Assessing feasibility of hydropeacebuilding in the Jordan River Basin using serious gaming and a human ecosystem approach
Part. Lorinc Redei (LBJ School of Public A airs, University of Texas) Part
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Lorinc Redei (LBJ School of Public A airs, University of Texas) Part. Chantal Lavallée (Université de Montréal) Part. Mai'a Keapuolani Davis Cross (ARENA Centre for European Studies) Part. Raphael Bossong (Europe University Viadrina) Roundtable Interna onal Poli cal Sociology Interna onal Law Performing Norma vity FC35: Friday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Philip Liste (Humboldt Universität zu Berlin) Disc. Tanja E. Aalberts (VU University, Amsterdam) Panel The Poli cs of Norma vity: Linking Norms and Performance Daniel Jacobi (Goethe University Frankfurt) Friederike Kuntz (University of Trier) Transna onal Legal Assemblages and Global Security Law: the UN 1267 targeted sanc ons regime Sullivan Gavin (University of Amsterdam) Contes ng Fundaments: Func onal Norms in Interna onal Rela ons Hendrik Huelss (Leuphana University Lueneburg) Interna onal Organiza on Coopera on in the Shadow of State Power, Interests, and Connec ons FC36: Friday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Jonathan Luckhurst (Tecnologico de Monterrey) Disc. Kyriakos Pierrakakis (University of Oxford) Panel Trust and Voluntary Dependency: The Case of European Micro‐ states Kendall W. S les (Brigham Young University) Chinese Loans and Western Debt Relief Jonas Bunte (University of Texas at Dallas) Global Regula on as an Endorsement: Compliance with The Bank of Interna onal Se lements and Market Credibility Warren Durre (University of Washington) Explaining the Remarkable Stability of Interna onal Ins tu ons Jon Hovi (University of Oslo) Andreas Hvidsten (University of Oslo) Interna onal Coopera on Between Eager and Reluctant Cooperators: Rewards, Punishments, and Speed of Retalia on James Mosher (Ohio University) Interna onal Ethics The Poli cs of Global Jus ce FC37: Friday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Antonio Franceschet (University of Calgary) Disc. Catherine Lu (McGill University) Panel Beitz and Global Jus ce Nancy Bertoldi (University of Toronto) Can Poverty be Funny? The Serious Use of Humour for as a Strategy of Public Engagement for Global Social Jus ce John Cameron (Dalhousie University) Na onalism, Cosmopolitanism and the Limits of Global Jus ce A. Burcu Bayram (University of Texas at Arlington) Subversive Jus ce: the Russell War Crimes Tribunal and Transi onal Jus ce Marcos Zunino (University of Cambridge) Jus ce in Interna onal Trade: What Does It Ask Of Us? Lisa M. Samuel (College of Charleston) Scien c Study of Interna onal Processes The Poli cal Economy of Con ict FC38: Friday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Charles Butcher (University of Otago ) Disc. Richard W. Frank (University of Sydney) Panel The Importance of Voluntary Associa ons for Guerrilla Movements Ogen Shlomo Goldman (Ashkelon College) The Inequality‐Con ict Nexus Re‐Examined: How Does Inequality Cause Con icts? Henrikas Bartusevicius (Aarhus University) Manufacturing Dissent : Economic Structure and the Onset of Major Nonviolent Resistance Campaigns Charles Butcher (University of Otago ) Interna onal Finance and the Escala on of Civil Con ict David Bowden (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign) Modern Piracy: Inves ga on on Economic Mo va on of Piracy using GIS Yasutaka Tominaga (Osaka University) Professional Development Commi ee Success in Teaching Intensive Posi ons FC39: Friday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Ralph Carter (Texas Chris an University) Chair Mark Salter (University of O awa) Part. David L. Blaney (Macalester College) Part. Linda Corne (UNC ‐ Asheville) Part. Craig N. Murphy (Wellesley College and UMass Boston) Part. Joyce P. Kaufman (Whi er College) Part. Marc J. O'Reilly (Heidelberg University) Part. James M. Sco (Texas Chris an University) Cmt. Chair Michelle Benson Saxton (University at Bu alo ‐ State University of New York) Commi ee Panel Intelligence Studies Historicizing ARGO: Intelligence, "Fac on", and the "Canadian Caper." FC40: Friday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Sarah‐Jane Corke (Dalhousie University) Part. Kenneth Taylor Part. William Daugherty (Armstrong Atlan c State Univ) Part. Mark Stout (Johns Hopkins University) Part. Christopher R. Moran (Warwick University) Part. Robert Wright (Trent University) Part. Drew Taylor Roundtable Interna onal Poli cal Economy Industrial Policy in the Globalized Economy: Deba ng Mo ves and Mechanisms in the American Context and Beyond FC41: Friday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair W. Alexander Vacca (Northrop Grumman) Disc. Shelley L. Hurt (California Polytechnic State University) Disc. John Alic (Consultant) Panel Rare‐Earth Minerals ‐‐ Beyond the “Hidden” Developmental State: U.S. governance of foreign direct investment and strategic materials since the 1970s Ma hew Baltz (University of California, Los Angeles) Manufacturing Life: Moving Toward a Biobased Economy from the 1970s to Today Shelley L. Hurt (California Polytechnic State University) Biofuels: Poli cs and Policy John Alic (Consultant) Beggars can be Choosers, Industrial Support in a Laissez‐Faire Economy W. Alexander Vacca (Northrop Grumman) Interna onal Poli cal Economy Transatlan c Poli cal Economy: Complementari es, Con ict, and Coopera on Towards the ‘Rest’? FC42: Friday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Patricia Mary Go (Wilfrid Laurier University) Disc. Robert D. Wolfe (Queen's University) Panel Nego a ng the Regulatory Mine eld: Transatlan c Regulatory Coopera on Alasdair R. Young (Georgia Ins tute of Technology) All Transatlan c Trade Agreements are Not Created Equal: Parsing CETA and TTIP Patricia Mary Go (Wilfrid Laurier University) The End of Transatlan c Financial Power? Patrick Leblond (University of O awa) Uruguay Redux: The Persistence of the “Cultural Excep on” in Transatlan c Trade Talks Vicki Birch eld (Georgia Ins tute of Technology) Interna onal Ethics Jus Ad Vim: Ethics, Law, and Policy for Military Force Short of War FC43: Friday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Amy E. Eckert (Metropolitan State University of Denver) Disc. Amy E. Eckert (Metropolitan State University of Denver) Panel The “Intervene or do Nothing” Debate in Humanitarian Interven on Eric A. Heinze (University of Oklahoma) Drone‐Based Violence, Jus Ad Vim, and Strategic Success Chris an Enemark (Aberystwyth University) Jus Ad Vim & Cyber A acks: Governing the Use of Force in Cyberspace Heather Ro (University of Denver) From Drones to No‐Fly Zones: The Use Military Force Short of War in Recent Moral Argument Daniel R. Brunste er (University of California Irvine) Megan Braun (Yale University) Cyberspace in the Dilemma of Freedom and (Un)security Bulent Akkus (Istanbul University) Interna onal Poli cal Sociology Collec ve Memory and Trauma Studies Part 2 - Space(s), Death, and the Poli cs of Remembrance FC44: Friday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Mark A. Wolfgram (Oklahoma State University) Disc. Mark A. Wolfgram (Oklahoma State University) Panel Memorialising Missingness: Disordered Time and Displaced Space Jenny Edkins (Aberystwyth University) Represen ng Trauma/Repressing Death: The Space of Remembrance as the Escape of the Real Henrique Tavares Furtado (University of Manchester) Waltzing with Trauma c Times, Nego a ng Spaces of Remembrance: Na onal Chronotopes and Poli cal Violence in Ari Folman’s Cinema Francois-Xavier Plasse-Couture (University of Hawaii at Manoa) Poli cs of Trauma across Time, Levels of Analysis, and Space Mar n O. Heisler (University of Maryland) Struggling against The Struggle: Trauma, Con icted Na onal Narra ves and the State in Eritrea Jennifer A. Riggan (Arcadia University) Human Rights Human Rights in a Mul polar World: Promise, Performance, and Prospects FC45: Friday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Laura Parisi (University of Victoria) Disc. Laura Parisi (University of Victoria) Panel Human Rights Backlashes Leslie Vinjamuri (University of London) The End mes of Human Rights Stephen J. Hopgood (School of Oriental and African Studies) Beyond the “Liberal” and the “Neo‐O oman”: Turkish Poli cal Ideologies on Global Human Rights Nukhet A. Sandal (Ohio University) Human Rights Nego ated: Interna onal Norms and Local Law Enforcement Rachel L. Wahl (New York University) Human Rights Promoted and A acked Cli ord Bob (Duquesne University) Interna onal Poli cal Science Associa on Rising Powers New Diplomacy and "the Great Rebalancing" FC46: Friday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Lourdes Sola (University of São Paulo ) Disc. Andrew J. Hurrell (University of Oxford) Panel This Time is Di erent : The Poli cal Economy of Emergence and the Changing Dimensions of Coali on Poli cs Lourdes Sola (University of São Paulo ) Brazil and India : More State to Grow? Maria Antonieta D. T. Lins (Ins tute of Interna onal Rela ons - USP) Realigning development one BRICS (development bank) at me Anthony P. Spanakos (Montclair State University) Clarity Burke (New York University ) India's engagement in global economic governance: defensive realism and two‐ level games Surupa Gupta (University of Mary Washington) Global Health Interna onal Security Studies Innova ons in Health Security FC47: Friday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Jeremy Youde (University of Minnesota Duluth) Disc. Jeremy Youde (University of Minnesota Duluth) Panel A Slow Remedy: Infec on, Noncommunicable Disease, and Human Security Sara M. Glasgow (University of Montana Western) Chris Benson (The University of Montana Western) NGOs and Health Security: Securing the Health of People Living with HIV/AIDS Amy S. Pa erson (University of the South) Making the Interna onal Health Regula ons Ma er: Promo ng Compliance through E ec ve Dispute Resolu on Steven Ho man (Harvard University) Borders Without Borders Lipi Mukhopadhyay (Indian Ins tute of Public Admin) Interna onal Poli cal Economy Psychoanalysis and Development FC48: Friday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Gavin D. Fridell (Saint Mary's University) Disc. Robert Fletcher (University for Peace) Panel Psychoanalysis and Development: Contribu ons, Examples, Limits Ilan Kapoor (York University) Fantasy Machine: Philanthrocapitalism as an Ideological Forma on Japhy Wilson (University of Manchester) Fair Trade Slippages and Vietnam Gaps: The Ideological Fantasies of Fair Trade Co ee Gavin D. Fridell (Saint Mary's University) Barbarian Hordes: The Overpopula on Scapegoat in Interna onal Development Discourse Robert Fletcher (University for Peace) Haunted Choices: Postcoloniality and the Libidinal Economy of a Government Linked Corpora on Maureen Sioh (DePaul University) Ac ve Learning in Interna onal A airs Simula on and Pedagogy: The State of the Art in IR FC49: Friday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Guy Ziv (School of Interna onal Service, American University) Disc. Brent E. Sasley (University of Texas at Arlington) Panel The Pedagogical Value of Simula on: Model United Na ons Francine J. D'Amico (Syracuse University) Simula ng Peace Nego a ons: A Case Study of the Arab‐Israeli Con ict Tina Kempin Reuter (Christopher Newport University) Taylor Ballenger (University of Chicago) Simula ng Shock and Awe: Developing a Simula on of U.S. Na onal Security Policy to Teach Decision‐Making under Duress Ma hew Clary (Univeristy of Georgia) Assessing Less Tangible Student Outcomes in Online Interna onal Simulatons and Collabora ons Hemda Ben-Yehuda (Bar-Ilan University) Chanan Naveh (Sapir College Israel ) Luba Levin-Banchik (Bar-Ilan University) Mary Jane C. Parmen er (Arizona State University) Urban A airs Associa on Ci es and Interna onal Rela ons Theories: Linked Panel I FC50: Friday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Noah J. Toly (Wheaton College) Disc. Pawel K. Frankowski (Maria Curie‐Sklodowska University) Panel Theorizing the social construc on of the glocal: urban land‐grabbing in Tampa Florida Mark Amen (University of South Florida) From Na on State to Interna onal Society to Global City: Re‐ Situa ng Ci zenship in a Global(izing) Age Mark Neufeld (Trent University) Civic Iden ty, Globaliza on, and Change: A Review of the Literature Sco Duryea (Old Dominion University) Theorizing the Local in the Global: Understanding Ci es as Agents of Change Heidi H. Hobbs (North Carolina State University) Forget superheroes? Global city leadership between rhetoric and reality Michele Acuto (University College London) Turkish Interna onal Studies Associa on Ibn Khaldun and the Study of Interna onal Rela ons in a Globalizing World FC51: Friday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Halit Mustafa Tagma (Ipek University) Chair Jack Kalpakian (Al Akhawayn University) Disc. Cecelia Lynch (University of California Irvine) Panel Tradi ons of IR and Ibn‐Haldun’s Poli cal Philosophy Faruk Yalvaç (Middle East Technical University) Exploring the Arab Spring: Ibn’i Khaldun’s Concepts of Asabiyah and Dynas c Cycle Case Studies: Egypt and Morocco Melek Saral (Universität der Bundeswehr) Cycle Of Rise And Fall Of Powers In Ibn Khaldun’S Thoughts And Its Re ec on On Modern Interna onal System Me n Yucekaya (Middle East Technical University) Ibn Khaldun’S Concept Of Civiliza on As An Explanatory Tool In Ir Studies Oguz Uras (Suleyman Sah University) Interna onal Law Interna onal Criminal Law and Na onal Reali es FC52: Friday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Judith Renner (Technical University Munich) Disc. Judith Renner (Technical University Munich) Panel Transi onal Jus ce in Libya and Tunisia: Trials, Commissions, and Lustra on Christopher K. Lamont (University of Groningen) Explaining the Establishment of the ICC: The Relevance of Sub‐State Domes c Actors Laszlo Sarkany (University of Western Ontario) The Poli cs of De ni on: Explaining Varia on in Na onal Genocide Laws Mark S. Berlin (University of California Irvine) Closing the Interna onal Criminal Tribunals: The Poli cs of Comple on and Transi on to the Residual Mechanisms Viviane Di rich (London School of Economics and Poli cal Science) Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Spaces and Places of Reconstruc on: Community and Sub-Na onal Dimensions of Peace Building FC53: Friday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Antoine Vandemoortele (King's College London) Disc. Chris ne S. Cheng (King's College London) Panel Peacebuilding, ‘Legi mate Poli cs’, and the Interna onal Dialogue on Peacebuilding and Statebuilding Timothy Donais (Wilfrid Laurier University) Conformity and Contesta on in Kosovo: Manoeuvring the Divergent Demands of Interna onal Organiza ons Jenny H. Peterson (University of Bri sh Columbia) Resilient Communi es: What Peacebuilders can learn from Nonviolent Communi es located within Communal Con icts and Civil Wars Jana Krause (Graduate Ins tute of Interna onal and Development Studies) Local Knowledge and the Reintegra on of Ex‐Combatants in the DRC Carol Jean Gallo (University of Cambridge) Interna onal Poli cal Economy MNCs, Firms, and Policy Autonomy FC54: Friday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Sören Scholvin (Ins tute of Economic and Cultural Geography, Leibniz‐Universität Hannover) Disc. Sören Scholvin (Ins tute of Economic and Cultural Geography, Leibniz‐Universität Hannover) Panel Modern Day Merchant Guilds: Supply Chain Complexity and Informal Property Rights Enforcement Rachel Wellhausen (University of Texas at Aus n) Leslie Johns (UCLA) Brazil’s South Atlan c Strategy Steen Fryba Christensen (Aalborg University) Firm‐Level Decision‐Making in Interna onal Investment Dispute Resolu on Katharina Luz (Graduate Ins tute Geneva) Economic Development, Cultural Change, and the Evolu on of O shoring Services in the New Global Poli cal Economy Kishore C. Dash (Thunderbird School of Global Management) Interna onal Security Studies Middle East: Challenges and Trajectories FC55: Friday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Marc Lynch (George Washington University) Disc. Marc Lynch (George Washington University) Panel Social Entrepreneurship and Democra za on in the MENA Region Anders C. Hardig (American University) Interna onal Interven on: Good Inten ons, Failed Expecta ons, and Increased Insurgency Michelle Black (University of Nebraska) Ins tu ons and E ec veness of Violent Non‐State Armed Groups: A Comparison of Hizb'allah and the PLO Armin Staehli (University of St.Gallen) Marc R. DeVore (University of St. Andrews (UK)) The Theory of Collec ve Ac on and the Evalua on of the Arabian Gulf Security Ashraf Singer (King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM)) Sha Aldamer (KFUPM) Interna onalized Civil Wars: Lebanon and Syria James Stocker (Trinity Washington University) Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Rescaling Governance, Transforming States FC56: Friday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Kanishka Jayasuriya (University of Adelaide ) Disc. Kanishka Jayasuriya (University of Adelaide ) Panel Non‐Tradi onal Security Governance and the Rescaling of States Shahar Hameiri (Murdoch University) Lee Jones (Queen Mary, University of London) Is Regional Governance Truly Regional? Clare Wenham (Aberystwyth) Reading History Sideways: Space as Temporal Marker Barry Hindess (Australian Na onal University) Policy Di eren a on: The Gordian Knot of European Union’s Security Governance Ana Paula Brandao (University of Minho) Geopoli cs of Knowledge Anna Wojciuk (University of Warsaw) Foreign Policy Analysis Changing Power Rela onships in the Asia Paci c FC57: Friday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Jeni Whalan (University of New South Wales) Disc. Jeni Whalan (University of New South Wales) Panel The Credibility of U.S. Extended Deterrence in Australia since 1990 Michael D. Cohen (University of Southern Denmark) Andrew O'Neil (Gri th University) Compe ve Strategies against Con nental Powers: India’s Role in America’s Pivot Evan Braden Montgomery (Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments) Domes c Poli cs and the Asia Pivot David Bell Mislan (American University) Australia’s Strategic Engagement with India William Clapton (University of New South Wales) Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on East Asia-Arc c Rela ons: Spaces, Places, and Geopoli cs FC58: Friday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Kimie Hara (University of Waterloo) Disc. James Manicom (Centre for Interna onal Governance Innova on) Panel East Asia‐Arc c Rela ons: Korean Roles and Interests Young-Kil Park (Korea Mari me Ins tute) Russia and Northeast Asian Countries in the Arc c: Challenges and Opportuni es Tamara Troyakova (Far Eastern Federal University) Canada’s Northern Strategy and East Asia’s Arc c Interests Whitney Lackenbauer (St. Jerome's University) Arc c “Thaw” and the Cold War in East Asia in the 21st Century Kimie Hara (University of Waterloo) The Arc c and Global Geo‐Poli cs David A. Welch (Balsillie School of Interna onal A airs) Interna onal Security Studies Global Health The Evolu on of the health security agenda: Past, present and future FC59: Friday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Simon H. Rushton (University of She eld) Disc. Simon H. Rushton (University of She eld) Panel Health, Security, and Diplomacy: Looking Back, Where to Next? Adam Kamradt-Sco (University of Sydney) Feminist Perspec ves on Health and Security Colleen O'Manique (Trent University) Health Security and the Distor on of the Global Health Agenda Michael A. Stevenson (University of Waterloo) Michael J. Moran (Swinburne University) The Health Insecurity Nexus: When is War Inevitable According to your Health? Sara Davies (Queensland University of Technology) The Essen ally Contested Nature of Global Health Security Colin J. McInnes (Aberystwyth University) Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Interna onal Energy Governance Between the EU and Emerging Powers: Geopoli cal Dynamics, Governance Arrangements, and Norma ve Orienta ons FC60: Friday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Michèle Knodt Disc. Franziska Mueller (TU Darmstadt) Disc. Jens Ste ek (Technische Universität Darmstadt) Panel Spaces and Places of Security: Transatlan c Energy Governance Networks Gabriella Paar-Jakli (Kent State University) The Power of Paradigms: States, Markets and EU Energy Policy Andreas Goldthau (Central European University) Nick Si er (Central European University) The Energy Poverty Discourse in India and How it Relates to Interna onal Nego a ons Katharina Michaelowa (University of Zurich, Center for Compara ve and Interna onal Studies (CIS)) Geopoli cs of Decarboniza on: EU Decarboniza on Ambi ons and Rela ons With the Caspian Sea Region Claire Dupont (Ins tute for European Studies) EU External Energy Governance with Emerging Powers Michèle Knodt Franziska Mueller (TU Darmstadt) Compara ve Interdisciplinary Studies Gender Inequali es, Foreign Labor, Tolera on, and Con ict Resolu on FC61: Friday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Chi‐Ching Chen (Na onal Sun Yat‐sen University) Disc. Steve On (Na onal Sun Yat‐sen University) Panel Two Faces of Tolera on Adam Shen (Na onal Sun Yat-Sen University/Ph. D. Candidate) Comparison of Small Countries' Foreign Labor Tensions and Issues Chi-Ching Chen (Na onal Sun Yat-sen University) Making the Case for Preven on of Violence against Women Steve On (Na onal Sun Yat-sen University) Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Money-Ma ers in a Globalized Economy FC62: Friday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Pamela Blackmon (Pennsylvania State University, Altoona) Disc. Pamela Blackmon (Pennsylvania State University, Altoona) Disc. Pablo Toral (Beloit College) Panel Does the Na onality of Capital S ll Ma er? Sean K. Starrs (York University) From Sharia to Prac ce: Di eren ated Adapta on of Principles of Islamic Finance Jikon Lai (The University of Melbourne) Mastering Space through Time: the Rise of Merchant Capitalists in the Global Poli cal Economy Dean Snyder (Syracuse University) China's Role in a Mul polar/Mul lateral/Mul level Finanical System Paradigm Georgi Ivanov (Carleton University) Fiscal Coordina on in the G‐20: Declining Hegemony and the External Monitoring Edward A. Fogarty (Colgate University) Gene Park (Loyola Marymount University) Ethnicity, Na onalism, & Migra on Studies Borders, Diasporas, and the State FC63: Friday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Bahar Baser (University of Warwick) Disc. Shayna Plaut (University of Bri sh Columbia) Disc. Dovile Budryte (Georgia Gwinne College) Panel Worlds Apart: Turkish And Kurdish Second‐Genera on Diasporas In Sweden Bahar Baser (University of Warwick) Mexican Digital Diaspora: New Paradigms in Transna onalism Edmundo Meza (University of the Americas, Puebla) The Lebanese Diaspora and European Foreign Policy: A Study of Advocacy and E cacy Across Shared Poli cal Space Octavius Pinkard (University of Kent) Diaspora, Cultural Produc on, and Memory Dzeneta Karabegovic (University of Warwick) The Hai an Other in the Caribbean: Emplaced Neither Here Nor There Kristy Belton (University of Connec cut) Interna onal Poli cal Economy Poli cal Economy in the Asia-Paci c FC64: Friday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Xiaoming Huang (Victoria University of Wellington) Disc. Xiaoming Huang (Victoria University of Wellington) Panel The Missing Link in the Poli cs of the Chiang Mai Ini a ve: What about the Borrowers? Youngwon Cho (St. Francis Xavier University) Inside the Socialist Developmental State: Ins tu on‐Building in the Road and Power Sectors in Laos Naazneen Barma (Naval Postgraduate School) How Does the Regime Change in Japan A ect its Par cipa on in Trans‐Paci c Partnership Nego a on? Hideyuki Miura (Kyorin University) Could China Be Another Interna onal Monetary Power? Interna onal Poli cal Economic Analysis of Chinese Currency Interna onaliza on Wen-chih Chao (Na onal Chung Cheng University) Why China is Not Yet a Regional Power – Evidence From Taiwan and Hong Kong Malte Philipp Kaeding (University of Surrey) An Emerging Transna onal Industrial Rela ons? Cross‐Border Labor Arrangements in the Globaliza on Age Urs Luterbacher Andrew Prosser (United Na ons Interregional Crime and Jus ce Research Ins tute (UNICRI)) Konstan nos Papadakis The Dynamism of World Economic Structure: the Poli cal Economy of Interna onal System Xiaoming Huang (Victoria University of Wellington) Interna onal Communica on Human Rights Media, Ac vism, and Human Rights FC65: Friday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Jenifer Whi en‐Woodring (University of Massachuse s Lowell) Disc. Marie Thorsten (Doshisha University) Panel Whose Message Prevails? Independent Media Coverage of An ‐ Corrup on NGOs in Post‐Revolu onary Egypt Ken Rogerson (Duke University) Andrew Heiss (Duke University) Data Ac vism: Social Movements and the Evoca ve Power of Numbers Stefania Milan (The Ci zen Lab, University of Toronto) Have Resources, Will Travel: Media on Opportunity Structures and Movement‐Countermovement Interac ons over Transna onal Resource Flows Melissa Aronczyk (Rutgers University) Graeme Auld (Carleton University) Challenging Global Corporate Power: Social Media and Worker Resistance in the 21st Century Lina Dencik (Cardi University) Global Development Feminist Theory and Gender Studies Un/Doing Disciplinary Boundaries: Artwork, Decoloniza on, and World Poli cs FC66: Friday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Emily Hannah Merson (York University) Disc. Nahed Mansour (Concordia University) Panel The Art of Crossing Over Arthur Imperial (York University) Reproducing “Popular” Sovereignty: Produc on, consump on and bodily labour in ‘America The Gi Shop’ Jessica E. Foran (McMaster University) Armagan F. Teke (McMaster University) The Praxis of Intersec onal Cura ng: the World, the Street, the Hand Vicky Moufawad-Paul (Ar s c Director, A Space Gallery) Pageantry and Performance in Colombia: Uni ng Disparate Regions into One Na onal Space Stacey L. Hunt (Auburn University) Ethnicity, Na onalism, & Migra on Studies Ethnicity, Immigra on, and Ci zenship in Turkish Poli cs FC67: Friday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Zeynep Arkan (Hace epe University) Disc. Erol Kaymak (Eastern Mediterranean University) Panel Loca ng Minority Rights in a Mul cultural‐Universalist Framework: The Jus ce and Development Party and its Minority Discourse in Turkey Gozde Yilmaz ( A lim University) Foreign Policy of the Jus ce and Development Party in Perspec ve: Understanding Evolu on JDP Foreign Policy in the Last Ten Years Kilic Kanat (Penn State, Erie) Turkish Immigra on to Northern Cyprus as a Foreign Policy Strategy of Turkey Basak Ekenoglu (Eastern Mediterranean University ) Hegemony and Neoliberal Populism in Turkey: An Analysis of JDP’s Rhetoric and Policies Solen Sanli (Santa Rosa Junior College) Mehmet Sinan Birdal (Isik University) Learning Ci zenship: A Compara ve Study of Par cipa on in Civil Society Organiza ons in Turkey Didem Cakmakli (Koc University) Global Development The A erlives of Neoliberalism: The Spectres of Thatcherism FC68: Friday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Giorgio Shani (Interna onal Chris an University) Chair Mustapha Kamal Pasha (Aberystwyth University) Download 5.69 Kb. 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