Assessing feasibility of hydropeacebuilding in the Jordan River Basin using serious gaming and a human ecosystem approach
Part. Susan I. Hangen (Ramapo College) Part
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Susan I. Hangen (Ramapo College) Part. Andrew Lee Oros (Washington College) Part. Midori Yoshii (Albion College) Part. Barbara E. Hicks (New College of Florida) Part. Ellen Fitzpatrick (Clinton School of Public Service ‐University of Arkansas) Roundtable Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Ethnicity, Iden ty, and Con ict WA60: Wednesday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Michael E. Aleprete (Westminster College) Disc. Steven Mock (Balsillie School of Interna onal A airs) Panel Manipula ng Religion: Chechnya, the Russian State, and the Global War on Terror Becca A. McBride (Calvin College) Dus n Gamza (University of Michigan) Deterritorializing Ethnic Con icts: The Threat of Climate Change as a Possible Solu on to Ethnic Con icts Yehonatan Abramson (Johns Hopkins University) What Civiliza ons Fight and Win? Examining "Clashes of Civiliza ons" 1991‐2007 Nori Katagiri (Air War College) Space, place, and symbol ‐‐ understanding intergroup con ict dynamics Tobias Grei (University of Erfurt) Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on The Power of the Social in Interna onal Poli cs: Displacing the Spaces of Governing? WA61: Wednesday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Nicholas Kiersey (Ohio University) Disc. Nicholas Michelsen (King's College London) Panel Slogan or History? On the ‘Rise of the Social’ in Interna onal Thought Patricia Owens (University of Sussex) The Displacement of Global Poli cs in Niklas Luhmann’s Observa ons on World Society Florian Edelmann (Aberystwyth University) Natality, the Social, and Public Space: A Contemporary Reading of Arendt Ari-Elmeri Hyvönen (University of Jyväskylä) The New Ethics of Global Responsibility and the Rise of the Social David Chandler (University of Westminster) Reality behind the Ar ce: Sociological Ins tu onalism and the Global Cons tuency of Embedded Learning Jessica Schmidt (Centre for Global Coopera on Research) Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Governance, Regionalism, and Coopera on WA62: Wednesday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Tobias Lenz (Georg‐August University of Goe ngen) Disc. Tobias Lenz (Georg‐August University of Goe ngen) Panel Proximity and Degrees of Di usion in Regional Organiza ons Tobias Lenz (Georg-August University of Goe ngen) Francesco Duina (University of Bri sh Columbia) Comparing Regional Organiza ons at the United Na ons General Assembly – Is There a Shi to Regionalism? Nicolas Burmester (University of Hamburg) Michael Jankowski (University of Hamburg) Insecurity Communi es and Dysfunc onal Integra on in Fragile Regions Daniel Norfolk (The Graduate Ins tute of Interna onal and Development Studies) The Missing Link of Regional Governance: La n America and the Middle East in Compara ve Perspec ve Keren Sasson (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) Mexican Interna onal Studies Associa on Confron ng Models of Development and Human Security in La n America WA63: Wednesday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Roberto Dominguez (European University Ins tute) Disc. Alejandro Chanona (Na onal Autonomous University of Mexico) Panel Peru's export‐led development model and its impact on human security Pablo Toral (Beloit College) Mexico: in search for a Human Security approach Alejandro Chanona (Na onal Autonomous University of Mexico) Dis‐development and Human Security in Argen na and Venezuela Félix E. Mar n (Florida Interna onal University) Uruguay´s challenge to its Human Security policy Davila Consuelo (Na onal Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)) Brazil: a renewed human security approach Yadira Galvez (Na onal Autonomous University of Mexico) Post Communist States Economics and Poli cal Change WA64: Wednesday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Karina Jędrzejowska (University of Warsaw, Ins tute of Interna onal Rela ons) Disc. Gregory Gleason (George C. Marshall European Center) Panel Regimes, Donors, and Condi onality: Tensions in Health System Reforms in Post‐Soviet Central Asia Erica J. Johnson (University of North Carolina) Poli cal Economy of the Caspian Sea Region: From Crisis to Sustainable Development Model Stanislav L. Tkachenko (Saint Petersburg State University) Compe ng stakeholders and strategic nego ator: the record of Russian WTO nego a ons Igor Istomin (Moscow State Ins tute of Interna onal Rela ons, Ministry of Foreign A airs of Russia) World’s “Sender” and “Receiver” Socie es: Explaining Par cipa on by Di erent Countries in Globaliza on Lada V. Kochtcheeva (North Carolina State University) Interna onal Poli cal Science Associa on The Interna onal Poli cal Economy of Emerging Countries WA65: Wednesday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Stéphane Paquin (Ecole na onale d'administra on publique) Disc. Stéphane Paquin (Ecole na onale d'administra on publique) Panel Will Sino‐Indian coopera on reshape the world? Serge Granger South Africa: what kind of regional player? Folashadé Soulé-K (CERI - Sciences Po Paris) Emerging powers and ins tu onal trajectories of global governance Michele Rioux (University of Quebec at Montreal (UQAM)) Great China and East Asia Economic Integra on Chris an Deblock (Université du Québec à Montréal) Ting-sheng Lin (University of Quebec at Montreal) Post Communist States Diplomacy in Eurasia WA66: Wednesday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Disc. Payam Foroughi (OSCE Academy in Bishkek) Panel Ukraine Before the Presiden al Elec ons of 2015: A View from Russian Perspec ve Dmitry Katsy (Saint Petersburg State University) Russian Foreign Policy Towards the European Union: In Search For E cient Framework for Coopera on With Strategic Partner Natalia G. Zaslavskaia (Saint-Petersburg State University) Calcula ng Crisis in the New Great Game of Central Asia Alexander Romano (Florida Interna onal University) Public A tudes in Post‐Communist Space Botagoz Rakisheva (Ins tute for Socio-Poli cal Research) Bri sh Interna onal Studies Associa on Tangled Spaces and In-Between Places of Global Poli cs: Contact Points of In/Security WA67: Wednesday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Vicki Squire (The University of Warwick) Disc. Delacey Tedesco (University of Victoria) Panel The Suture: Tying Together the Spaces in‐Between Mark Salter (University of O awa) The Poli cal A erlife of Events: Muta ng Disaster Sites between the ‘Ground Zero Mosque’ and the ‘Other’ Space of the Bali Bombing Charlo e V. Heath-Kelly (University of Warwick) Imagined Immuni es and Libidinal Economies: HIV/AIDS, Entangled Lives and Co‐habita on in Nairobi Sam O. Opondo (Vassar College ) Tes ng, Territory, Technology: The Postcolonial Spaces of Drone‐ Warfare from Nevada to Norrbo en Rogan Collins (University of Warwick) The Logis cs City as Contact Point Deborah Cowen (University of Toronto) Ethnicity, Na onalism, & Migra on Studies Interna onal Security Studies Ethnicity, Authority, and Violence WA68: Wednesday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Nikolaos Biziouras (United States Naval Academy) Disc. Nikolaos Biziouras (United States Naval Academy) Panel Predic ng Violence within Genocide: A Theore cal Model of Suscep bility and Resistance Omar McDoom (London School of Economics) Iden ty, Grievance, and Nonviolent Protest Renat Shaykhutdinov (Florida Atlan c University) Theater of Peace: The Farce of Peace Agreements in Civil War Shaiel Ben-Ephraim (University of Calgary, Centre for Military and Strategic Studies) Religious Authority, Poli cal Par sanship and the Promo on of Tolerance: Evidence from a Survey Experiment in Pakistan Michael Kalin (Yale University) Niloufer Siddiqui (Yale University) Global Health Interna onal Security Studies Exploring the Linkages between Global Health and Security WA69: Wednesday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Owain D. Williams (Aberystwyth University) Disc. Katherine J. Banks (University of Washington) Panel Civil‐Military Rela ons & Health Security: A Way Forward to Be er Rela ons? Adam Kamradt-Sco (University of Sydney) Those Against Whom Society Must be Defended: Mexican Migrants, Swine Flu, and Bioterrorism Rebecca J. Hester (University of Texas Medical Branch) Pox Vobiscum, or How I learned to Forget Malaria and Love the Fight Against Smallpox Nathan A. Paxton (American University) Civilian Health Outcomes in Civil Con ict Kirkby Tickell (University of Washington) Clashing Cultures? Assessing the Links Between Health, Medicine and Security Catherine Sowerby (Royal Military Academy Sandhurst) Ethnicity, Na onalism, & Migra on Studies Pa erns and Management of Migra on: Issues and Challenges WA70: Wednesday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Natalya Bolshova (MGIMO‐University) Disc. Natalya Bolshova (MGIMO‐University) Panel Where Do Migrants Go?: Pa erns of Migra on Within North America Josephine E. Squires (Fort Hays State University) Inheri ng the State? What Does the Poli cal Incorpora on of Postcolonial Ci zens and Ethnic Return Migrants Tell Us About the Liberal Democra c State? Michael O. Sharpe (City University of New York) The Geographical Imagina on of Central American Migra on Noelle K. Brigden (Watson Center for Interna onal Studies, Brown University) Extraterritorial Migra on Management: Explaining Divergent Rates of Coopera on in Similar Country Cases Katherine H. Tennis (American University ) Interna onal Organiza on Foreign Aid and Interna onal Coopera on WA71: Wednesday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Fahimul Quadir (York University) Panel Su er What They Must? Fragile States and Foreign Aid Reform Jeni Whalan (University of New South Wales) Aid as Problem and Solu on? Donor Fragmenta on, Conten ous Poli cs, and the Organiza on of State Power Khalid H Nadiri (The Johns Hopkins University) Engineering Transi on: The New Poli cal Economy of Aid and Security in the Middle East Erin Snider (Texas A&M University) Does Foreign Aid A ect Human Rights Votes of Recipient Countries? Jun Xiang (Rutgers University) Karolina Lula (UMass Lowell, Center for Terrorism and Security Studies) Compara ve Interdisciplinary Studies Ethnic Cleavages and Global Consequences WA72: Wednesday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Johanna Tuulia Nykanen (University of Warwick) Disc. Artur Gruszczak (Jagiellonian University) Panel The Moral Founda ons of Ethnona onalism Michael Lee Burnham (Georgetown Univeristy) Shannon Peterson (Utah State University) The In uence of Linguis c Vitality on Ethnic Con icts Mike Medeiros (Université de Montréal) State Transforma on and the Geography of State Power: Exploring Cross‐border Rela ons between China and Mainland Southeast Asia Nora Schlenzig (HKU) Global Health Environmental Studies The Environment, Food, and Global Health WA73: Wednesday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Anne L. Bu ardi (Oxfam Interna onal) Disc. Anne L. Bu ardi (Oxfam Interna onal) Panel “Food Deserts or Food Swamps?: Foodscapes and the Nutri on Transi on in Urban Mexico” Susan Bridle-Fitzpatrick (University of Denver) Ethical Place Making” as a Norm for Health Equity Lisa Eckenwiler (George Mason University) Food Insecurity, Livelihoods, and Coping Strategies in Malawi Emma L. Anderson (Leeds University) Whose Su ering Ma ers? Understanding Varia on in Interna onal Advocacy E ort Anna Schrimpf (Princeton Univeristy) Structured Health Vulnerabilites and Gender in Context of Natural Disaster. Case study : Hai a er the earthquake Ryoa Chung (University of Montreal) Ma hew Hunt (University of Montreal) Global Development Social Protec on Floor Ini a ve WA79: Wednesday 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Chair Rianne Mahon (Balsillie School of Interna onal A airs) Disc. Rianne Mahon (Balsillie School of Interna onal A airs) Panel Social Protec on and the Neglected Origins of Postwar Interna onal Economic Order Eric Helleiner (University of Waterloo) Mexican Social Policy Diplomacy: Legi miza on of Poverty through the Social Protec on Floor Ini a ve Laura Catharine Macdonald (Carleton University) Lucy Luccisano (Wilfrid Laurier University) The MDG Replacements: An Inves ga on of Reform Proposals Mitu Sengupta (Ryerson University) De ning the Global Social Protec on Floor: The Role of the United States and Canada Gerard Boychuk (Balsillie School of Interna onal A airs) Interna onal Security Studies Understanding Iran's Nuclear Program WB01: Wednesday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Mehran Kamrava (Georgetown University‐Qatar) Disc. Mehran Kamrava (Georgetown University‐Qatar) Panel IR Theory and the Iranian Nuclear Rollback: Prospects for a Resolu on Maria N. Zaitseva (Yeshiva University) Iran's Nuclear Program: A Discourse Analysis of the Iranian Regime Mahdokht Zakeri (Eastern Mediterranean University) Aylin Guney Gurzel (Eastern Mediterranean University) Who Supplies Nuclear Material and Exper se to Iran? Using Social Network Analysis to Disrupt the Network Alla Khadka (University of Pi sburgh) Ryan Franzer (University of Pi sburgh) Johanna Steenrod Alexander Montgomery (Reed College) A Compara ve Analysis of Chinese, Russian, and Turkish Foreign Policies Toward the Iranian Nuclear Program Moritz Pieper (University of Kent) Nuclear Weapons: Less Fungible for Iran and North Korea? Saira Khan (University of Amsterdam) Foreign Policy Analysis Challenges to the Study of South Asia in Interna onal Rela ons WB02: Wednesday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Sumit Ganguly (Indiana University) Disc. Aseema Sinha (Claremont McKenna College) Part. Hannes Ebert (GIGA German Ins tute of Global and Area Studies) Part. Nicolas Blarel (Indiana University, Bloomington) Part. Rahul Mukherji (Na onal University of Singapore) Part. Rajesh Basrur (S. Rajaratnam School of Interna onal Studies, Nanyang Technological University) Roundtable Interna onal Organiza on Interna onal Law Global Governance: Past, Present, and Future WB03: Wednesday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Rorden Wilkinson (University of Manchester) Part. Jennifer Clapp (University of Waterloo) Part. Charlo e Ku (University of Illinois) Part. Craig N. Murphy (Wellesley College and UMass Boston) Part. Ramesh C. Thakur (University of Waterloo) Part. Thomas G. Weiss (CUNY Graduate Center) Part. Rorden Wilkinson (University of Manchester) Roundtable Theory Interna onal Poli cal Sociology Spaces, Temporali es, and Ontological (In)Security in IR WB04: Wednesday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Ty Solomon (University of Glasgow) Part. Ayşe Zarakol (University of Cambridge) Part. Catarina Kinnvall (Lund University) Part. Badredine Ar (University of Florida) Part. Brent J. Steele (University of Utah) Part. Jennifer Mitzen (Ohio State University) Part. Bahar Rumelili (Koc University) Part. Felix Berenskoe er (SOAS, University of London) Roundtable Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Presiden al Roundtable: The Contribu ons of Beth Simmons to Interna onal Rela ons WB05: Wednesday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Zachary Elkins (The University of Texas at Aus n) Part. Robert O. Keohane (Princeton University) Part. Jon Pevehouse (University of Wisconsin) Part. Erik Voeten (Georgetown University) Part. Beth Ann Simmons (Harvard University) Roundtable Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered, Queer, & Allies Caucus Professional Development Commi ee Women's Caucus Crea ng Circles of Niceness in the Academy WB06: Wednesday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Anthony Burke (University of New South Wales) Part. Annick T. R. Wibben (University of San Francisco) Part. Chris Erickson Part. Gunhild Hoogensen Gjørv (University of Tromsø) Part. Laura Parisi (University of Victoria) Part. Serena Eréndira Serrano Oswald (Na onal Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)) Part. Sharain Sasheir Naylor (University of Hawaii at Manoa) Part. Shiera S. Malik (DePaul University) Roundtable Interna onal Poli cal Sociology Global Development Trajectories of Postcoloniality: the Authority of Transna onal Bureaucrats and Experts (II) WB07: Wednesday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Chris an Olsson (Université Libre de Bruxelles) Disc. Tugba Basaran (University of Kent) Panel Privateers and Missionnaries of Interna onal Assistance to the Post‐ Colony Mederic Mar n-Maze (Sciences-Po/CERI) ‘The Dog Ate My Homework’: Con ict and Accommoda on in the Field of Interna onal Security Tutelage in West Africa Adam J. Sandor (University of O awa) Post‐war Governance, the Technical and the Poli cal: Expert’s Split Subjec vity in Local Government Reform in South Sudan Andreas Hirblinger (University of Cambridge) Theorizing Bureaucracy from Within: Evidence from Regional Organiza ons in the Developing World Nicolas De Zamaroczy (University of Southern California) Religion and Interna onal Rela ons Religion and Democra za on: The Arab Spring in the Interna onal Context WB08: Wednesday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Jocelyne Cesari (Harvard University) Chair Je rey P. Haynes (London Metropolitan University) Disc. Je rey P. Haynes (London Metropolitan University) Panel Hegemonic Religion and Democracy: Comparing Muslim and Non‐ Muslim states Jocelyne Cesari (Harvard University) Jonathan Fox (Bar-Ilan University) Kto Kogo: The Russian Orthodox Church and Pu n's "Sovereign Democracy" John P. Anderson (University of St Andrews) Religious Actors and Cons tu on Dra ing: The Arab Awakening and the Philippines in Compara ve Perspec ve David T. Buckley (University of Louisville) Regional and Global Poli cal Theologies of Islam: Contes ng Islams and Democra za on in Turkey Sultan Tepe (University of Illinois at Chicago) The Price of Experience: Democra za on and the Consequences of Religious Party Accommoda on in Egypt and La n America Luis Felipe Man lla (University of South Florida - St. Petersburg) Interna onal Poli cal Sociology Theory Historical Interna onal Rela ons IR Beyond the Core: Do Di erent Local Interpreta ons and Prac ces of Mainstream IR Di er in their Forms of Exclusion? WB09: Wednesday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Arlene B. Tickner (Universidad de los Andes) Disc. Arlene B. Tickner (Universidad de los Andes) Panel A Discrete Hierarchy: The Prize of French IR and the Role of Policy Henrik O. Breitenbauch (University of Copenhagen) IR Studies, Diploma c Service, and Foreign Policy Prac ces in Brazil: Do You Realize What You Study? Erica Simone Almeida Resende (IUPERJ Ins tuto Universitário de Pesquisa do Rio de Janeiro) Cri cal Theory is For Those Without 'Real Problems': Lifeworlds of IR in Turkey Pinar Bilgin (Bilkent University) Marx Misplaced: On the Curious Absence of Marxism and Cri cal Theory in China and its Presence in India Peter Marcus Kristensen (University of Copenhagen) Foreign Policy Analysis Status, Geopoli cs, and Interna onal Con ict WB10: Wednesday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Thomas J. Volgy (University of Arizona) Disc. Deborah W. Larson (University of California, Los Angeles) Panel Dangerous Comparisons: Social Comparison and Great Power Con ict Tudor A. Onea (Dartmouth College) Status Con icts Between Russia and the West: Percep ons and Mispercep ons Tuomas A. Forsberg (University of Tampere) Na on‐Building Through War: Military Victory, Status, and Social Iden ca on a er the Franco‐Prussian War William C. Wohlforth (Dartmouth College) Status Claims and Undeserved Recogni on: The German Kaiserreich and its Naval Programme before World War I Lena Jaschob (Goethe University Frankfurt) Pres ge, Humilia on, and Territorial Con ict Joslyn Nicole Barnhart (University of California, Los Angeles) Peace Studies Peacebuilding and Statebuilding: Reality Meets Theory WB11: Wednesday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Izabela Ste ja (University of Toronto) Disc. Patrick Mbugua (University of Otago) Panel Unsuccessful Security Sector Reform and the Remaking of Public Order: a New Theore cal Approach Gaëlle Rivard Piché (Carleton University) Statebuilding and the Non‐state: Deba ng Three dilemmas Sukanya Podder (Cran eld University) Fostering Social Cohesion in Deeply Divided, Con ict‐a ected Countries Fletcher Dee Cox (University of Denver) When 'Tolerance' is bad for Peace: Civic and Ethnic Poli cal Paradigms in Bosnia and Herzegovina Karlo Basta (Memorial University) Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Places and Spaces: How Digital Media Technology is Reshaping Rela onships among Academic Researchers, Policymakers, and Society WB12: Wednesday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Taylor R. Owen (Columbia University) Download 5.69 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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