Assessing feasibility of hydropeacebuilding in the Jordan River Basin using serious gaming and a human ecosystem approach
Part. Sarai B. Aharoni (Hebrew University, Jerusalem) Part
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Sarai B. Aharoni (Hebrew University, Jerusalem) Part. Athanasios Stathopoulos (University of St Andrews) Part. Mary Manjikian (Regent University) Part. Caron Gentry (University of St Andrews) Roundtable Women's Caucus Feminist Theory and Gender Studies Making Sense of Global Trends in Women's Poli cal Representa on WD70: Wednesday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Malliga Och (University of Denver) Disc. Amanda Donahoe (University of Denver) Panel “Democracy and Women’s Rights: Contes ng De ni ons and Contested Theories Across Time and Space” Carolyn M. Stephenson (University of Hawaii Manoa) Women in Asian Parliaments – Who Gets In and Who is Le Out? Devin Joshi (University of Denver) Malliga Och (University of Denver) When ‘Bright Futures’ Fade: Cultural, Poli cal, and Economic Obstacles to Women’s Empowerment in Rwanda Marie Elizabeth Berry (University of California, Los Angeles) Women’s Quotas and Religious Par es in the Middle East Lihi Ben Shitrit (Yale University) Environmental Studies Global Development Tackling Climate from the Local to the Regional WD71: Wednesday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Gunilla M. Reischl (Swedish Ins tute of Interna onal A airs) Disc. Gunilla M. Reischl (Swedish Ins tute of Interna onal A airs) Panel Climate Change and Environmental Security in the Paci c: The Role of Regional Organiza ons Marc Andrew Williams (University of New South Wales) Duncan A. McDuie (University of New South Wales) Is the Network(ing)? Climate Governance in New York, Sao Paulo, and Johannesburg David J. Gordon (University of Toronto) Regional E ects on Interna onal Environmental Trea es Colin Kuehl (University of California, Santa Barbara) Gendered Adapta on: Female Empowerment in Agricultural Resilience to Climate Change Jenny Lovell (University of California Santa Cruz) Social Capital in Rural Climate Change Preparedness Christopher Paul (Duke University) Interna onal Organiza on The Role of States in Human Security: Interna onal, Transna onal, and Regional Perspec ves WD72: Wednesday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Sangmin Bae (Northeastern Illinois University) Disc. Sangmin Bae (Northeastern Illinois University) Disc. Hiro Katsumata (Kanazawa University) Panel Japan, the European Union, and the Elusive Global Human Security Partnership Martyn De Bruyn (Northeastern Illinois University) Water Scarcity and Food Security: Lessons from the Interna onal Food Crop Trade between Japan and the United States Jenny R. Kehl (University of Wisconsin) Human Security Emergent? Post‐Authoritarian and Post‐Neoliberal Discourse and Public Policy in La n America David E. Leaman (Northeastern Illinois University) Human Security Revisited: State Responses to Human Security At Home and Abroad Patrice McMahon (University of Nebraska-Lincoln) Tradi onal Security as a Source of Non‐tradi onal Insecuri es: The Case of Okinawa Lina Gong (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore) Brazilian Interna onal Rela ons Associa on Al Akhawayn Univerisity in Ifrane, Morocco Interna onal Rela ons Theory – Views Beyond the West 1 WD73: Wednesday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Nizar Messari (Al Akhawayn) Disc. L. H. M. Ling (The New School) Panel Global Environmental Poli cs In Brazil As A Mirror Of The Human Society‐Nature Duality And The Challenges Of The Anthropocene. Cris na Y. A. Inoue (University of Brasilia) Ma as Alejandro Franchini (University of Brasília) State and Sovereignty: Singular No ons, Mul ple Histories Navnita C. Behera (Delhi University) Subaltern Dialogics: Crea vely Listening And Speaking To Others Carolina M. Pinheiro L. H. M. Ling (The New School) Foreign Policy and the Global South Arlene B. Tickner (Universidad de los Andes) Everybody Is Talking About Inequality: The Strange Story Of A Marginal Concept In Interna onal Studies Joao P. Nogueira (Pon cal Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro) Feminist Theory and Gender Studies Disasters, Interven ons, and Women's Human Rights WD79: Wednesday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Kristen Williams (Clark University) Disc. Kristen Williams (Clark University) Panel Theory and Ethics for Studying Gendered Injus ce in the Context of Environmental Change Brooke Ackerly (Vanderbilt University) Clima c related displacements and loss and damage framework for UNFCCC Md. Shamsuddoha (Un)globalizing Civil Society: When the Boomerang Rebounds. Comparing the Transna onal Advocacy Campaign For UNSCR1325 in Burundi and Liberia Maria Mar n de Almagro Iniesta (Université Libre de Bruxelles) Intersec onality of Gender, Religion and Culture in the Age of Globaliza on: A Study of Women Rights in an Indian State Niranjan Barik (Ravenshaw University) Josna Mishra (Miles College) Digambar Mishra (Miles College ) The E ect of Disasters on Women’s Rights A ainment Clair Apodaca (Virginia Tech) Professional Development Commi ee Professional Development Café PSE02: Wednesday 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM Coord. Michelle Benson Saxton (University at Bu alo ‐ State University of New York) Coord. Tim Dunne (University of Queensland) Coord. Patrick Thaddeus Jackson (American University) Special Event ISA Cultural Event Geopoli cs and Cinema c Utopia/Dystopia: The Colony WE05: Wednesday 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM Chair Aida Arfan Hozic (University of Florida) Part. Paul Barkin Part. David Mu mer (York University) Film Screening The Colony Paul Barkin Thursday Human Rights Human Rights/Human Security Diplomacy TA01: Thursday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair David P. Forsythe (University of Nebraska) Part. Kelly‐Kate Pease (Webster University) Part. Andrea E. Charron (University of Manitoba) Part. Joel E. Oestreich (Drexel University) Roundtable Interna onal Security Studies Conceptual Issues in Nuclear Deterrence TA02: Thursday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Ward WIlson (BASIC) Disc. Ward WIlson (BASIC) Panel Are Deterrence and Mutual Assured Destruc on Doctrines Applicable in the Case of Iran? Doru Tsaganea (Metropolitan College of New York) The U.S. Nuclear Umbrella for Japan: Nuclear Weapons and Extended Deterrence Terence Roehrig (US Naval War College) Extended Deterrence and Allied Nuclear Prolifera on: Theory Building and An ‐prolifera on Policy Eric B. Lorber (Ins tute for Defense Analyses) Philipp Bleek (Monterey Ins tute of Interna onal Studies) Deterrence and Compellence Under the Nuclear Umbrella Jane E. Vaynman (Harvard University) The Unforeseen Consequences of Extended Deterrence: Moral Hazard in a Nuclear Protégé Neil Narang (University of California Santa Barbara) ISA Innova ve Panel Advancing FPA: Learning from the Global South TA03: Thursday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Klaus Brummer (University of Erlangen Nuremberg) Part. Rita Kiki Edozie (Michigan State University) Part. Gilbert Khadiagala (Kent University) Part. Rita A. Giacalone (Universidad de Los Andes) Part. Sumit Ganguly (Indiana University) Part. Arlene B. Tickner (Universidad de los Andes) Part. Kai He (Utah State University) Part. Xuefeng Sun (Tsinghua University) Part. Masoud Kazemzadeh (Sam Houston State University) Part. Rajesh Basrur (S. Rajaratnam School of Interna onal Studies, Nanyang Technological University) Part. Bahgat Korany (American University Cairo) Innova ve Panel Environmental Studies Can there be Accountable Global Environmental Governance? TA04: Thursday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Teresa Kramarz (University of Toronto) Chair Susan M. Park (University of Sydney) Part. Maria X. Ivanova (UMass Boston) Part. Steven Bernstein (University of Toronto) Part. Ma hew J. Ho mann (University of Toronto) Part. Benjamin Cashore (Yale University) Part. Susan M. Park (University of Sydney) Roundtable ISA Innova ve Panel Visualizing Dynamics of Stakeholder Development with Spa al Representa on TA05: Thursday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Jacek Kugler (Claremont Graduate University) Innova ve Panel Human Development Dynamics: An Agent Based Simula on of Macro Social Systems and Individual Heterogeneous Evolu onary Games M. Andrew Abdollahian (Claremont Graduate University) Zining Yang (Claremont Graduate University) Birol A. Yesilada (Portland State University) Patrick Neal (Claremont Graduate University) Visually Exploring the Consequences of War and the Path to Recovery Tadeusz Kugler (Roger Willams University) Ali Fisunoglu (Claremont Graduate University) Kyungkook Kang (Claremont Graduate University) Jacek Kugler (Claremont Graduate University) Interac ve Representa on of Reversing the EU Integra on Birol A. Yesilada (Portland State University) Jacek Kugler (Claremont Graduate University) The Poli cal Determinants of Life Expectancy Constan ne Boussalis (Harvard Law School) Kris n P. Johnson (University of Rhode Island) Visualizing the Global Implica ons of Poli cal Performance Ali Fisunoglu (Claremont Graduate University) Tadeusz Kugler (Roger Willams University) Theory Interna onal Poli cal Sociology Global Poli cs and the Fragility of Things TA06: Thursday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Michael J. Shapiro (University of Hawaii at Manoa) Disc. William E. Connolly (Johns Hopkins University) Part. Davide Panagia (Trent University) Part. Jairus V. Grove (University of Hawaii at Manoa) Part. Aubrey Yee (University of Hawaii at Manoa) Roundtable Interna onal Ethics Environmental Studies Compara ve Interdisciplinary Studies Intergenera onal Global Ethics TA07: Thursday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Michael W. Doyle (Columbia University) Chair Ariel Colonomos (CNRS Sciences Po) Part. Ariel Colonomos (CNRS Sciences Po) Part. Paul Wapner (American University) Part. Ru G. Teitel (New York Law School) Part. Richard Beardsworth (University of Aberystwyth) Part. Ruth Reitan (University of Miami) Part. Jean‐Marc Coicaud (Rutgers University) Roundtable Historical Interna onal Rela ons Theory The Poli cal Discourse of History: Fi een Years of IR History Reconsidered TA08: Thursday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Nicolas Guilhot (CNRS‐NYU) Chair Halvard Leira (NUPI) Disc. John G. Gunnell (State University of New York at Albany) Part. John Hobson (The University of She eld) Part. David Long (NPSIA‐Carleton University) Part. Katharina Rietzler (Cambridge University) Part. Brian C. Schmidt (Carleton University) Part. Vibeke S. Tjalve (University of Copenhagen) Part. Robert Vitalis (University of Pennsylvania) Part. Lucian Mark Ashworth (Memorial University of Newfoundland) Part. Cameron G. Thies (Arizona State University) Part. Tim Dunne (University of Queensland) Roundtable Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Re-char ng East Asia: Regional Security and Global Governance TA10: Thursday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Amitav Acharya (American University) Part. James T. H. Tang (Singapore Management University) Part. Mely C. Anthony (Nanyang Technological University) Part. Natasha Hamilton‐Hart (University of Auckland) Part. Alice D. Ba (University of Delaware) Roundtable Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Presiden al Roundtable: Globaliza on, Geopoli cs, and War: Celebra ng the Journal of Peace Research at 50 TA11: Thursday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Henrik Urdal (Peace Research Ins tute Oslo) Part. Gerald Schneider (University of Konstanz) Part. Jack S. Levy (Rutgers University) Part. Sco Gates (Peace Research Ins tute Oslo (PRIO) and Norwegian University of Science and Technoogy (NTNU)) Part. Monica Du y To (University of Oxford) Part. Vally Koubi (Swiss Federal Ins tute of Technology Zurich (ETH Zurich), University of Bern) Part. Jack A. Goldstone (George Mason University) Part. Isak Svensson (Uppsala University) Roundtable Global Development Interroga ng the Remaking of Place and Space in Global Development 1: Housing, Shelter, and the New Circuits of Finance TA12: Thursday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Gavin D. Fridell (Saint Mary's University) Disc. Marcus E. Taylor (Queen's University, Kingston) Panel Spaces of Hope and Disappointment: The Poli cs of Slum‐Upgrading Branwen Gru ydd Jones (Goldsmiths, University of London) The Euro Crisis and the Poli cs of Evic ons in Spain Greig Charnock (The University of Manchester) Thomas Purcell Ci es in Con ict: A compara ve inves ga on on poli cal violence and the restructuring of urban space in Mumbai and Karachi Syeda Annie Waqar (University of Surrey , School of Poli cs) Ipshita Basu Construc ng Securi zed Mortgages and Housing Rights for the Poor in Mexico Susanne M. Soederberg (Queen's University, Canada) Neoliberalizing Social Reproduc on and the Poli cs of Housing: From Securi zed Homes to the Criminaliza on of Homelessness in Canada and the UK Adrienne L. Roberts (University of Manchester) Religion and Interna onal Rela ons Interna onal Security Studies Armoured Faith: Religion in the Military TA13: Thursday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Ron Hassner (University of California Berkeley) Disc. Ronald R. Krebs (University of Minnesota) Panel Religion and Military in Post‐Revolu onary Iran Mahsa Rouhi (University of Cambridge) Religious Soldiers, Secular Army: Religion in the Indian Armed Forces Amit Ahuja (University of California, Santa Barbara) Using Manpower Policies to Transform the Force and Society: The Case of the Pakistan Army C. Chris ne Fair (Georgetown University) From the People's Army to the Jewish People's Army: The IDF's Force Structure Between Professionaliza on and Mili ariza on Tamir Libel (University College Dublin) Human Rights Scien c Study of Interna onal Processes Human Rights Violators: State Repression and Private Wrongs in Compara ve Perspec ve TA14: Thursday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Aus n Choi‐Fitzpatrick (Central European University) Disc. Neil J. Mitchell (University College London) Panel Le ng Go: Resigna on and Resistance among Contemporary Slaveholders in India Aus n Choi-Fitzpatrick (Central European University) Perpetrators of “Private Wrongs”: Non‐state Actors, Violence Against Women, and Responsiveness to Transna onal Human Rights Campaigns Alison Brysk (University of California Santa Barbara) Lawyers as Rights‐Violators: Approving The Bush Administra on's Extra‐Legal Deten on and Interroga on System Arturo Jimenez Bacardi (University of California, Irvine) Explaining Civilian Abuse by Rebels in Armed Con ict Ragnhild Nordas (Peace Research Ins tute Oslo, (PRIO)) Dara Cohen (Harvard University) The Role of Local Leaders in Civilian‐on‐Civilian in Civil War Meghan Lynch (Yale University) Junior Scholar Symposia Complexity, Risk, and Rebellion TA15: Thursday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Karen Rasler (Indiana University) Junior Scholar Junior Scholar Symposia Forming Rebel Groups and Fostering Con ict TA15-A: Thursday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Disc. Alex Braithwaite (University of Arizona, School of Government and Public Policy) JSS Group Making the People Support You: How and Why Rebel Groups Obtain Popular Support Eric Henry Lawrence Jardine (Norman Paterson School of Interna onal A airs, Carleton University) Why Outsiders Join: Explaining the Varia on in the Ac vist Support Given to Ethnic Groups Abroad David Zarne (University of Toronto) Solving Adverse Selec on Problems in Mili a Recruitment: New Evidence From Sierra Leone Jonathan F. Forney (University of Virginia) Who Joins the Rebels? Examining Determinants of Civilian Par cipa on in Insurgency Prakash Adhikari (Central Michigan University) Wendy L. Hansen (University of New Mexico) Junior Scholar Symposia In the Fray: Rebel Group Dynamics in Domes c Con icts TA15-B: Thursday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Disc. Idean Salehyan (University of North Texas) JSS Group The Role of Space and Place in the Evolu on of Con ict: Rural‐ Urban Divides as Driving Factors in the Adop on of Violence vs Nonviolence Pauline Moore (University of Denver Josef Korbel School of Interna onal Studies) Ethnic Groups' Access to Poli cal Power and Domes c Terrorism Katerina Tkacova (University of Essex) The Fluid Side of Con ict: Collec ve Side Switching in Civil Wars Sabine O o (University of Konstanz) Figh ng the Wrong Enemy? Inter‐rebel Violence in Civil War Costan no Pischedda (Columbia University) Junior Scholar Symposia Spoiled Se lements and Civil War Recurrence TA15-C: Thursday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Disc. T. David Mason (University of North Texas) JSS Group Figh ng Counterinsurgent State: Explaining Leadership Control within an Armed Organiza on Namrata Panwar (Na onal Chung Hsing University) Willing and Able to Spoil: Third‐party Interveners as Poten al Spoilers and Dura on of Post‐Se lement Peace S. Hande Ogutcu (Binghamton University (SUNY)) Thriving in War: Spoiler Groups and Ethnic Civil War Persistence in the Bosnian and Croa an Con icts Philippe Roseberry (Queen's University) Returning to Con ict: Explaining Ex‐Combatant Reintegra on Defec on in Northern Uganda Jennifer Marie Kerner (University of New Mexico) Junior Scholar Symposia Violence, Risk, and Civil War Interven ons TA15-D: Thursday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Disc. Erica Chenoweth (University of Denver) JSS Group A be er peace? Do non‐state con ict management ini a ves in ongoing civil wars lead to more sustainable peace? Chris na Kiel (University of New Orleans) The Role of Media in Cease re Nego a ons: A Compara ve Study of Spain and Turkey Berfu Kiziltan (The Graduate Ins tute of Interna onal and Development Studies, Geneva) Derya Lawrence (University of Westminster) Peacekeepers at Risk: Theorizing Violent Local Responses to Interna onal Interven on Sara Lindberg Bromley (Uppsala University) Civil War Interven on and Regional Destabiliza on: Refugee Flows as a Threat to Third‐Party Interests Katherine Felt (Binghamton University) Interna onal Security Studies PMSCs in Military and Peace Building Opera ons: Changing the Prac ces of Interven on TA16: Thursday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Renée de Nevers (Syracuse University) Panel The Priva za on of Security in Colombia: Unintended Consequences of a Risk Management Business Andres Macias (Universidad Externado de Colombia) Markets in the Making of Mul lateral Military Interven ons: Contracted Security in the MONUC/MONUSCU Anna Leander (Copenhagen Business School, Department of Management, Poli cs and Philosophy) Elke Krahmann (Brunel University) "Another Arrow in the Quiver of Interna onal Response"? Problema zing the Role of Private Military and Security Companies in Interna onal Peace Opera ons Joakim Berndtsson (University of Gothenburg) The New Producers of Military Knowledge. The Role of Private Military and Security Companies within the Global Peace Opera ons Ini a ve Åse Gilje Østensen (Royal Norwegian Naval Academy) Private military and security companies, military interven on and social media: Making war permanent Ju a Joachim (Leibniz University of Hannover) Andrea Schneiker (University of Siegen) Interna onal Security Studies Second Genera on Security Sector Reform TA17: Thursday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Paul Jackson (University of Birmingham) Disc. Nicolas Lemay‐Hebert (University of Birmingham) Panel Security Sector Reform and the Rule of Law: A Cri que of Interna onal Interven on in Contexts of Instability Teresa A. Cravo (University of Coimbra) Second genera on SSR’ and the reality of hybridity, ownership and access to jus ce Paul Jackson (University of Birmingham) Na onal vs. Local Ownership in Security Sector Reform Timothy Donais (Wilfrid Laurier University) Security Sector Reform: A Concept in Transi on Mark Sedra (University of Waterloo) Contribu ng Peacekeeping Troops as a Means of Building Stable States through Security Sector Reform? The Cases of Rwanda and Burundi Nina Wilen (Royal Military Academy) Foreign Policy Analysis Russian Foreign Policy: Think Again TA18: Thursday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Michael Grossman (University of Mount Union ) Disc. Stephen Hanson Panel Russia’s China Policy: Global Partnership and Regional Hedging Elizabeth Wishnick (Montclair State University) Informal Patronage Poli cs and Foreign Policy: Building Theory from the Russian Case Kimberly Marten (Barnard College) Revolu on 4: Unconven onal Gas and Russian Grand Strategy Rawi Abdelal (Harvard University) Reassessing the Paradigm of "Na onalism" in Russian Foreign Policy Marlene Laruelle (George Washington University) Paradoxes of Russia's New Isola onism: "Na onaliza on of the Elites" as a Search for the Impossible Viatcheslav Morozov (University of Tartu) Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered, Queer, & Allies Caucus Feminist Theory and Gender Studies Women's Caucus The Poli cs and Prac ces of Privilege: Beginning an Open Conversa on TA19: Thursday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Megan H. MacKenzie (The University of Sydney) Download 5.69 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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