Assessing feasibility of hydropeacebuilding in the Jordan River Basin using serious gaming and a human ecosystem approach
Part. Paul F. Diehl (University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign) Part
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Paul F. Diehl (University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign) Part. Kelly M. Kadera (University of Iowa) Part. Douglas A. Van Belle (Victoria University of Wellington) Part. Caroline Hartzell (Ge ysburg College) Part. Glenn Palmer (Pennsylvania State University) Cmt. Chair Michelle Benson Saxton (University at Bu alo ‐ State University of New York) Commi ee Panel Diploma c Studies Public Diplomacy around the World FA40: Friday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Eytan Gilboa (Bar‐Ilan University) Chair Elizabeth (Be y) C. Hanson (University of Connec cut) Disc. Nicholas J. Cull (University of Southern California) Disc. Evan H. Po er (University of O awa) Part. Ali R. Fisher (TRI) Part. Amelia H. Arsenault (Georgia State University) Part. Jian Wang (University of Southern California) Part. Gary D. Rawnsley (Aberystwyth University) Part. Philippe Lane Part. Shawn M. Powers (Georgia State University) Part. Toshiya Nakamura (Nagoya University) Part. Alan Chong (S Rajaratnam School of Interna onal Studies, Nanyang Technological University) Part. Naren J. Chi y (Macquarie University) Roundtable Interna onal Poli cal Economy Resources, Poli cs, and Policies FA41: Friday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Jenny R. Kehl (University of Wisconsin) Disc. Tudor A. Onea (Dartmouth College) Panel China‐Australian Rela ons in an Era of Increasing Investment Links: A Lens on the Link between Poli cs and Economics Jean-Marc F. Blanchard (Shanghai Jiaotong University) The Poli cal Economy of Transparency in Gabon’s Oil Sector W. R. Nadège Compaoré (Queen's University) Schumpeter and the Singularity: Examining the Transhumanist Literature through the lens of Schumpeterian Crea ve Destruc on James Luther Gilley (Louisiana State University) Geopoli cs of Interna onal Freshwater Resources: Rivers that Cross Borders and Interests Jenny R. Kehl (University of Wisconsin) Poli cal Regimes and Foreign Exchange Reserve Byunghwan Son (College of Wooster) Human Rights Transna onal Rights Organiza ons: Advocacy Above and Below FA42: Friday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Amanda Murdie (University of Missouri) Disc. Laura K. Landolt (Oakland University) Panel Tracking the Boomerang: Exploring the Focus of Transna onal Human Rights Groups Paul Sum Brian Urlacher (University of North Dakota) Building and Shaping Jus ce: NGO Par cipa on at Interna onal Human Rights and Criminal Courts Heidi Haddad (Pomona College) The Impact of Transna onal Associa on: Civil Society—State— Intergovernmental Interac ons in the Universal Periodic Review of Human Rights Michael J. Beckstrand (Syracuse University) Understanding Human Rights Organiza on's Targe ng Baekkwan Park (Emory University) Peace Studies Compara ve Interdisciplinary Studies Alterna ve and Bo om-up Measures of Peace 2 FA43: Friday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Birte Vogel (University of Manchester) Disc. Stefanie Kappler (Liverpool Hope University) Panel Civil socie es Assessing Peacebuilding and Statebuilding Erin L. McCandless (New School University) Peacebuilding and the Environmental Sector Florian Krampe (Uppsala University) Indicators of Threat: A Cri cal Approach to US Threat Analysis in Africa Claire Metelits (Davidson College) Lessons from Within: The Power and In uence of One Youth Center in Post‐con ict Bosnia‐Herzegovina Vanessa Beaton Adnan Gavranovic (Youth Centre Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje, Bosnia) Environmental Studies Interna onal Poli cal Sociology Analyzing Discourse in Global Environmental Poli cs FA44: Friday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Stephan Engelkamp (University of Münster) Disc. Chiara De Franco (University of Southern Denmark) Panel Narra ves of Sustainable Development: Discourse Analysis of Speeches at Rio +20 Shannon Orr (Bowling Green State University) 'Climate Silence': Climate Change and Public Discourse in Russia Marianna Poberezhskaya (University of East Anglia ) Agents and Structures of Deforesta on: How Does the Role of Discourses Manifest Itself in the Case of Agents In uencing the Management of Global Deforesta on? Tobias Dan Nielsen (Lund University) Who Talks About “Environmental Con icts”? A Co‐Cita on Analysis of the “Enviro‐Security” Field. Sarah Saublet (Université de Montreal) The Produc on of Machines Which Act Like Men and Men Who Act Like Machines – Analyzing Rela ons of Subjec vity, Power, and Knowledge in the Global Agri‐food System Through Foucault’s No on of Disposi f Tobias Gumbert (University of Muenster) Ethnicity, Na onalism, & Migra on Studies Interna onal Poli cal Sociology ‘Globalizing’ Ci zenship Studies from the Margins FA45: Friday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Elspeth H. Guild (University of Nijmegen) Disc. Peter Nyers (McMaster University) Panel Shrinking spaces of asylum and the poli cs of mobility Johanna Reynolds (York University) Who demands ci zenship? Blurring the boundary between illegality and legality Reiko Shindo (University of Tokyo ) Death and Birth "On U.S. Soil" Linda Bosniak (Rutgers University) Protes ng From the Marginal Space of (Non)Status? Intergenera onal Migra on, Non‐public Resistance, and the Importance of Moving Beyond Strict Intelligibility Aoileann Ni Mhurchu (The University of Manchester) Compara ve Interdisciplinary Studies Mul ple Discourses on Human Rights FA46: Friday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Miao‐ling Lin Hasenkamp (O o von Guericke University of Magdeburg) Disc. Steve On (Na onal Sun Yat‐sen University) Panel Implemen ng the Human Right to Water Madeline Baer (San Diego State University) Andrea K. Gerlak (University of Arizona) Determinants of Judgments in the ECtHR Aus n Mitchell (University at Bu alo SUNY) Nadejda Mazur The Africaniza on of Atroci es: Why Mass Killing in Africa, 1904‐ 1994, Reframes the Modern Genocide Debate Arthur N. Gilbert (University of Denver) Kris na Hook (University of Denver) Peace Studies Scien c Study of Interna onal Processes Peace Geeks: Quan ta ve Approaches to Peace FA47: Friday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Jonathan M. Powell (Nazarbayev University) Disc. Spencer L Willardson (University of Nevada, Las Vegas) Disc. Jonathan M. Powell (Nazarbayev University) Panel Factors Predic ng Peace Agreement Success Marie Olson Lounsbery (East Carolina University) Karl Rene DeRouen Jr. (University of Alabama) Implemen ng the Peace: Aggregate Implementa on of Accords and the Recurrence of Armed Con ict Madhav Joshi (University of Notre Dame) Jason Quinn (University of Notre Dame ) What Kind of Peace? Iden ty, Nego ated Se lements, and the Post‐ con ict Environment Chris na M. Sciabarra (University of Arizona) The Origins of Rebel Groups and their Impact on Post‐Con ict Nego ated Se lements Michael Widmeier (University of North Texas) Drivers of Peace: Nego a ons, Jus ce and the Con ict Environment Lynn M. Wagner (Interna onal Ins tute for Sustainable Development) Daniel Druckman (George Mason University and Macquarie University, Australia ) African Poli cs Conference Group APCG Sponsored Panel 2014: Con ict and Governance in 21st Century Africa FA48: Friday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Stephen Burgess (US Air War College) Disc. Cara E. Jones (Mary Baldwin College) Panel Ungoverned Spaces and Dangerous Places: The Geopoli cs of the Horn of Africa and the Sahara and Security Strategies Stephen Burgess (US Air War College) The Quality of Kenya’s March 2013 Elec ons and Its Impact Gary Bland (Research Triangle Ins tute) Immigrant Poli cal Inclusion, An ‐Immigrant Violence, and Party Demobiliza on of Violence in Four African States Kimberly L. Shella (University of California Irvine) Professionaliza on of the Provincial Civil Service in Limpopo Province: The Role of the Limpopo Provincial Legislature Majuta Mamogale (University of the Witwatersrand) Nordic Interna onal Studies Associa on Europe's Security Order Between Geopoli cs or Globaliza on FA49: Friday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair John R. Deni (Strategic Studies Ins tute) Disc. John R. Deni (Strategic Studies Ins tute) Panel European Defence in an Age of Austerity and Strategic Decline Adrian G. V. Hyde-Price (University of Bath) Can Germany be Europe's Paci er? Sten Rynning (University of Southern Denmark) Who Provides for European Security at a me of Crisis?:Small States, Security and Status‐seeking Nina Graeger (Norwegian Ins tute of Interna onal A airs) The Euro‐crisis and ‘global power Europe’: EU foreign policy and the case of the Western Balkans Spyros Economides (London School of Economics) Bri sh Interna onal Studies Associa on Gender and Post-Con ict Ins tu on-Building: Linking Interna onal and Na onal Spaces FA50: Friday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Marysia Zalewski (University of Aberdeen) Disc. Marysia Zalewski (University of Aberdeen) Panel From the Top: Gender, peacebuilding and the poli cs of space Laura J. Shepherd (University of New South Wales) Contradic ons of Gender Mainstreaming in Post‐Con ict Ins tu on‐ Building Carrie Reiling (University of California, Irvine) Cons tu onal Spaces for Hope: Female and Feminist Bodies in Post‐ Con ict Ins tu on‐Building Laura McLeod (University of Manchester) Women as Na onal and Interna onal Police: Nego a ng Spaces of Security at Home and in UN Peace Missions Natalie Florea Hudson (University of Dayton) Laura Huber (University of Dayton) Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Transna onal Security Cultures in the Middle East and the Post- Soviet Space FA51: Friday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Natasha C. Kuhrt (King's College London) Disc. Licinia Simao (FEUC/Centre for Social Studies, University of Coimbra) Panel Chinese, Russian, and Turkish Foreign Policies Toward the Iranian Nuclear Programme and the Emergence of Non‐Western Transna onal Security Cultures Toward Iran Moritz Pieper (University of Kent) Who We Are in What We Do: Iden ty and Place in Turkey's Foreign Policy Lisel Hintz (George Washington University) Russian Approaches to Sovereignty, Con ict Resolu on and Responsibility to Protect: Double Standards? Yulia Niki na (MGIMO-University) The Dynamics of Na onal Security Culture in the Levant: Implica ons for Syrian‐Turkish Rela ons Octavius Pinkard (University of Kent) Russia's Insecure Security Culture in the Post‐Soviet Space Tomislava Penkova (University of Kent at Brussels) American Associa on for the Advancement of Slavik Studies Perspec ves of Cri cal Geopoli cs in post-Soviet Russia: Return of the 'Repressed' Discipline? FA52: Friday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Alexander Sergunin (St. Petersburg State University) Disc. Alexander Sergunin (St. Petersburg State University) Panel Russian Foreign Policy in the 21st Century: Deciphering Russia’s New “Geopoli cs Code” Mariya Y. Omelicheva (University of Kansas) Does Geopoli cs Help to Understand Russia’s Contemporary Foreign Policy? Mikhail Rykh k (Lobachevsky State University of Nizhniy Novgorod) Valery Konyshev (Saint-Petersburg State University) Russia’s Arc c Geopoli cs Marlene Laruelle (George Washington University) Russian Geopoli cal Storylines and Policies in the post‐Soviet Space Stefanie Ortmann (University of Sussex) Russia, China, and the Geopoli cs of the Russian Far East Charles E. Ziegler (University of Louisville) Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Mari me Security Priva za on: Causes, Controls, and Consequences FA53: Friday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Carolin Liss (Gri th University) Disc. Elke Krahmann (Brunel University) Panel Priva zed Counterpiracy E orts: Implica ons of/for the Global Naval Form Christopher Spearin (Canadian Forces College) Breaking the Social Contract: The Use of Mari me Private Security Companies Against Pirates Lars Bangert Struwe (Centre for Military Studies, University of Copenhagen) A Scandinavian Approach to Private Mari me Security? Joakim Berndtsson (University of Gothenburg) Åse Gilje Østensen (Royal Norwegian Naval Academy) Mari me Private Security Companies in Germany and Spain: A Compara ve Study of Governance Structures Patricia Schneider (Ins tute for Peace Research and Security Policy at the University of Hamburg (IFSH)) Annina Bürgin (Ins tuto Universitario de Estudios Europeos IUEE) Coali ons or Contractors? State Interests and the Problem of Piracy Renée de Nevers (Syracuse University) Interna onal Poli cal Economy Crisis, Currencies, and Consequences - Instability and Policy Responses FA54: Friday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Pamela Blackmon (Pennsylvania State University, Altoona) Disc. Adriana Schor (Universidade de São Paulo) Disc. Alison Johnston (Oregon State University) Panel The Poli cs of Regula ng Insurance A er The Global Financial Crisis Mariana Jimenez-Huerta (Ins tute of La n American Studies, University of London) The Ties That Bind: External factors and Sovereign Debt Crises in Brazil, 1889‐1987 Gustavo S. Carvalho (University of Toronto) Exchange Rate Policies as Responses to U.S. Currency Apprecia on Pressures: The Japanese yen, the South Korean won, and the Chinese yuan, 1971‐2013 June Park (Boston University) Quan fying Government Protec on: Evidence from the Global Financial Crisis Lucas Llanso Puente (Stanford University) The Adop on of Best Prac ces in Interna onal Regula on of Capital Markets Nora Rachman (Fundacao Getulio Vargas - Sao Paulo Law School, Brazil) Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Interven on, Resistance, and Ambivalent Peacebuilding FA55: Friday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Sabine Kurtenbach (GIGA German Ins tute of Global and Area Studies) Disc. Sabine Kurtenbach (GIGA German Ins tute of Global and Area Studies) Panel Resistance in the Time of Cholera: The Structural Limita ons of the Securi za on Approach to Peacebuilding in Hai Nicolas Lemay-Hebert (University of Birmingham) Challenging the ‘Oslo Paradigm’: Resistance and Visions of Peace in Pales ne and Israel Mandy Turner (Council for Bri sh Research in the Levant) Interac on is What We Make of It: Ambiguity and Interven ons’ Gray Areas of Peace Florian P. Kuehn (Humboldt University Berlin) The Most Popular of All French Military Interven ons in Africa? Legi miza on of and Resistance to the French Opera on in Mali Isaline Bergamaschi (Universidad Los Andes) Interna onal Security Studies Assessing the Military E ec veness of Substate Actors FA56: Friday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Adam Lichtenheld (University of California, Berkeley) Disc. Adam Lichtenheld (University of California, Berkeley) Panel Northern Mali’s Islamist insurgents – arms, money and prayers Morten Boas (Norwegian Ins tute of Interna onal A airs) Selec ve Leviathans, Leashed and Languid: Evidence from Indian Counterinsurgencies Sameer Lalwani (Massachuse s Ins tute of Technology) Poli cal Structure and Military Behavior in the American Indian Wars Je rey Friedman (Dartmouth College) Organiza on and Community: Determinants of Insurgent Military Structure and E ec veness Alec Worsnop (Massachuse s Ins tute of Technology) English School Buzan, Causality and Method in the English School FA57: Friday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Jacek Czaputowicz (University of Warsaw) Disc. Andrew Bradley Phillips (University of Queensland) Panel Barry Buzan’s Reconsidera on of the English School of IR: Right Ques ons, Wrong Answers Mikael Baaz (University of Gothenburg) Cri que of the Logic of Appropriateness for Exaggera ng the In uence of Society, Not Structure, on Agency Jacob D. Ja e (Georgetown University) Civiliza on: A Case for 'Re‐Introducing' World Society to the Discipline of Interna onal Rela ons Mark Pearcey (Carleton University) The Quest for Causality: Understanding Change through the English School Charlo a Friedner Parrat (Uppsala University) Are Interna onal Prac ces Evolving or Developing? Sebas en J. Mainville (The Ohio State University) Foreign Policy Analysis Selec on and Contesta on of Foreign Policy Roles FA58: Friday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Juliet Kaarbo (University of Edinburgh) Disc. Keiko Hirata (California State University, Northridge) Panel Role Development and Interna onal Socializa on: Scotland’s Pre‐ Independence Experience/Experiment Ryan Beasley (University of St. Andrews) Juliet Kaarbo (University of Edinburgh) Domes c Role Contesta on and Role Selec on Klaus Brummer (University of Erlangen Nuremberg) Followers from a Role‐Theore cal Perspec ve Nikola Hynek (Metropolitan University Prague ) A Typology of Foreign Policy Role Concep ons for African States John F. Clark (Florida Interna onal University) Role Contesta on in Turkish Foreign Policy: The Elite and the Public Ozgur Ozdamar (Bilkent University) Feminist Theory and Gender Studies Interna onal Security Studies Non-state Armed Groups, Gender Violence, and Internal Controls FA59: Friday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Carol E. Cohn (Consor um on Gender, Security and Human Rights) Disc. Erin K. Baines (University of Bri sh Columbia) Panel Towards a Feminist Posi on on the Non‐State Actor in Con ict and Post Con ict Se ngs Fionnuala Ni Aolain (University of Minnesota Law School) Catherine O'Rourke (University of Ulster) Does Women’s Par cipa on In uence Support for the NSAG? Jakana L. Thomas (Michigan State University) Gender: The Missing Piece to Understanding Violence by Non‐state Armed Groups Phoebe Randel (The Fletcher School) Sexual Violence in the Contemporary Colombian Armed Con ict: Gender, Power and Calculated Violence Jeremy Harkey Beyond Vic ms and Perpetrators: Towards a More Nuanced Understanding of Women Militants' Iden es in the Colombian Armed Con ict Roxanne Krystalli (The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy) Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Con ict and Coopera on in Interna onal Petroleum Geopoli cs FA60: Friday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Joerg Friedrichs (University of Oxford) Disc. Je D. Colgan (American University) Disc. Joerg Friedrichs (University of Oxford) Panel The Geopoli cs of China and India’s Energy Foreign Policy: Compe on Among Rising Powers Wojtek M. Wolfe (Rutgers University) Figh ng to Agree: Con ict and Coopera on in Territorial Petroleum Disputes Emily Meierding (Graduate Ins tute of Interna onal and Development Studies, Geneva) Nego a ng Hydrocarbon Resources Across Mari me Boundaries Aslaug Asgeirsdo r (Bates College) Geopoli cal implica ons of the US Shale Gas Revolu on Dag H. Claes (University of Oslo) China’s Strategy for Energy Acquisi on in the Middle East: Poten al for Con ict and Coopera on with the United States Manochehr Dorraj (Texas Chris an University) Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on From ‘Natural’ Resources to ‘Poli cised’ Resources: Nego a ng Governance Norms in the Global Poli cal Economy FA61: Friday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Jewellord Tolen no Nem Singh (University of She eld) Chair Andrew G. Lawrence (Vienna School of Interna onal Studies) Disc. Jewellord Tolen no Nem Singh (University of She eld) Panel Rethinking the Global Governance of Resources: Norm Di usion and the Poli cs of Transla on in Extrac ve Industries Jewellord Tolen no Nem Singh (University of She eld) Oyu Tolgoi’s First Steps: Mul lateral Norms and the Recon gura on of Poli cal Spaces in Mongolia Pascale L. Hatcher (Ritsumeikan University) Nigeria, From ‘Carbon Democracy’ to Global Player? Andrew G. Lawrence (Vienna School of Interna onal Studies) Social Pollu on: CSR Failures and Spa al Proximity as Causes of Mine‐Community Con ict Paul Haslam (University of O awa) Interna onal Security Studies Global Perspec ves on "The Soldier" FA62: Friday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Karen Gu eri (Naval Postgraduate School) Disc. Bernard I. Finel (Na onal War College) Panel Cohort Replacement and Doctrinal Change in the People’s Libera on Army Jonathan Acu (Francis Marion University) COIN East of the Durand Line ‐ Pakistan Army’s Counter Insurgency Opera ons 2004‐2010 Feisal Khan (Hobart and William Smith Colleges) Gazing into the Abyss: US Soldiers' Perspec ves on the Quest for Local Legi macy in Afghanistan Lisa Karlborg (Uppsala University) The Poli cal Legacies of Combat: A tudes Towards War And Peace among Israeli Ex‐Combatants Guy Grossman (University of Pennsylvania) Global Health Interna onal Poli cal Economy Exploring the Space, Place, and Time of Disease Surveillance FA63: Friday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Sara M. Glasgow (University of Montana Western) Disc. Sara M. Glasgow (University of Montana Western) Panel Biosurveillance and the State Jeremy Youde (University of Minnesota Duluth) Disease Surveillance Capacity Building in Post‐SARS China Yanzhong Huang (Seton Hall University and Council on Foreign Rela ons) The Race Against Time: Technological Changes in Disease Repor ng Clare Wenham (Aberystwyth) The Evolu on of Virtual Viral Borders? Infec ous Disease Surveillance Under the IHR Sara Davies (Queensland University of Technology) Disease Diplomacy Across All Spaces Simon H. Rushton (University of She eld) Post Communist States New Eastern Europe Between Russia and the European Union FA65: Friday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Artem Malgin (Moscow State Ins tute of Interna onal Rela ons (MGIMO‐University)) Disc. Georgi Ivanov (Carleton University) Panel The Evolu on of Eastern Europe in 1991–2012 Sławomir Dębski (Centre for Polish-Russian Dialogue and Understanding) The Bal c States: In Search of New Iden ty Vladislav Vorotnikov (MGIMO-University, Centre for North European and Bal c Studies) Eastern Europe in NATO’s Global Strategy Sergey Shilov (MGIMO-University) Post‐Socialist Transforma ons in the Eastern European Countries: Laying Founda on for the Future Svetlana Glinkina (Ins tute of Economics, Russian Academy of Sciences) Global South Caucus New Actors and Alliances: The Business of Development FA66: Friday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Lisa Ann Richey (Roskilde University) Disc. Barry Gills (University of Helsinki) Panel Ruling Elites and their Alliances: (Re)Discovering the Drivers of Economic Development Lindsay Whi ield Buying into Development? Brand Aid Forms of Cause‐Related Marke ng Lisa Ann Richey (Roskilde University) Trade, Consump on, and Development Alliances: The Historical Legacy of the Empire Marke ng Board Poster Campaign Uma Kothari (University of Manchester) Explaining the Emergence of the EU's New Common Investment Policy ‐ Business Lobbying, Intergovernmental Bargaining or Commission Entrepreneurship? Robert Basedow (London School of Economics and Poli cal Science) ‘Diasporas as development partners for peace? The alliance between the Darfuri diaspora and the Save Darfur Coali on’ Alexandra Budabin (University of Dayton) Interna onal Law IGOs: Systema zing our Approach for the 21st Century FA67: Friday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair John King Gamble (Pennsylvania State University) Download 5.69 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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