Assessing feasibility of hydropeacebuilding in the Jordan River Basin using serious gaming and a human ecosystem approach
Part. Frank Plantan (University of Pennsylvania) Part
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Frank Plantan (University of Pennsylvania) Part. Francine J. D'Amico (Syracuse University) Part. Susan I. Hangen (Ramapo College) Roundtable Foreign Policy Analysis Sources of U.S. Public Opinion on Foreign Policy WC51: Wednesday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Giacomo Chiozza (Vanderbilt University) Disc. Giacomo Chiozza (Vanderbilt University) Panel U.S. Liberals in a Realist World: Sugges ons from 1798‐1939 for the Coming Two Decades Jack E. Holmes (Hope College) American Foreign Policy and the Par san Divide: How Deep and Widespread James M. McCormick (Iowa State University) Religion and A tudes about Mul lateralism in the United States Zeynep Taydas (Clemson University) Laura Olson (Clemson University) Personality Traits and Foreign Policy A tudes: A Compara ve Examina on of the US and UK Timothy B. Gravelle (University of Essex) Thomas J. Sco o (University of Essex) Public Opinion, Foreign Policy, and Interna onal Security: Constraints on Policymaking in U.S.‐China Rela ons Derek E. Steiger (University of Oklahoma) Interna onal Poli cal Economy The Poli cs of the WTO WC53: Wednesday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Lisa M. Samuel (College of Charleston) Disc. Marc D. Froese (Canadian University College) Disc. Raju Parakkal (Philadelphia University) Panel What Role for the WTO in a Global Community of Trade Courts? Marc D. Froese (Canadian University College) Dispute Se lement at the World Trade Organiza on: Is There a Democra c Peace? Raju Parakkal (Philadelphia University) The Impact of FTA's and the WTO: La n America and the Spaghe Bowl Carlos Frederico Coelho (Rio de Janeiro State University (IESP)) Exploring the Global Trade‐Environment Nexus: The Rare Earths Dispute & GATT Ar cle XX—E ec vely Balancing Trade & Environmental Protec on Interests in a Globalized Economy? Marvin L. Astrada (Rutgers University School of Law) Middle‐Income Countries and Dispute Targe ng under the the World Trade Organiza on (WTO) Ka Zeng (University of Arkansas) Interna onal Security Studies Na onal Security and Drugs in La n America WC54: Wednesday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Marcelo M. Valenca (Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ)) Disc. Marcelo M. Valenca (Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ)) Panel The Securi za on of Drug‐Tra cking and the Police‐Military Nexus: Tule of Excep on Beyond the State of Emergency Diogo M. Dario (University of St Andrews) Mexico´s War on Drugs Consequences for Central America Rocio Alejandra Rivera Barradas (University of Miami) Percep ons and Mispercep ons on Na onal Security: The Case of Merida Ini a ve Luis Miguel Morales (BUAP) Adriana Ortega (Autonomous University of Puebla (BUAP)) Geopoli cs and Transna onal Criminal Organiza ons: The Impact of Geography and Globaliza on on Mexico's Drug War Gerry A. Andrianopoulos (Tecnológico de Monterrey) Interna onal Coopera on Networks Against Illicit Drugs Tra cking in South America Galia Benitez (Michigan State University) Interna onal Security Studies A Changing Armed Forces? WC55: Wednesday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Jack J. Porter (Military College of South Carolina) Disc. Ryan Grauer (University of Pi sburgh) Panel Economic Impacts of Military Primacy Charles Eugene Gholz (University of Texas) Saving Lives While Building Capabili es – A Compara ve Analysis of U.S. and Chinese Disaster Response Approaches Tania Chacho (United States Military Academy) Organiza onal Change and Learning of Armed Forces: Italy in Compara ve Perspec ve, 2001‐2013 Francesco Moro (University of Florence) Fabrizio Co cchia (Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies - Pisa (Italy)) Rethinking US Government Security Assistance: Organiza onal Culture, Learning, and Lessons from Colombia and Mali Richard Lee Moody (Contractor) Innova on and Military Culture: The Civilian Shaping Military Change Ka e Domansky (Centre for Military and Strategic Studies, University of Calgary) Post Communist States Communism and the Post-Communist World WC56: Wednesday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Rachel Vanderhill (Wo ord College) Disc. Rachel Vanderhill (Wo ord College) Panel Promo ng Civic Ac vism in Russia and China: Authoritarian Accommoda ons to a Globalizing World James Richter (Bates College) Corrup on and Statebuilding: The case of Georgia and Azerbaijan Ortrun Merkle ( Maastricht University) Interna onal In uences on Kazakhstan’s Ethnic Policy Dana Akhmedyanova (Interna onal Rela ons Department, Interna onal Rela ons Faculty of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian Na onal University) Raushan Yelmurzayeva (Eurasian Na onal University) Domes c Audience Cost in Authoritarian States: Evidence from a Survey Experiment Xiaojun Li (The University of Bri sh Columbia) Dingding Chen (University of Macau) Poli cal Demography and Geography Scien c Study of Interna onal Processes Territory, Refugees, and Infrastructure in Civil Con ict Processes WC57: Wednesday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Jessica Maves Braithwaite (University of Arizona) Disc. Charity Butcher (Kennesaw State University) Disc. Jessica Maves Braithwaite (University of Arizona) Panel Spa al Pa erns of Refugee Se lements and Their E ects on Refugee‐Related Violence Heidrun Bohnet (University of Geneva) Land for Rebels: Foresta on and Vegeta on in Armed Con icts Kaisa H. Hinkkainen (University of Essex) Territory, Roads and Trans‐boundary Rivers: An Analysis of Indian Infrastructure Building along the Sino‐Indian border in Arunachal Pradesh Mirza Zul qur Rahman (Department of Humani es and Social Sciences, Indian Ins tute of Technology, Guwaha , Assam, India) Refugees and The Balance of Power in Ethnic Con ict Cyrus Mohammadian (University of Southern California) Place, Territorializa on, and Scale: Spa al Categories Advancing the Scien c Study of Violent Con ict Be na Engels (Freie Universität Berlin) Interna onal Poli cal Economy Currencies, Crises, and Orders WC58: Wednesday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Karina Jędrzejowska (University of Warsaw, Ins tute of Interna onal Rela ons) Disc. Karina Jędrzejowska (University of Warsaw, Ins tute of Interna onal Rela ons) Panel Successful Reforma on and Failed Reforma on‐ Rethinking Japan’s Prime Minister Koizumi Eunmi Choi (Korea University) The Poli cal Economy of Excessive Foreign Exchange Reserve Accumula on in Post Financial Crisis Countries Liam F McGrath (University of Essex / University of Rochester) Greek Economic Crisis Gürhan Güler (Eastern Mediterranean University ) The Currency War and its Consequences for the Brazilian Economy from 2009‐2012 Rafaella Carnevali (PUC Minas) Stock Markets and IMF Lending: The Case of Developing Countries M. Bugrahan Budak (University of Wisconsin-Madison) Neoliberal Paradox? Rising Corrup ons in Deregulated East Asian Economies Dongryul Kim (Korea Na onal Diploma c Academy/Rochester Ins tute of Technology) Bri sh Interna onal Studies Associa on Resis ng Resilience: Ambigui es and Exclusions of ‘Bouncing Back’ WC59: Wednesday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Chris Clarke (Universiy of Warwick) Disc. Chris Clarke (Universiy of Warwick) Panel Smart Urban Resilience and the Ambiguous Poli cs of Precau onary Governance Jon Coa ee (University of Warwick) Resilience and Recovery: Recas ng the Ci zen in the Ongoing Neoliberal Crisis Janine Brodie (University of Alberta) Janet Phillips (University of Alberta) Climate‐Induced Migra on and the Dialec cs of Resilience: Government, Empowerment and Resistance Chris P. Methmann (University of Hamburg) Thinking Resilience Backwards: Post‐Trauma c Sites and the Ambigui es of ‘Bouncing Back’ Charlo e V. Heath-Kelly (University of Warwick) Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Perspec ves on the Evolu on of Violence WC60: Wednesday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Andrea M. Lopez (Susquehanna University) Disc. Ingrid Samset (University of Limerick) Panel Dynamics of Con icts and Peace through Space and Time Olga Vorkunova (Russian Peace Academy ) Killing Space ‐ Resolving the Tension Between Legi mate and Illegi mate Violence Amentahru Wahlrab (University of Texas at Tyler) The Geopoli cs of Peacebuilding: The Role of Brazil as a Peacebuilder Fernando J. Ludwig (University of Coimbra - Portugal) Ramon Blanco (University of Coimbra) Beyond Con ict and Space: Con ict‐Induced Forced Displacement and Communal Land Con ict Yuri Oki (The Graduate Ins tute of Interna onal and Development Studies) Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on New Perspec ves on Currency Interna onaliza on WC61: Wednesday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Benjamin J. Cohen (University of California, Santa Barbara) Disc. Federico Steinberg (Autonoma University of Madrid and Royal Elcano Ins tute) Panel Banking on the FED: QE 1‐2‐3 and the Wider World of the US Dollar Herman Schwartz (University of Virginia) The Non‐Reserve Founda ons of Global Currencies Carla Norrlof (University of Toronto) No Reserva ons: Unpacking Demand for the RMB as a Reserve Currency Daniel McDowell (Syracuse University) Challenging US Monetary Hegemony? China’s State‐permeated Market Economy and the Interna onaliza on of the Renminbi Miguel Otero-Iglesias (ESSCA School of Management and Elcano Royal Ins tute) Ma as Vermeiren (Ghent University) What Does the Interna onal Currency System Really Look Like? Benjamin J. Cohen (University of California, Santa Barbara) Tabitha M. Benney (University of Utah) Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Using Geography to Understand Con ict and Security WC62: Wednesday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Burak Kadercan (University of Reading) Disc. Darius E. Watson (Bellevue University) Panel New Poli cal Community and Governance at the Top of the World: Spa ality, A nity, and Security in the Arc c Annika Bergman Rosamond (Lund University) Ben Rosamond (University of Copenhagen) Technology and Distant Proximi es: Reconceptualizing the Rela onship between Technology, Global Social Accelera on and Poli cal Space Stefan Fritsch (Bowling Green State University) Geography and Discourse: “Opening” the Debate on European Strategic Culture Luis Simon (Ins tute for European Studies, Vrije Universiteit Brussel) James Rogers (Bal c Defence College) The Indo‐Paci c: Geopoli cs of a New Region Samantha Shearman Geography and Civilian Par cipa on in Territorial Disputes Benjamin Gosnell Bartle (UC Berkeley) Interna onal Rela ons Council of Turkey New Direc ons in Turkish Foreign Policy: The Changing Geopoli cal Context and the Rede ni on of Roles and Iden es WC63: Wednesday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Sinem Acikmese (Kadir Has University) Part. Cagri Erhan (Ankara University) Part. Mustafa Aydin (Kadir Has University) Part. Birol A. Yesilada (Portland State University) Part. Fuat Keyman (Sabanci University) Roundtable Interna onal Communica on Geopoli cs in Interna onal Communica on WC64: Wednesday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Laura Roselle (Elon University) Disc. Laura Roselle (Elon University) Panel Communica on Across Borders and Across Language in the European Union George R. Boynton (University of Iowa) Spaces and Places of Foreign News: The Impact of Urban Geography on Foreign Correspondence Cris na Arche (University of Salford) Spaces of Contesta on: Maspero and State Media in Egypt A er the Revolu on Aaron Reese (Ins tute for the Study of War) Foreign Policy Analysis Counterterrorism Strategies: Sources and E ec veness WC65: Wednesday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Ivan Sascha Sheehan (University of Bal more) Disc. Charles W. Mahoney (California State University, Long Beach) Panel The Banality of Opportunity: The Evolving 'State of Excep on', President Obama and Targeted Killings Hilde E. Restad (Bjørknes College) Christopher White Determinants of the Use of Hard, So , or Smart Power in the U.S. War on Terror Layla Saleh (Qatar University) Steven B. Redd (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee) Foreign Terrorist Designa ons Bryan C. Price (Comba ng Terrorism Center, U.S. Military Academy) A Perilous Op on? State Repression as Counterterrorism Strategy Peter F. Trumbore (Oakland University) Sco J. Cook (University of Pi sburgh) Afraid of the Big Brother? The E ect of US FTO List in Third Party Civil War Interven on Batuhan Gorgulu (New York University) Mehmet Emre Ha poglu (Sabanci University) Interna onal Ethics Spa al Ethics WC66: Wednesday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Jarrod Hayes (Georgia Ins tute of Technology) Disc. Harry D. Gould (Florida Interna onal University) Panel Is Faster Be er? The Expansion of Space, the Compression of Time, and Ethics Jack L. Amoureux (Wake Forest University) Compara ve Poli cal Theory and Re‐Theorizing Interna onal Rela ons: Intersec ons, Prospects, Problems Jon D. Carlson (University of California, Merced) Framed Life: The Role of Frames, Biopoli cs, and UAVs in Understanding the Dehumaniza on of Combatants in Digital Warfare Terilyn Johnston Hun ngton (University of Kansas) Ethics and Empire: Colonialism and Chris an Intellectuals in Modern Japanese IR Scholarship Josuke Ikeda (O.P. Jindal Global University) “No Fly Zones” and Humanitarian Interven ons Stephen D. Wrage (United States Naval Academy) Feminist Theory and Gender Studies Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered, Queer, & Allies Caucus Queer Revisionings of the Discipline of IR: Theory and Prac ce WC67: Wednesday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Cynthia Weber (University of Sussex ) Disc. Terrell Carver (University of Bristol) Panel Impossibly Queer Prac ces Lauren Wilcox (University of Cambridge) Queer Theory as IR Method Laura Sjoberg (University of Florida) Why is There No Queer Theory in Interna onal Rela ons? Cynthia Weber (University of Sussex ) The Right Side of History or the Wrong Side of Empire? Paying A en on to Queerness in Global Poli cs Amy Lind (University of Cincinna ) How IR Makes Queerness Straight Meghana V. Nayak (Pace University) Global Development Ethnicity, Na onalism, & Migra on Studies Home vs. Country: South-North Migra on WC68: Wednesday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Giorgio Shani (Interna onal Chris an University) Disc. Natalya Bolshova (MGIMO‐University) Panel Distancing “Homegrown” and “Interna onal": Where is the Self? Kathryn Marie Fisher (Ohio University) Engendered Iden es, Migra on, and Social Jus ce Serena Eréndira Serrano Oswald (Na onal Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)) Representa ons of the Migrant 'Other' in Post‐Colonial Singapore: How Do These Discursive Prac ces Construct the Na on? Terri Anne Teo (University of Bristol) S gma za on and the Reconstruc on of Iden ty: The Challenges of Reintegra ng Tra cked Persons Samantha Kelley (University of Delaware) Home vs. Country: the Challenges of Iden ty among Undocumented Youths in Mul ple Contexts of Recep on Fanny Lauby (CUNY Graduate Center / Sorbonne Nouvelle) Interna onal Organiza on Who Gets What? Distribu ng Resources and Vo ng in Interna onal Organiza ons WC69: Wednesday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair James P. Muldoon (The Mosaic Ins tute) Disc. James P. Muldoon (The Mosaic Ins tute) Panel Who Bene ts from IO Membership? Anna Getmansky (Carnegie Mellon University) The E ect of Nuclear Assistance Networks on the Depth of Nuclear Safeguards Anton Strezhnev (Harvard University) Forging Interna onal Judicial Independence: Na onal Bias and Ins tu onal Preference in the ICJ Yong-il Moon (George Washington University) Corrup on: Untangling the Gordian Knot Travis B. Nelson (University of Wisconsin-Pla eville) Good Governance within the World Bank: Assessing Recent Reforms Jonathan R. Strand (University of Nevada, Las Vegas) Kenneth Retzl (University of Nevada, Las Vegas) Interna onal Organiza on Can Transna onal Governance Help Solve Climate Change? WC70: Wednesday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Charles Barclay Roger (University of Bri sh Columbia) Chair Duncan Snidal (University of Oxford) Disc. Ma hew J. Ho mann (University of Toronto) Panel Perspec ves on Climate Jus ce in the North: The Case of Denmark, Sweden, and Japan Linda Soneryd Håkan Thörn Åsa We ergren Di usion or Domes c Poli cs? Explaining Global Pa erns of Par cipa on in Transna onal Climate Governance Liliana Botcheva-Andonova (Graduate Ins tute for Interna onal and Development Studies) Charles Barclay Roger (University of Bri sh Columbia) Transna onal Clean Energy Governance Kathryn Chelminski (Graduate Ins tute of Interna onal and Development Studies) Transna onal Climate Governance and the UNFCCC: What Scope for Linkage? Thomas N. Hale (Blavatnik School of Government, Oxford University) Explaining Private Governance Par cipa on Against the Backdrop of Global Climate Change: Evidence from Marine Stewardship Council Cer ca on Lily Y. Hsueh (University of Washington) Interna onal Poli cal Sociology Spaces of Resistance WC71: Wednesday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Pinar Bilgin (Bilkent University) Disc. Nicholas Kiersey (Ohio University) Panel Resis ng Interven on: Between Dissent, Dicsipline, and Domina on Jana Hoenke (University of Edinburgh) Traversing Spaces and Places: Revolu onary Subjecthood in a World of Many Others Nawal S. Mustafa (London School of Economics) The Place of the Occupied and Transna onal Space: Poten ali es of Transna onal Pales nian Ac vism Mark Ayyash (Mount Royal University ) Al Akhawayn Univerisity in Ifrane, Morocco Interna onal Dimensions of Poli cal Islam WC72: Wednesday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair T. Jeremy Gunn (Al Akhawayn University) Disc. T. Jeremy Gunn (Al Akhawayn University) Panel United States Foreign Policy and Islam Since World War II T. Jeremy Gunn (Al Akhawayn University) The Party of Jus ce and Development in Morocco and The Adalet ve Kalkınma Par si in Turkey: Discourse and Strategies Driss Maghraoui (Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane ) Copying, Learning or Distancing? Islamists’ Awareness of Each Other’s Experiences in North Africa. Michael Willis (Oxford University) Poli cal Islam, Secular Na onalism, and Iden ty Poli cs Within the Framework of a Globalized World. Hassan Filali Ansary Qatar’s Role in Suppor ng Interna onal Poli cal Islam in the Arab Uprisings Tach ne Baida (Al Akhawayn University) Theory New Direc ons in Historical Materialism and Methodology WC79: Wednesday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Shannon K. Brincat (University of Queensland) Disc. Shannon K. Brincat (University of Queensland) Panel Historical Materialism and the Ques on of Method Benno Gerhard Teschke (University of Sussex) Methodological Problems in Theories of Interna onal Law: Calling for a Historical Sociology of Jurisdic on Maia Pal (University of Sussex) O’Connor, Polanyi and Smith: A Cri cal Hybrid Poli cal Ecology Alan Rudy (Central Michigan University) Nomads, Empires and the ‘Interna onal’: Towards an Interna onal Historical Sociology of the Pre‐modern O oman State Forma on Eren Duzgun (York University) Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Presiden al Roundtable: Bridging the Academic-Policy Gap WD01: Wednesday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Chair Bruce W. Jentleson (Duke University) Part. James M. Goldgeier (American University) Download 5.69 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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