Assessing feasibility of hydropeacebuilding in the Jordan River Basin using serious gaming and a human ecosystem approach
Part. Alexander B. Downes (George Washington University) Part
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Alexander B. Downes (George Washington University) Part. Sarah E. Kreps (Cornell University) Part. Eric A. Heinze (University of Oklahoma) Part. Neta Carol Crawford (Boston University) Roundtable Intelligence Studies How Can Strategic Analysis Best Support Decision-making in Government? TB29: Thursday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Thomas A. Juneau (Government of Canada) Part. Jean‐Francois Morel (Department of Na onal Defence) Part. Colin H. Kahl (Georgetown University) Part. Jean‐Louis Tiernan (Government of Canada) Part. Ward P. D. Elcock (Government of Canada, Privy Council) Part. Rachel Ziemba (Roubini Global Economics) Roundtable Interna onal Security Studies Con ict Management, Peacebuilding, and Nego a ons TB30: Thursday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Michael J. Butler (Clark University) Disc. Michael J. Butler (Clark University) Panel Status for In uence? Assessing the Impact of Interna onal Social Status on Peaceful Bargaining Steven M. Ward (Georgetown University) Civil Society Organiza ons in Post‐Con ict Reconstruc on: An E ec ve Tool? Ivan Medynskyi (Old Dominion University) Peacebuilders: An Ethnography of Interna onal Interven on Severine Autesserre (Barnard College, Columbia University) Nego a ng With North Korea: The “Helsinki Model” As a Template For Diploma c Engagement Kai R. Hebel (University of Oxford) How Diploma c Processes Fail: Case of Iran's Nuclear Program from a Sociopoli cal Perspec ve Nima Baghdadi (Florida Interna onal University) Naisy Sarduy (Oxford University) Compara ve Interdisciplinary Studies Modern Trends in IR Theory TB31: Thursday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Virginie Grzelczyk (Aston University) Disc. Virginie Grzelczyk (Aston University) Panel Using Dynamic Systems Theory in Interna onal Rela ons Studies Doru Tsaganea (Metropolitan College of New York) Interna onal Rela ons Research and Narra ve Stuctures: What Can We Know? Gerard van der Ree (University College Utrecht) The Rise of Systemic Con icts of Inclusion in the Interna onal System Jari Mohammed (Ins tue of African studies, Rabat) Interna onal Rela ons in Poland: Theories, Methodologies and Areas of Research Jacek Czaputowicz (University of Warsaw) Ethnography in Interna onal Rela ons Masoma Sherazi (London School of Economics and Poli cal Science) Interna onal Poli cal Economy From Rule-takers to Rule-makers? Emerging Powers in the Regula on of Global Compe on TB32: Thursday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Sandra Lavenex (University of Lucerne) Disc. Sandra Lavenex (University of Lucerne) Panel Compe on Law and Development Policy: Ins tu onal Co‐ Evolu on in Developing Na ons Yane Sve ev (Bocconi University, European University Ins tute) Condi onality and Socializa on in the Di usion of Economic Regula on: The Case of Turkish Compe on Policy Umut Aydin (P. Universidad Catolica de Chile) External vs. Domes c: The Evolu on of China’s Compe on Regime Ivo Krizic (University of Lucerne) Lei Wang (University of Lucerne) How Does the Interna onal Compe on Network Accommodate its Increasing Diversity? Pu ng Benchmarking Into Prac ce Hikaru Yoshizawa (The Erasmus Mundus GEM PhD School) Emerging Powers and Trade Remedy Laws: Design and Applica on Manfred Elsig (University of Bern) Omar Serrano (Visi ng Scholar Centre for Interna onal Trade and Development, Jawaharlal Nehru University) Foreign Policy Analysis Sanc ons and Foreign Policy: Ini a on and Impact TB33: Thursday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair William Clapton (University of New South Wales) Disc. Dumitru Minzarari (University of Michigan, Poli cal Science) Panel Is Bipar sanship S ll Possible? Congress and Foreign Policy Sanc ons Jordan Tama (American University) The In uence of Non‐governmental Organiza ons over the Ini a on and Outcome of Sanc ons Taehee Whang (Korea University) Youngwan Kim (Iowa State University) Caught in the Cross re: How Targeted Sanc ons’ Best Prac ces may Slow Legi mate Trade in the Private Sector. Kathryn M.G. Boehlefeld (University of Notre Dame) Sarah Peters (University of Notre Dame) Feminist Theory and Gender Studies Interna onal Law Feminist Strategy in Interna onal Law: Local and Global Contexts TB34: Thursday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Aisling Ann Swaine (The George Washington University) Disc. Rebecca Hannagan (Northern Illinois University) Panel Feminist Strategy in Interna onal Law: Gender/Experts/Actors and Interna onal Law Gina Heathcote (School of Oriental and African Studies, London) The Women of 'Tradi onal' Kosovo Julie Mertus (American University, School of Interna onal Service) Understanding Costs and Bene ts in Feminist Engagement with Interna onal Law Catherine O'Rourke (University of Ulster) What Counts in Women, Peace and Security: Quan ca on and Research as a Site of (Feminist) Struggle Doris Buss (Carleton University) Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Resources, Governance, and Globaliza on TB35: Thursday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Margaret E. Kosal (Georgia Ins tute of Technology) Disc. Margaret E. Kosal (Georgia Ins tute of Technology) Panel Assessing Feasibility of Hydropeacebuilding in the Jordan River Basin Using Serious Gaming and a Human Ecosystem Approach Joshka Wessels (Lund University) Global Governance of Geo‐Economic Space Rafal Ulatowski (University of Warsaw) From the West to the Rest – Changing Pa erns on Metals and Mineral Markets Stormy-Annika Mildner (German Ins tute for Interna onal and Security A airs (SWP)) Whither the Seas? The In uence of New Manufacturing Methods on Seaborne Trade Timothy Choi (University of Calgary, Centre for Military and Strategic Studies) Human Rights The Promise of Polycentric Global Governance for Enhancing the Social Responsibility of Business TB36: Thursday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Daniel V. Preece (Carleton University) Disc. Daniel V. Preece (Carleton University) Panel Regula on and Prohibi on in Liberia’s Rubber Markets Chris ne S. Cheng (King's College London) The Governance of Labor Condi ons in the Global Tex le and Clothing Industry through Mul ‐Stakeholder Ini a ves Brigi e Hamm (University of Duisburg-Essen) Chris an Scheper (University of Duisburg-Essen) Coordina on through Overlapping Networks: Increasing E ec veness in Decentralized Global Governance against Corrup on? Makiko Nishitani (Kobe University) Weaving a Web of Governance: Public, Private, and Mixed Regula on of Corpora ons in Con ict Zones Virginia Ann Hau er (University of Maryland) The E ect of Norma ve Convergence among Interna onal Organiza ons on Policy Coherence: Implemen ng the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights Takahiro Yamada (Tokyo Metropolitan University) Foreign Policy Analysis Japan’s “Decline” and the East Asian “Power Shi ” Revisited TB37: Thursday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Linus Hagstrom (Swedish Ins tute of Interna onal A airs) Disc. Hidekazu Sakai (Kansai Gaidai University) Panel Japan’s Current and Evolving Status in Global Governance: Strategic Decline or Strategic Revival? Hugo Dobson (University of She eld) 'Declinism' in Japan and the USA: Do States Talk Themselves into Balancing Against ‘Rising Powers’? Shogo Suzuki (University of Manchester) Linus Hagstrom (Swedish Ins tute of Interna onal A airs) Japan's Asia Pivot: Why Did It Fail and What Are The Implica ons? Paul M. O'Shea (Aarhus University) “Japan is Back” (?): Looking at the Prospects for Japanese Grand Strategy in an Era of Power Shi Thomas S. Wilkins (University of Sydney) Japan’s Aspira ons For Regional Leadership – Is The Goose Finally Cooked? Lindsay Black (Leiden University) Feminist Theory and Gender Studies Ethnicity, Na onalism, & Migra on Studies Narra ves of (In)security: Migrants, Refugees, and Tra cked Persons TB38: Thursday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Bahar Baser (University of Warwick) Disc. Bahar Baser (University of Warwick) Panel Agentless Vic ms or Vic mized Agents: Dominant Narra ves of Human Tra cking Jessica L. Peet (University of Southern California) Irregular Migrant Women’s narra ves of (in)securi es: A challenge to the category of ‘irregular’ Armagan F. Teke (McMaster University) Truth Is a Stubborn Beast – How Will You Handle It? Truth Seeking and Credibility Assessment During Refugee Hearings in Canada Sule Tomkinson (Université de Montréal) Rese le or Stay Put? – Analyzing Rese lement Decisions by Bhutanese Refugees in Nepal Aastha Ranabhat (Graduate School of Interna onal Coopera on Studies, Kobe University) Turkey's Response To Popula on Movements: Transforma on of Turkish Asylum Policy From Gulf War to Syrian Uprising Cigdem Hajipouran Benam (Boston University) Professional Development Commi ee Commi ee on the Status of Representa on & Diversity Post-Tenure Mentoring Roundtable TB39: Thursday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Jennifer Ramos (Loyola Marymount University) Part. Sara McLaughlin Mitchell (University of Iowa) Part. Cecelia Lynch (University of California Irvine) Part. Patrick James (University of Southern California) Cmt. Chair Sara McLaughlin Mitchell (University of Iowa) Cmt. Chair Michelle Benson Saxton (University at Bu alo ‐ State University of New York) Commi ee Panel Interna onal Security Studies Northeast Asia: Instability and Shi s in Power TB40: Thursday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Craig A. Snyder (Deakin University) Disc. Kei Koga (Nanyang Technological University) Panel Northeast Asian Territorial Disputes in Compara ve Perspec ve: Explaining Di eren al Responses to Territorial Controversies Jean-Marc F. Blanchard (Shanghai Jiaotong University) Localizing the Pivot: East Asia’s Adapta on to the Shi ing Hegemonic Order Il Hyun Cho (Lafaye e College) U.S. Force Posture and Stability on the Korean Peninsula Robert J. Reardon (Harvard University) Paul C. Avey (MIT) Why Kim Jong‐un Will Survive: Explaining Regime Durability in North Korea David Byun (Osgoode Hall Law School) Balancing for stability: The logic of hedging strategies in Asia Darren Lim (Princeton University) Zack Cooper (Princeton University) Feminist Theory and Gender Studies Nego a ng Feminist Methodological Dilemmas in Globalized Spaces TB41: Thursday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Ani a Kynsilehto (University of Tampere) Disc. Jack L. Amoureux (Wake Forest University) Panel Mapping The Body of Knowledge: Corporeal Choreographies And The Sense Of Place Ani a Kynsilehto (University of Tampere) Shi ing Research Focus from Space to Time: Construc vist Grounded Theory, A Feminist Research Ethic and An Evolving Research Process Kia Hall (American University) The Impact Of Personal Experience On Feminist IR Theories: The Brazilian Case Thais de Bakker Castro (Pon cia Universidade Católica do Rio de janeiro (PUC-Rio)) Researching Gender and Resistance in the Transna onal Workplace: Evalua ng the Bene ts and Drawbacks of Using Covert Par cipant Observa on Stephanie Margaret Redden (Carleton University) ”They think I came from the sea”: Nego a ng boundaries in ethnographic encounters Ani a Kynsilehto (University of Tampere) Interna onal Poli cal Economy Future Tense: Global Trade Governance in Transi on TB42: Thursday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Marc D. Froese (Canadian University College) Disc. Robert D. Wolfe (Queen's University) Panel (In)Coherence, Sustainable Development and the Future of the Mul lateral Trading System Steven Bernstein (University of Toronto) Erin N. Hannah (Kings University College) Does the WTO have a future? Silke Trommer (University of Helsinki) The Terms of Interna onal Trade in Agriculture: What Trade System for the End of Cheap Food? Ma as E. Margulis (University of Northern Bri sh Columbia) Rethinking Global Governance – Addressing the Failings of WTO Rules on Agriculture James Sco (King's College London) Trials and Tribula ons of Incorpora ng New Powers in Global Trade Governance Kristen Hopewell (University of Bri sh Columbia) Interna onal Security Studies Nuclear Crises and Prolifera on TB43: Thursday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Anthony Burke (University of New South Wales) Disc. Wade Huntley (Naval Postgraduate School) Panel What Recent Psychological Experiments Reveal About Nuclear Crises Michael D. Cohen (University of Southern Denmark) Understanding the expected crisis behavior of second genera on nuclear weapons states Pa y Zakaria (Wayne State University) Expanding the Nuclear Club: Nuclear Sharing and Controlled Limited Prolifera on Jean-François Bélanger (McGill University) Time to Intervene: Temporal Frames and Support for the Use of Force Aaron M. Rapport (University of Cambridge) Environmental Studies Foreign Policy Analysis Climate Brokers TB44: Thursday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Marco Vieira (University of Birmingham) Disc. Marco Vieira (University of Birmingham) Panel Collec vely Apart ‐ Brazil, South Africa, India and China and the Global Climate Change Regime: the case of BASIC. Mariana Balau (PUC Minas) Power Shi s in Global Climate Nego a ons – Which E ects of Pluralizing Agency? Thorsten Wojczewski (German Ins tute of Global and Area Studies ) Climate Powers, the G20 and Global Governance in the Transi on To a Low Carbon Economy Eduardo Viola (University of Brasilia) The United States as a Global Climate Leader: Confron ng Aspira on with Evidence Charles Parker (Uppsala University) Christer Karlsson (Uppsala University) Post Communist States Security and Geopoli cs in the Eurasian 'Heartland' TB45: Thursday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Peter Rutland (Wesleyan University) Disc. Ekaterina Koldunova (Moscow State Ins tute of Interna onal Rela ons (University)) Panel China, Russia and Eurasia: Neo‐Tributary Rela ons and Geopoli cal Reali es? Graeme Herd (University of Plymouth) New States, Old Norms: Geopoli cs of Security in Central Asia Charles E. Ziegler (University of Louisville) The Failed Western Challenge to Russia’s Revival in Eurasia Roger Edward Kanet (University of Miami) From Retrenchment to Revanchism … and back again? Russian Grand Strategy in the Eurasian ‘heartland’ Ma hew Sussex (University of Tasmania) Dynamics of Insecurity in Georgia: Building Peace Despite the Permanence of War? Licinia Simao (FEUC/Centre for Social Studies, University of Coimbra) Foreign Policy Analysis India's Foreign Policy: From the Inside Out TB46: Thursday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Manjeet Pardesi (Indiana University) Disc. Nicolas Blarel (Indiana University, Bloomington) Panel Impact of Alliance Design on India’s Security Foreign Policy Aakri A. Tandon (Daemen College) The Di cult Poli cs of Peace: The Indo‐Pakistani and Sino‐Indian Rivalries Christopher O. Clary (Massachuse s Ins tute of Technology) India’s Ambivalent Anglosphere Iden ty: The Interna onal Poli cs of Uranium and Nuclear Technology Alexander Davis (The University of Adelaide) Security Concepts Across Time and Space. How Does Di ering Conceptualiza on of Security In uence Coopera on Prac ces between India and the EU? Florian Alexander Britsch (FU Berlin) Global Health Global Development Global Health and Development: Power and Agenda-Se ng TB48: Thursday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair John Kirton (University of Toronto) Disc. Anne L. Bu ardi (Oxfam Interna onal) Panel Examining the Success of Summits from the Sub‐Regional to Global Level: The Cases of Non‐Communicable Disease and Nutri on John Kirton (University of Toronto) Joy Fitzgibbon (University of Toronto) The Exercise of Power in Global Health Jeremy Shi man (American University) Together in Wellness: The Bri sh Columbia Tripar te Framework Agreement on First Na ons Health Governance as an Opportunity for Meaningful Indigenous Self‐Determina on in Healthcare Chelsea Gabel (McMaster University) What Di erence Has the MDG Supernorm Really Made for Global Health? Stephanie L. Smith (University of New Mexico) Agenda‐Se ng, Poli cal Priori za on, and Decision‐Making in Global Health: Poli cal Analyses of Five Major Global Health Decisions Mohsin Ali (University of Cambridge) Sarah Rostom (McMaster University) Interna onal Educa on Ac ve Learning in Interna onal A airs Interna onal Rela ons in Higher Educa on: Compara ve Insights TB49: Thursday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Marcelo M. Valenca (Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ)) Disc. Nane e S. Levinson (American University) Panel Cultural Predicaments and Solu ons in Group Assignments in Diverse Interna onal Classroom Se ngs Steven B. Rothman (Ritsumeikan Asia Paci c University) Democra c or Eli st? The Paradoxes of IR as an Academic Field in Brazil Marcelo M. Valenca (Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ)) Global Ci zenship in US Higher Educa on: A Cr cial Analysis Jermain Gri n (Colorado State University) Implemen ng Western Higher Educa on in Non‐Western Contexts: Observa ons from the Engineering Ethics Program at Texas A&M University in Qatar Hassan Bashir (Texas A&M University at Qatar) Hamza Bin Jehangir (Texas A&M University at Qatar) Japanese Higher Educa on at the Crossroads in Face of Universaliza on and Globaliza on Ryo Shimizu (Doshisha University) Environmental Studies Conceptualizing Climate TB50: Thursday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Mark F. N. Franke (Huron University College) Chair Joanna I. Lewis (Georgetown University) Disc. Mark F. N. Franke (Huron University College) Disc. Joanna I. Lewis (Georgetown University) Panel Climate Change and the Building of a Geo‐engineering Global Governance Regime Michael D. Beevers (Dickinson College) Necessity and Impossibility – Imagining the Future in Global Climate Nego a ons Manjana Milkoreit (Arizona State University) Territorializing the Issue of Climate Change: Crea ng a climate Space Ri ka Dabas (Delhi School of Economics, Delhi University) The Interna onal Climate Regime and Extraterritorial Human Rights Obliga ons: Status Quo and Future Prospects Wolfgang Sterk (Wuppertal Ins tute for Climate, Environment and Energy) Jeane e Schade (Bielefeld University) Timo Beiermann Ethnicity, Na onalism, & Migra on Studies Compara ve Interdisciplinary Studies Security Governance and Migrant Mobiliza on in the United States and Great Britain TB51: Thursday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Mar n A. Schain (New York University) Disc. Mar n A. Schain (New York University) Disc. Anthony M. Messina (Trinity College) Panel How Does it Feel to be a “Threat”? Theore cal and Empirical Perspec ves on Migrant Reac on to Securi za on in the United States Ariane Chebel d'Appollonia (Rutgers University) Karina Moreno Saldivar (City University of New York) Striking a New Balance? Integra on Policies and Poli cs in Evolu on in Europe Patrick R. Ireland (Illinois Ins tute of Technology) Which Way Towards Desecuri za on? Muslim and Sikh Mobiliza ons Against the Securi za on of Immigra on and Migrant Integra on Policies in the UK Romain Garbaye Vincent Latour (University of Toulouse) The Contribu on of “Homeland Security” to Racialized Polariza on Over Immigra on in Arizona James Cohen Security, Surveillance and Space: Contested Topologies of Urban Counter‐Terrorist Surveillance Pete Fussey (University of Essex) English School Interna onal Organiza on Interna onal Organiza on in the Anarchical Society TB52: Thursday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Chris an M. Brütsch Disc. Robert W. Murray (University of Alberta) Panel Old Habits Die Hard: Bilateral Alliances and East Asian Regionalism Andrew Yeo (Catholic University) New Na onal Organiza on of Europe: Na onalism and Minority Rights A er the End of the Cold War Ma A. Ju la (University of Minnesota) Partnerships as Geopoli cs – Sustaining Liberal World Order in a Changing World Trine Flockhart (Transatlan c Academy) Coexistence Under Anarchy: Ins tu onalisms, Ins tu onal Design, and State Conduct Chris an M. Brütsch Changing Before Our Eyes and Slipping Between Our Fingers: Interna onal Organiza ons and Primary Ins tu ons Charlo a Friedner Parrat (Uppsala University) Interna onal Poli cal Economy Macro- and Micro- Perspec ves of Governance and Development TB53: Thursday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Markus Kröger (University of Helsinki) Disc. Markus Kröger (University of Helsinki) Disc. Tal Sadeh (Tel Aviv University) Panel World Bank Programs and Social Con ict in Africa Emily Sieg David J. Tingle (Georgetown University) Mul lateral Coopera on for Long‐Term Development: Infrastructure and the La n American Development Bank (CAF) Veronica Rubio Vega (Balsillie School of Interna onal A airs - WLU) South‐South Coopera on and IBSA: Trade and Poli cs Adriana Schor (Universidade de São Paulo) Collec ve Ac on and the Regula on of Micro‐ rms Steven Samford (Scripps College) Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Land, Water, Ice: The Geopoli cs of the Changing Arc c TB54: Thursday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Oran R. Young (Bren School, UC Santa Barbara) Disc. Klaus Dodds (Royal Holloway, University of London) Panel Geopoli cs in Interna onal Rela ons – The Arc c Case Njord Wegge (Fridtjof Nansen Ins tute (FNI)) Kathrin Keil (Ins tute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS); The Arc c Ins tute) Arc c Governance as a Poli cs of Scale Sebas an Knecht (Technische Universität Dresden) Germany and the Arc c: A Geo‐Economic Agenda in the Making? Stefan Steinicke (German Ins tute for Interna onal and Security A airs (SWP)) The Arc c and New Security Dynamics in the Asia‐Paci c Younkyoo Kim (Divison of Interna onal Studies, Hanyang University) From ‘Non‐Actor’ to ‘Would‐Be Actor’? The European Union and Its Arc c Endeavour From a Cri cal Geopoli cal Perspec ve Andreas Raspotnik (University of Cologne (Germany)) Interna onal Security Studies Re-thinking Terrorism and Security in a Global Context TB55: Thursday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Chris ne Agius (Swinburne University) Disc. David Malet (The University of Melbourne) Panel Was It a War of Hegemony? Al‐Qaeda’s Challenge to American Unipolarity Pascal Vennesson (S. Rajaratnam School of Interna onal Studies, Nanyang Technological University) Space and Place: Mapping Sovereignty and Security Prac ces in Extraordinary Rendi on Chris ne Agius (Swinburne University) From Pivot Area to Pivot Ac ons: 'Islam', Extremism and Cri tcal Geopoli cs Sameera Khalfey (University of Hull) Aliens and the Making of the Paradigm of Security Syed Sami Raza (University of Peshawar) Mapping the Role(s) of Memory in Sustaining the Israeli‐Pales nian Con ict: Post‐Memory, the Denial of Memory and the Opposing Narra ves of Na onal Memory Rashmi Singh (University of St Andrews) Peace Studies Fragile Space of Peace in Colombia TB56: Thursday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Cécile Alexa Mouly (FLACSO‐Ecuador) Chair Ra aele Marche (LUISS Guido Carli University) Disc. Ra aele Marche (LUISS Guido Carli University) Panel Zones of Peace in Colombia's Borderlands Cécile Alexa Mouly (FLACSO-Ecuador) Anne e Idler (University of Oxford) María Belén Garrido Cornejo Nudging Armed Groups: How Civilians Transmit Norms of Protec on Oliver Kaplan (University of Denver) Interna onal Law The ICC: Does it Deter and Can it Prevent Con ict? TB57: Thursday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Amy Ross (University of Georgia) Panel Has the Deterrence Debate Been Se led? Rethinking the Deterrent E ect of Interna onal Criminal Jus ce David A. Mendelo (Carleton University) Does Interna onal Criminal Law Deter Atroci es? Daniel Krcmaric (Duke University) Peace versus Jus ce in Libya? The E ects and Non‐E ects of the ICC's Interven on in Libya Mark S. Kersten (London School of Economics) Analyzing role of ICC in Syrian con ict Şafak Beren Yıldırım (Eskişehir Osmangazi University, Turkey) Deterrent, Ins gator, or Irrelevant? The Interna onal Criminal Court and Atroci es in the Democra c Republic of Congo Michael P. Broache (Columbia University) Diploma c Studies Interna onal Communica on Emerging Scholars in Public Diplomacy TB58: Thursday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair R. S. Zaharna (American University) Disc. Ellen Huijgh (Clingendael ‐ University of Antwerp ) Disc. Jian Wang (University of Southern California) Panel Framing a PD Strategy for Indonesia: The Obama Agenda Anja Eifert (University of Leipzig, Germany) Public Diplomacy in the Ecology of Communica on: A Communica on Infrastructure Approach Theo Mazumdar (University of Southern California) Evalua ng City Public Diplomacy E ec veness in the European Union Joyce Isabel Bap sta (Universidad de Navarra) Reaching Women and Girls: Public Diplomacy, Gender, and ICTs Willow F. Williamson (American University) Confucius Ins tutes and the Rise of China Falk Har g (Goethe University Frankfurt) Bri sh Interna onal Studies Associa on Securing Life Through Medicine: Pharmaceu cals, Medical Knowledge, and Private Authority in Global Health Policy TB59: Thursday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Colin J. McInnes (Aberystwyth University) Disc. Elke Krahmann (Brunel University) Panel Hippocrates’ Spiral: Climate Change, Infec ous Disease and Health Security Andrew Price-Smith (Colorado College) Pharmaceu cals and Security: The Role of Public‐Private Collabora ons in Strengthening Global Health Security Stefan H. Elbe (University of Sussex) Anne Roemer-Mahler (University of Sussex) Christopher Long (Sussex University) The New Poli cal Economy of Drugs in the Global South Owain D. Williams (Aberystwyth University) Curing Medicines: Private Authority and the Securi za on of Drugs in Global Health Tine Hanrieder (LMU Munich) Providing Global Public Goods for Health: Weaknesses and Opportuni es For the Global Health System Suerie Moon (Harvard University) Germs, Health and Na onal Security: Dynamics of Dread and Neglect Chris an Enemark (Aberystwyth University) Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Geography and Security in Asia TB60: Thursday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Fei Wu (CHARHAR INSTITUTE and Ji Nan University ) Disc. Fei Wu (CHARHAR INSTITUTE and Ji Nan University ) Panel North Korea And South Korea Territorial Con icts: The Impact Of Strained Rela ons In Regional And Global Poli cs Skyne Uku Wer mer (California State University, Long Beach) Shaping the “Paci c Century”: The American “Pivot” to Asia and U.S. Self/Other Narra ves in a Time of Geopoli cal Restructuring John Åberg (Lingnan University) The Senkaku Islands : How a proxy for regional power struggle in East Asia becomes a security dilemma for the US JoAnn Loiodice (American Graduate School in Paris) From Yellow to Blue: How China Portrays Itself as a Global Sea Power Heidi Ning Kang Wang (London School of Economics) Malte Philipp Kaeding (University of Surrey) The Clash of Sovereignty Regimes in the Asia‐Paci c Paul Richardson (University of Manchester) Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Poli cal In uence of Spa ality Across the Regions TB61: Thursday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Ma hew I. Mitchell (University of Wisconsin‐Madison) Disc. Ma hew I. Mitchell (University of Wisconsin‐Madison) Panel Neutrality and Non‐Alignment. New and Old Security Strategies through the Lens of Spa ality in a Globalized World Ulf Bjereld (University of Gothenburg) The Quagmire of Geo‐Strategic Posi ons between Na ons ‐ A Case Study of Sino Indian Rela ons. Ashwani Jassal (Delhi University) The Geopoli cs of Southern Africa: Geography, INUS Causality and Foreign Policy Sören Scholvin (Ins tute of Economic and Cultural Geography, Leibniz-Universität Hannover) Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Dealing with Economic Crises TB62: Thursday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Ma hew R. DiGiuseppe (University of Mississippi) Disc. Karina Jędrzejowska (University of Warsaw, Ins tute of Interna onal Rela ons) Panel The Condi onal E ect of Educa on on Authoritarian Breakdown Sirianne Dahlum (University of Oslo) Responses to Capital In ows in Open Economies: Varia on across the Asia‐Paci c Region Natasha Hamilton-Hart (University of Auckland) Can Sino‐American Coopera on restore Global E ec ve Demand? Sascha Engel (Virginia Tech) Sovereign Wealth Funds ‐ Threat or Opportunity in the Interna onal Space? Karina Jędrzejowska (University of Warsaw, Ins tute of Interna onal Rela ons) Economic Policy A er the Arab Spring Anne Mariel Zimmermann (UBS Wolfsberg) Historical Interna onal Rela ons Interna onal Poli cal Sociology The Long Reach of History in Interna onal Rela ons TB63: Thursday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Seva Gunitsky (University of Toronto) Disc. Seva Gunitsky (University of Toronto) Panel The Reports of War’s Death Have Been Somewhat Exaggerated Tanisha Fazal (University of Notre Dame) Energy, War, and Peace Je D. Colgan (American University) War Financing and the Re‐imposi on of Serfdom a er the Black Death Margaret E. Peters (University of Wisconsin) And The Beat Goes On…: War and State Making in the Post‐Colonial World Douglas Lemke (Pennsylvania State University) This Means (Bank) War! The IPE of the Demise of the Second Bank of the United States James A. Morrison (London School of Economics and Poli cal Science) Avery White (Ohio State University) Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Security and Civilians TB64: Thursday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Jonathan R. Strand (University of Nevada, Las Vegas) Disc. Patricia Camilien (Université Quisqueya) Panel Neoliberal Assemblages for Women’s Empowerment: Deconstruc ng and Displacing the Half the Sky Enterprise Anne Sisson Runyan (University of Cincinna ) Protec on of Civilians: Exposing and Exploring the Contending Norma ve Principles Encompassed within the “Meta‐Norm” Brian L. Job (University of Bri sh Columbia) Anastasia Shesterinina (University of Bri sh Columbia) Rethinking civilian protec on: Humanitarianism within the eld of social con ict David Morgan (Dalhousie University) Everybody Is Talking About Inequality: The Strange Story Of A Marginal Concept In Interna onal Studies Joao P. Nogueira (Pon cal Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro) Interna onal Communica on Spreading Fear: Poli cal Communica on,Terrorism, and Cyberterrorism TB65: Thursday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Steven L. Livingston (George Washington University) Disc. Steven L. Livingston (George Washington University) Panel Preven ng Violent Poli cal Extremism: A Role for Counter‐narra ve Development? Lisa McInerney (Dublin City University) Comedy and Cri que: Sa rical Resistance to 'Terrorism' James J. Fitzgerald (Dublin City University) Japan and the American‐led Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq Marie Thorsten (Doshisha University) Is the Perceived Threat of Terrorism Racialized? The “Dark‐Skinned” Boston Marathon A ack Suspect Who Wasn’t and Mass Media Misinforma on William La Youmans (George Washington University) Ethnicity, Na onalism, & Migra on Studies Crossing Boundaries: Migra on, Diasporas, and Placeless Rights TB66: Thursday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Jennifer Natalie Fish (Old Dominion University) Disc. David C. Earnest (Old Dominion University) Panel Reimagining Sovereignty: Deterritorializa on and the Filipino Na on M. Sco Solomon (University of South Florida) Imagining Home: Placeless Refugees as Border Poli cs in the Great Lakes Region Erika Frydenlund (Old Dominion University) Selling the Occult: Neoliberalism and Alternate Modernity in Sub‐ Saharan Africa Patricia Anne Raxter (Old Dominion University) Situa ng Refugee and Migrant Infants and Children in South Africa’s Construc on of Ci zenship Erika Frydenlund (Old Dominion University) Jennifer Natalie Fish (Old Dominion University) Environmental Studies Global Environmental Jus ce TB67: Thursday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Klaus Dingwerth (University of Bremen) Disc. Klaus Dingwerth (University of Bremen) Panel Explaining the Alloca on of Environmental Resources: The Case of Fisheries Eleni Dellas (VU University Amsterdam) Women, E‐Waste, and Technological Solu ons to Climate Change Lucy McAllister (University of Colorado at Boulder) Amanda Magee In the Shadow of the Canal: interna onal norms, the environment and human rights in Panama Michelle A. Wa s (American Public University System) Kate Brannum (American Public University Associa on) Kimberly S. Ru (American Public University System) Climate, Fair Shares, and Leadership Henry Shue (University of Oxford) Jus ce, Interests, and Ins tu onal Mandates in Global Forest Governance Kimberly R. Marion Suiseeya (Duke University) Interna onal Organiza on Norm Di usion TB68: Thursday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Kate M. R. Seaman (University of Bath ) Disc. Jeni Whalan (University of New South Wales) Panel Ge ng Interna onal Norms Without the Great Powers: Insights From the An personnel Mine Ban and Interna onal Criminal Court Adam S. Bower (University of Oxford) Global Educa on Governance by Numbers: Educa on Sector Investment, Condi onality, and Domes c Policy Responses to the OECD Programme for Interna onal Student Assessment David Lopez (University of Washington) Interna onal Organiza ons as "Norm Consumers": The Di usion of Policy Norms of the Protec on of Civilians, Public Informa on, and Quick Impact Projects to the UN Kseniya Oksamytna (LUISS Guido Carli and University of Geneva) ‘Democracy’ as a Contested Norm in the (De‐)Legi ma on of Interna onal Organiza ons Sophie Eisentraut (Freie Universität Berlin) Reinforcing Democracy: Norms Leaders in La n America Dejan Bajic (DePaul University) Ethnicity, Na onalism, & Migra on Studies The Power Poli cs of Migra on Governance: Spa al Control, Extraterritoriality, & For ed Borders TB69: Thursday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Fiona Adamson (SOAS, University of London) Disc. Phil Triada lopoulos (Toronto) Panel Troubling Borders: The Case of the Sans‐Papiers in France Catherine Raissiguier (New Jersey City University) The Europeaniza on of Canadian Refugee Policy Dagmar Soennecken (York University) The North/South Nexus: How Western policies a ect migrants to Morocco and Egypt Kelsey Pearce Norman (University of California, Irvine) States Behaving Badly: New Norms on the Restric on of Interna onal Mobility Craig Damian Smith (University of Toronto) Kiran Banerjee (University of Toronto) Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Addressing the Nega ve Externali es of Globaliza on TB70: Thursday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Eric Wiebelhaus‐Brahm (University of Arkansas at Li le Rock) Disc. Eric Wiebelhaus‐Brahm (University of Arkansas at Li le Rock) Panel Construc ng Globality: Debates of Inequality in the World Bank and UNDP Katja Freistein (Bielefeld University) Geopoli cs of Globaliza on: Con nuity or Breaking the Mould? The North America’s Case and A New Approach Jessica De Alba-Ulloa (Universidad Anahuac Mexico Norte) (Un)Social Media: From Group Cohesion to Messages of Hate Alena Jana Thekla Eis (London School of Economics and Poli cal Science) Unequal Partnerships?: Western and Local Nongovernmental Organizing for Peace Courtney Cole (Bentley University) Rethinking Globaliza on by Looking from Central Asia Muhammet Savas Ka asyali (Kirikkale University) Na onal Governance for the Globalized Economy Arvid Lukauskas (Columbia University) David E. Spiro (Columbia University) Global Development Urbanity in the Ordinary: Developing Ci es in Compara ve Context TB71: Thursday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Stephen D. Marr (Malmö University) Disc. Beth Elise Whitaker (University of North Carolina at Charlo e) Panel Democracy, or Something Like It? : Detroit, Lagos and the Future of Poli cal Par cipa on in an Era of Urban Extremes Stephen D. Marr (Malmö University) Hard and So : Transna onal Policy Processes and Urban Planning the Developing World Peter Hallberg (Malmö University) Performing and Consuming Militarized Corporate Images of Urban (In)Security Susan Jackson (Malmö Högskola) New Wars: Urbaniza on, Poli cal Con ict, and Violence in Sub‐ Saharan Africa Cara E. Jones (Mary Baldwin College) Interna onal Poli cal Sociology Poli cs of Obscenity II: The (In)visible Body TB72: Thursday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Andreja Zevnik (University of Manchester) Disc. Stefanie R. Fishel (Hobart William Smith) Panel The Poli cal Subject of Self‐Immola on. Nicholas Michelsen (King's College London) Throwing Our Weight Around... The Geography of the Fat Female Body and the Crea on of a Global Community Sarah Tillery (Portland Community College) Bloody Bodies: The Circula on of Images of Death Jessica Auchter (University of Tennessee at Cha anooga) Caught Ob‐Scene: The Police and Poli cs of Disappearance, or on The Possible Radicaliza on of Data Protec on Rocco Bellanova (Peace Research Ins tute Oslo (PRIO) & Université Saint-Louis (Brussels)) Gloria González Fuster (Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)) Making Jade Goody Audible: A Postcolonial Feminist Reading of a Young Dead Woman Shiera S. Malik (DePaul University) Interna onal Organiza on Exercising Power in the Periphery TB73: Thursday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Anne Holthoefer (University of Chicago) Disc. Per Jansson (Linköping University) Panel The Poli cs of UN Reform: the Case of UN Women Caroline Bouchard (University of Edinburgh) Fiona Mackay (University of Edinburgh) Cons tuent Power: Theorizing a Neglected Dimension of Poli cal Force John G. Oates (Ohio State University) Unconven onal Power: Less Powerful States' Strategic Use of Interna onal Norms Valerie Freeland (Northwestern University) The Power of Aboriginals as Non‐State Actors in Interna onal Ins tu ons Andrew Chater (University of Western Ontario) Ethnicity, Na onalism, & Migra on Studies Na onal Iden ty and Belonging: Challenges and Trends TB79: Thursday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Hans Scha le (Yonsei University) Disc. Hans Scha le (Yonsei University) Panel Becoming Transna onal Ci zens: Circulatory Migra on and Civic Engagement Among the Liberian Diaspora Janet E. Reilly (City University of New York Graduate Center/ Sarah Lawrence College) Nego a ng Na onal and Sexual Iden es: How to be Gay and also a ‘Good Georgian’ Liam Campbell The Impact of Place on the Mobiliza on and Achievements of Undocumented Youths Fanny Lauby (CUNY Graduate Center / Sorbonne Nouvelle) Resilience and World Poli cs: Challenges and Opportuni es Philippe Bourbeau (University of Namur) "We're not Europe, thank God!": Russian State Iden ty and the Othering of LGBT Iden es Cai Wilkinson (Deakin University ) Interna onal Security Studies Foreign Policy Analysis Roundtable on T.V. Paul's Warrior State: Pakistan in the Contemporary World TC01: Thursday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Norrin M. Ripsman (Concordia University) Download 5.69 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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