Assessing feasibility of hydropeacebuilding in the Jordan River Basin using serious gaming and a human ecosystem approach
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Francesca Bomboko Part. Be y Maina Part. Hafeez Musa Ali Wani Part. Tobi Nussbaum (Foreign A airs, Trade & Development ‐ Government of Canada) Part. Frauke de Weijer (ECDPM) Part. Chris an Lotz (United Na ons Development Program) Roundtable Interna onal Poli cal Sociology Global Development Trajectories in the Postcoloniality: The Authority of Transna onal Bureaucrats and Experts (I) WA07: Wednesday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Tarak Karim Barkawi (London School of Economics) Disc. Rita Abrahamsen (University of O awa) Panel Privilege, Authority, and Postcoloniality: Bourdieu in the "Interna onal" Sphere Tugba Basaran (University of Kent) Chris an Olsson (Université Libre de Bruxelles) The Tacit Governance of Developmentality Jon Harald Sande Lie (Norwegian Ins tute of Interna onal A airs (NUPI)) Indonesia: From Resolute An ‐Colonialism to ‘Civilizing’ the East Timorese Lena Tan (University of Otago) Epistemic Domina on in Interna onal Rela ons –Discussing an Elusive Concept Maya Hatsukano (Goethe University Frankfurt) Scien c Study of Interna onal Processes Poli cal Demography and Geography Human Rights Violence against Civilians WA08: Wednesday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Reed M. Wood (Arizona State University) Disc. Margit Bussmann (University of Greifswald) Panel Violence Bege ng Violence? War and Civilian Vic miza on as Subs tutes and Complements Gerald Schneider (University of Konstanz) The E ects of Rebel Sanctuary on Civilian Casual es: A Quasi‐ Natural Experiment Yu-Ming Liou (Georgetown University) Civilian Vic miza on and the Prospect of Interven on: Reexamining the Logic of Violence in Civil War Ardeshir Pezeshk (UMass Amherst) Mistakes, Individual Ini a ves and the Banality of Violence Ronit Berger (Syracuse University) Emy Matesan (Syracuse University) Resis ng ‘Religious Violence’: The Community–Armed Group Rela onship during the Communal War in Maluku, Indonesia Jana Krause (Graduate Ins tute of Interna onal and Development Studies) Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Greece Between Crisis and Recovery: Implica ons for the European Union and the Eastern Mediterranean WA09: Wednesday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Ioannis N. Grigoriadis (Bilkent University) Part. Dimitris Tsarouhas (Bilkent University) Part. Elena Lazarou (Getulio Vargas Founda on) Part. Constan ne Boussalis (Harvard Law School) Part. Spyridon Kotsovilis (McGill University/U of Toronto) Roundtable Interna onal Communica on Ac ve Learning in Interna onal A airs Beyond Borders & Barriers - Ac ve Learning in Virtual Spaces: Evalua ng Cross-Na onal Prac ces & Global Cyber Learning WA10: Wednesday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Nane e S. Levinson (American University) Disc. Mary Jane C. Parmen er (Arizona State University) Part. Hemda Ben‐Yehuda (Bar‐Ilan University) Part. Chanan Naveh (Sapir College Israel ) Part. Luba Levin‐Banchik (Bar‐Ilan University) Part. Derrick L. Cogburn (American University) Roundtable Interna onal Security Studies Opening the Black Box: The Market for Force Revisited WA11: Wednesday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Oldrich Bures (Metropolitan University Prague) Disc. Ju a Joachim (Leibniz University of Hannover) Panel Social Rela ons on the Market for Force Ulrich Andreas Petersohn (University of Liverpool) Private Security Companies in the Czech Republic: Rear cula ng the Security Field and Transforming Poli cs Oldrich Bures (Metropolitan University Prague) Mapping the Markets for Force: Market Structures and Firm Performance in the PMSC Industry Charles W. Mahoney (California State University, Long Beach) Explaining the Variance in the Governance of Illegal Global Force Markets Anja P. Jakobi (Royal Holloway, University of London) Interna onal Organiza on Policy Making in the European Union: Compe ng Perspec ves WA12: Wednesday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Jan‐Frederik Kremer (Ruhr‐University Bochum and Friedrich Naumann Founda on for Freedom) Disc. Jan‐Frederik Kremer (Ruhr‐University Bochum and Friedrich Naumann Founda on for Freedom) Panel The Common Agricultural Policy and the strength of small groups Vinicius Tavares (PUC Minas) Mariana Balau (PUC Minas) The Czech Republic's Nuclear Renaissance Regina Axelrod (Adelphi University) The ra onality of choice: Argument based nego a ons in the EU economic crisis Hartmut Lenz (Harvard University) ‘European Excep onalism’ and the Future of the Second‐Image in Interna onal Rela ons Theory Benjamin Mar ll (University of Oxford) Global Development Sociology and Interna onal Development WA13: Wednesday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Dimitri della Faille (Universite du Quebec en Outaouais) Part. Christopher K. Chase‐Dunn (University of California Riverside) Part. Liam Swiss (Memorial University) Part. Andrew Dawson (Glendon College, York University) Part. Dimitri della Faille (Universite du Quebec en Outaouais) Roundtable Environmental Studies Interna onal Law New Treaty on the Block: The 2013 Minamata Conven on on Mercury WA14: Wednesday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Pia M. Kohler (Williams College ) Chair Henrik Selin (Boston University) Disc. Peter Dauvergne (University of Bri sh Columbia) Panel Mercury Emissions and the Minamata Nego a ons: Asia, North America and Europe Leah Stokes (Massachuse s Ins tute of Technology) Amanda Giang (Massachuse s Ins tute of Technology) Noelle Selin (Massachuse s Ins tute of Technology) Private Governance for the Public Good: The Ability of Cer ca on Organiza ons to Reduce Mercury Emissions from Ar sanal and Small Scale Gold Mining Kris n Sippl (Boston University) Global Environmental Law and Treaty‐Making on Hazardous Substances: The Minamata Conven on and Mercury Abatement Henrik Selin (Boston University) The Power of Exper se: Assessing the Role of Knowledge in Nego a ons of the Minamata Conven on Jessica Templeton (London School of Economics) Pia M. Kohler (Williams College ) Junior Scholar Symposia The Security and Governance of Interna onal Resources WA15: Wednesday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Etel Solingen (University of California at Irvine) Junior Scholar Junior Scholar Symposia Energy and Regions WA15-A: Wednesday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Disc. Ozgur Ozdamar (Bilkent University) JSS Group The Footnoted Borderlands In The India and China Energy Engagements With Myanmar Jasnea Sarma (Na onal Chengchi University ) Pax Americana & Energy Security in the Western Hemisphere Patrick J. Thompson (University of Miami) Energy as Interna onal Public Policy in La n America: An Assessment of Regional Ins tu ons for Energy Governance Pablo Valenzuela-Gu érrez (Universidad de Chile) Power Posi ons and Energy Security Policy: A Case Study on the European Union‐Based Shale Gas Policy Network Alexandra Maria Bocse (University of Cambridge) Junior Scholar Symposia Energy and Security WA15-B: Wednesday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Disc. Roger Edward Kanet (University of Miami) JSS Group The Poli cal Economy of Energy Security: Cleavages, Domes c Ins tu ons, and Nuclear Energy Norberto Morales (Texas A and M University) Poisoned By Gas: Russian State Security of Demand Emily Holland (Columbia University) The Process of Energy Securi za on in the European Union Sezer Özcan (Bielefeld University) Junior Scholar Symposia EU and the Environment WA15-C: Wednesday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Disc. Thomas Bernauer (Swiss Federal Ins tute of Technology (ETH Zurich)) JSS Group Poli cs and Emission Trading: An Event‐Based Analysis of the European Carbon Market Federica Genovese (Stanford University) The E ect of Network Density and the EU on Environmental Policy Di usion Thibaud Henin (University of Oregon) The Europeaniza on of Territory ‐ An Environmental Perspec ve Ioana Alexandra Tuta (Graduate Ins tute of interna onal and Development Studies) Regula ng Private Governance: Examining EU Policy Responses to Private Environmental and Social Regula on Stefan Renckens (Yale University) Junior Scholar Symposia NGOs and Ins tu ons in Environmental Governance WA15-D: Wednesday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Disc. Ken Conca (American University) JSS Group Saving the Last Great Places: The Transna onal Poli cs of Conserva on in Southwest China Setsuko Matsuzawa (The College of Wooster ) Arc c Thaw and the Future of the Arc c Council: A New Prominence for Collabora ve Governance or Expansion of the Exis ng Interna onal Governance Regime? Jennifer Spence (Carleton University) Norwegian Petro‐Poli cs: Green Resistance to Statoil’s Project in Alberta Jennifer Mills (York University) The Evolu on of Environmental Discourse: Risk, Science and Precau on under NAFTA Chapter 11 Wendy E. Hicks (University of Toronto) Peace Studies Armed Con icts and Terrorism: Insights from Con ict Resolu on Theory, Prac ce and Law WA16: Wednesday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair I. William Zartman (Johns Hopkins University) Disc. I. William Zartman (Johns Hopkins University) Panel Con ict Resolu on Prac ce in Con icts Marked by Terrorist Violence, A Scholar‐Prac oner Perspec ve Veronique Dudouet (Berghof Con ict Research) Sophie Marie-Louise Rachel Haspeslagh (London School of Economics and POli cal SCience) Theorizing the Impact of Proscrip on on Peace Processes Sophie Marie-Louise Rachel Haspeslagh (London School of Economics and POli cal SCience) De‐Criminalizing Armed Con icts and Their Transforma on: Somalia and Turkey as Case Study Vicki Sentas Sullivan Gavin (University of Amsterdam) Engaging Armed Groups From Below: Local Perspec ves on Con ict Resolu on and Terrorism Zahbia Yousuf (Concilia on Resources) The Terrorism Label: Opportunity or Obstacle to Engagement? Carolin Goerzig (Virginia Commonwealth University) Interna onal Security Studies Interna onal Security Implica ons of the Arab Spring WA17: Wednesday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Mehran Kamrava (Georgetown University‐Qatar) Disc. Nizar Messari (Al Akhawayn) Panel The Interna onal Order and the Arab Spring Benjamin Miller (University of Haifa) NATO and the Arab Spring: How Canada Decided to Become Involved and Take a Leadership Role in the 2011 Military Interven on in Libya Daniel P. Fitzsimmons (University of Calgary) Interna onal Military Coopera on and the Arab Spring Vito D'Orazio (Harvard University, IQSS) The Microdynamics of Defec on: Military Cohesion and Fragmenta on in the Arab Spring Kevin Koehler (King's College London) Holger Albrecht Foreign Policy Analysis Finding Space in the Globalized World: Discussing Modern India's Strategic Thought and Ideas in Foreign Policy WA18: Wednesday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Manjari Cha erjee Miller (Boston University) Disc. Rohan Mukherjee (Princeton University) Panel Nuclear weapons in India’s strategic outlook Frank O'Donnell (King's College London) Non‐Alignment as a Cri que and Prac ce of Security Swapna Kona Nayudu (KING'S COLLEGE LONDON) Advocacy coali ons in Indian strategic culture: A study of India’s Afghan policy post‐2001 Avinash Paliwal (King's College London ) India in a Global Context: Towards Understanding its Shaping of an Approach to Sovereignty in the United Na ons Raphaëlle Khan (India Ins tute, King's College London) Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Presiden al Panel: Law, Obliga on and Rela onships Across and Beyond Borders WA19: Wednesday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Anthony Tirado Chase (Occidental College) Disc. Anthony Tirado Chase (Occidental College) Panel Invita on or No Invita on – Is That The Ques on? Extraterritorial Human Rights Obliga ons of States and Non‐State Actors Engaging in Public Ac vity in a Foreign State Sigrun I. Skogly (Lancaster University ) Gearoid O Cuinn (Lancaster University) Time, Space and State Responsibility for Viola ons of Interna onal Human Rights Standards Mark Gibney (University of North Carolina Asheville) Transna onal, Transboundary or Extraterritorial? Law, Language and Power Sara Seck (Western University) Human Rights and the Dark Side of Globaliza on Thomas Gammelto -Hansen (Danish Ins tute for Interna onal Studies) Human Rights E cacy and Impact of Transi onal Jus ce WA20: Wednesday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Andrew A. G. Ross (Ohio University) Disc. Page L. Wilson (Royal Military Academy Sandhurst) Panel Is Jus ce Delayed, Democracy Denied? Unpacking the Impact of Post‐Con ict Jus ce Adop on Cyanne E. Loyle (West Virginia University) Benjamin Appel (Michigan State University) Exploring the Rela onship Between Transi onal Jus ce and Economic Inequality Geo rey Dancy (Tulane University) Eric Wiebelhaus-Brahm (University of Arkansas at Li le Rock) Taking a Step Back: Assessing the Contextual Factors Associated with Transi onal Jus ce Policies Jennifer L. Miller (University of Arizona) The Impact and Status of Interna onal Human Rights Norms Internaliza on a er the Trials of Human Rights Criminals‐Peru Nusta Pitushca Carranza Ko (Purdue University) Intelligence Studies Experiencing Analy c Tradecra : Simula ons for Educa on and Training in Intelligence Analysis WA21: Wednesday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair William J. Lahneman (Embry‐Riddle Aeronau cal University) Disc. Ruben Arcos (Rey Juan Carlos University, Madrid (Spain)) Panel TEST Simula on Model: Team Working and Experien al Scenario‐ based Training Julian J. Richards (University of Buckingham) Chris Jagger (Managing Director 2creatE ects) Spies and Lies: The Perils of Collec on (A Simula on) Kristan J. Wheaton (Mercyhurst University) James Breckenridge (Mercyhurst University) Why Senior Policymakers Value Simula ons and Table top Exercises Randy Pherson (Pherson Associates) Falling Short of Learning our Lessons: Insights From Psychology into Why We Are (Fairly) Good at Iden fying, but Not Learning, Our Lessons. Sarah Hill Presen ng Intelligence Analysts With Ethical Scenarios Fernando Velasco Interna onal Poli cal Sociology The Camp as a Global Poli cal Space WA22: Wednesday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Robert Vitalis (University of Pennsylvania) Disc. Robert Vitalis (University of Pennsylvania) Panel Revisi ng the Camp: Agency and Hospitality on the Border. Maria Fotou (London School of Economics and Poli cal Science) Global Governance, Humanitarian Aid, and Refugee Camps Suzan Ilcan (University of Waterloo) Kim Rygiel (Wilfrid Laurier University) Steps Towards an Ecology of the Camp Benjamin Meiches (Johns Hopkins University) Barbed Wire, the Imperial Periphery and the Materializa on of the Camp Alexander D. Barder (American University of Beirut) Occupying Asylum? Understanding the Space of Non‐Ci zenship in Autonomous Camps Heather L. Johnson (Queen's University Belfast) Global Development Emerging Power Rela ons in Global Agricultural Commodity Chains: Interdisciplinary and Mul -scalar Perspec ves WA23: Wednesday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Yves E. Tiberghien (University of Bri sh Columbia) Disc. Derek A. Hall (Wilfrid Laurier University) Panel No Informa on, No Quality, No tTust: How Domes c Weaknesses Are Shaping China's Interac on With the Global Potash Market Pascale Massot (The University of Bri sh Columbia) Movable Collateral: The Poli cal Character of Commodity Storage in U.S. and Canadian Commodity Exchanges Sarah J. Mar n (University of Waterloo) Industrial Restructuring, Moral Obliga on, and Undocumented Immigrant Labor on New York Dairy Farms Kathleen Sexsmith (Cornell University) Global Quinoa Markets and the Con ict over Indigenous Territory Marygold Walsh-Dilley (Cornell University) China's Impact on Global Soy, Corn, Rice, and Wheat Markets Through GMO Regula ons Yves E. Tiberghien (University of Bri sh Columbia) Interna onal Poli cal Sociology The Many Poli cs of Aesthe cs: Rethinking Art, Philosophy, and the Everyday through Sensory Experience WA24: Wednesday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Lene Hansen (University of Copenhagen) Disc. Lene Hansen (University of Copenhagen) Panel 10 Theses for an Aesthe cs of Poli cs Davide Panagia (Trent University) Foucault, Metahaven and aesthe c prac ce Erzsebet Strausz (University of Warwick) Appearing at the Ends of the Colonial: Art and Poli cs in Pales ne Kiven Strohm (Trent University) Poli cs and the Limi ng Aesthe cs of “Everyday Forms of Resistance” Anna Selmeczi (University of the Western Cape) War is Trauma: U.S. Veteran Ac vism, Art, and Transna onal Collabora ons in the Global War on Terror Brianne P. Gallagher (University of Hawaii at Manoa) Historical Interna onal Rela ons Interna onal Security Studies WW1 in Current Scholarship WA25: Wednesday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Jack S. Levy (Rutgers University) Disc. Charles Eugene Gholz (University of Texas) Panel The Strange Case of Smaller Powers in the Great War of 1914‐1918 Bruno Reis (Na onal Defence Ins tute - Lisbon & King's College London ) The Failure of a Checks and Balances System in Balkans: Another Cause of the First World War? Burak Samih Gulboy (Istanbul University) World War One and the Origins of Modern Coali onal War Sara Bjerg Moller (Columbia University) Rage of Honor: Explaining the Dura on of the First World War Michael Allen Hunzeker (Princeton University) Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Geography, Poli cs, and Foreign Direct Investment, Panel #1 WA26: Wednesday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Lorraine Eden (Texas A&M University) Disc. Lorraine Eden (Texas A&M University) Panel FDI and 'O shore' Tax Havens: Policy Fixes and Fundamental Dynamics Robert T. Kudrle (University of Minnesota) How Well Do Supra‐Na onal Regional Grouping Schemes Fit MNC FDI Models? Paul Vaaler (University of Minnesota) Spa al and Temporal Varia on in the Di usion of Tax Trea es Mar n Hearson (London School of Economics and Poli cal Science) FDI Exit From Con ict Zones: Do Country Borders Ma er? Lorraine Eden (Texas A&M University) Domes c Poli cs Of Sovereign Wealth Fund Investment Quan Li (Texas A&M University) Environmental Studies Equi nality of Climate Mi ga on Strategies? WA27: Wednesday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Detlef Friedrich Sprinz (PIK‐Potsdam Ins tute for Climate Impact Research & University of Potsdam) Part. Johannes Urpelainen (University of Michigan) Part. Robert Gampfer (ETH Zurich) Part. Steinar E. Andresen (Fridtjof Nansen Ins tute) Part. Xinyuan Dai (University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign) Roundtable Interna onal Poli cal Economy Local, State, Regional, and Transna onal Responses to Neoliberal Market Building WA28: Wednesday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Giselle Datz (Virginia Polytechnic Ins tute and State University) Disc. Giselle Datz (Virginia Polytechnic Ins tute and State University) Panel Socio‐Poli cal Responses to the Construc on of the Market: Neoliberal “Progress”, and the European Bank for Reconstruc on and Development Stuart Shields (University of Manchester) The Contradic ons of Neoliberalism and the Struggle for a New Socio‐Economic and Poli cal System in Chile Jason R. Weidner (El Colegio de México) Neoliberaliza on of the Welfare State and Issues of Criminality and Criminaliza on in the UK Daniela Tepe-Belfrage (University of She eld) An Urban Manifesto: City‐regions as Units of Analysis in Global Poli cs Alejandro Chris an Soler (University of Delaware) Emmanuel A. Balogun (University of Delaware) The Limits to Capital in the European ‘Periphery’ Greig Charnock (The University of Manchester) Making Labour Markets Work: ‘Two‐Level Market Making’ in the Governance of Labour Markets in Europe Alex Nunn (Leeds Metropolitan University) Scien c Study of Interna onal Processes Rivals and Rivalry in World Poli cs WA29: Wednesday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Rosella M. Cappella (Boston University) Disc. Michael P. Colaresi (Michigan State University) Disc. Brandon Valeriano (University of Glasgow) Panel Third‐Party Wars and Rapprochement: The Role of Leaders and Informa on Jonathan M. DiCicco (Canisius College) Can an Interstate Rivalry Be Posi ve? Brandon Valeriano (University of Glasgow) Choong-Nam Kang (Murray State University) From Rivalry to Special Rela onship: Understanding the Mo ves for Con ict and Coopera on Through Legisla ve Speeches on Anglo‐ American Rela ons, 1890‐1920 Benjamin O. Fordham (Binghamton University) Michael P. Colaresi (Michigan State University) Exchanging Fire: Indirect Economic Ties and War David Ohls (University of Wisconsin) Rivalries in the Spa al Context: How Neighborhood A ects Escala on and Termina on Kentaro Sakuwa (Indiana University) Interna onal Communica on Interna onal Security Studies Extremist Communica on and Radicaliza on: The Role of Narra ve, Technology, and Images in Catalyzing Violence WA30: Wednesday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Anthony Lemieux (Georgia State University) Disc. Cris na Arche (University of Salford) Panel Inspiring Terrorism: A Cri cal Analysis of the Poten al, Role, and Impact of Al Qaeda’s English Language Magazine Anthony Lemieux (Georgia State University) Jay Wood The Ver cal Integra on of Narra ve in Extremist Strategic Communica on Steven Corman (Arizona State University) Technology, Iden ty and Radicaliza on in a Market for Loyal es Shawn M. Powers (Georgia State University) Performing Gender in Extreme Right Cyberspaces: The Women of Stormfront Maura Conway (Dublin City University) Online Recircula on of Images in the 2012 U.S. Embassy A acks: Rhetorical Implica ons of Extremists’ Use of Historical Allusion Houda Abadi (Georgia State University) Michael King Jablonski (Georgia State University) Carol Winkler (Georgia State University) Interna onal Security Studies Learning from Civil Wars WA31: Wednesday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Andrea M. Lopez (Susquehanna University) Disc. Stefan Malthaner (European University Ins tute) Panel Narra ves, Violence, and Civilian Defense during Internal Armed Con ict Steven T. Zech (University of Washington, Sea le) From Combatants to Candidates: Electoral Compe on and the Legacy of Civil War Jennifer Raymond Dresden (Georgetown University) Natural Disasters, Foreign Aid, and Civil Con icts Seok Joon Kim (George Washington University) The Crucial Role of Civilians in Liberal Counterinsurgency Doctrine: Uncomfortable Evidence from Colombia Gonzalo A. Vargas (Universidad de los Andes) Victory Through Air Power? Assessing the Strategic Lessons of Interven on in the Libyan Civil War Karl P. Mueller (RAND Corpora on) Environmental Studies Interna onal Poli cal Economy East Asian Approaches to Environmental Coopera on and Regula on WA32: Wednesday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Aysun Uyar Makibayashi (Doshisha University) Disc. Aysun Uyar Makibayashi (Doshisha University) Panel “Environmental Regionalism” within Regional Economic Coopera on Frameworks of East Asia Aysun Uyar Makibayashi (Doshisha University) Ci zen Movement, Party Poli cs, and Nuclear‐Power Policy: Diverse Modes of Poli cal Mobiliza on in Japan, Korea, and Taiwan Sung Chull Kim (Seoul Na onal University) Yousun Chung (Academia Sinica) Strengthening Environmental Governance in East Asia: A Case for Transboundary Air Pollu on Maki Koga (Tokyo Ins tute of Technology) Norichika Kanie (Tokyo Instute of Technology) Power in Regional Environmental Governance: Environmental Coopera on in Northeast Asia Inkyoung Kim (University of Massachuse s, Amherst) Trade and Environment: The Role of Free Trade Agreements for Environmental Regula ons in East Asia In Tae Yoo (University of South Carolina) Inkyoung Kim (University of Massachuse s, Amherst) Scien c Study of Interna onal Processes Human Rights Interna onal Determinants of Democracy and Human Rights WA33: Wednesday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Shannon Lindsey Blanton (University of Memphis) Disc. K. Chad Clay (University of Georgia) Panel Globaliza on and Collec ve Labor Rights: New World Order or “Slave New World?” Robert G. Blanton (University of Memphis) Shannon Lindsey Blanton (University of Memphis) Economic Crises and Labor Rights Ma hew R. DiGiuseppe (University of Mississippi) Colin Barry (University of Oklahoma) An Agent‐Based Model of Norm Di usion Jonathan Ring (University of Iowa) Individual Complaint Mechanisms and Human Rights Treaty Ra ca on Sheryl Symons (Binghamton University) Governing Democra cally in a Tech Empowered World Aaron F. Brantly (Na onal Democra c Ins tute) Lindsay Beck Foreign Policy Analysis Crisis Bargaining and Public Opinion: Do Audience Costs Ma er? WA34: Wednesday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Marcia B. Hartwell (CSCMO Scholar, USMA (West Point)) Disc. Franz J. Eder (University of Innsbruck) Panel Military Ac on in the Obama Presidency: Congressional Leaders' Ac ve Abdica on on War Powers Ryan Hendrickson (Eastern Illinois University) Micro‐Founda ons of Audience Costs: Why do we Punish Inconsistent Leaders? Catarina P. Thomson (University of Exeter) The Costs of Backing Down: Compellence and Deterrence in Territorial and Policy Disputes Ahmer Tarar Nehemia Geva (Texas A&M University) Catarina P. Thomson (University of Exeter) Human Rights Interna onal Law Domes c Prosecu on of Universal Crimes WA35: Wednesday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Stacey M. Mitchell (University of Georgia) Disc. Chandra Sriram (University of East London) Panel Gatekeepers to Jus ce: The Ins tu onal Design of the Public Prosecutor’s O ce and its E ects on Human Rights Prosecu ons in La n America Veronica Michel (John Jay College-CUNY) Genocide and Jus ce in Guatemala Amy Ross (University of Georgia) A Compara ve Analysis of Domes c Prosecu ons of Universal Crimes Kathleen Barre (University of West Georgia) Where Transi onal Jus ce and Memory Meet: Power and Accountability in Peru and Guatemala Jo-Marie Burt (George Mason University) Domes c Prosecu on of Universal Crimes: What Explains Regional Varia on? Henry (Chip) Carey (Georgia State University) Interna onal Ethics Jus in Bello: The Warrior Code and Asymmetric Con ict WA36: Wednesday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Toni Erskine (University of New South Wales) Chair Daniel R. Brunste er (University of California Irvine) Disc. Daniel R. Brunste er (University of California Irvine) Panel U.S. Warfare in Iraq and the Trade‐o Between Casualty‐Aversion and Civilian Protec on Sebas an Kaempf (University of Queensland) The Ethics of Victory: Jus in Bello in Ancient Greek Poli cal Thought and Prac ce Cian O'Driscoll (University of Glasgow) The Erosion of Noncombatant Immunity in Asymmetric War James T. Johnson (Rutgers University) Human Rights and the jus in bello in Asymmetric Warfare: Lessons from the 2009 Gaza War Thomas W. Smith (University of South Florida) The Impact of New and Emerging Technology on the Warrior's Code Shannon French (Case Western Reserve University) Feminist Theory and Gender Studies Interna onal Poli cal Economy Gender and Global Economic Governance WA37: Wednesday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Sonalini Sapra (Saint Mary's College) Disc. Drucilla Barker (University of South Carolina) Panel Basket Case: Women’s Empowerment, Fair Trade, and Interna onal Development Laura Parisi (University of Victoria) The gendered and racialized poli cs of ‘private security migra on’: Making the link between global migra on pa erns and new security regimes Amanda Marie Chisholm (Bristol University) Saskia Stachowitsch (University of Vienna) Resis ng and Transforming Methodologies of Governance Through Our Work: A study of Deten on and Incarcera on in Canada Jessica E. Foran (McMaster University) Feminism and the Turn to Empowerment in Interna onal Development: What Emancipatory Projects at Play? Marie-Hélène Bacqué Feminist Theory and Gender Studies Mobilizing Women, Forging Solidari es WA38: Wednesday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Catarina Isabel Tully (Strategy & Security Ins tute, Exeter University, UK) Disc. Francine J. D'Amico (Syracuse University) Panel UNSCR 1325 Na onal Ac on Plans: Exploring Local Women's Perspec ves in Two Post‐Con ict Countries Helen S. A. Basini (University of Limerick) Gendered Mobiliza on in an Expanded Europe Jill A. Irvine (University of Oklahoma) Celeste Montoya (University of Colorado Boulder) Sabine Lang (University of Washington) FEMEN, Gender Iden ty and Mass Media: Towards New Spaces of Gender Resistance? Charles Garofano-Meloche (University of Quebec at Montreal) Turning Passion into Ac on: Establishing E ec ve Interna onal Advocacy Networks for Women's Issues‐‐a Social Network Analysis Christopher Tunnard (The Fletcher School ) Environmental Studies Sense-Making and Policy-Making in Energy Poli cs WA39: Wednesday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Simon Langlois‐Bertrand (Carleton University) Disc. Elizabeth Chalecki (S mson Center) Panel Informa on Technologies for Awareness and Sense‐Making in Energy and Environment Sean Cos gan (The New School) Erica M. Dingman (World Policy Ins tute) Enabling the Masters of Uncertainty: A two‐period model of policy change in energy and environmental policy Simon Langlois-Bertrand (Carleton University) Energy Security as Risk: A Norma ve Analysis of the Dangers of Energy Security Fabian Schuppert (Queen's University Belfast) Do Firms Care about Informal Environmental Governance? and Why? Shuang Zhao (Indiana University Bloomington) Foreign Policy Analysis China's Rise and Territorial Disputes: Why is China Asser ve? WA40: Wednesday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Xiaoming Huang (Victoria University of Wellington) Disc. Craig A. Snyder (Deakin University) Panel Explaining the 2012 Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands Crisis in Sino‐Japanese Rela ons: Power Transi on and Security Dilemma Dingding Chen (University of Macau) The Rise of China and Its Implica ons for Security in East Asia and Beyond: The Case Analysis of Territorial Disputes in the South China Sea Jihyun Kim (Bradley University) Breaking the Strategic Encirclement: China’s Assurance and Reassurance Policy in East Asia Chris na Jun Yao Lai (Georgetown University) Spa al Expansion and Norm Nego a on: `China and the World’ Revisited Der-yuan Wu (Na onal Chengchi University) Interna onal Security Studies Exploring the Inter/Intra-State Con ict Nexus: Interna onal Determinants of Sub-state Violence WA41: Wednesday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Michael J. Lee (Indiana University) Disc. Michael Horowitz (University of Pennsylvania) Panel The Geopoli cs of Civil Wars: Changing Pa erns in External Military Assistance and their Consequences for Intrastate Con icts Noel Anderson (Massachuse s Ins tute of Technology) Media A en on and Substate Resistance: Explaining Dispropor onate Levels of Interna onal Coverage Evan Perkoski (University of Pennsylvania) Delega on, Sponsorship, and Autonomy: Understanding State‐ Armed Group Rela onships Kai Thaler (Harvard University) On Rebels and Rivals: Proxy Strategies in Interna onal Poli cs Brian Haggerty (Massachuse s Ins tute of Technology) Interna onal Ethics Human Rights Atroci es, Interven on, and the Responsibility to Protect WA42: Wednesday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Taylor B. Seybolt (GSPIA, University of Pi sburgh) Disc. Taylor B. Seybolt (GSPIA, University of Pi sburgh) Panel The Responsibility to Protect as a Game‐Changer Hannes Peltonen (University of Lapland) Humanitarian Space and Interna onal Poli cal Theory Henry Radice (London School of Economics and Poli cal Science) The Responsibility to Prevent: Are Just War Theory Principles Applicable to R2P Preven on E orts? Eamon T. Aloyo (Hague Ins tute for Global Jus ce) Sco Wisor The Preven on of Mass Atrocity Crimes: A Criminological Approach Ruben Reike (University of Oxford) Expanding Rights in Theory, Risking Protec on in Prac ce: Does R2P Undermine the Genocide Conven on? Amanda Rothschild (Massachuse s Ins tute of Technology) Framing Responsibility: R2P, Humanitarian Interven on, and Crisis Decision‐Making Michael J. Butler (Clark University) Environmental Studies Peace Studies Africa, Resources, Con ict WA43: Wednesday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Bulent Acma (Anadolu University) Disc. Joseph Hongoh (The University of Queensland) Panel Na onal Resources, Local Con ict: Trends from a new dataset on natural resource extrac on in Africa Jessica Steinberg (University of Michigan) Con ict versus disaster‐induced migra on: Similar or dis nct implica ons for security? Heidrun Bohnet (University of Geneva) Fabien Co er (University of Geneva) Simon Hug (University of Geneva) Weather Condi ons: Drought, Civil War, and E ec ve Adapta on Policy in sub‐Saharan Africa Cur s Bell (University of Tennessee at Knoxville) Beyond Coopera on? Ins tu onal interplay in interna onal rivers: Consequences of overlapping governed issue areas for the environmental sustainability of the Nile River basin Anne Kantel (American University ) Theory The (Re-)Making of Strategic Cultures WA44: Wednesday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Christopher Layne (Texas A & M University) Disc. John R. Deni (Strategic Studies Ins tute) Panel Bri sh Strategy in a Mul polar Age David W. Blagden (University of Cambridge) Transatlan c Di erences Structured in State, Society and the Armed Forces Rela ons Paul A. van Hoo (University of Amsterdam) Protec ng Civilians? Western Military Cultures and the War in Afghanistan Cornelius Friesendorf (Goethe University Frankfurt and Peace Research Ins tute Frankfurt) Transforma ons in the Euro‐Atlan c Area: The Remaking of Foreign Policy Iden es Patricia Daehnhardt (Lusiada University and IPRI (Portuguese Ins tute of Interna onal Rela ons)) Foreign Policy Fiascos: The Role of Mistakes in Interna onal Poli cs Kai Oppermann (University of Sussex) Alexander Spencer (Ludwig-Maximillians-University Munich) Environmental Studies Global Development India's Environmental Impact WA45: Wednesday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Markus Kröger (University of Helsinki) Chair Kristen Hopewell (University of Bri sh Columbia) Disc. Amy Below (Oregon State University) Panel Ge ng Green a er the Green Flash: The Long‐Term Legacies of Bri sh Rule in Sri Lanka, Burma/Myanmar, and the Indian States of Kerala and Manipur Nancy Wright (Long Island University ) Impor ng Interna onal Norms through Domes c Ins tu ons: the Precau onary Principle in India Mark Axelrod (Michigan State University) The Poli cs of Iron Mining in India and Brazil Markus Kröger (University of Helsinki) Foreign Policy Analysis Iranian Foreign Policy in Perspec ve WA46: Wednesday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Carolyn C. James (Pepperdine University) Disc. Abdulkadir Civan (Gediz University) Panel A Crack in the Crescent: The Syrian Crisis, Hezbollah and Iranian Foreign Policy Constance Duncombe (University of Queensland) Iran’s Nuclear Ambi ons and its Energy Needs: A Polito‐economic Approach to Iran’s Nuclear Program Abdulkadir Civan (Gediz University) Halit Mustafa Tagma (Ipek University) Faruk Ekmekci (Ipek University) Evalua ng Culture and Security in Regional Order: The Case of Turkey and Iran Wayne McLean (University of Tasmania) Iranian Nuclear Program and Turkey’s Role in Nuclear Nonprolifera on Ozum Uzun (İstanbul Aydın University) Reading Shahname with Khamenei: Understanding Iranian Grand Strategy Balkan Devlen (Izmir University of Economics) English School Diploma c Studies Realism and So Power: Peace-Preserving Diplomacy WA48: Wednesday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Reed Davis (Sea le Paci c University) Disc. W. David Clinton (Baylor University) Panel Realism, So Power and Leadership Daniel G. Lang (Lynchburg College) The Realist Tradi on, So Power and Diplomacy in Pu n's Russia Eric Fleury (Baylor University) Scien c Naturalism and the Problem of Power in Foreign Policy Reed Davis (Sea le Paci c University) Geopoli cs, Realism and So Power Greg Russell (University of Oklahoma) Human Rights Interna onal Organiza on Na onal and Regional Human Rights Ins tu ons WA49: Wednesday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Michael Haas (California Polytechnic University, Pomona) Disc. Miao‐ling Lin Hasenkamp (O o von Guericke University of Magdeburg) Panel ASEAN and Human Rights: Commission, Declara on, Compliance. Mathew J. Davies (Australian Na onal University) The Adop on, Design, and E ec veness of NHRIs: A Global Empirical Inquiry Ryan Merrill Welch (Florida State University) Human Rights Measurement: The Inter‐American Human Rights System Under Quan ta ve Approach Isabela Gerbelli Garbin (University of São Paulo) Marrielle Maia Alves Ferreira (Universidade Federal de Uberlandia) Ceding Sovereignty: Why States Delegate to the Inter‐American Court of Human Rights Daniel Hill (University of Georgia) The Di usion and Power of Na onal Human Rights Ins tu ons – A Global, Regional and Na onal A air Corina Lacatus (London School of Economics) Foreign Policy Analysis Foreign Policy Analysis from the Prac oners' Perspec ve WA50: Wednesday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Erico Esteves Duarte (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul) Disc. Erico Esteves Duarte (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul) Panel Role and Relevance: The Bureaucra c Poli cs of AirSea Ba le Kevin P. Marsh (College of Wooster) Christopher M. Jones (Northern Illinois University) Foreign Policy Decision‐Making: How Agency A ects Decisions in Foreign Policy Thomas Kea ng (University of Limerick) UNASUR: A new South American Mul lateralism in a New Region Fabio Sánchez (Universidad Sergio Arboleda) Policy Relevant Interna onal Rela ons Scholarship: Results from a Prac oner Perspec ves Survey Simon Palamar (Centre for Interna onal Governance Innova on/Carleton University) Beyond the facts: the Brazilian diplomacy's percep on of Brazil‐ US rela ons a er the beginning of the Lula da Silva administra on (2003‐2010) Norma Breda dos Santos (University of Brasília) Interna onal Security Studies Technology and the Changing Face of War WA51: Wednesday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Jon Lindsay (University of California) Disc. Margaret E. Kosal (Georgia Ins tute of Technology) Panel Legal Ra onal Behind Drone Warfare Farah N. Jan (Rutgers University) Cross‐Domain Deterrence: Strategy in an Era of Technological Complexity Jon Lindsay (University of California) A Revolu on in Warfare? Tac cal Drone Use by the German Bundeswehr in Afghanistan Ulrike Esther Franke (University of Oxford ) Interna onal Con ict and Na onal Technological Innova on Joseph Morris Grieco (Duke University) Cindy Cheng Explaining State Interest in and Choice of Military Investment in Emerging Science and Technologies Jonathan Y. Huang (Georgia Ins tute of Technology) Interna onal Poli cal Economy Religious Social Movements and Neoliberal Economic Globaliza on WA52: Wednesday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Sabine Dreher (York University, Glendon College) Disc. Peter Smith (Athabasca University) Panel Interfaith Ini a ves Against Nega ve E ects of Capitalism: The Case of Tanzania’s Interfaith Standing Commi ee and Mining Industry in Tanzania. Aikande C. Kwayu (NA) Religious Environmentalism and Localiza on: Transforming Global Capitalism Justyna Nicinska (Rutgers University) Neoliberalism with a Human Face: Making Sense of the Jus ce and Development Party’s Neoliberal Populism in Turkey Umut Bozkurt Homo Islamicus in Tunisia, Egypt and Turkey: A Virtuous Actor to Tame Neoliberal Globaliza on? Edward Webb (Dickinson College) Gender Dimensions of Societal Islam in Turkey and its Implica on for the Neoliberal Globaliza on Project Sabine Dreher (York University, Glendon College) Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Understanding Globaliza on Through The Poli cs of Sectors WA53: Wednesday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Adriana Schor (Universidade de São Paulo) Disc. Adriana Schor (Universidade de São Paulo) Panel The Fragmenta on of Global Produc on: China, East Asia, and Sectors Mark Dallas Poli cs, Ins tu ons and Sectoral Puzzles: Automo ve vs. Rubber Development in Malaysia Richard Doner European Sectoral Regula on in Telecommunica ons: European Rules, Divergent Outcomes Kirsten Rodine Hardy (Northeastern University) Na onal Sector‐speci c Global Integra on: Comparing Labor and Capital‐Intensive Tex les in China and India Roselyn Hsueh (Temple University) Democra za on and Economic Complexity in South Africa and Zimbabwe: A Sectoral Approach to Regime Change Ciara McCorley (University of Limerick) Interna onal Security Studies Internal Dynamics and External E ec veness in Terrorist Organiza ons WA54: Wednesday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Rashmi Singh (University of St Andrews) Disc. Sharad Joshi (Monterey Ins tute of Interna onal Studies) Panel The Ba le for Algeria: Explaining Organiza onal Interac on Among Violent Non‐State Actors Barak Mendelsohn (Haverford College) Introducing Bureaucracy to Violent Organiza ons: How Have Their Tac cs Changed? Michelle Black (University of Nebraska) Rula G Jabbour (UNL) The Strategic Culture of Terrorism: Explaining Al Qaeda Strategic Behavior Tai-Ho Lin (Na onal Chung Cheng University) The Changing Legi macy of The Provisional IRA and Sinn Fein: Using 'Bloody Sunday 1972' in Legi macy Seeking Behaviour Kelly Wade-Johnson (University of Queensland) Interna onal Security Studies Shi s in Military Strategy and War WA55: Wednesday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Gary Schaub, Jr. (University of Copenhagen) Disc. Gary Schaub, Jr. (University of Copenhagen) Panel Conceptualizing the Microfounda ons of Military Strategy Bernard I. Finel (Na onal War College) The Growing Use of Special Opera ons Forces: Implica ons for Policy, Prac ce, and Theory John A. Gentry (Na onal Intelligence University) A Revolu on of Democra c Warfare? Introducing Fuzzy‐Set Methodology to Discover the Driving Factors behind Military Transforma ons Mischa Hansel (Justus Liebig University Giessen) Simon Ruhnke (University of Cologne) The Di usion of Military Innova ons: A Closer Look at Nuclear Weapons Mehmet Ondur (Wayne State University) The In uence of Landpower and (recent) history Richard Lacquement (U.S. Army War College) Ethnicity, Na onalism, & Migra on Studies Regional Perspec ves on the Future of Ci zenship 1 WA56: Wednesday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Kamal Sadiq (University of California at Irvine) Disc. Willem Maas (York University) Panel Regionalized Minority Ci zenship Norms? Developments in South and Eastern Asia Susan J. Henders (York University) Stateless Ci zenship 2040: The Globe as Postcolony Benjamin N. Lawrance (Rochester Ins tute of Technology) Returning from Saudi: Rede ni ons of Ci zenship in Neoliberal Egypt Gerasimos Tsourapas (SOAS, University of London) Regula ng Ci zenship in India and Malaysia: Building State Capacity in the Developing World Kamal Sadiq (University of California at Irvine) The Poli cs of Mul ple Belongings: Expanding Electoral Rights to Denizens and Overseas Koreans in South Korea Young Ju Rhee (University of Oxford) Foreign Policy Analysis Explaining Foreign Policy Role Concep ons WA57: Wednesday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Bruce A. Magnusson (Whitman College) Disc. Joann A. DiGeorgio‐Lutz (Texas A&M University‐Galveston) Panel The Foreign Policy of the Khmer Rouge 1975‐1978: Temporal and Spa al Determinants of Role Choice. Joann A. DiGeorgio-Lutz (Texas A&M University-Galveston) Unapologe c: Canadian Foreign Policy under Stephen Harper Marc J. O'Reilly (Heidelberg University) Stella Wancke (Heidelberg University) The Concept of Selec ve Power and the Case of Canada’s Role in Contemporary Interna onal Poli cs Wojciech Michnik (Tischner European University) Marcin Gabryś (Jagiellonian University) Tomasz Soroka (Jagiellonian University) China’s Iden ty and Interna onal Role: The Rela onal Style of Grand Strategy Chih-yu Shih (Na onal Taiwan University) Chiung-Chiu Huang (Na onal Chengchi University) Roles and Geopoli cs: Looking at Role Theory beyond Foreign Policy Analysis Bernardo Teles Fazendeiro (University of St Andrews) Global Development Global Rules and Local Prac ces WA58: Wednesday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Aigul Kulnazarova (School of Global Studies, Tama University) Disc. Javiera Barandiaran (University of California Santa Barbara) Panel Ac va ng Global Messages in Local Spaces: Crea vity and ownership in campaigns to prevent the spread of HIV Jamie Frueh (Bridgewater College) Local Content in Natural Resource Governance: The Cases of Angola and Nigeria Jesse S. Ovadia (Newcastle University) Making heritage pay: Poli cal culture, ins tu ons, and the local development e ects of UNESCO World Heritage Site designa ons Andreea O'Keef (Roanoke College) The Interna onal Poli cal Economy of Micro nance: The case of the “Andhra Crisis” Markus Pauli (Heidelberg University) The Power of Place: Transna onal Poli cs and the “Spirit of Davos” Elizabeth Friesen (Carleton University) Interna onal Educa on Ac ve Learning in Interna onal A airs Examining Interdisciplinarity in Interna onal Studies Programs WA59: Wednesday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Harry I. Chernotsky (University of North Carolina Charlo e) Download 5.69 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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