Gender symmetry and asymmetry in a folklore text
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GENDER SYMMETRY AND ASYMMETRY IN A FOLKLORE TEXT (BY THE MATERIAL OF PROVERBS) Abdullaeva Munojot Mukhtarovna Senior teacher at National University of Uzbekistan Annotation . The article is devoted to the multidimensional analysis of symmetry and asymmetry of gender as a mental construct containing conceptual information on what it means to be a man and a woman in society and culture. Scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that for the first time the presence of gender symmetry and asymmetry is established in terms of both the quality characteristics of gender verbalization, namely in gender pairs and gender gap units, and quantitative characteristics of gender verbalization that are revealed with the quantitative-statistical analysis. Key words: gender, gender linguistics, folklore, linguistic folklore studies, gender symmetry, gender asymmetry The article is devoted to a multidimensional analysis of the symmetry and asymmetry of gender as a mental construct containing conceptual information about what it means to be a man and a woman in society and culture. The reconstructed system of gender-marked nominations reproduces a two-level coding of gender information, the priority characteristic of the system is gender symmetry, achieved by compensating for gender gaps and verbalizing meta-gender nominations, in which there is no male/female differentiation. The results of the study can be used in the development of special courses on the language of folklore, oral folk art, gender linguistics, and can be used in lexicographic practice. Key words: gender, gender linguistics, folklore, linguistic folklore, gender symmetry, gender asymmetry. Currently, a new scientific direction is actively developing in linguistics and folklore, within which the representation and verbalization of gender is analyzed. The foundations of gender linguistics are laid down in scientific research of a theoretical, methodological, and practical nature. The study of the category of gender in language and speech is reflected in the works of A.V. Kirilina [1], V.N. Telii [2], E.I. Goroshko [3], E.N. Kalugina [4], E.S. Gritsenko [5], O.A. Voronina [6], O.L. Kamenskaya [7], M.V. Tomskaya [8] and others. In Gender Linguistics, many Western scholars also conducted research and the results of these studies they mentioned in their works, for example: D. Cameron 1995, 1998; J. Coates 1986, 1995; B.W. Eakins, R.W. Eakins 1978; P. Fishman 1983; N. Henley 1987; N. Henley, С. Kramer, В. Thome 1983; O. Jesperson 1922, 1933; M. Kay 1975; R. Lakoff 1975; D. Tannen 1994; C. West 1979; C. West, Don H. Zimmerman 1983; In the Uzbek language and culture, the term gender is a unit with a national-cultural essence. Here, the terms sex and gender should be distinguished from each other. The concept of gender, like the concept of sex, distinguishes a person according to male and female gender, but in gender linguistics, a person is not evaluated as a biological sex provided by nature, but is studied as a gender with social and cultural characteristics formed by society. According to N.Usacheva, in the concept of gender, sex is approached from the point of view of society, the main object of analysis is not gender, but society with masculinity and femininity. By the 90s of the 20th century, conducting research on gender linguistics in world linguistics became intense. Especially in this regard, significant work has been done in Russian linguistics. Also, in the candidacy works of Z. Akbarova on "Forms of reference in the Uzbek language and its linguistic research" and N. Ahmedova on the topic of "Semantic-connotative research of units of reference in the Uzbek language" has been discussed. Sh. Iskandarova's candidate's dissertation on the topic "Communication forms of Uzbek speech habit" on the basis of gender and physiological status in her doctoral dissertation on the topic "Learning the lexicon of the Uzbek language as a meaningful field (personal microfield)" about distinguished personal names, as well as valuable information about some linguistic features specific to women's speech in the scientist's articles "Usage of exclamations in women's speech", "Paralinguistic tools expressing Uzbek speech etiquette". In particular, one of the features characteristic of women is the rapid emergence of their emotions and situations, this feature is expressed more by speech means. Sh. Iskandarova's research has noted that women's speech is more prone to dialogue. M. Saidkhanov's candidacy thesis on "Nonverbal means and their expression in the Uzbek language" focused on the ways of expressing grief of women of Uzbek and other nationalities. And F. Musayeva in the article "(Lexical-semantic method of expressing biological gender in Uzbek)" provides information about lexemes that express the meaning of male and female gender. some linguistic features of the speech were highlighted, in which the term gender was not used at all and was not researched as an object of gender studies. Nevertheless, the indicated researches are the result of the first researches in the beginning and development of gender linguistics in Uzbekistan. important. The first steps have been taken in gender linguistics in our republic. For example, candidate studies of young scientists such as A. Morozova, I. Tokhtasinov and G. Ergasheva are a clear example of this. " and "femininity" concepts, they express scientific opinions about the description of gender stereotypes specific to them. The results of the reconstruction of the system of gender-marked nominations, as well as the analysis of the types of gender marking and levels of information coding are presented in the article “Reconstruction of the system of gender-marked lexemes (on the basis of proverbs)” [9]. The subject world of gender is verbalized in the nominations of masculine, feminine and metagender beginnings, represented in the texts of proverbs by nouns and substantiated adjectives. The totality and consistency of these nominations at the semantic level represents the collective knowledge of the ethnic group about a man, a woman and a person as a whole. The metagender nominations verbalize ideas about the universal or generalized nature of gender (a person, peasants, a child, etc.), which is due to the essence of human existence as a “tribal integrity”. The relation of the metagender principle to the actual gender principles (male and female principles) demonstrates the existence of a partitive connection between them. The first stage of the analysis of the reconstructed system is based on the application of qualitative methods in order to identify gender symmetry and asymmetry at the level of system organization. Gender symmetry demonstrates the presence of gender equality at the level of the organization of the system in the case of an equivalent representation of gender-marked units that verbalize male/female principles. Gender asymmetry demonstrates the presence of gender inequality at the level of organization of the system in case of unequal representation of gender-marked units that verbalize male / female principles. The organization of nominations within each group / subgroup of the system is implemented in one of two specific ways: a gender pair or a lacunar unit. The gender pair includes paired names of male and female persons, respectively, the specified type of organization of nominations represents the presence of gender symmetry. The nominations included in the gender pair have an identical integral value and a male / female differential sign. For example, in gender pairs father - mother, father - mother, the integral value "parent" is identical, and the gender sign is differential, respectively, father - male parent, mother - female parent. Gender couples get their text incarnation in two versions. The first embodiment of a gender pair is explicit: the components of the pair are presented within the same proverb. Первую дочь бери - по отцу, по матери, а вторую - по сестре! Баба пляшет, а дед плачет. [10].
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