Assessing feasibility of hydropeacebuilding in the Jordan River Basin using serious gaming and a human ecosystem approach
Part. Nicholas J. Cull (University of Southern California) Part
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Nicholas J. Cull (University of Southern California) Part. Donna Marie Oglesby (Eckerd College) Part. Robin Brown (TBA) Part. Mark J. Rolfe (University of New South Wales) Part. R. S. Zaharna (American University) Roundtable Foreign Policy Analysis Do leaders ma er? FB22: Friday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Miriam Fendius Elman (Syracuse University) Disc. Heidi Hardt (University of Texas at Arlington) Panel Leadership Preferences in Interna onal Con ict: Experimental Results from the People’s Republic of China and Taiwan Steven B. Redd (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee) Leadership and Foreign Policy: Israel's Prime Ministers At‐A‐ Distance Baris Kesgin (Susquehanna University) The E ect of Prime Ministers in Parliamentary Regimes: An Integrated Approach to Study Foreign Policy Behavior Sibel Oktay (Syracuse University) Where Gender Ma ers in State Leadership; Con ict Ini a on and Escala on Samuel Stanton, Jr. (Grove City College) G. Dale Thomas Interna onal Communica on Interna onal Rela ons & Communica on: Connec ng Spaces and Places FB23: Friday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Laura Roselle (Elon University) Part. Alister Miskimmon (Royal Holloway, University of London) Part. Steven L. Livingston (George Washington University) Part. Ben O'Loughlin (Royal Holloway, University of London) Roundtable Scien c Study of Interna onal Processes Forecas ng Con ict FB24: Friday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Richard Cinco a (The S mson Center) Part. Philip A. Schrodt (Parus Analy cal Systems) Part. Cur s S. Signorino (University of Rochester) Part. Håvard Hegre (Department of Peace and Con ict Research, Uppsala University and Peace Research Ins tute Oslo) Part. Kris an Skrede Gleditsch (University of Essex) Coord. Je rey B. Arnold (University of Rochester) Coord. Cur s S. Signorino (University of Rochester) Working Group Panel Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Japan under Abenomics: Crises, Change, and a New Impact on Geopoli cs? FB25: Friday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Ulrike Schaede (University of California at San Diego) Disc. Gregory Noble (University of Tokyo) Panel Welcome to the New Japan: The Transforma on of Japan’s Industrial Architecture Ulrike Schaede (University of California at San Diego) Abenomics, TPP and the Farm Lobby: A Case Study in the Changing Domes c Poli cs of Japanese Trade Liberaliza on Patricia L. Maclachlan Syncre sm: The Poli cs of Japan’s Financial Reforms Kenji Kushida (Stanford University) Kay Shimizu (Columbia University) Economic Crises, Domes c S mulus and Veto Players: Economic Adjustment in Japan since 2008 Saori N. Katada (University of Southern California) Gene Park (Loyola Marymount University) Dismantling Development: A Comparison of the Japanese and Korean Approaches T. J. Pempel (University of California at Berkeley) Historical Interna onal Rela ons De ning the Early Spaces of Interna onal Rela ons: Revisi ng the “Medieval-to-Modern” Transi on in Europe and Elsewhere. FB26: Friday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Daniel M. Green (University of Delaware) Part. Ayşe Zarakol (University of Cambridge) Part. Benjamin De Carvalho (NUPI) Part. Chris an G. K. Reus‐Smit (University of Queensland) Part. Daniel M. Green (University of Delaware) Part. Jordan Branch (Brown University) Roundtable Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Time and Space; Numbers and Words: The Millennium Development Goals and their Reinterpreta on Beyond 2015 FB27: Friday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Peter S. Hill (University of Queensland) Disc. Owain D. Williams (Aberystwyth University) Panel Rights Rhetoric in the Post‐2015 Health Development Agenda: Interroga ng the Role of the Right to Health in Advancing Global Health Equity Lisa Forman (University of Toronto) Gorik Ooms Claire Brolan (University of Queensland) The Global Poli cs of Na onal Health Systems: The Road to Post 2015, Based on the Mongolian Experience Alexia Jus ne Duten (University of Münster) Linking Millennium Development Goals and Sustainable Development Goals, Environmental and Social Sustainability: Are There Lessons From the Global AIDS Response? Gorik Ooms Back to the Future: What Would the Post‐2015 Global Development Goals Look Like if We Applied the Same Methods Used to Construct the Millennium Development Goals? Claire Brolan (University of Queensland) Peter S. Hill (University of Queensland) Interna onal Security Studies The Interna onal Rela ons of Iran: Geopoli cs, Geoculture, and Geoeconomics FB28: Friday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Mehran Kamrava (Georgetown University‐Qatar) Disc. Manochehr Dorraj (Texas Chris an University) Panel “The Iranian World,” the State, and the Poli cal Farhang Rajaee (Carleton University) The Arab Spring, the Syrian Crisis, and the Emerging Geopoli cs of Iran Mohsen Milani (University of South Florida) Compe ng Geostrategic Narra ves on Iran’s Nuclear Program Mohammad S. Homayounvash (Florida Interna onal University) The Interna onal Poli cal Economy of Iranian Energy Policy Reza Sana (Florida Interna onal University) Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Presiden al Panel: Geography, the Environment, and Climate Change Poli cs FB29: Friday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Thomas Bernauer (Swiss Federal Ins tute of Technology (ETH Zurich)) Disc. Vally Koubi (Swiss Federal Ins tute of Technology Zurich (ETH Zurich), University of Bern) Disc. Xun Cao (Penn State University) Panel Tangled Networks: Carbon Emissions and Policy Di usion Across Interna onal, Domes c, and Commercial Social Spaces Xun Cao (Penn State University) Di usion of Energy Deployment Policies Lena M. Scha er (Swiss Federal Ins tute of Technology Zurich (ETH Zurich)) Thomas Bernauer (Swiss Federal Ins tute of Technology (ETH Zurich)) The Geopoli cal Dimensionality of Interna onal Climate Change Nego a ons Benjamin E. Bagozzi (University of Minnesota) The Geopoli cs of Risk? Informa on, Culture, and Compara ve Public A tudes Toward Fracking Erick Lachapelle (Université de Montréal) Eric Montpe t Chris Borick (Muhlenberg College) Barry Rabe Interna onal Security Studies Public Opinion and Na onal Security FB30: Friday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair John Mueller (Ohio State University/Cato Ins tute) Disc. Aaron M. Rapport (University of Cambridge) Panel Does the Public Opinion Ma er in Foreign Policy? Evidence from Internet‐Based Opinion Polls Keisuke Iida (University of Tokyo) Who Cares about Interna onal Events? Global and Near Real‐ me Es mates of Audience Reac ons through Internet Searches Rex Douglass (University of California San Diego) Thomas L. Scherer (Princeton University) Liberty vs Security: Does the Ethnic Background of the Terrorist Condi on Public Support for Counterterrorism Policies? Blake Garcia (Texas A&M University) William McLean (Arkansas State University) Cameron Wimpy (Texas A&M University) The Impact of Iconic Events: American Public Opinion Since 9/11 John Mueller (Ohio State University/Cato Ins tute) Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on The Interac on of Local and Global Dynamics FB31: Friday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Ricardo Grinspun (York University) Panel Poli cal Spaces of Interna onal NGOs Helen Yanacopulos (Open University) Urbaniza on, Global Integra on, and The State: Understanding the Decentraliza on of Land and Resource Governance in Vietnam Craig A. Johnson (University of Guelph) Kristy May (University of Guelph) Lessons from Local Spaces: 'Good Governance' and Global Land Deals Andrea M. Collins (Queen's University) The Grand Paris Model of Global City Development Theresa Enright (University of Toronto) Everyday Spaces in Con ict: The Poli cs of Commerce in the Gaza Strip 2007‐2011 Lucy Thirkell (University of Cambridge) Feminist Theory and Gender Studies Interna onal Security Studies The Global Poli cs of 1325: A Cross-Cu ng Norm on Gender Equality? FB32: Friday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Annika F. Bjorkdahl (Lund University) Disc. Amy Barrow (Centre for Rights and Jus ce, CUHK) Panel Gendering Peace in Iraq and Bosnia‐Herzegovina:A compara ve analysis of women’s par cipa on in peace processes Johanna Mannergren Selimovic (Swedish Ins tute of Interna onal A airs) 'Thought Styles' in Con ict? Emergent Proper es of Peacebuilding in Liberia Niels N. Schia (Norsk Utenrikspoli sk Ins tu ) Masculinity and Security: Challenging the Universality of Women, Peace, and Security in Interna onal Peace Opera ons Randi Solhjell (London School of Economics) Implementa on of gender perspec ves and UNSCR 1325 in Afghanistan: Lessons learned from Norwegian Gender (Field) Advisers in ISAF Cecilie Fleming (Norwegian Defence University College) From Words to Ac on? A Prac ce Approach to Women Agency in the Post‐Na onal Military Nina Graeger (Norwegian Ins tute of Interna onal A airs) Interna onal Poli cal Economy Construc ng and Reconstruc ng IPE FB33: Friday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Mikael Baaz (University of Gothenburg) Chair Mikael Baaz (University of Gothenburg) Chair James C. Roberts (Towson University) Disc. James C. Roberts (Towson University) Disc. Mikael Baaz (University of Gothenburg) Panel A Construc vist Approach to the Provision of Global Social Goods James C. Roberts (Towson University) Wither IPE? A Cri cal Appraisal of the Study of Poli cal Economy Sco Nelson (Virginia Polytechnic Ins tute and State University) Edward Weisband (Virginia Tech) Construc vism and the Eurozone Crisis: Ques oning Theory and Rhetorical Distancia on Gabriel Siles-Brügge (University of Manchester) Nick Turnbull (University of Manchester) Thinking beyond security: Bringing power 'back in' Luis Simon (Ins tute for European Studies, Vrije Universiteit Brussel) An Inclusive Map of Interna onal Rela ons Theories Florent Frasson-Quenoz (Universidad Externado de Colombia) Interna onal Security Studies Globaliza on, Armaments, and the Changing Calculus of Interna onal Security FB34: Friday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Jennifer L. Erickson (Boston College) Disc. Charles Eugene Gholz (University of Texas) Panel The Dynamics of the Arms Regime in 2014 and the Impact of Globaliza on: An Assessment on Security Trends PAULETTE SOUTHALL (City University of New York Graduate Center) Small Arms and Private Military Corpora ons in a Globalized World Maria Nebolsina (Center for Euro-Atlan c Security of Interna onal Studies Ins tute MGIMO (University)) A More Capable EU? Mapping EU Ins tu onal Military Capability Ini a ves Laura Chappell (University of Surrey) Petar Petrov (Maastricht University) Complementari es or Compe on in Interna onal Armaments Coopera on Marc R. DeVore (University of St. Andrews (UK)) From “Burden Sharing” to “Pooling and Sharing”: Explaining Evolu on in Transatlan c Armaments Coopera on Giovanni Faleg (Centre for European Policy Studies) Interna onal Poli cal Economy Nanotechnology in a Globalized World: Security, Compe veness, and Governance FB35: Friday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Susan K. Sell (George Washington University) Disc. J. P. Singh (George Mason University) Panel Nanotechnology and Interna onal Security: The Russian Federa on Margaret E. Kosal (Georgia Ins tute of Technology) Governing European Security in a Globalized World – The Case of Nanotechnology Kirsten Rodine Hardy (Northeastern University) Nanotechnology in the UK and Germany – Divergent Na onal Styles of Innova on and Security in the Area of Nanotechnology Ian McManus (Northeastern University) The Great Powers of Small‐Scale: Nanotechnology, Global Compe veness and Interna onal Hierarchy Anne Clunan (Naval Postgraduate School) Super‐suits and Strategic Technology – Analyzing Strategic Regula on in the Tex le Sector in Russia and China.” Roselyn Hsueh (Temple University) Interna onal Poli cal Sociology Collec ve Memory and Trauma Studies Part 1 - Interdisciplinary Persepec ves FB36: Friday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Henrique Tavares Furtado (University of Manchester) Disc. Mar n O. Heisler (University of Maryland) Panel Remembering Public Traumas: Examining the Terrorist A ack of September 11, 2011 William Hirst Collec ve Memory Forma on in Democra c and Authoritarian Socie es Mark A. Wolfgram (Oklahoma State University) Collec ve Remembering and Forge ng About Slavery in the North Marc Howard Ross (Bryn Mawr College) The Poli cs of the Roma Holocaust Memorial: Romani Prac ces of Remembrance and Mobile Contesta on to State‐Centric Event Be na Johanna Brown (University of Hawaii at Manoa) History's Wound: To What Extent Does the Concept of Collec ve Trauma Contribute towards Understanding of Israeli and Pales nian Posi ons in the Israel/Pales ne con ict? Esta O man (Kwansei Gakuin University) Foreign Policy Analysis Power Transi on and the U.S. Alliance System in Asia FB37: Friday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair James R. Holmes (Naval War College) Disc. Dumitru Minzarari (University of Michigan, Poli cal Science) Panel Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s foreign policy sextant and the U.S.‐ Japan Alliance Ryo Shimizu (Doshisha University) Domes c Factors in Alliance Coopera on: Japan and South Korea in the Reloca on of US Bases Hyon Joo Yoo (Trinity University) Uneasy Ties, Conten ous Regions, and Diploma c Dilemmas: Comparing America's Special Rela onships with Israel and Taiwan Patrick Homan (Dominican University) Coercion and Coopera on in America’s Counterinsurgency Alliances – An Analysis of Partnership and Leverage in Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq Barbara Elias (Bowdoin College) “Pivots, Transi ons, and Distrac ons: Power Transi on Theory in East Asia and the US‐Japan‐China Rela onship 2000‐2012.” Steven F. Jackson (Indiana University of Pennsylvania) Compara ve Interdisciplinary Studies Security and Development in XXIst Century FB38: Friday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Johanna Tuulia Nykanen (University of Warwick) Disc. Kei Koga (Nanyang Technological University) Panel Unpacking the Region: How to Study East Asian Security More E ec vely Yong-Soo Eun (Incheon Na onal University) Kamila Pieczara (University of Warwick) The Idea Index: Social Capital and the Opera onaliza on of Buzan’s State Framework Hans Chris an Breede (Queen’s University) Europe’s O cial Development Assistance (ODA): further straining iden ty and na onal security in US‐European rela ons Serena Simoni (Samford University) The Commi ee on the Status of Women Women's Leadership in ISA: Experience and Advice FB39: Friday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Laura Sjoberg (University of Florida) Part. Etel Solingen (University of California at Irvine) Part. Jacqui True (Monash University ) Part. Beth Ann Simmons (Harvard University) Part. Mary K. Meyer McAleese (Eckerd College) Part. Jennifer Sterling‐Folker (University of Connec cut) Part. Anne e Freyberg‐Inan (University of Amsterdam and Technical University Darmstadt) Part. J. Ann Tickner (American University) Cmt. Chair Laura Sjoberg (University of Florida) Commi ee Panel Peace Science Society (Interna onal) Theore cal and Quan ta ve Inves ga on of Asia-Paci c Security Issues FB40: Friday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Erik Gartzke (University of California, San Diego) Disc. Songying Fang (Rice University) Panel Trust in Tripwires: Costly Signaling, Extended Deterrence and the U.S.‐Japanese Security Treaty Koji Kagotani (Kobe University) Domes c Poli cal Ins tu ons and Interna onal Con ict Behavior in East Asia Benjamin E. Goldsmith (University of Sydney) Analyzing North Korean Threats Hyung-min Joo (Korea University) Michael Lammbrau (Arirang Ins tute) Taehee Whang (Korea University) Exploring China’s Strategic Partnerships: Characteris cs, Mo va ons, and Consequences Sco Kastner (University of Maryland) Phillip C. Saunders (Na onal Defense University) The Strategy of Regional Nuclear Doctrine Rupal N. Mehta (University of California, San Diego) East Asian Public Opinion and Use of Force: Japanese Response to Many Flags and UN Flag Atsushi Tago (Kobe University) Interna onal Poli cal Economy Global Governance and the Financial Crisis FB41: Friday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Ben Cli (University of Warwick) Disc. Ben Cli (University of Warwick) Panel How Much Reformed? Assessing the IMF's Role and Cons tu onality Programs A er the Global Financial Crisis Sawa Omori (Interna onal Chris an University) The Impact of the Financial Crisis on Monetary Policy and Financial Stability in Central and Eastern Europe: A Tricky Balancing Act Assem Dandashly (Maastricht University) Interna onal Financial Crisis Deteriorated by Monetary Policies: U.S., EU and China Youngtae Shin (University of Central Oklahoma) Cody Woods (University of Central Oklahoma) The 2008 Global Financial Crisis and the Survival of Independent Central Banks Jamie E. Scalera (Georgia Southern University) Scien c Study of Interna onal Processes The Evolu on of Interna onal Organiza ons FB42: Friday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Susan H. Allen (University of Mississippi) Disc. Sara McLaughlin Mitchell (University of Iowa) Panel Se ng the Agenda: A Legisla ve Approach to Explaining UN Security Council Ac ons Susan H. Allen (University of Mississippi) The Role of Interna onal Organiza ons in Civil Wars Zorzeta Bakaki (University of Essex) Does PTA Flexibility Increase Trade Coopera on? David Bearce (University of Colorado at Boulder) Cody Eldredge (University of Colorado at Boulder) Brandy J. Jolli (University of Colorado, Boulder) Calculated Contributors: IGO Support for Ethnopoli cal Organiza ons Lindsay Heger (One Earth Future & Korbel School of Interna onal Studies, University of Denver) Life, Death, or Zombies? The Trajectories of Regional Economic Organiza ons Julia Gray (University of Pennsylvania) Intelligence Studies Intelligence Machinery and Organiza onal Culture FB43: Friday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Arthur Steven Hulnick (Boston University) Disc. Greg Treverton (RAND Corpora on) Panel Intelligence Vectors as Seen from Varying Na onal Perspec ves: Rami ca ons for Interna onal Coopera on William C. Spracher (Na onal Intelligence University, Booz Allen Hamilton, Inc.) Partners or Compe tors?: The Evolu on Of The DOD/CIA Rela onship Since Desert Storm and its Prospects For The Future David Patrick Oakley (United States Army and Kansas State University) Intelligence in a Time of Declining Resources Raymond Palumbo (U.S. Department of Defense) Terry C. Quist (U.S. Army) A Framework for a Theory of Intelligence Jim Cox (Norman Paterson School of Interna onal A airs, Carleton University) Canada's Foreign Intelligence Needs: A Reappraisal Stuart Farson (Simon Fraser University) Nancy Teeple (Simon Fraser University) Interna onal Poli cal Sociology Theory Global Development Pu ng Research in its Place: Cri cal Pragma sm and the Nego a on of Proximity in the Produc on of Useful Knowledge FB44: Friday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Cecelia Lynch (University of California Irvine) Chair Benjamin Tallis (University of Manchester & Anglo American University, Prague) Disc. J. Peter Burgess (Peace Research Ins tute Oslo (PRIO)) Panel To Be or Not to Be: Nego a ng ‘Intellectual Freedom’ in a Policy World Patryk Pawlak (EU Ins tute for Security Studies) Autoethnographic Narra ves as Meaningful Interven ons: An Account From Jerusalem Oded Lowenheim (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) Sixth Senses and Fi h Columns: A Prac oner Turned Researcher Returns to the Field of European Security Benjamin Tallis (University of Manchester & Anglo American University, Prague) When Home is Part of the Field: Nego a ng Experience to Generate Useful Knowledge About Post‐Enlargement Subjec vity Xymena Kurowska (Central European University) Descuri zing Moroccan Migra on Policy: A Cri cal Interven on? Nizar Messari (Al Akhawayn) Peace Studies Feminist Theory and Gender Studies Emo ons in Con ict FB45: Friday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair T. H. Hall (University of Oxford) Disc. Rose McDermo (Department of Poli cal Science, Brown University) Panel Talk About (A Typology of) Love: Ero ciza on, Discipline and Discourse in Israel’s Con icts Mira Sucharov (Carleton University) Emo ons and Con ict in Russia’s Rela ons with the West Tuomas A. Forsberg (University of Tampere) Violence, Grief, and Memory: How Emo ons Help Maintain or Resolve Con icts Brent E. Sasley (University of Texas at Arlington) Emo onal (Security) Communi es Simon Koschut (University of Erlangen-Nuremberg) Con ngency, Crisis, and the A ec ve Poli cs of the Great War Andrew A. G. Ross (Ohio University) T. H. Hall (University of Oxford) Environmental Studies Global Development Environmental Jus ce in the Americas FB46: Friday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Christopher L. Pallas (Kennesaw State University) Disc. Marc Hu y (The Graduate Ins tute, Geneva) Panel Can Development Be Sustainable? A Biew From the Peruvian Amazon Marc Hu y (The Graduate Ins tute, Geneva) When Emerging Expressions of Ci zenship meet Neoextrac vism in La n America: Prior, Free and Informed Consulta on in a Deadlock Vanessa Boanada-Fuchs (IHEID (Graduate Ins tute of Interna onal and Development Studies)) Lawsuits for the Pacha Mama [Mother Earth] in Ecuador: Individual, Local, and Interna onal Determinants of Indigenous Movements to Mi gate Environmental Impacts Todd Eisenstadt (American University) The Dann Case, Sovereignty and Access to Natural Resources: Are Human Rights Enforcement Mechanisms Useful in Promo ng Environmental Jus ce? Danielle Roth-Johnson (University of Nevada, Las Vegas) What Jus ce Demands? An Examina on of the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Bene ts Sharing Kimberly R. Marion Suiseeya (Duke University) Ac ve Learning in Interna onal A airs John Boehrer and The Pew Faculty Fellows: Twenty Five Years of Case Teaching in Interna onal Rela ons FB47: Friday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Lorraine Eden (Texas A&M University) Download 5.69 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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