Assessing feasibility of hydropeacebuilding in the Jordan River Basin using serious gaming and a human ecosystem approach
Part. Ole Rudolf Hols (Duke University) Part
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Ole Rudolf Hols (Duke University) Part. Stephen D. Wrage (United States Naval Academy) Part. Robert T. Kudrle (University of Minnesota) Part. Vicki L. Golich (Metropolitan State University of Denver) Part. Steven Lamy (University of Southern California) Roundtable Interna onal Poli cal Sociology EU's Neighbouring FB48: Friday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Lucia Najslova (Charles university in Prague) Disc. Andrea Te (University of Aberdeen, UK) Panel Secular Norma ve Power Europe: Religion As the Blind Spot on Europe’s Global Policy Mariano Barbato (Babes-Bolyai-University Cluj-Napoca, University of Passau) A New Approach to a Changing Neighbourhood? The European Neighbourhood Policy, Governmentality and Varie es of Liberalism Hendrik Huelss (Leuphana University Lueneburg) EU In uence in the Neighbourhood: A Governmentality Analysis Ondrej Ditrych (Ins tute of Interna onal Rela ons Prague) „Hic sunt leones“: Norma ve Power Europe, Governmentality and EU‐Africa rela ons. Franziska Mueller (TU Darmstadt) Human Rights Accountability for Atrocity FB49: Friday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Amy Ross (University of Georgia) Disc. Benjamin Appel (Michigan State University) Panel Delayed Jus ce: Examining the role of NGOs in Guatemala’s Recent Genocide Prosecu ons Kali Marcino (Carroll University) K. P. O'Reilly (Carroll University) Jus ce Delayed or Jus ce Denied: The Bangladesh War Crimes Trials of 2011‐2013 Donald W. Beachler (Ithaca College) The Worldwide Criminaliza on of Genocide in Domes c Legal Systems, 1948‐2010 Mark S. Berlin (University of California Irvine) An Interna onal Atroci es Regime under Construc on: Some Norma ve Recommenda ons Considering its E ec veness Claudia Alvarenga Marconi (Pon cal Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC-SP) and University Anhembi Morumbi) Interna onal Law Legal Windows onto Ins tu onal Dynamics FB50: Friday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Shirley Sco (University of New South Wales) Disc. Mark Axelrod (Michigan State University) Panel Abandoning Interna onal Ins tu ons: How do we know when it is me to start over? Shirley Sco (University of New South Wales) The Exper se of Interna onal Criminal Law Filipe dos Reis (University of Erfurt) Principal‐Agent Rela ons and Change in Interna onal Courts Nicole De Silva (University of Oxford) Commitment, Compliance, and the E ects of Interna onal Ins tu ons: What Can We Infer from the Compliance Gap? Xinyuan Dai (University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign) Ethnicity, Na onalism, & Migra on Studies Dynamics of Refugee Flows and Rese lements FB51: Friday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Lamis Abdelaaty (University of California, Santa Cruz) Disc. Heather L. Johnson (Queen's University Belfast) Panel New "Ci zens": The Economic and Security Dynamics of Con ict Refugee Flows Robert T. Brathwaite (Northern Illinois University) Race and Refugees: Economic Bias and Preconcep ons Towards African Refugees Alexandria J. Innes (University of East Anglia) Yohannes Woldemariam (Fort Lewis College) The Poli cs of Camps: A Site of Contesta on and ‘Accommoda on’ Nasreen Chowdhory (Delhi University) Ci es of Sanctuary, the Reclaiming of Refugee Agency, and the Remaking of the Sub‐State Space Natasha Saunders (University of St Andrews) Reforming the Canadian Refugee Policy: Na onal and Interna onal aspects Francisco Beltran (Munk School of Global A airs, University of Toronto) Interna onal Security Studies Interna onal Poli cal Sociology How Does Technical Exper se Travel? Poli cal and Technological Determinants of Scien c Authority FB52: Friday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Alexander Montgomery (Reed College) Disc. Anne Harrington (American Poli cal Science Associa on) Panel The Construc on, Use, and Abuse of Nuclear Exper se in India Karthika Sasikumar (San Jose State University) The unknowable ceilings of safety: how nuclear accidents escape the calculus of risk assessments John Downer (University of Bristol) Sectoral governance structures, risk percep on and safety regula on in the European Union: avia on and nuclear energy Lucia Antalova Seybert (Georgetown University) Risky analogies: extending nuclear exper se to cyber strategy Rebecca M. Slayton (Center for Interna onal Security and Coopera on, Stanford University) Selling the unsayable: How experts explain U.S. nuclear weapons policies to the public Lynn Eden (Stanford University) Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Popular Culture and World Poli cs – Where Time and Place Collide FB53: Friday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Klaus Dodds (Royal Holloway, University of London) Disc. Kyle A. Grayson (Newcastle University) Panel Recrea onalising Violence: Video Games, Drone Warfare and the ques on of Responsibility Aggie Hirst (City University London) Where Time and Place Collide ‐ Towards a Spa al and Temporal Understanding of Videogames Nick Robinson (University of Leeds) Archives: Genres and Spaces of History and Memory Michael J. Shapiro (University of Hawaii at Manoa) The Cultural Geopoli cs of Silence in an Audible World Marianne Franklin (Goldsmiths) Rigging the (Video) Game, Framing the War Roger J. Stahl (University of Georgia) Interna onal Poli cal Economy Challenging Conven ons - Toward a New Poli cal Economy FB54: Friday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Jason R. Weidner (El Colegio de México) Disc. Jason R. Weidner (El Colegio de México) Panel ASEAN and the Management of Great Power Rela ons in the Asia Paci c Shaun Narine (St. Thomas University) Exploita on or Responsibility? Global Public Goods Provision and Meaning Criteria for Hegemony Jayantha Jayman (St. Lawerence University) Neutral or Neutralizing? The “Assump on of Neutrality” in Interna onal Investment Arbitra on Wendy E. Hicks (University of Toronto) Aesthe c Spaces of Counter‐Hegemonic Globaliza on: Performing Change Adam Malloy (Balsillie School of Interna onal A airs) Geographic Tempo‐Spa al Dimensions and Implica ons of Football (soccer) in a Postmodern and Globalized World: A Reading Through the Case of Club Morelia of the Mexican league (1981‐2013) Daniel Añorve (Universidad de Guanajuato) Interna onal Security Studies Democracy and Security in Africa FB55: Friday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Jana Hoenke (University of Edinburgh) Disc. Jana Hoenke (University of Edinburgh) Panel Interfacing Securi za on and Normal Poli cs: A Case of Southern Africa Gladys Mokhawa (University of Botswana) Transna onal Escala on Mechanisms of Violent Dissidence in An colonial Movements Daniel Kaiser (Goethe University Frankfurt (Main)) Deser ng Democracy: Authoritarianism and Geo‐strategic Poli cs in Djibou Claire Metelits (Davidson College) Stephanie Ma Peace Studies Peace Paradigms: Unpacking Diverse Approaches to a Contested Concept FB56: Friday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Nathan C. Funk (University of Waterloo) Disc. Reina C. Neufeldt (University of Waterloo / Conrad Grebel ) Panel Beware the Dove: The Myth of Peace without Coercion Benjamin M. Jensen (American University, School of Interna onal Service and Marine Corps University (CSC)) Peace through World Order: The World Order Models Project Julie Mertus (American University, School of Interna onal Service) Peace through Con ict Resolu on: Resources for Engaging Protracted Social Con icts Nathan C. Funk (University of Waterloo) Peace through Nonviolence: Premises and Debates Maia Carter Hallward (Kennesaw State University) Peace through Transforma on: Iden fying Sources of Commitment to Peace Meena Sharify-Funk (Wilfrid Laurier University) Environmental Studies Ins tu ons and Power in Biodiversity Poli cs FB57: Friday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Casey C. Stevens (University of Massachuse s) Disc. Fariborz Zelli (Lund University) Panel Sustainable Development Goals and Tropical Biodiversity Governance: Doing 2010 over? Casey C. Stevens (University of Massachuse s) “Frankenfoods” or “Miracle Seeds?”: Biotechnology, Food Security, and the Global Produc on of Hype Jacqueline Ignatova (University of Maryland, College Park) Seeds, Space, and Power: Geographies of Agricultural Biodiversity Conserva on and the Poli cs of Scale Garre Graddy-Lovelace (American University School of Interna onal Service) No Mountain Too High? Assessing the Trans‐territoriality of the Kailash Sacred Landscape Ini a ve Jayashree Vivekanandan (South Asian University) “Such a Place Exists”? Colonial Imaginaries and the Spectacle of Transboundary Conserva on in Southern Africa Brock Bersaglio (University of Toronto) Interna onal Organiza on Global Governance of Non-State Actors: Crea ng Order Transna onally Through Self-Regula on, Private Governance, and Accountability Systems FB58: Friday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Virginia Ann Hau er (University of Maryland) Disc. Virginia Ann Hau er (University of Maryland) Panel Accountability: The New Tyranny? The Regula on and Cer ca on of INGOs Angela Maria Crack (University of Portsmouth) Good Global Governance: The Ethics and Legi macy of NGO Self‐ Regula on Maryam Zarnegar Delo re (Arcadia University) The Kimberley Process and the Extrac ve Industries Transparency Ini a ve: Re ec ons on Global Governance Frameworks J. Andrew Grant (Queen's University) W. R. Nadège Compaoré (Queen's University) Ma hew I. Mitchell (University of Wisconsin-Madison) Frank K. Nyame (University of Ghana) Understanding the Structure of Transna onal and Na onal NGO Accountability Systems: Domes c Leverage or Global Convergence? Mary Kay Gugerty (University of Washington) Private Authority in Global Development Sarah S. Stroup (Middlebury College) Interna onal Ethics Interna onal Communica on Modern Warfare: New Technologies/Old Dilemmas? FB59: Friday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Heather Ro (University of Denver) Disc. Heather Ro (University of Denver) Panel Jeremy Waldron and the Case for Drones Avery Plaw (University of Massachuse s Dartmouth) João Reis (Ins tuto de Estudos Polí cos da Universidade Católica Portuguesa) Warfare in a New Domain: The Ethics of MIlitary Cyber Opera ons Edward Barre (United States Naval Academy) Sani sed, Sanc ed, Super‐human: The Ethics of Drones in Life‐ Poli cs Elke Schwarz (London School of Economics) Robots and Respect Robert Sparrow (Monash University) Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Beyond the Head of a Pin: Network Topologies and Global Poli cs FB60: Friday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Ma hew J. Ho mann (University of Toronto) Disc. Ma hew J. Ho mann (University of Toronto) Panel Interdependence of European Banks in Distress: An Applica on of Spa al Generalized Extreme Value Regression for Binary Rare Events Johan A. Elkink (University College Dublin) Building the Echo Chamber: Homophily, Community Structure and Civil Discourse in the Blogosphere David C. Earnest (Old Dominion University) Visualizing Transna onal Flows of Informa on during the Egyp an Revolu on Aprameya Mysore Network Structure and Democra c Di usion Seva Gunitsky (University of Toronto) A Complex Network Model of Global Financial Contagion Sarah E. Bauerle Danzman (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) Thomas Oatley (University of North Carolina) W. Kindred Wineco (Indiana University) Interna onal Security Studies Compara ve Interdisciplinary Studies Myth-bus ng in South Asia: New Research Perspec ves on Pakistan and Afghanistan FB61: Friday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Anatol Lieven Disc. Anatol Lieven Panel Beyond the ‘Great Game’: Sovereign Ambiguity and the Re‐reading of the Colonial Archive on Afghanistan, 1849‐1880 Mar n Jonathan Bayly (King's College London) Power from People: Deobandi Networks and Poli cal Islam’s Centre of Gravity in Pakistan Johann Chacko Primary Source Research and Study of the Taliban Alex Strick van Linschoten Felix Kuehn The “Absent State”, “the Islamist Takeover,” and Other Crises Narra ves: the Floods of 2010 and 2011 and Their Impact on Poli cal Space in Southern Pakistan Ayesha Sha q Siddiqi (King's College London) Interna onal Poli cal Economy The Poli cs of European Crisis and the Euro in Crisis FB62: Friday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Jacqueline M. Best (University of O awa) Disc. Katharina Rie g (London School of Economics and Poli cal Science) Panel What is a Crisis Good For? Community, Solidarity and the European Sovereign Debt Crisis Ma hias Kaelberer (University of Memphis) Economic Globaliza on and the Role of Na on‐State in Economy: the Case of EU Isbandiyar Hashimov (Eastern Mediterranean University) Appeasing the Market: A Theory of Trust‐Inducing Signals Applied to the Eurozone‐crisis Christoph Elhardt (ETH Zurich) Jørgen Bølstad (ETH Zurich) Stranger than Fic on: Sovereign Debt, Fic tous Capital, and the Greek Sovereign Debt Crisis Jesse Hembru (Queen's University) Eurozone Crisis: Why Do Poli cians Choose Austerity? ; A Compara ve Analysis of Ireland and Cyprus Seniz Avcioglu (Eastern Mediterranean University) English School Solidarism in Ques on: Constraints and Prospects for a Solidarist Global Interna onal Society FB63: Friday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Robert W. Murray (University of Alberta) Disc. Ma hew S. Weinert (University of Delaware) Panel Solidarism Under Pressure? Great‐Power Management and the R2P in a New World Order Tonny B. Knudsen (University of Aarhus) How Would a Global Solidarist Interna onal Society Look Like? European Interna onal Society and its Reproduc on at the Global Level: Possibili es and Constraints Yannis S vach s (Virginia Polytechnic Ins tute and State University) Contemporary Pluralism in Theory and Prac ce Jason Ralph (POLIS-University of Leeds) The Solidarist Prac ces of Interna onal Community: The Collec ve “We” of States and the Community of Policy Prac oners Katarzyna Kaczmarska (University of Aberystwyth) Mor Mitrani (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) Polarity and Interna onal Society: the Role of the System in English School Thought Robert W. Murray (University of Alberta) Ethnicity, Na onalism, & Migra on Studies Governing in Times of Transi on: Par es, Public Opinion, and Violence FB64: Friday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Jonathan Acu (Francis Marion University) Disc. Jonathan Acu (Francis Marion University) Panel Public Opinion and the End of Apartheid Stuart Kaufman (University of Delaware) Julio Carrion (University of Delaware) Into the Iris: a model for analyzing iden ty dynamics from outbreak to resolu on of con ict. Landon Edward Hancock (Kent State University) The Poli cs of Adop ng Poli cal and Ins tu onal Responses to Diversity in a Developing Country in Transi on: the Case of Nepal Andre Lecours (University of O awa) Ethnic Par es, Bans, and Civil Unrest Kelly A. Gleason (UW-Milwaukee) Courtney N. Burns (University of Missouri) “Share”: The Globaliza on of the Free Syrian Arm (FSA) Areej Qasqas (California State University, San Bernardino) Tom Hagen (California State University, San Bernardino) Mar n Doyle Peace Studies Promo ng Peace or War? Formal Versus Informal Ins tu ons FB65: Friday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Severine Autesserre (Barnard College, Columbia University) Panel Strongman Provincial Governance in Afghanistan and the Logic of the Weak Post‐Con ict State Dipali Mukhopadhyay (Princeton University) From Classrooms to Con ict in Rwanda Elisabeth A. King (Balsillie School of Interna onal A airs) Types of Bureaucracies: Understanding the Global Governors of Interna onal Security Stephanie Hofmann (Graduate Ins tute of Interna onal and Development Studies) Organiza onal Barriers to Peace: Why Informal Accountability, Entrepreneurial Leaders, and Organiza onal Frames Explain Peacebuilding Success Susanna P. Campbell (The Graduate Ins tute (IHEID), Geneva) Environmental Studies Governing the Global Poli cal Economy (At the Intersec ons of Hard and So Law): The Case of Corporate Social Responsibility in the Shipping Industries FB66: Friday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Tony Porter (McMaster University) Disc. Elizabeth R. DeSombre (Wellesley College) Panel The Business and Poli cs of Retail Buyer Power and the New Rules of Green Shipping Jane Lister (The University of Bri sh Columbia) The Correlates of Best Prac ce in Transna onal Eco‐Labeling and Consequences for the Global Shipping Industry Hamish van der Ven (University of Toronto) Handle with Care: Due Diligence Requirements and the Interac on of Public and Private Regula on in the Timber and Shipping Sectors Michael Stone (Yale University) China’s Impact on the Global Shipping Industry: Corporate Social Responsibility and the Unintended and Intended Systemic Changes in the Case of Iron Ore Pascale Massot (The University of Bri sh Columbia) The Emerging Corrup on Control Regime in the Mari me Industry Hans Krause Hansen (Copenhagen Business School) Human Rights Interna onal Poli cal Sociology The Micropoli cs of Global Emergency: Spaces, Places, and People FB67: Friday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Jonathan Agensky (University of Cambridge) Disc. Devon E. Cur s (University of Cambridge) Panel Bu er Zones as Peace Spaces: Compliance or Resistance with the Liberal Peace Paradigm? Birte Vogel (University of Manchester) The Gate and the Gaze: Micropoli cs of a Post‐Con ict City Mateja Peter (Norwegian Ins tute of Interna onal A airs (NUPI)) ‘Compounding’ Compassion: Chris an Relief and the Micropoli cs of Humanitarian Space Jonathan Agensky (University of Cambridge) Resistance, Rebellion, and the Crea on of Humanitarian Spaces Sandra Pogodda (University of Manchester) The Micro‐Poli cs of Gender‐Inclusive Peace Nego a ons and Subsequent Gender Quota Adop on: The Cases of Burundi and Guatemala Miriam J. Anderson (Memorial University) Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered, Queer, & Allies Caucus Feminist Theory and Gender Studies Provoca on or Privilege? IR and the Queering of Western Excep onalism FB68: Friday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Sandra McEvoy (Wheelock College) Disc. Catherine Baker (University of Hull) Panel Queering Canadian Foreign Policy Dan Bous eld (University of Western Ontario) The Triangula on of Western Excep onalism: Homo‐colonialism, Muslim Homophobia and Islamophobia Momin Rahman (Trent University) The Norma ve Implica ons of Massad's Analysis of the ‘Gay Interna onal’ – Desire Recast in a Case Study of Iran Katarzyna Korycki (University of Toronto) Abouzar Nasirzadeh (University of Toronto) Queer Amazons: Disentangling Modernity from the State Manuela Lavinas Picq (Ins tude for Advanced Study) The Reappropria on of ‘Queer’ within Turkish LGBT Organiza ons: Reconcilia on with and/or Rejec on of the West Dogu Durgun (Sabanci University) The State as Excep onal: A Poli cs of Sexuality Beyond Dependent Development and Moderniza on Michael J. Bosia (Saint Michael's College) Interna onal Organiza on Conceptualizing Complex Interna onal Ins tu ons FB69: Friday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Jonathan Kuyper (Stockholm University) Disc. Kyriakos Pierrakakis (University of Oxford) Panel Ins tu onal Bypasses in Global Governance Steven Ho man (Harvard University) The Regime Complex for Interna onal Investment Geo rey Gertz (University of Oxford) Regime Complexity and the Revealed Preferences of States Je Kaplow (University of California San Diego) Ethnicity, Na onalism, & Migra on Studies Human Rights Iden ty, Ins tu ons, and Jus ce in Global Poli cs FB70: Friday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Birol A. Yesilada (Portland State University) Disc. Geo rey Harris (European Parliament) Disc. Anthony Tirado Chase (Occidental College) Panel The Turkish Alevi Community and the Poli cs of Recogni on Nukhet A. Sandal (Ohio University) Missing Migrants and EU Migra on Policy: A Story From the Aegean Simon A. Robins (University of York) Iosif Kovras (Queen's University, Belfast) The Fate of Minori es in Revolu ons Ibrahim Zabad (St. Bonaventure University) 'Knowledgeable' Governors of Uncertainty? Interna onal Organiza ons and Irregular Migra on Governance in Central Asia Oleg Korneev (The University of She eld) Na ons, Na onalism, and Delibera ve Transi onal Jus ce Iavor P. Rangelov (London School of Economics and Poli cal Science) Interna onal Poli cal Sociology Celebri es, Sovereignty, and Performances of Transna onal Charisma c Authority FB71: Friday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Lisa Ann Richey (Roskilde University) Disc. Ilan Kapoor (York University) Panel Contes ng Sovereignty in Madonna's Malawi Louise Mubanda Rasmussen (Roskilde University ) Celebrity Contesta ons of Sovereign Space ‐ George Clooney's Satellite Sen nel Project Annika Bergman Rosamond (Lund University) Capturing the Congressional Agenda: A Compara ve Look at Celebrity‐Led NGO In uence on Congo Poli cs Alexandra Budabin (University of Dayton) Performa ve Brand Aid: The Celebrity‐led Bene t Event as Informa on Pla orm, Fundraiser and/or Entertainment Me e Fog Olwig (Roskilde University) Lene Bull Chris ansen (Roskilde University) Post Communist States Energy in Eurasia: Complementari es Realized and Unrealized FB72: Friday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Ashok Swain (Uppsala University) Disc. Ginta T. Palubinskas (West Virginia State University) Panel The Signi cance of Shale Gas in EU‐Russia Rela ons Ginta T. Palubinskas (West Virginia State University) The Di usion of Environmental Norm through Peacebuilding Authori es ‐ The case of Kosovo Florian Krampe (Uppsala University) EU‐Russian Coopera on on Energy E ciency: A Way to Improve EU‐ Russia Energy Dialogue Olga Khrushcheva (Manchester Metropolitan University) Ethnicity, Na onalism, & Migra on Studies Minority Management in Global Poli cs: Rules and Regula ons FB73: Friday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Zsuzsa Csergo (Queen's University) Disc. Zsuzsa Csergo (Queen's University) Panel Policing Israel’s Internal Fron er: The Case of Nazareth Una McGahern (Newcastle University) On Global Islamic Minori es and Legal Approaches to the Mul culturalist Predicament as seen in the Decisions of the Israeli Supreme Court Lester Ang (University of Chicago) External In uences and the Consolida on of Control Regimes in Divided Poli es: The Case of Post‐War Sri Lanka Charan Rainford (Queen's University) Post Communist States Post-Communist Crucible FB79: Friday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Ausra Park (Siena College) Disc. Rachel Vanderhill (Wo ord College) Panel Geography vs. the Internet: Explaining Responses to Democra c Di usion Rachel Vanderhill (Wo ord College) ERDOGAN’S OPERATIONAL CODES ACROSS TWO REGIONS: CENTRAL ASIA and ARAB WORLD Ozlem Gumus (University of Central Florida) Derya Berk (Rutgers University) ISA Cultural Event Film/Filming in IR: Quantum E ects FL04: Friday 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM Chair James Der Derian (Centre for Interna onal Security Studies, University of Sydney) Film Screening Interna onal Security Studies Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on The Legacy and Prospects of American Power FC01: Friday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Henry R. Nau (George Washington University ) Chair Peter Katzenstein (Cornell University) Download 5.69 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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