforma on and Resistance in Pales ne I TC50: Thursday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Naomi Weinberger (Columbia University) Disc. Mandy Turner (Council for Bri sh Research in the Levant) Panel Chao c Inclusion and Resistant Exclusion: Human Rights, Pales ne and the United Na ons Reframed Abigail Bakan (University of Toronto) Yasmeen Abu-Laban (The University of Alberta) Disciplining Popular Resistance: The Case of Israel and the Occupied Pales nian Territories Nada Ghandour-Demiri (University of Bristol) The Convergence of Pales nian ‘Fayyadism’ and Israeli ‘Economic Peace’ and Its Impact on Con ict Transforma on Tariq Da'na (The Graduate Ins tute of Interna onal and Development Studies- Geneva) Occupied Pales ne, Aid For ‘Peace’ and the Arab Uprisings: New Games, Old Rules Alaa Tar r (The London School of Economics and Poli cal Science, LSE) Theorizing Resistance in Interna onal Rela ons: A Compara ve Perspec ve on the Occupa ons of Lebanon, Pales ne and Western Sahara Johannes Becke (Freie Universitaet Berlin) A Transforma ve Decade: Hamas 2000 to 2010 Tareq Baconi (Kings College London) Interna onal Security Studies Energy Security: Sustainability and Scarcity TC51: Thursday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair David Igna us Torre (University of Calgary) Disc. David Igna us Torre (University of Calgary) Panel The Energy, Sustainability, and Security Nexus: Problema c Conceptual and Pragma c Rela ons Crister S. Garre (University of Leipzig) Michel Gueldry (Monterey Ins tute of Interna onal Studies) Energy Diplomacy: Power, Persuasion and Sovereignty in the 21st Century Ginta T. Palubinskas (West Virginia State University) A Nuclear Rethink: Making Sense of the Nuclear Renaissance in the Developing World David Igna us Torre (University of Calgary) Mexican Interna onal Studies Associa on Mexico's Foreign Policy Under Enrique Pena Nieto: Trends and Perspec ves TC52: Thursday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Modesto Seara‐Vazquez (Technological University of the Mixteca (UTM)) Disc. Roberto Dominguez (European University Ins tute) Panel Energy and Mexico's Foreign Policy: Diversi ca on, New Markets, New Sources, and New Models Marcela Lopez-Vallejo (Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla (UPAEP)) Public Opinion and Foreign Policy: Analyzing a Decade of Mexico, the Americas, and the World Survey Jorge Alberto Schiavon (CIDE) Has Mexico Ever Had a Foreign Policy Towards the Middle East? Marta Tawil Mexican Foreign Aid at Stake During the First Year of President Pena Nieto Juan P. Prado-Lallande (Universidad Autónoma de Puebla) Interna onal Security Studies Governance, Security, and Civil Society TC53: Thursday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Laura K. Landolt (Oakland University) Disc. Darius E. Watson (Bellevue University) Panel Rethinking Topographies of Poli cal Violence: The "Global" as a Space of Violent Resistance Fiona Adamson (SOAS, University of London) Uncertainty and Principles: How Protest In uences Security Policy John David Payne (Sam Houston State University) Responsibiliza on of Civil Society and Governmental Ra onality of Security Community Building Filip Ejdus (Faculty of Poli cal Sciences, University of Belgrade) Insurgency 4.0: Social Media's e ect on Contemporary Insurgent Strategy Paul Brister (US Air Force Special Opera ons Command) Protes ng for Protec on: The E ects of Social Movements Against Civil War Violence Oliver Kaplan (University of Denver) Interna onal Organiza on Environmental Studies Environmental Issues and Interna onal Coopera on TC54: Thursday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Nina Hall (Her e School of Governance) Disc. Marina E. Henke (Northwestern University) Panel Framing and Rhetorical Dominance for Climate Change Interna onal Policy Development Steven B. Rothman (Ritsumeikan Asia Paci c University) Thai Thu Nguyen Regula ng Concentrated and Di use Stakeholders: Field Surveys on Governing Mercury and Biodiversity Alexander Ovodenko (Princeton University) The EU Timber Regula on and the Fight Against Illegal Logging: Does Brussels’ Axe Cut Down Private Regula ons? Mar jn Vlaskamp (Ins tut Barcelona d'Estudis Internacionals (IBEI)) The 'Power of Process': Process Management and Mul lateral Nego a ons Kai Monheim (London School of Economics) Broadened Environmental NGO Networks: Implica ons for NGO Par cipa on in Interna onal Climate Change Policies Aja Bine e (Temple University) Interna onal Poli cal Economy Liberalisms in Crisis TC55: Thursday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Marc Venhaus (Graduate School of Global Poli cs, Freie Universität Berlin & Fudan University Shanghai) Disc. Ralph Carter (Texas Chris an University) Panel Is China—U.S. Economic Coopera on an An dote to Strategic Con ict? Jonathan Luckhurst (Tecnologico de Monterrey) The New Face of Accumula on by Dispossession: The Speech of CSR and Human Rights Daniel Guedes de Andrade (Simon Fraser University) Malaysian and Turkish Experiences: Alterna ve Model for Egypt Ali Abo Rezeg (eastern mediterranean university) Aylin Guney Gurzel (Eastern Mediterranean University) The Spa o‐Temporal Mobility of Austerity Policy Heather Whiteside (University of Bri sh Columbia) The Global Economic Crises and the United States: Does the United States S ll Maintain the Moral Authority and Ability to Promote Liberal Economic Policies? Yeonmin Cho (Towson University) Foreign Policy Analysis Foreign Policy Making in Weak States: The Case of Iraq TC56: Thursday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Coralie Pison Hindawi (American University of Beirut, Lebanon) Disc. Coralie Pison Hindawi (American University of Beirut, Lebanon) Panel The Impact of Re‐emergent Authoritarianism on Iraqi State Capacity Shamiran Mako (University of Edinburgh) "Hezbollah on the Tigris"? The Iraqi Sadrist Movement and the “Hezbollah model” Michael Clark (University of Cambridge) Foreign Policy Making in Weak States: How the Case of Iraq Challenges Foreign Policy Analysis Frameworks Nussaibah Younis (Harvard University) Communica ng KRG Foreign Policy Renad Mansour (University of Cambridge) Interna onal Law The Poli cs of Interna onal Criminal Law TC57: Thursday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair James D. Rae (California State University Sacramento) Disc. Claudia Alvarenga Marconi (Pon cal Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC‐SP) and University Anhembi Morumbi) Panel Prac ces of Responsibility at the Interna onal Criminal Court Kirsten Ainley (London School of Economics and Poli cal Science) Jus ce From Above, Jus ce From Below: Post‐Transi onal Trials in La n America as Civil Society and Judicial Networking Cath Collins (University of Ulster) Forum‐Shopping Among Interna onal Courts: The Case of the Interna onal Criminal Legal Regime Nicole De Silva (University of Oxford) The ICC & the Crime of Aggression: Implica ons for Humanitarian Interven on Carrie Booth Walling (Albion College) Interna onal Organiza on The Performance of the African Union TC58: Thursday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Mitu Sengupta (Ryerson University) Disc. Cyril Obi (Social Science Research Council) Panel Theorizing AU’s Performance on Poli cal Governance: Solidarity Poli cs View Thomas Kwasi Tieku (King's, University of Western Ontario ) Performing Global Age Pan Africanism via the Evolving African Supra ‐State Rita Kiki Edozie (Michigan State University) The African Union: Constraining the Space for Interna onal Actors in Africa’s Security Challenges Alfredo Hengari (Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne) The African Union and the Regional Coopera on Ini a ve: In Pursuit of Regional Rebels Lindsay M. Scorgie (University of Cambridge) Assessing the Performance of the AU‐UN Peace and Security Rela onship Linnea Gelot (University of Gothenburg and Nordic Africa Ins tute) European Union Studies Associa on The European Union and the Member States: Reac ng to Crisis: The Geopoli cs of Integra on or Disintegra on TC59: Thursday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Eleanor E. Ze (Drake University) Disc. Ellen Pirro (Iowa State University) Panel Impact of the European Union Crisis on V4 Countries: Old and New Challenges Tamas Novak (Ins tute of World Economics) The Good, the Bad and the Laggards: Romania and Bulgaria A er EU Accession and Into the Financial Crisis Natalia Cuglesan (Universitatea Babes-Bolyai) Mihaela Herbel (Universitatea Babes-Bolyai) Alin Nicula Circling the Wagons or Abandoning Ship: the EU and its Member States Respond to Economic and Poli cal Upheavals. Ellen Pirro (Iowa State University) Eleanor E. Ze (Drake University) Sweden Faces The European Financial Crisis With Structural Reforms and Pragma sm Leif Johan Eliasson (East Stroudsburg University) Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on The European Union in a Globalized World TC60: Thursday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Laura Carsten Mahrenbach (Technical University of Dresden) Disc. Ian Klinke (University of Oxford) Panel Globaliza on, the Geopoli cs of the European Union Arc c Strategy and [some of] the New Challenges for the 21st Century Sandra Maria Rodrigues Balao (ISCSP-CAPP(P&G)-University of Lisbon) The EU as An Interna onal Actor and Its Transforma ve Power in the Post‐Soviet Space Paula Marcinkowska (University of Warsaw) Emerging Powers as Rule‐Makers? The Limits of EU Rule Transfer and Its Repercussions on EU Policy Change at the Intersec on of Trade, Compe on and Industrial Policy Ivo Krizic (University of Lucerne) Uncovering the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership: A Cri cal Discourse Analysis of EU‐China Joint Press Statements Stephan Klose (Lund University) Standing Out of The Crowd: Government Export Promo on in the United States and Europe During Today’s World of Increased Globaliza on Sarah Beringer (University Erlangen-Nuremberg) The Role of Place in Global Governance: G20, G8 and BRICS Summitry John Kirton (University of Toronto) Julia Kulik (University of Toronto) Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on The New Regionalism TC61: Thursday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Miriam Prys (German Ins tute of Global and Area Studies) Disc. Kei Koga (Nanyang Technological University) Panel The Hybrid Con nent: On the Tensions and Resilience of Europe’s Neoterritorial Model Ruben Zaio (Dalhousie University) La n America’s New Regional Architecture: Segmented Regionalism or Coopera ve Regional Governance? Detlef Nolte (GIGA German Ins tute of Global and Area Studies) Rising States, the New Regionalism, and its Impact on Global Governance Andrej Krickovic (Na onal Research University, Higher School of Economics, Moscow) Challenged Na onal Sovereignty, Regional Coordina on, and The Reality of Global Power: Security Policies and Global Dependence in Central America Kari Mariska Pries (University of Glasgow) Performing and Producing Interna onal Poli cs in a City: Jakarta as “the Diploma c Capital of Southeast Asia”. Deepak Nair (London School of Economics and Poli cal Science) Interna onal Security Studies Learning from Crises in Interna onal Security TC62: Thursday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Zinaida Shevchuk (Masaryk University) Disc. Zinaida Shevchuk (Masaryk University) Panel Nuclear Behavior in South Asia: Lessons from Nuclear Crises Vaidyanatha Gundlupet (University of Texas) Challenging the Democra c Peace Theory: The Case of the Imia/Kardak Crisis Between Greece and Turkey Andreas Kotelis (Zirve University) Leaders, Resolve, and the Onset of Interna onal Crises Danielle L. Lupton (Duke University) Talk is Not Cheap: Emo ons as Signals in Interna onal Crisis Bargaining Seanon Wong (University of Southern California) Diver ng the Crisis: Leadership Selec on, Democracy, and Diversionary Crisis Forma on Ben Denison (University of Notre Dame) Ethnicity, Na onalism, & Migra on Studies Poli cs of Separa sm and Secession TC63: Thursday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Ma hew I. Mitchell (University of Wisconsin‐Madison) Disc. Natalya Bolshova (MGIMO‐University) Panel Independent but not Sovereign: Possible Solu ons to the Kashmir Dispute Milind Thakar (University of Indianapolis) Catalonia and the Logic of Nonviolent Separa st Movements Brandon Boylan (University of Alaska Fairbanks) On the Road to Independence: Transi onal Federalism as a Concept of Peaceful Secession Daniel M. Rodrigues (University of Coimbra & OBSERVARE, Autonomous University of Lisbon) Looking Forward: Support for Democracy in Transi onal South Sudan Cameron Wimpy (Texas A&M University) William McLean (Arkansas State University) Separa sms in The Era of Globaliza on: New Theories, Old Prac ces Jan Nalaskowski (Old Dominion University, PhD student) Ethnicity, Na onalism, & Migra on Studies Crashing the Party: Migra on and the Evolving European Poli cal Landscape TC64: Thursday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Dimitris Tsarouhas (Bilkent University) Disc. Dimitris Tsarouhas (Bilkent University) Disc. Anthony M. Messina (Trinity College) Panel Class & Inclusivity: How Public Opinion Translates into Party Preferences in the European Union Peter C. Mohanty (University of Texas at Aus n) Par es, Immigrants, and the Strategic Choice of Ci zenship Policy John Graeber (University of Texas at Aus n) Migra on as a Security Challenge: The Role of Italian Armed Forces in Libya Michela Ceccorulli (Forum on the Problems of Peace and War) Elite Rhetoric and Public Opinion on Na onal Iden ty in Developed Democracies Marc Helbling (Wissenscha szentrum Berlin) Global Development Non/Post Western IRT and the Ques on of Subjec vity: Pan-Asian Perspec ves TC65: Thursday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Giorgio Shani (Interna onal Chris an University) Chair Kosuke Shimizu (Ryukoku University) Disc. Navnita C. Behera (Delhi University) Panel Hybridity, Post‐hybridity, and the Danger of the Time Chih-yu Shih (Na onal Taiwan University) ‘East Asian Regional Historical IRT’ and the So Power Diplomacy: Dialogic Culture vs Culture as Power Kosuke Shimizu (Ryukoku University) Before the Victory, A er the Defeat: Josuke Ikeda (O.P. Jindal Global University) Toward a new Global Ethic? Sarva Dharma Sambhava as Post‐ Secular Human Security Giorgio Shani (Interna onal Chris an University) Security, Korean‐ness and Film: Screening Diverse (South) Koreas Young Chul Cho (Leiden University) Central and East European Interna onal Studies Associa on Geo-Economics in Evolving Global Spaces TC66: Thursday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Edward Haliżak Disc. Markus Pauli (Heidelberg University) Panel Globaliza on and the Geo‐Economic Space of the United States Aleksandra Jarczewska (University of Warsaw ) Beyond Super Power Control: Emergence of the Indian Ocean Region as a Zone of New Geo‐Poli cal and Geo‐economic Spa al Contest Jakub Zajączkowski (Ins tute of Interna onal Rela ons, University of Warsaw) China’s Geo‐Economic Space Edward Haliżak Geo‐Economics and Indian Foreign Policy: New Spa al Dynamics in Asia Jivanta Scho li (South Asia Ins tute, Heidelberg University, Germany) Interna onal Security Studies Inves ga ng Alliances and Power TC67: Thursday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Balkan Devlen (Izmir University of Economics) Disc. Timothy Crawford (Boston College) Panel Democra za on and Alliance Poli cs in East Asia Seo-Hyun Park (Lafaye e College) An Insecurity Community of Prac ce: “Rogue State” Alliance Forma on in a Unipolar World Christopher D. LaRoche (University of Toronto) Joseph MacKay (University of Toronto) The U lity of Small States: The Military E ec veness of Junior Partners in Coali on Warfare Olivier Schmi (King's College London/Irsem) De ant Partners: Explaining Failures of Alliance Restraint Dalei Jie (Peking University) Informal Security Arrangements in the EU Dieter Kerwer (University of Antwerp) Tom Sauer (University of Antwerp) Peace Studies Mul -Track Approaches to Peacebuilding TC68: Thursday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Disc. Courtney Cole (Bentley University) Panel Consulta on, Collabora on, and Centraliza on: Mul level Dynamics and the Development of Na onal Climate Policy in Australia David J. Gordon (University of Toronto) Biopoli cal Peace Building: Sport, Reforming Bodies and Rebuilding Socie es in the New Millennium Max O. Stephenson (Virginia Polytechnic Ins tute and State University) Laura Zano (Virginia Polytechnic Ins tute and State University) Organizing in the A ermath of Atrocity: The Place of Transi onal Jus ce Courtney Cole (Bentley University) Regional Coopera on of Northeast Asia and Peacebuilding on the Korean Peninsula Philo Kim (Seoul Na onal University) Natural Resources as a Tool of Dispute Resolu on: The Case of Hydrocarbons in Eastern Mediterranean Ahmet Sozen (Eastern Mediterranean University) Ethnicity, Na onalism, & Migra on Studies Global Development Interna onal Human Rights, Indigenous Rights, and Indigenous- State Rela onships: Temporal, Spa al, Theore cal, and Prac cal Challenges TC69: Thursday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Sco Morgensen (Queen's University) Disc. Sco Morgensen (Queen's University) Panel Implementa on of Indigenous Rights Norms: Pa erns, Trends, Divergences and Challenges Sheryl Ligh oot (University of Bri sh Columbia) Indigenous Women’s Rights and Interna onal Law: Challenges of the UN Declara on on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Rauna J. Kuokkanen (University of Toronto) Indigenous Self‐Determina on and the Failures of Democracy Makere Stewart-Harawira (University of Alberta) Indigenous Rights in Anglo Se ler Colonial Regimes: Lessons for Global Human Rights Ma hew Wildcat The Problem with “Indigenous Peoples”: Re‐considering Interna onal Human Rights Ac vism Hayden King (Ryerson University) Interna onal Organiza on In Search of Good Governance TC70: Thursday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Kathrin Keil (Ins tute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS); The Arc c Ins tute) Disc. Michael Lipson (Concordia University) Panel Global Governance: Which Role for the UN? Itzel Barrera De Diego (ITESM Campus Santa Fe) The Dark Side of Global Governance: The Misleading Quest for Statehood and Stability Daniel Carvalho (Federal University of Pelotas) Does Transparency in Oil Revenues Necessarily Lead to Good Governance? : A Panel Data Analysis Kerem Oge (Université Laval) English School Prac ces in the Society of States TC71: Thursday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Cornelia B. Navari (University of Buckingham) Disc. Katarzyna Kaczmarska (University of Aberystwyth) Panel Diplomacy as a Social Prac ce: An English School Understanding Paul Sharp (University of Minnesota) Integra ve versus Dispersed Prac ces Cornelia B. Navari (University of Buckingham) The Responsibility to Protect and to Prosecute: Dispu ng Procedural Norms Adrian Gallagher (University of Leeds) Jason Ralph (POLIS-University of Leeds) Codes of Conduct in Peacebuidling: Consolida on of “Best Prac ces” or Disseminators of New Norms? Laurent M. Goetschel (University of Basel / swisspeace) Antarc ca and Interna onal Coopera ve Prac ces Daniela Sampaio (Universidade de São Paulo) Social Prac ce and Territorial Integrity Mikulas Fabry (Georgia Ins tute of Technology ) Interna onal Poli cal Sociology Globaliza on and the Ar cula on of Space TC72: Thursday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Mathias Theo Albert (Bielefeld University) Disc. Merje Kuus (University of Bri sh Columbia) Panel Re ec ons, Refrac ons, and Di rac ons of “Seeing Like a City”: Placing the Apore c Boundaries of Global Urbaniza on in Context Delacey Tedesco (University of Victoria) Lefebvre at 40: Ar cula ng Postmodern Space for Construc vist and Cri cal IR Steven Torrente (University of Kansas) The Taming of the Shrew? ‐ The Enactment of the Transna onal Through Governance Timo Walter (Graduate Ins tute of Interna onal and Development Studies, Geneva) Transna onal Prac ce and the (Euro) Mediterranean Space: Poli cal Construc ons, the Meso‐Link and Civil Society Alistair Ean Brisbourne (Royal Holloway, University of London) Inves ga ng Sub‐na onal Space: The Governmentality of Regional Development and the (Re)produc on of Global Ra onale Andreas Öjehag Pe ersson (Karlstad University) Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Regional Dimensions of Domes c Violence TC73: Thursday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Petr Kratochvil (Ins tute of Interna onal Rela ons) Disc. Peter Finkenbusch (Free University Berlin) Panel Transna onal Terrorism as a Regional Security Issue Robert Stewart-Ingersoll (UAE Na onal Defense College & Near East South Asia Center for Strategic Studies) Derrick V. Frazier (University of Alabama) INSURGENT TERROR: CIVILIAN TARGETTING AND NATIONAL MORALE IN AFGHANISTAN Mark Silinsky (US Army Intelligence) Mime c Isomorphism in Dark Networks: The Case of the Bosnian Mujahideen Jacob M. Cramer (University of Arizona) Alexandra Joosse (University of Arizona) H. Brinton Milward (University of Arizona) Islamic Inspired Home‐Grown Terrorism: What We Know and What it Means Moving Forward. Michael Zekulin (University of Calgary) Understanding Ruler’s Post‐Tenure Fate Dongsuk Kim (Sogang University) Young Hoon Song (Seoul Na onal University) Ethnicity, Na onalism, & Migra on Studies Ethnicity, Na onalism and Migra on: The Case of Brazil TC79: Thursday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Sophie le Blanc (University of Delaware) Disc. Sophie le Blanc (University of Delaware) Panel Brazilian Foreign Policy Through The Eyes of its Immigrants: Discon nui es and the New Interna onal Role. Sophie le Blanc (University of Delaware) Operação Saturação: Brazilian Governmentality and Criminal Modes of Cultural Produc on Beatrice Choi (Northwestern University) Hai an Migra on to Brazil and the Limits of a Jumanitarianism From the South Diana Zacca Thomaz (Pon cia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio)) Foreign Policy Analysis American Grand Strategy, Think Tanks, and the Asia Pivot TD01: Thursday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Nana De Graa (Free University of Amsterdam) Download 5.69 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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