Assessing feasibility of hydropeacebuilding in the Jordan River Basin using serious gaming and a human ecosystem approach
Part. Bas aan Van Apeldoorn (Free University of Amsterdam) Part
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Bas aan Van Apeldoorn (Free University of Amsterdam) Part. Stephen Mar n Walt (Harvard University) Part. Christopher Layne (Texas A & M University) Part. Inderjeet S. Parmar (City University London; Princeton University) Part. Xiaoyu Pu (University of Nevada, Reno) Part. Joseph S. Nye Jr. (Harvard University) Roundtable Theory Interna onal Poli cal Sociology Pragma sm, Poli cs, and the Interna onal TD02: Thursday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Nicholas Michelsen (King's College London) Disc. J. Peter Burgess (Peace Research Ins tute Oslo (PRIO)) Panel Pragma sm, Pluralism, and Contemporary Religious Violence Larry N. George (California State University, Long Beach) Linking Foreign Policy Analysis and Systemic Transforma on in Global Poli cs: Methodological Implica ons of a Deweyan Approach Gunther Hellmann (Goethe University Frankfurt) The Interna onal and Its Problems: Pragma sm and the Limits of Solidarity Huss Banai (Occidental College) Rethinking Biopoli cal Resistance Through Prac ces of 'Commoning', and the (Marxist‐) Feminist Cri que of Reproduc on Tom Marshall (Aberystwyth University) Pragma sm, Poli cs and Conceptual Crea on in Interna onal Rela ons: Morgenthau, Rorty and Deleuze Nicholas Michelsen (King's College London) Junior Scholar Symposia Narra ves in Foreign Policy TD02-D: Thursday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Disc. Jarrod Hayes (Georgia Ins tute of Technology) Disc. Tim Dunne (University of Queensland) JSS Group Naming Places: The Meaning of ‘Geopoli cal Spaces’ in Foreign Policy David Svarin (King's College London) Illumina ng the Shadow of the Past ‐ The Transna onaliza on of Collec ve Memory and its Impact on Foreign Policy Discourses Eric Sangar (University of Stu gart) The Best Foreign Policy Requires The Right Narra ve: An Analysis of the Economic 'Causes' of Arab Spring Protests Charles Roger Tibedo (University of Southern Mississippi) Imagining Iran: American Foreign Policy through Strategic Necessity and Narra ve Divergence Jonathon Patrick Whooley (University of Florida) Interna onal Organiza on IO Honors the Work of Robert Keohane TD03: Thursday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Jon Pevehouse (University of Wisconsin) Part. Jessica F. Green (Case Western Reserve University) Part. Beth Ann Simmons (Harvard University) Part. Sarah Bermeo (Duke University) Part. Randall W. Stone (University of Rochester) Hon. Robert O. Keohane (Princeton University) Dis nguished Scholar Environmental Studies ESS Honors the Work of Peter M. Haas TD04: Thursday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Stacy D. VanDeveer (University of New Hampshire) Part. Oran R. Young (Bren School, UC Santa Barbara) Part. Craig N. Murphy (Wellesley College and UMass Boston) Part. Frank Biermann (Vrije University Amsterdam) Part. Ken Conca (American University) Part. Kate O'Neill (University of California Berkeley) Hon. Peter M. Haas (University of Massachuse s Amherst) Dis nguished Scholar ISA Innova ve Panel Economic Statecra in an Era of Globaliza on TD05: Thursday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair David Lektzian (Texas Tech University) Part. Miroslav Nincic (University of California Davis) Part. Norrin M. Ripsman (Concordia University) Part. Dursun Peksen (University of Memphis) Innova ve Panel Interna onal Communica on Diploma c Studies Change of State: Globaliza on, Informa on Policy, and State Power in Compara ve Perspec ve TD06: Thursday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Monroe Price (University of Pennsylvania) Disc. Sandra Braman (University of Wisconsin‐Milwaukee) Part. Amelia H. Arsenault (Georgia State University) Part. Stefania Milan (The Ci zen Lab, University of Toronto) Part. Shawn M. Powers (Georgia State University) Part. Dwayne Winseck (tba) Roundtable Interna onal Communica on ICOMM Honors the Work of Daya Thussu TD08: Thursday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Cris na Arche (University of Salford) Part. Elizabeth (Be y) C. Hanson (University of Connec cut) Part. J. P. Singh (George Mason University) Part. Edward A. Comor (University of Western Ontario) Part. Philip Seib (University of Southern California) Part. Robin Brown (TBA) Hon. Daya Thussu (University of Westminster) Dis nguished Scholar Scien c Study of Interna onal Processes Solving Puzzles with Formal Models: A Panel in Honor of Dina Zinnes TD09: Thursday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Kelly M. Kadera (University of Iowa) Chair Mark J. Crescenzi (University of N. Carolina at Chapel Hill) Disc. Dina A. Zinnes (University of Illinois) Panel Formal Models as a Tool for Studying Interna onal Rela ons Songying Fang (Rice University) Dynamic Modeling and the Puzzle of Democracy and War in the Interna onal System Kelly M. Kadera (University of Iowa) Mark J. Crescenzi (University of N. Carolina at Chapel Hill) War Exhaus on and the Stability of Arms Trea es William Spaniel (University of Rochester) Formal Theory, Data Collec on and Analysis: Innova ons and Lessons from the study of Economic Sanc ons T. Cli on Morgan (Rice University) Developing Formal Theory in Response to a Puzzle (Interna onal Reputa ons) Anne Sartori (Massachuse s Ins tute of Technology) Human Rights Peace Studies Scien c Study of Interna onal Processes Transi onal Jus ce During Armed Con ict TD10: Thursday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Cyanne E. Loyle (West Virginia University) Disc. David Backer (University of Maryland) Disc. Gearoid M. Millar (University of Aberdeen) Panel Transi onal Jus ce in Con ict: Assessing Northern Ireland’s ‘Piecemeal’ Approach to the Past Nevin T. Aiken (University of Wyoming) Dilemmas of Transi onal Jus ce in Colombia Jennifer McCoy (Georgia State University) Jelena Subo c (Georgia State University) Too Soon? Thinking through the "Transi on" in Transi onal Jus ce Joanna R. Quinn (The University of Western Ontario) Unjust Disorder? Impunity and Insecurity in Post‐2001 Afghanistan Marika P. Theros (London School of Economics and Poli cal Science) Iavor P. Rangelov (London School of Economics and Poli cal Science) Jus ce During Armed Con ict from 1949 through 2011: A New Dataset Cyanne E. Loyle (West Virginia University) Helga Malmin Binningsboe (Peace Research Ins tute Oslo (PRIO)) Truth for Peace: Examining the E ect of the Solomon Islands’ TRC on A tudes Towards Peace Karen Brouneus (Uppsala University) Interna onal Security Studies Poli cal Demography and Geography STS and Global Security: A Cri cal Celebra on of the Pla num Anniversary TD11: Thursday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Maximilian Mayer (Bonn University) Part. Gunhild Hoogensen Gjørv (University of Tromsø) Part. Rens van Munster (Danish Ins tute for Interna onal Studies) Part. Johan Eriksson (Swedish Ins tute of Interna onal A airs) Part. Sean Cos gan (The New School) Part. Michele Acuto (University College London) Roundtable Interna onal Security Studies Governance in a Cybered Westphalian World TD12: Thursday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Sue Eckert (Watson Ins tute, Brown University) Part. Chris C. Demchak (US Naval War College & University of Arizona) Part. Peter Dombrowski (Naval War College) Part. Rex Hughes (University of Toronto) Part. Emily Goldman (Department of Defense) Part. Rafal A. Rohozinski (University of Toronto) Part. Rose McDermo (Department of Poli cal Science, Brown University) Roundtable Scien c Study of Interna onal Processes New Fron ers in Computa onal IR TD13: Thursday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Philip A. Schrodt (Parus Analy cal Systems) Disc. Vito D'Orazio (Harvard University, IQSS) Panel Unsupervised Learning of Poli cal Events Brandon Stewart (Harvard University) Martyrdom or Irrelevance? The E ect of Drone Strikes on the Intellectual Legacy of Jihadists Richard Nielsen (Harvard University) Social Networks Spread Protests: Studying the Di usion of the Arab Spring Zachary Steinert-Threlkeld (University of California, San Diego) Assessing the E ec veness of Censorship in China Margaret E. Roberts (Harvard University) Pu ng it All on the Line: How to Make Scales from Event Data Will Lowe (MZES, University of Mannheim) Environmental Studies Workshop Panel – Sustainable Transi on and Sustainable Peace: Policy Ini a ves of Governments and Interna onal Organiza ons TD14: Thursday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Hans Guenter Brauch (AFES‐PRESS) Chair Ursula Oswald Spring (Na onal University of Mexico) Part. Hans Guenter Brauch (AFES‐PRESS) Part. Simon Dalby (Balsillie School of Interna onal A airs) Part. Ursula Oswald Spring (Na onal University of Mexico) Part. Carolyn M. Stephenson (University of Hawaii Manoa) Part. Eduardo Viola (University of Brasilia) Roundtable Junior Scholar Symposia Foreign Policy, Aid, and Development TD15: Thursday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Valerie Hudson (The Bush School of Government and Public Service, Texas A&M University) Junior Scholar Junior Scholar Symposia Development and Aid TD15-A: Thursday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Disc. Saori N. Katada (University of Southern California) JSS Group The Poli cs of Rural Development and Interna onal Coopera on in ´Post‐Neoliberal´ Ecuador Patrick Clark (Carleton University/ FLACSO- Ecuador) The Interpreta on of Aid E ec veness: How Di erent Donor Countries Understand the Concept of Aid E ec veness Junhyup Kim (Purdue University) Is There A BRICS Model of Development? Rafael Bi encourt Rodrigues Lopes (Pon cal Catholic University of Minas Gerais (PUC Minas)) Junior Scholar Symposia Humanitarism and Foreign Aid TD15-B: Thursday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Disc. Shannon Lindsey Blanton (University of Memphis) JSS Group Construc ng Gender in Humanitarian Response: A Case Study of Post‐Earthquake Hai Emily Alicia Wiseman (The Graduate Ins tute of Interna onal and Development Studies) Does Foreign Aid Undermine the Human Rights Situa on in Recipient States? Evidence from US‐Southeast Asia Rela ons Salvador San no Regilme (Yale University / Freie Universität Berlin) Human Rights and Counter‐Terrorism: Con ic ng In uences in the Foreign Aid Appropria ons Process Jessie Rumsey (Kent State University) Without Strings: Chinese Foreign Aid and Regime Stability in Energy Expor ng Countries Huan-Kai Tseng (George Washington University) Ryan Krog Junior Scholar Symposia Media and Foreign Policy TD15-C: Thursday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Disc. Babak Bahador (University of Canterbury) Disc. Patrick James (University of Southern California) JSS Group “Diplomats are Cold and McFaul is Warm; That is the Di erence.” Challenges to Public Diplomacy in Hybrid Regimes. Anna A. Popkova (University of Minnesota) Making a Security Iden ty From Below? Transna onal Discourses in European Media During the Libya Crisis Maximilian Axel Overbeck (Stu gart University) Interna onal Indexing, “Spin Doctors”, And Two‐Level Games – The E ect of Media Logic On Bri sh, American, and French Foreign Policy Before the Invasion of Iraq James Strong (London School of Economics) A Content Analysis of Interna onal News in North Korean Central TV New Leadership’s Percep on of the World Sookeung Jung (Georgia State University) Peace Studies Strategies for Resolu on: I. William Zartman's Contribu ons to the Study of War and Peace TD16: Thursday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Pamela R. Aall (1. Facilita ng Peace. 2. United States Ins tute of Peace. ) Chair Anat Niv‐Solomon (City University of New York) Disc. Chester A. Crocker (Georgetown University) Panel No Cowardly Lion: Zartman, His Cri cs, and the Theory of Ripeness in Intrastate Con ict Timothy D. Sisk (University of Denver) Nego a ng Iden ty in Russia Lauren Van Metre Teaching Con ict Management P. Terrence Hopmann (Johns Hopkins University) Africa as a Subordinate State System: Regional Dimensions of Con ict in the Horn of Africa Terrence P. Lyons (George Mason University) Zartman's Contribu ons to the Theory of Nego a on Fen Osler Hampson (The Centre for Interna onal Governance Innova on) Ac ve Learning in Interna onal A airs Feminist Theory and Gender Studies Challenging Our Students and Ourselves: Innova ve Approaches to Teaching IR TD17: Thursday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Jack Holland (University of Surrey) Disc. Madeline M. Carr (Aberystwyth University) Panel Teaching without Textbooks: Narra ves, Simula ons and Original Texts in the Teaching of an Introduc on to IR Course Lucian Mark Ashworth (Memorial University of Newfoundland) Teaching Global Poli cs as Storytelling Annick T. R. Wibben (University of San Francisco) Understanding Poli cs And IR Through Skills Development Modules: Re ec ng on Applied Poli cal Skills Roberta Guerrina Teaching IR through popular games, culture and simula ons David Romano (Missouri State University) Foreign Policy Analysis Sources of Foreign Policy in the Middle East TD18: Thursday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Mojtaba Mahdavi (University of Alberta) Disc. Mojtaba Mahdavi (University of Alberta) Panel Tell Me What You Read: Representa ons of the United States in Recent Arabic Titles Sami E. Baroudi (Lebanese American University) The Changing Geopoli cs of the Middle East and the 'Arab Spring' Hootan Shambaya (Florida Gulf Coast University) The Foreign Policy of Middle East Monarchies ‐ Does Monarchism Ma er? Anna Sunik (GIGA German Ins tute of Global and Area Studies) Dealing with New Middle East Leadership: An Opera onal Code Approach Sercan Canbolat (Bilkent University, Ankara) Did Islamism Become What States Made of It? A Realist Construc vist Approach to Islamist Foreign Policy in Egypt and Tunisia Filippo Dionigi (London School of Economics and Poli cal Science) Interna onal Poli cal Sociology Feminist Theory and Gender Studies Envisioning the Global – Visual Methodologies and Approaches to Research TD19: Thursday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Can E. Mutlu (Bilkent University) Disc. Stephanie Szitanyi (Rutgers University) Disc. Juha A. Vuori (University of Turku) Panel What Does The Secular Look Like? Terrell Carver (University of Bristol) Beyond Text: New Founda ons for a New Visual Discourse Analysis Jan Robert Schulz (University of Manchester) Video Remix As An IR Method Rune Saugmann Andersen (University of Copenhagen) Fleshing out Feminist Visual Methods: Film, Power and Place Sarah Marie Wiebe (University of Victoria) Mapping the Contemporary War Photography Landscape – A Mixed Methods Approach Erika Kirkpatrick (University of O awa) Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Presiden al Roundtable: De-Mys fying Twi er for Scholars of Compara ve and Interna onal Poli cs TD20: Thursday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Stephen M. Saideman (Carleton University) Part. Philip Arena (University at Bu alo ‐ State University of New York) Part. Chris an Davenport (University of Michigan) Part. Carrie Reiling (University of California, Irvine) Part. Erin Simpson (Harvard University) Part. Laura E. Seay (Colby College) Part. Daniel Drezner (Tu s University) Roundtable Interna onal Ethics Environmental Studies The Ethics of Nuclear Energy in the Post-Fukushima Era TD21: Thursday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Thomas E. Doyle (Texas State University) Disc. Behnam Taebi (Del University of Technlogy) Panel Energy Scenarios, Nuclear Power, and Sustainability Rafaela Hillerbrand (TU Del ) Ethics, Risk and Safety Culture: Re ec ons on the Nuclear Accident at FUKUSHIMA in an Era of Globaliza on William Kastenberg (University of California) Mul na onal Nuclear Waste Repositories: On Interna onal and Intergenera onal Ethics Behnam Taebi (Del University of Technlogy) The Ethics of the Con nued Opera on of Nuclear Power Reactors that Func on Past its Design Life Ronald Sandler Nuclear Energy and Interna onal Security Thomas E. Doyle (Texas State University) Foreign Policy Analysis Brazil: Establishing a Global Presence TD22: Thursday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Andrea Oelsner (University of Aberdeen) Disc. Marco Vieira (University of Birmingham) Panel Brazil, NATO and the Geopoli cs of the Atlan c a er the US Pivot to the Paci c Bruno Reis (Na onal Defence Ins tute - Lisbon & King's College London ) The Contemporary Peace Opera ons and the Brazilian Foreign Policy: Brazilian Discourses on Human Security and Responsibility to Protect and Their Ac ons on the Field Renata B. Ferreira (IBMEC- Rio de Janeiro) Brazil as a Poten al Mediator in the Israeli‐Pales nian Peace Process: Preferences, Capaci es and Strategies Joan Deas (Grenoble Ins tute of Poli cal Studies / University of Quebec At Montreal (UQAM)) Brazil and the Securi za on of the South Atlan c: Assessing the Role of Geopoli cal Externali es Pedro Seabra (Ins tute of Social Sciences-University of Lisbon) Brazil’s Development Coopera on in Africa: A New Model? André de Mello e Souza (Ins tuto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada) Intelligence Studies Intelligence and Democracy TD23: Thursday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair James J. Wirtz (Naval Postgraduate School) Disc. Mark Phythian (University of Leicester) Panel Intelligence Educa on and New Democracies Cris Matei (Naval Postgraduate School) A Legal Framework for Brazilian Intelligence Opera ons – a Compara ve Study of Brazil, Canada, the United States, and Argen na Denilson Feitoza Pacheco (Faculty Membership) Intelligence Studies and Geopoli cs Sorin-Gabriel Sebe (Bucharest University) Congressional Oversight of the Intelligence Community (IC): Who Does What? Anne Daugherty Miles (Na onal Intelligence University) Why Democra c Control of Intelligence is a Chimera Peter Gill (University of Liverpool) Interna onal Poli cal Sociology Strategic Studies and Social Theory: Bridging Two Provinces of IR TD24: Thursday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair James Der Derian (Centre for Interna onal Security Studies, University of Sydney) Disc. Tarak Karim Barkawi (London School of Economics) Panel Toward a Poli cal Contract? Governmentality and Na onal Security Strategies Henrik O. Breitenbauch (University of Copenhagen) War Against the People: Military Strategy and the Re‐Poli ciza on of War Samarjit Ghosh (University of Minnesota) The Foucaldian Moment of Strategy Jean-Vincent Holeindre (Université Panthéon-Assas (Paris II)) Raging Seas: Mari me Iden ty and Strategic Naval Development in the Context of Rela ve Power Di usion Kevin Duska (The Ohio State University) Strategizing NATO’s Future: Strategic Imagina on and Poli cal Community Kris an Søby Kristensen (University of Copenhagen) Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Presiden al Panel: Power Transi ons in an Era of Globaliza on TD25: Thursday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Charles A. Kupchan (Georgetown University, Council on Foreign Rela ons) Disc. Andrew J. Hurrell (University of Oxford) Disc. Charles A. Kupchan (Georgetown University, Council on Foreign Rela ons) Panel Interna onal Rela ons Theory and the Accommoda on of Rising Powers, T. V. Paul (McGill University) Cri cal Points, Transi ons, Security, and the Rising State Charles Doran (Johns Hopkins University) Globaliza on, Interdependence, and Major Power Accommoda on Philip Po er (University of Michigan) What Would E.H. Carr Say? How Interna onal Ins tu ons Address Peaceful Poli cal Change Krzysztof J. Pelc (McGill University) Balance of Power, Balance of Threat, and Components of Power Steven E. Lobell (University of Utah) English School Historical Processes in the Evolu on of Interna onal Society TD26: Thursday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Daniel M. Green (University of Delaware) Disc. Cornelia B. Navari (University of Buckingham) Panel The Cons tu onaliza on of Interna onal Society in the Long 19th Century Bernd A. Bucher (University of Bielefeld) Thomas Müller (Bielefeld University) The Role of the Aboli onist Movement in the Expansion of Interna onal Society Cris an A. Can r (Oakland University) Carl von Clausewitz and Social Change: The Rise and Fall of the Revolu onary Conserva ve Ideology Philippe Dufort (University of Cambridge) Toward a Polycentric Narra ve of European Interna onal Society? Cultural Consolida on During the Concert of Europe Tobias Lemke (University of Delaware) Benchmark Dates and ‘The Interna onal’, 1500CE‐Present Andrew Bradley Phillips (University of Queensland) Interna onal Security Studies Construc ng European Security Challenges TD27: Thursday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Mar n Senn (University of Innsbruck) Disc. James R. Holmes (Naval War College) Panel Iden ty and Security Prac ce: Evidence From the Frontlines Ken McDonagh (Dublin City University) The Impact of Immigra on‐related Threat Percep ons on the European Security Community: The Case of the Schengen Area Tal Dingo Alkopher (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) Emmanuelle Blanc (London School of Economics and Poli cal Science ) It's The So Power, Stupid ‐ Di using EU Security Policy Norms in Addressing Asia‐Paci c Non‐Tradi onal Security Threats May-Bri U. Stumbaum (NFG "Asian Percep ons of the EU", Freie Universität Berlin) A Collec ve EU Security Concerns: Energy Security Beatrix Futak-Campbell (Vienna School of Interna onal Studies) Security Integra on in Europe: The European Union Military Sta and the Social Construc on of Security Doctrine Michael W. Mosser (University of Texas at Aus n) Ethnicity, Na onalism, & Migra on Studies Scien c Study of Interna onal Processes Scien c Study of Ethnicity, Na onalism, and Migra on TD28: Thursday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Daniel Pasciu (Johns Hopkins University) Disc. Daniel Pasciu (Johns Hopkins University) Disc. Michael Johns (Lauren an University‐ Barrie) Panel The Poli cs of Living Abroad: Exploring the Impact of Interna onal Migra on on Ethnic Iden ca on Beth Elise Whitaker (University of North Carolina at Charlo e) Karen Okhoya (University of North Carolina at Charlo e) Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Sub‐Regional Ethnic Minori es in the Aceh Con ict Shane J. Barter (Soka University of America) Conceptualising and Measuring Democra c Inclusion in the Age of Migra on Andrea Blä ler (University of Lucerne) Samuel D. Schmid (University of Lucerne) Joachim Bla er (University of Lucerne) Economic Growth, Horizontal Inequali es, and Hindu‐Muslim violence in India Nina Jennifer Kaysser (SOAS, University of London) Minority Type Ma ers: Ethnic Diversity and Tolerance in 29 European Democracies Yasushi Hazama (IDE-JETRO) Targe ng Contested Cons tuencies: Spa al Pa erns in the Use of Nega ve Campaigning in Ghana’s 2012 Elec ons Mascha Rauschenbach (Univeersity of Mannheim) Ac ve Learning in Interna onal A airs Interna onal Educa on Student Learning in Interna onal Rela ons TD29: Thursday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Nane e Archer Svenson (Tulane University) Disc. Nane e S. Levinson (American University) Panel Does It Ma er What You Think? Foreign Policy and Student Learning Jeannie Grussendorf (Georgia State University) Mo va on and Medium: What Makes Students Want To Learn in a MOOC, On‐line, or in Lecture Hall #1 J. Simon Rofe (SOAS University of London) Making Students Ac ve in Passive Learning Environment. Student‐ Centred Discussion as an Ac ve Learning Method Bakyt Ospanova (L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian Na onal University) Saule Sarkenova (Karaganda University "Bolashak") Interna onal Students From Developing Na ons in the Era of Globaliza on: Challenges and Prospects Ruth O. Bamidele (Eastern Mediterranean University) Experien al learning in Interna onal Studies: A Case Study From the US Jermain Gri n (Colorado State University) Interna onal Security Studies Peace Studies Trends in the Use of Children for Poli cal Violence TD30: Thursday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Mia M. Bloom (University of Massachuse s) Disc. Sco Gates (Peace Research Ins tute Oslo (PRIO) and Norwegian University of Science and Technoogy (NTNU)) Panel Weaponizing the Weak: The Increasing Role of Children in Pakistani Terrorist Movements Mia M. Bloom (University of Massachuse s) "Recrui ng Children, Winning Wars? The Impact of Using Child Soldiers on Civil War Outcomes" Bryan R. Early (State University of New York at Albany) Robert Tynes (Bard College) Child Soldiers as Combatants and Terrorists: The Emerging Tensions Between Research and Policy. David Rosen (Fairleigh Dickinson University) “I Can’t Go Home” Forced Migra on and Displacement Following Demobiliza on: The Complexity of Reintegra on for Former Child Soldiers in Colombia Myriam Denov (McGill University) Human Rights Interna onal Security Studies Human Security: Lyosen Revisited – Where Do We Go from Here? TD31: Thursday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Andrea E. Charron (University of Manitoba) Disc. Jane Boulden (Royal Military College) Panel Human Security and the UN Stephen N. MacFarlane (University of Oxford) Can’t Hear You, Can’t See You – Feminist Re ec ons on the R2P Doctrine Marilou McPhedran (University of Winnipeg Global College) From Human Security to ‘Whole‐of‐Government”: Exploring An Early Legacy of The Human Security Agenda Jenny Baechler (Dalhousie University) The Responsibility to Protect in a Reformed U.N. Security Council: A Self‐Ful lling Prophecy? Nadia Banteka (University of Pennsylvania / The Hague University) The Role of Civil Society in Human Security Promo on David Ross Black (Dalhousie University) Interna onal Organiza on Dynamics of IO Change TD32: Thursday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Bob Reinalda (Radboud University Nijmegen) Disc. Tana Johnson (Duke University) Panel UN Agencies Adap ng to Rights‐Based Development in India Joel E. Oestreich (Drexel University) Adap ng to Climate Change? Explaining Varia on in Ins tu onal Change in Development and Humanitarian Organiza ons Nina Hall (Her e School of Governance) Catherine Elizabeth Weaver (University of Texas at Aus n) Informal Governance and Peacebuilding Performance Susanna P. Campbell (The Graduate Ins tute (IHEID), Geneva) A Tale of Two Courts. The Causes and Consequences of Organiza onal Change in Interna onal Rela ons Anne Holthoefer (University of Chicago) Compe ve Dynamics and Interna onal Organiza ons: The Design and Performance of the Global Environment Facility Erin R. Graham (Drexel University) Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Sovereignty in an Era of Globaliza on TD33: Thursday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair James Pamment (University of Texas at Aus n) Disc. David W. Blagden (University of Cambridge) Panel Making Na ons Within Dutch Sovereignty: The End of the Netherlands An lles in 2010 and Construc on of New Dutch Caribbean Poli cal En es and Rela ons Michael O. Sharpe (City University of New York) Contested Border in Kashmir and Globaliza on: Exploring the Interface Debida a Aurobinda Mahapatra (University of Massachuse s Boston) Time‐Space‐Power: Theore cal Perspec ves on Public Diplomacy & the Spa o‐Temporal Turn James Pamment (University of Texas at Aus n) The ‘Geo‐Poli cs’ of Crisis and the Origins of Neoliberal Globaliza on Julian Germann (York University) Re‐emerging sovereign na ons in Global Internet Governance: ICANN vs. ITU Whasun Jho (Yonsei University) Shi Young Chang (Yonsei University) Interna onal Communica on Interna onal Poli cal Economy Copyright's Global Poli cs: Past, Present, and Future TD34: Thursday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Blayne Haggart (Brock University) Disc. Craig Hayden (American University) Panel The Rise of Collec ng Socie es in Global Copyright Regimes: De‐ territorializa on of Policy? Katharine Sarikakis (University of Vienna) Joan Ramon Rodriguez Amat (University of Vienna) Le to Their Own Devices: Policy Innova on and Di usion in the Global South Gabriel Michael (The George Washington University) Rising Powers in Mul lateral IP Nego a on Jean-Frédéric Morin (Université libre de Bruxelles) Sara Bannerman (McMaster University) The Global Poli cal Economy of Digital‐Copyright Reform: Understanding the Limits of the Possible Blayne Haggart (Brock University) The Transna onal Poli cs of Copyright Protec on and Enforcement: Democra c De cits, Exorbitant Privileges, and Private Ordering Susan K. Sell (George Washington University) Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Presiden al Panel: The Poli cal Geography of Popula on Movements TD35: Thursday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Jeanne e Money (University of California Davis) Disc. Randall Hansen (University of Oxford) Panel Ci zenship as a Migratory Barrier: Spa al and Social Distance as Determinants of Migrant Incorpora on Jeanne e Money (University of California Davis) Shaina D. Western (UC Davis) The European Union as Na onal Poli cs? New Constraints and Opportuni es in Migra on Regula on Gallya Lahav (Stony Brook University) The Border—Understanding the Governance of the Fron er in Europe and the United States Mar n A. Schain (New York University) Extended Compellence: Forced Displacement as a Tool of Foreign Policy in the Wake of the Arab Spring Kelly M. Greenhill (Tu s University, Harvard University) Environmental Studies Spaces and Places in Fisheries Management: Exploring the Consequences of New Approaches TD36: Thursday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Jennifer L. Bailey (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) Disc. Mark Axelrod (Michigan State University) Disc. Jennifer L. Bailey (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) Panel The Temporal and Spa al Dimensions of Globaliza on’s E ects on Ar sanal fFsheries: Road Building on Nicaragua’s Atlan c Coast Daniel Kramer (Michigan State University) Beyond the Tragedy in Global Fisheries D. G. Webster (Dartmouth College) Planning Spaces – Emerging Forms of Knowing the Marine Environment Jahn Pe er Johnsen (University of Tromso) Glen Smith (Tromso) Interna onal Poli cal Economy NGOs: Global Actors in a World of Na onal Ins tu ons TD37: Thursday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair K. Chad Clay (University of Georgia) Disc. Amanda Murdie (University of Missouri) Panel Online Disclosures by NGOs: Does Domes c Regulatory Structure Ma er? Joannie Tremblay-Boire (University of Washington) Elizabeth Bloodgood (Concordia University) The Global Backlash Against Civil Society: Restric ons on Foreign NGOs and Foreign Funding Flows, 1995 – 2012 Aseem Prakash (University of Washington) Accountability Struggles and Puzzles: An Exploratory Study of the Accountability Challenges Facing 152 leaders of U.S. registered TNGOs Paloma Raggo (Carleton University) Civil Society Campaigns for Na onal Change: A Compara ve Perspec ve Anne L. Bu ardi (Oxfam Interna onal) Interna onal Poli cal Economy Space, Sovereignty, and the Poli cal Economy of Global Finance TD38: Thursday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Tim S. DiMuzio (University of Wollongong) Disc. Herman Schwartz (University of Virginia) Panel Loca ng Authority? Levels of Authority in the Prac ce of Financial Governance: The Case of SIFI’s Randall D. Germain (Carleton University) London, New York and the Transatlan c Deregulatory Spiral: From the Euromarkets to the Big Bang Jeremy B. R. Green (University of She eld) Poli cs of Financial Regula on: The Bank for Interna onal Se lements and New Spaces of Interna onal Order Benjamin Wilhelm (University of Erfurt) War and Wages: How Concerns Over Rela ve Gains Shape Domes c Poli cs and Interna onal Rela ons Adam H. Dean (University of Chicago) The Global Poli cal Economy of Financial Regula on: Bank Wars, Accumula on and Crisis Sandy Brian Hager (London School of Economics and Poli cal Science) Interna onal Security Studies The Role of Allies in Nuclear Prolifera on TD39: Thursday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Frank J. Gavin (LBJ School of Public A airs) Disc. Frank J. Gavin (LBJ School of Public A airs) Disc. Colin H. Kahl (Georgetown University) Panel Allies, Interests, Security Guarantees and Nuclear Prolifera on Nuno Monteiro (Yale University) Nuclear Strategy, Nonprolifera on, and the Causes of Foreign Nuclear Deployments Todd S. Sechser (University of Virginia) Paradoxes of Prolifera on: Security Threats, Resource Dependence, and Nuclear Renuncia on Gene Gerzhoy (University of Chicago) Risk and Reward: Signaling Alliance Commitments in the Nuclear Age Mira Rapp-Hooper (Columbia University) Protec on States Trust? Major Power Patronage, Nuclear Behavior, and Alliance Dynamics Alexander Lanoszka (Princeton University) Peace Science Society (Interna onal) The Poli cal Economy of War Finance TD40: Thursday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Ma hew R. DiGiuseppe (University of Mississippi) Disc. Jonathan Caverley (Northwestern University) Disc. Benjamin O. Fordham (Binghamton University) Panel Economic Austerity and Military Power: The E ect of Spending Cuts on the United States’ Military E ec veness Rosella M. Cappella (Boston University) Jacquelyn Schneider (George Washington University) Buildups, Booms, and Busts: A Poli cal Economy of American Hegemony Thomas Oatley (University of North Carolina) A Model of Interstate War Finance Je Carter (University of Mississippi) Glenn Palmer (Pennsylvania State University) War Making and the Building of State Capacity: Expanding the Bivariate Rela onship Karen Rasler (Indiana University) William R. Thompson (Indiana University) Austerity and Rivalry Behavior Ma hew R. DiGiuseppe (University of Mississippi) War and Default Paul Poast (Rutgers University) Patrick E. Shea (University of Houston ) Human Rights Interna onal Communica on Author Meets Cri cs: Alison Brysk and "Speaking Rights to Power: Construc ng Poli cal Will" TD41: Thursday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Hans Scha le (Yonsei University) Disc. Alison Brysk (University of California Santa Barbara) Download 5.69 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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