Assessing feasibility of hydropeacebuilding in the Jordan River Basin using serious gaming and a human ecosystem approach
Part. Charlo e Ku (University of Illinois) Part
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Charlo e Ku (University of Illinois) Part. Emilia Justyna Powell (University of Notre Dame) Part. John King Gamble (Pennsylvania State University) Part. Mauricio Cortes (Pennsylvania State University) Roundtable Interna onal Security Studies Discursive Power Struggle: How Discourses Enable and Constrain the US, Japan, and China FA68: Friday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Karl Gustafsson (Swedish Ins tute of Interna onal A airs) Disc. Shogo Suzuki (University of Manchester) Panel Securing Japan in the West: the Rise of China and Iden ty Poli cs in the ‘Asian Century’ Chris an Wirth (Gri th University) Caught between Two Stools: The ‘Rise of China’ and the ‘Superpowerness’ of the PRC and the US in the Japanese Foreign Policy Discourse Kai Schulze (Free University Berlin) Japanese War Memory and Security Policy at the Nexus of Militarism and Paci sm, 2001‐2012 Jooyoun Lee (St. Edward's University) What ‘Paci sm’ Enables: From Sino‐Japanese Friendship to Increasing Tensions? Linus Hagstrom (Swedish Ins tute of Interna onal A airs) Ulv Hanssen (Freie Universität Berlin) The Power of the Past in Sino‐Japanese Rela ons: Has China’s Discursive Power Increased? Karl Gustafsson (Swedish Ins tute of Interna onal A airs) Compara ve Interdisciplinary Studies Jus ce, Authority, and Par cipa on FA69: Friday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Pawel Laidler (Jagiellonian University) Disc. Pawel K. Frankowski (Maria Curie‐Sklodowska University) Panel Studying the Role of Jus ce in Interna onal Nego a ons: Ethnographic Insights Lisa M. Samuel (College of Charleston) Constrained Leaders? How Poli cal Structure Sets The Stage For The (S)Elec on Of Leaders Hanneke Derksen (Syracuse University) Democracy 2.0 ‐ Prac ce, narra ve and theory Catarina Isabel Tully (Strategy & Security Ins tute, Exeter University, UK) Does professionaliza on of decision makers create a di erence in the treatment of refugee claim decisions? Sule Tomkinson (Université de Montréal) THE POLITICAL ROLE OF THE JURY IN COMMON LAW JURISDICTIONS. A COMPARATIVE STUDY. Pawel Laidler (Jagiellonian University) Environmental Studies Private Environmental Governance FA70: Friday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Marc Hu y (The Graduate Ins tute, Geneva) Disc. Ronnie D. Lipschutz (University of California, Santa Cruz) Panel The Strategic use of Accoun ng Prac ces as a Poli cal Strategy in Environmental Poli cs Jason A. Thistlethwaite (University of Waterloo) Public and Private Governance: The Case of Palm Oil Clara A. Brandi (German Development Ins tute) Do Voluntary Environmental Regula on in uence Environmental Innova on? Tes ng the Porter‐Linde Hypothesis Sijeong Lim (Stockholm University) Aseem Prakash (University of Washington) Ethnicity, Na onalism, & Migra on Studies Diasporas and Contested Sovereignty: The Transna onal, Na onal, and Local FA71: Friday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Maria Koinova (Warwick University) Disc. Myra A. Waterbury (Ohio University) Panel Diasporas and State‐building in Kosovo: Transna onal, Na onal, and Local Dimensions Maria Koinova (Warwick University) Iraqi Kurdish Diaspora and State‐building in Kurdistan: Three‐ dimensional approach to the diaspora‐homeland interac ons Bahar Baser (University of Warwick) The Local in the Transna onal: Diaspora Mobiliza on in Bosnia and Herzegovina Dzeneta Karabegovic (University of Warwick) Gender Perspec ve on Bri sh Interven on in Iraq Oula Kadhum (University of Warwick) The Interna onal Diaspora Engagement Ini a ve of the US State Department: A New Way in Which Host States U lize Diasporas? Nadejda K. Marinova (Wayne State University) Hong Kong Poli cal Science Associa on The Sino-U.S. Rivalry in East Asia: Perspec ves from the Region FA72: Friday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Simon Xu‐Hui Shen (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) Disc. Steve Chan (University of Colorado) Disc. Courtney J. Fung (The University of Hong Kong) Panel What Can Quan ta ve IR Tell US About Cross‐Strait Rela ons Steve Chan (University of Colorado) Big Power Rivalry and Source of Strategic Distrust: the Case of Sino‐ U.S. Rela ons in East Asia Richard Weixing Hu (Uninversity of Hong Kong) Sino‐US Rela ons from the Hong Kong Perspec ves Simon Xu-Hui Shen (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) The role of Hong Kong in shaping Sino‐US rela ons Hak Yin Li (Community College, The University of Hong Kong) Post Communist States The Black Sea: Security Challenges in a Region of Regions FA73: Friday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Carol R. Saivetz (Massachuse s Ins tute of Technology) Part. Lenore G. Mar n (Harvard University) Part. Stephen Jerome Blank (American Foreign Policy Council) Part. Ronald H. Linden (University of Pi sburgh) Part. Karen Saunders (Forum Founda on for Analy c Excellence) Roundtable Ethnicity, Na onalism, & Migra on Studies Communi es Beyond Borders: Revisi ng Diaspora Poli cs FA79: Friday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Philippe Bourbeau (University of Namur) Disc. Philippe Bourbeau (University of Namur) Disc. Tristan Sturm (York University) Panel BORDERS AND SOCIAL BOUNDARIES Geopoli cs and Iden ty in the Global World and the Turkish‐Armenian Border Case Khatchik Derghoukassian (University of San Andrés) Show Me the Money: Are Remi ances a Cure or Curse for Corrup on? Gina Lei Miller (The University of Alabama) Michael D. Tyburski (University of Wisconsin Milwaukee) Interroga ng Iden ty: A Study of Siddi and Hadrami Diaspora in Hyderabad City, India Kha ja Khader (Jawaharlal Nehru University) Transna onal or Transglobal? Loca ng the State in Armenian Na onhood Kris n Cavoukian (University of Toronto) Migra on and Development: The Case of Jamaica Nane e Archer Svenson (Tulane University) chadine allen (Ministry of Na onal Security) Environmental Studies A Corpora zed World Order? The Global Poli cs of Ac vism, NGOs, and Big Business FB01: Friday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Genevieve LeBaron (University of She eld) Part. Peter Dauvergne (University of Bri sh Columbia) Part. Adrienne L. Roberts (University of Manchester) Part. Alan Sears (Ryerson University) Part. David McNally (York University) Part. Genevieve LeBaron (University of She eld) Part. Michael Maniates (Yale‐NUS College) Roundtable Ac ve Learning in Interna onal A airs Interna onal Educa on Teaching IR: Ac ons and Outcomes FB02: Friday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Jeanne e Money (University of California Davis) Disc. Peng Wang (University of Bristol) Panel Tolerance Educa on in the Poli cal Science and Interna onal Studies Classroom? Applying Insights from the Intersec onality Literature to the Study of Global Issues Dovile Budryte (Georgia Gwinne College) To Boldly Go…Where One Ought To Go: Teaching IR Theory In An Enterprising Way Gigi Gokcek (Dominican University of California) Teaching Foreign Policy Decision‐Making: An Empirical Approach Wesley B. Renfro (St. John Fisher College) A Comparison of Students’ A tude & Behavior in a Cross‐Na onal Se ng in Interna onal Rela ons Classes Houman A. Sadri (University of Central Florida) Shiva Jahani (University of Central Florida) Undiscovered Country(ies): Challenges in Teaching Asian A airs to Brazilian Students Wellington D. Amorim (La Salle Rio de Janeiro) Carlos Frederico Coelho (Rio de Janeiro State University (IESP)) Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Presiden al Roundtable: Kenneth Waltz: Scholar, Teacher, and Inspira on FB03: Friday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Stephen Mar n Walt (Harvard University) Part. John Gerard Ruggie (Harvard University) Part. John Mearsheimer (University of Chicago) Part. Barry Posen (Massachuse s Ins tute of Technology) Part. Jane Jaque e (Occidental College) Roundtable Global Development Global Systemic Crises & Paradigm Shi s: What Does History & Experience Really Say about System Transforma on? FB04: Friday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Isaac A. Kamola (Trinity College) Part. Jackie Smith (University of Pi sburgh) Part. Ernesto Verdeja (University of Notre Dame) Part. Charmaine S. Chua (University of Minnesota) Part. Philip McMichael (Cornell University) Part. Manfred B. Steger (RMIT University & U of Hawai'i) Part. Janet Conway (Brock University) Roundtable ISA Innova ve Panel Reverse Pedagogy as a New Approach to Understanding Interna onal Rela ons FB05: Friday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Gregory Gleason (George C. Marshall European Center) Part. Bakyt Ospanova (L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian Na onal University) Part. Filippo Costa Buranelli (King's College London) Part. Mandana Tishehyar Innova ve Panel Interna onal Poli cal Sociology Theory Assemblages and Interna onal Theory FB06: Friday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Michele Acuto (University College London) Chair Simon Cur s (University of East Anglia) Part. Chris an Bueger (Cardi University) Part. Olaf Corry (Open University, UK) Part. Xavier Guillaume (University of Edinburgh) Part. Mark Salter (University of O awa) Part. Nick Srnicek (University College London) Part. Rita Abrahamsen (University of O awa) Part. Saskia Sassen (Columbia University) Roundtable Scien c Study of Interna onal Processes The Dynamics of Mul -Party Con icts FB07: Friday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Fo ni Chris a (MIT) Disc. Fo ni Chris a (MIT) Panel Comparing Inter‐Rebel Collabora on Styles across Mul party Civil Con icts Kanisha D. Bond (University of Maryland) Ricochet E ects: The Impact of Government Ac ons on Militant Interac ons Martha Crenshaw (Stanford University) Finding Peace among Former Foes: Quality Peace a er Civil War Endings Erik Melander (Uppsala University) Desiree A. E. Nilsson (Uppsala University) Modeling Mul ‐Party Contests: From in mate alliances to free‐for‐ alls David E. Cunningham (University of Maryland) Economic Integra on and the Globaliza on of Con ict Allison Carnegie (University of Chicago) Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Self-ful lling Geopoli cs? Geopoli cal Revival and Security Dynamics in Europe FB08: Friday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Peter Katzenstein (Cornell University) Part. John Agnew (University of California, Los Angeles) Part. Je rey T. Checkel (Simon Fraser University) Part. Daniel H. Deudney (Johns Hopkins University) Part. Jennifer Mitzen (Ohio State University) Part. Stefano Guzzini (Danish Ins tute for Interna onal Studies & Uppsala University) Roundtable Human Rights The Crea on and Implementa on of Human Rights Standards in the UN Human Rights Council from 2006-2013 FB09: Friday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair M. Joel Voss (North Carolina State University ) Disc. Filippo Dionigi (London School of Economics and Poli cal Science) Panel Targets and Perpetrators: Resolu ons and Vo ng in the UNCHR and UNHRC Simon Hug (University of Geneva) Muslim States at the United Na ons Human Rights Council Turan Kayaoglu (University of Washington) Strengthening Human Rights Norms and Prac ces: A Case Study of NGO In uence in the United Na ons Human Rights Council Universal Periodic Review Process Edward R. McMahon (University of Vermont) Rachel Hanish The Human Rights Hegemon: United States So Power and the Transforma on of the United Na ons Human Rights Council M. Joel Voss (North Carolina State University ) More Honey Than Vinegar: A Peer‐Based Approach to Promo ng Universal Human Rights Norms Elvira Dominguez-Redondo (Middlesex University) Edward R. McMahon (University of Vermont) Scien c Study of Interna onal Processes Poli cal Demography and Geography Replica on in Interna onal Rela ons: Successes and Failures in Prac ce FB10: Friday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Nicole Janz (University of Cambridge) Disc. John Ishiyama (University of North Texas) Panel Pos ng Your Data: Will You S ll Get Famous? Nils Pe er Gleditsch (Peace Research Ins tute Oslo (PRIO)) Scien c Progress in the Absence of New Data: A Procedural Replica on of Ross (2006) Fernando Martel García Companies Suing Countries: Bad for Development? Todd Tucker (University of Cambridge) Replica on in Case Studies and Process Tracing – Formula ng and Implemen ng Standards Ingo Rohl ng (Bremen Interna onal Graduate School of Social Sciences) Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Presiden al Roundtable: Academic Freedom FB11: Friday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Mark Gibney (University of North Carolina Asheville) Part. Anna V. Dolidze (University of Western Ontario) Part. George J. Andreopoulos (City University of New York) Part. Stephen Brown (University of O awa) Part. Richard Falk (University of California Santa Barbara) Roundtable Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Presiden al Panel: Territorial Peace: Achieving Issue Se lement FB12: Friday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Kenneth A. Schultz (Stanford University) Disc. Philip Arena (University at Bu alo ‐ State University of New York) Panel Precedent, Interna onal Law, and Peaceful Territorial Change Alyssa K. Prorok (University of Iowa) Paul Huth (University of Maryland) Territorial Dispute Strategies as Diversionary Behavior Krista E. Wiegand (Georgia Southern University) Reading between the Lines: Dyadic Interstate Con ict Behavior during the Period between Border Agreements and Joint Democracy Andrew Owsiak (University of Georgia) Regional Incongruence, State Capacity, and Order Karen Rasler (Indiana University) William R. Thompson (Indiana University) New Tests on the Territorial Peace vs. the Democra c Peace John A. Vasquez (University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign) Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Cogni ve Approaches to Ideology and Social Con ict: New Theories and Methods from the Idea onal Con ict Project FB13: Friday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Thomas F. Homer‐Dixon (University of Waterloo) Disc. Anthony Lemieux (Georgia State University) Panel Mechanisms of Dehumaniza on Michael Lawrence (Centre for Interna onal Governance Innova on) Ideology: A Transatlan c Literature Review Jonathan Leader Maynard (University of Oxford) Dimensions of Ideology: Mapping the Ideological State Space Thomas F. Homer-Dixon (University of Waterloo) Rethinking the Na onal Interest – The Link between Place, Iden ty and Emo on in Global Climate Change Poli cs Manjana Milkoreit (Arizona State University) A Cogni ve‐A ec ve Theory of Territory and Iden ty Steven Mock (Balsillie School of Interna onal A airs) Religion and Interna onal Rela ons Peace Studies Empirical Studies of Religious Dimensions of Con icts FB14: Friday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Disc. Stacey Gutkowski (King’s College London) Panel Does Discrimina on Breed Grievances ‐ And Do grievances Breed Violence? New Evidence from Analysis of Religious Minori es in Developing Countries Ma hias Basedau (German Ins tute of Global and Area Studies) Jonathan Fox (Bar-Ilan University) Jan Pierskalla (German Ins tute of Global and Area Studies) Domes c vs. Interna onal Terrorism and the Interac on of Religion with Context Nil Seda Satana (Bilkent University) Anastassia Bugday (Bilkent University) Never waste a religious crisis: How states can bene t from global religious tensions Peter S. Henne (Pew Research Center) Band of Believers: How Religion Sustains Insurgent Groups Jason Klocek (U.C. Berkeley) Interna onal Security Studies The U.S. Strategic Pivot to Asia: A Dialogue Between Poli cal Scien sts and Policy Analysts FB15: Friday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Stacie Pe yjohn (RAND Corpora on) Part. Alexander Cooley (Barnard College) Part. Katharine Moon Part. Andrew Yeo (Catholic University) Part. Alan Vick (RAND Corpora on) Part. Evan Braden Montgomery (Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments) Part. Stacie Pe yjohn (RAND Corpora on) Roundtable Foreign Policy Analysis Neoclassicial Realism and Asian Security FB16: Friday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Je rey W. Taliaferro (Tu s University) Disc. Je rey W. Taliaferro (Tu s University) Disc. Galia Press‐Barnathan (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) Panel Russia’s Policy toward China a er the Cold War: Neoclassical Realism and Nega ve Balancing Strategies Kai He (Utah State University) The Changing Faces of Chinese Na onal Iden ty: Human Rights and the Road to the 2008 Genocide Olympics Jadon J. Mariane (University of Florida) Explaining Mul lateral Asymmetric Behavior: An Anatomy of China’s Regional Strategies (1949‐79) Yuxing Huang (Boston College) Explaining Varia ons in China’s Regional Security Strategies: A Neoclassical Realist Analysis Liu Feng (Nankai University) Geography and the Security Dilemma in East Asia Daryl G. Press (Dartmouth) Interna onal Security Studies Se ng Geopoli cal Trends in US Foreign Rela ons: Reviewing Reac ons to the End of the Cold War A er 25 Years FB17: Friday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Henry R. Nau (George Washington University ) Panel Geopoli cal Peacemaker? President George H.W. Bush and the United States outlook in 1989‐1990. J. Simon Rofe (SOAS University of London) Looking to the Past to Understand the Present: Obama and the ‘Outlier States’ Alex Miles (Liverpool John Moores University) Democracy Promo on and the Framework of Local Ownership: Examining Interna onal Actors in Post‐Gadda Libya Ma hew Alan Hill (Anglia Ruskin University) The Value of Democracy Promo on as Foreign Policy Nicolas J. Bouchet (Chatham House - Royal Ins tute of Interna onal A airs) Foreign Policy Analysis Making Sense of Targeted Sanc ons in their Regional Contexts: Bringing Geography in the Debate FB18: Friday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Thomas J. Biersteker (The Graduate Ins tute, Geneva) Chair Sue Eckert (Watson Ins tute, Brown University) Disc. Michael Brzoska (University of Hamburg) Part. Clara Portela (Singapore Management University) Part. Mikael Eriksson (Swedish Defence Research Agency) Part. Francesco Giumelli (University of Groningen) Part. Andrea E. Charron (University of Manitoba) Part. Paul Bentall (Foreign and Commonwealth O ce) Roundtable Interna onal Security Studies Psychology and Ra onality in Interna onal Security FB19: Friday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Thomas Zeitzo (New York University) Disc. Elizabeth Saunders (George Washington University) Panel Ingroup‐Centric Beliefs and Intergroup Con ict: Predic ng Individual‐level Varia on in Outgroup Aggression Joshua Gubler (Brigham Young University) The Irra onality of Ra onality Joshua D. Kertzer (Dartmouth College / Harvard University) Brian Rathbun (University of Southern California) Sex, Gender, and Support for War Anthony C. Lopez (Washington State University) Aila M. Matanock (University of California, Berkeley, Poli cal Science) Status De cits and War Jonathan Renshon (University of Wisconsin-Madison) On Aliefs and Lockdowns: A Typology of Mental States in Security Decision‐Making Marcus Holmes (Fordham University) Global Development The Spaces of Work and the Places of Workers in the Global Poli cal Economy II: The Poli cal Subjec vity and Corporeality of Workers FB20: Friday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Hélène Pellerin (University of O awa) Disc. Chris ne B. N. Chin (American University) Panel A Note Toward a Poli cal Economy of Bodies‐Under‐Work Paul McFadden (Newcastle University) Spaces of work in the Kine c City: Considering the Fixi es and Flows of Urbaniza on and Development Samid Suliman (University of Queensland) Corporeality of Work in Cogni ve Industries Phoebe Moore (University of Middlesex London) The Spaces of Care Work in an Era of Neoliberal Globaliza on: Nurses in Nicaragua Lisa Kowalchuk (University of Guelph) Interna onal Communica on Diploma c Studies The “Rela onal Turn” to the Hard Ques ons in Public Diplomacy FB21: Friday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Ali R. Fisher (TRI) Download 5.69 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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