Assessing feasibility of hydropeacebuilding in the Jordan River Basin using serious gaming and a human ecosystem approach
Part. Chris an G. K. Reus‐Smit (University of Queensland) Part
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Chris an G. K. Reus‐Smit (University of Queensland) Part. Stephen Mar n Walt (Harvard University) Part. Peter Katzenstein (Cornell University) Part. Henry R. Nau (George Washington University ) Part. Michael Lind (New America Founda on) Roundtable Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Presiden al Roundtable: Roundtable On The Career Contribu ons Of Bruce Russe FC02: Friday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Paul Huth (University of Maryland) Part. Bruce M. Russe (Yale University) Part. Todd Sandler (University of Texas at Dallas) Part. William R. Thompson (Indiana University) Part. Harvey Starr (University of South Carolina) Part. Zeev Maoz (University of California Davis) Part. Bruce J. Bueno de Mesquita (New York University) Roundtable Interna onal Security Studies ISSS Honors the Work of Richard Ned Lebow FC03: Friday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair James M. Goldgeier (American University) Part. Felix Berenskoe er (SOAS, University of London) Part. Toni Erskine (University of New South Wales) Part. Elizabeth Kier (University of Washington) Part. Ted Hopf (Na onal University of Singapore) Part. Stefano Guzzini (Danish Ins tute for Interna onal Studies & Uppsala University) Hon. Ned Lebow (Dartmouth College) Dis nguished Scholar Interna onal Security Studies Scien c Study of Interna onal Processes Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Interdependence, Networks, and Interna onal Governance FC04: Friday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Brian Greenhill (Dartmouth College) Disc. Brian Greenhill (Dartmouth College) Disc. Xun Cao (Penn State University) Panel Bargaining, Informa on Networks, and Interstate Con ict Erik Gartzke (University of California, San Diego) Oliver Westerwinter (European University Ins tute) Part of the Chain: Humanitarian Military Interven on as a Causal Mediator between Human Security NGOs and Human Security Outcomes Sam Bell (Kansas State University) Amanda Murdie (University of Missouri) Kevin Brown (Kansas State University) Learning in the Global Child‐Flow Network: a Network analysis of Intercountry adop on Becca A. McBride (Calvin College) ISA Innova ve Panel Lessons from #IdleNoMore: Rethinking Indigeneity, Decolonizing Feminisms FC05: Friday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Konstan n Kilibarda (York University) Part. Wanda Nanibush (University of Toronto) Part. Zainab Amadahy Part. Tannis Nielsen Part. Audrey Huntley (No More Silence) Innova ve Panel Interna onal Security Studies Geography, Strategy, and the Interna onal System FC06: Friday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair David W. Blagden (University of Cambridge) Disc. John Mearsheimer (University of Chicago) Panel Going Too Far: The Role of ‘Distance Blindness’ in Imperial Overstretch Patrick H. M. Porter (University of Reading) Geography, Technology, and the Feasibility of Aggression: O ence, Defence, and the Primacy of Poli cs in War David W. Blagden (University of Cambridge) Geography and War in East Asia Daryl G. Press (Dartmouth) The Other Shield of the Republic: Geography and American Military Dominance Joshua R. Itzkowitz Shifrinson (Massachuse s Ins tute of Technology) A Structural Theory of Foreign Policy Joseph M. Parent (University of Miami) Interna onal Security Studies Foreign Policy Analysis Interstate Signaling Under Dynamic Condi ons FC07: Friday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Dale C. Copeland (University of Virginia) Disc. Nuno Monteiro (Yale University) Panel The S ckiness of Reputa on: Emo on, Intui on, and Diploma c Signaling Marcus Holmes (Fordham University) Costly Signaling About Weapons Development in the Context of Endogenous Power Shi s Ahmet Mert Kartal (University of Wisconsin - Madison) The Uncertainty of Decline: Signaling Future Inten ons During Power Shi s Brandon K. Yoder (Old Dominion University) Signaling of Type and the Problem of the Future Dale C. Copeland (University of Virginia) Status Signaling in US Grand Strategy: The Case Analysis of US Pivot to Asia Xiaoyu Pu (University of Nevada, Reno) Theory Historical Interna onal Rela ons Interna onal Ethics Poli cal Theology and Interna onal Rela ons FC08: Friday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Jodok Troy (University of Innsbruck) Disc. Jodok Troy (University of Innsbruck) Panel Protec on ‐ Evil = Obedience: An Examina on of the Ra onality of State Sovereignty Mika T. Luoma-aho (University of Lapland) Kant, Poli cal Theology and IR Sean P. Molloy (University of Kent) The Body of the Commonwealth: Poli cal theology and the shape of interna onal rela ons Adrian Pabst (University of Kent) A Rather Important Protest: Protestant Poli cal Theology and the New World Order Robert Joustra (Redeemer University College) Against Purism: the An ‐Gnos c Roots of R. Niebuhr’s Pragma sm Vassilios Paipais (University of St Andrews) Global South Caucus Peace Studies Global Development Poverty, Protest, and Security in Africa FC09: Friday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Dêlidji Eric Degila (Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3, France and Ecole Na onale d'Administra on, ENA du Bénin) Disc. Dêlidji Eric Degila (Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3, France and Ecole Na onale d'Administra on, ENA du Bénin) Panel Contemporary Popular Protests in Africa Zachariah Mampilly (Vassar College) Drought, Rebellion, and the Decline of Democracy in the African Sahel? Kimberly L. Shella (University of California Irvine) Mari me Piracy in Africa: The Interna onal Community’s Inconsistent Response Edward Roy Lucas (American University) Putrid Economics and the Public Security Challenges in Nigeria: A Lesson for Africa Ifeanyi Ezeonu (Brock University) Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on The Geopoli cs of Cyber me and Cyberspace: Knowledge, (Big) Data, Surveillance, Bodies FC10: Friday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Susanne M. Soederberg (Queen's University, Canada) Part. James H. Mi elman (American University) Part. Rebecca J. Hester (University of Texas Medical Branch) Part. Ronnie D. Lipschutz (University of California, Santa Cruz) Part. Mary Ann Tetreault (Trinity University) Part. Heather M. Turco e (University of Connec cut) Roundtable Interna onal Educa on Interna onal Ethics Ac ve Learning in Interna onal A airs Bridging the Gap: Teaching Sensi ve Interna onal Studies Topics to a Mul cultural Student Audience FC11: Friday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair John Barron Boyd (Rhodes College) Part. Francis D. Raska (Charles University) Part. Hrishabh Sandilya (Anglo‐American University) Part. Nathan William Henceroth (University of Nevada‐Las Vegas) Part. Delia Popescu (Le Moyne College) Part. Dmitry Katsy (Saint Petersburg State University) Roundtable Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Mul level Approaches to Studying State Repression FC12: Friday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Cullen Hendrix (Korbel School, University of Denver) Disc. Sabine Carey (University of Mannheim) Disc. Cullen Hendrix (Korbel School, University of Denver) Panel Democra c Repression in Response to Poli cal Unrest Graig Klein (Binghamton University) Pulling the Plug: Network Disrup ons and Violence in the Syrian Con ict Anita Rosemary Gohdes (University of Mannheim) Tools of Exclusion: Ethnic Power Rela ons and the Poli cs of Repression Reed M. Wood (Arizona State University) Op ons in the Arsenal: A Theory of State Repression Subs tutability Jacqueline H. R. DeMeri (University of North Texas) Courtenay R. Conrad (University of California, Merced) Uncertain Events: A Dynamic Latent Variable Model of Human Rights Respect and Government Killing with Binary, Ordered, and Count Outcomes Christopher Fariss (Pennsylvania State University) Interna onal Communica on Diploma c Studies The Hook-Up Between Diplomacy and Communica on Technology FC13: Friday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Philip Seib (University of Southern California) Disc. Craig Hayden (American University) Panel The Signi cance of Hotlines: The Case of the MOLINK and the Six‐ Day War Agnes Simon (University of Missouri/Arkansas Tech University) Eszter Simon (Masaryk University) What’s the Story with Crisis Diplomacy 2.0 and Source Credibility?: Twi er, Narra ve and Israel’s Opera on Pillar of Defense Theo Mazumdar (University of Southern California) Leading the Conversa on: Comparing State Department Communica on Networks under Kissinger and Rogers Jonathan Mellon (University of Oxford) James Hollway (University of Oxford) Technology as a Rhetorical and Communica ve Factor in Interna onal Rela ons Jack Adam MacLennan (Carleton University) Bringing Machines into Interna onal Society: Technology as a Standard of Civiliza on Dimitrios Stroikos (London School of Economics and Poli cal Science) Foreign Policy Analysis Methodology of Role Theory FC14: Friday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Paul A. Kowert (University of Massachuse s Boston) Disc. Valerie Hudson (The Bush School of Government and Public Service, Texas A&M University) Disc. David M. McCourt (University of She eld, UK) Panel Full‐spectrum Role Taking: a Two‐level Role Theore cal Model Sebas an Harnisch (Heidelberg University) The Interpreta ve Method in Role Theory Research: The Use and Abuses of Narra ves Leslie E. Wehner (German Ins tute of Global and Area Studies) Revitalizing Role Theory in Foreign Policy Analysis: Introducing the Applica on of Posi oning Theory Francis Baert (United Na ons University (UNU-CRIS)) Luk Van Langenhove (United Na ons University) Thinking Small: Quantum Poli cs and the Miniaturiza on of Role Theory Stephen G. Walker (Arizona State University) What Can Role Theorists Learn from Qualita ve Methodologies? Cris an A. Can r (Oakland University) Interna onal Poli cal Sociology Interna onal Security Studies Geopoli cal Materiali es: Mobility, Security, and Technology FC15: Friday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Juanita Sundberg (University of Bri sh Columbia) Disc. Vicki Squire (The University of Warwick) Panel Geopoli cs of Bio‐Securi es: Examining the Gendering of Biotechnologies, Militarized (In)Securi es, and the Aesthe cs of Violence and its A ermaths Jennifer Fluri (Dartmouth College) Ac on, Technology, and the Homogeniza on of Place Sco Hamilton (London School of Economics) The Technologically Distributed Border: Uncertainty, Spa ality, and Security Michael Bourne (Queen's University Belfast) Camels, 4x4s and White Powdered Substances: The Global and Local Poli cs of Securing Sahelian Borders Adam J. Sandor (University of O awa) Interna onal Poli cal Sociology Interna onal Security Studies Between Here and There: Security, Technology, and the Poli cs of Media on FC16: Friday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Jef Huysmans (Open University) Disc. Louise Amoore (Durham University) Disc. Mareile Kaufmann (Peace Research Ins tute Oslo) Panel How Do Technologies Mediate the Rela onship Between Interna onal Aid, Border Control and Human Mobility in Post‐Soviet Central Asia? Mederic Mar n-Maze (Sciences-Po/CERI) Walls and Gates: Media ng Between Here and There Polly Pallister-Wilkins (University of Amsterdam) Security, Technology, and Traceability: Monitoring Flows, Delocalizing Control Anthony Amicelle (Université de Montréal) Julien Jeandesboz (University of Amsterdam) The Burden of Dumbing Cyberwar Down. On the Role of Socio‐ Technical Foldings in the Fabric of Security Rocco Bellanova (Peace Research Ins tute Oslo (PRIO) & Université Saint-Louis (Brussels)) Denis Duez (Université Saint-Louis - Bruxelles) The Travels of Interoperability: Security, Technology, and Media on Marijn Hoij nk (University of Amsterdam) Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Presiden al Panel: Geography and Con ict FC17: Friday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Halvard Buhaug (Peace Research Ins tute Oslo (PRIO)) Disc. Anja Shortland (King's College London) Disc. Håvard Strand (Peace Research Ins tute Oslo) Panel Con ict Landscapes and Dynamics: Explaining Mul ple and Dis nct Forms of Poli cal Violence across Africa Clionadh A. Raleigh (University of Dublin) Geographic Determinants of Indiscriminate Violence in Civil Wars Sebas an Schu e (ETH Zurich) Mechanisms Explaining the Spa o‐Temporal Di usion of Violence in Sub‐Saharan Africa Andrew M. Linke (University of Colorado at Boulder) Insurgency and Inaccessibility Andreas Foroe Tollefsen (Department of Sociology and Human Geography, University of Oslo / CSCW, PRIO) Johan Di rich Hallberg (Peace Research Ins tute Oslo) Halvard Buhaug (Peace Research Ins tute Oslo (PRIO)) The Geography of Asian Con ict Steven Pickering (Kobe University) Scien c Study of Interna onal Processes Economic Sanc ons and Poli cal Processes: Civil Con ict and Terrorism FC18: Friday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Panel Economic Sanc ons and the Dynamics of Terrorist Campaigns Navin Bapat (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) Elena V. McLean (Texas A&M University) Kaisa H. Hinkkainen (University of Essex) Luis de la Calle (Centro de Inves gación y Docencia Económicas -CIDE) Do Economic Sanc ons A ect Ba le eld Dynamics? David Lektzian (Texas Tech University) Dursun Peksen (University of Memphis) Patrick M. Regan (University of Notre Dame) Sanc ons and Civil War Outcomes Dursun Peksen (University of Memphis) Patrick M. Regan (University of Notre Dame) David Lektzian (Texas Tech University) Economic Sanc ons, Transna onal Terrorism, and the Incen ve to Misrepresent Kaisa H. Hinkkainen (University of Essex) Luis de la Calle (Centro de Inves gación y Docencia Económicas -CIDE) Navin Bapat (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) Elena V. McLean (Texas A&M University) Foreign Policy Analysis Leadership Psychology: New Approaches FC19: Friday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Ty Solomon (University of Glasgow) Disc. Andrew A. G. Ross (Ohio University) Panel What’s my Age Again?: The Role of Con nued Adult Cogni ve Development on Foreign Policy Decision‐making Mark Paradis (University of Southern California) Leadership‐Traits, Discourse Networks, and the Iraq War 2003 Franz J. Eder (University of Innsbruck) Emo ons and Decision Making Masoma Sherazi (London School of Economics and Poli cal Science) Killing at a Distance: A Construal‐Level Approach to the Psychology of Drone Warfare Kathleen Powers (Ohio State University) Meri Ellen Lyno (Ohio State University) "No There There": The Extent and Diminu on of Ideological Disputes in U.S. Foreign Policy Stephen John Majeski (University of Washington) David Sylvan (Graduate Ins tute of Interna onal and Development Studies) Ashley Thornton Peace Studies Seeing and Hearing War and Peace FC20: Friday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Birte Vogel (University of Manchester) Disc. Vera Mironova (University of Maryland) Panel Street Art and Peace Anna Glomm (Freelance) Ioannis Tellidis (Kyung Hee University) Disarming “militainment”: The Poli cs of Peace in Popular Culture Siobhan McEvoy-Levy (Butler University) The Poli cs of Empathy: Exploring Narra ves of Space and Time in the Israel/Pales ne Con ict Naomi C. Head (University of Glasgow) Diploma c Studies Analy cal and Prac cal Concepts in Diplomacy FC21: Friday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Eric Grynaviski (George Washington University) Disc. Kai R. Hebel (University of Oxford) Panel The Beginning of the Cold War: Tes ng the Spiral Model vs. the Revolu onary‐Imperial Paradigm Robert Snyder (Southwestern University) Contextualizing the Cultural Ins tute: So Power at Work? John Allison (Nipissing University) Compara ve Foreign Policy of “Neighbors” and “Neighborhoods.” Steven F. Jackson (Indiana University of Pennsylvania) Repe ta Iuvant: interna onal nego a ons as deliberate prac ce Ruben Zaio (Dalhousie University) Conceptualizing Compliance in the European Union Vanja Petricevic (Florida Gulf Coast University ) Post Communist States Eurasian Security Dimensions FC22: Friday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Roger Edward Kanet (University of Miami) Disc. Jack J. Porter (Military College of South Carolina) Panel The Foreign and Security Policies of Developing States Between Mul polarity and Globaliza on: Central Asian States and "Mul ‐ Vector" Diplomacy Nicola Contessi (Columbia University) Russia Under Pu n: A Great Power Again? Andre Rangel Naegele (Lasalle) Regional Dimension of Interna onal Environmental Coopera on: Environmental Coopera on Between the European Union and Russia Natalia G. Zaslavskaia (Saint-Petersburg State University) The Quest for Central Asia: An Explora on of Great Power Foreign Rela ons Models Ellen Pirro (Iowa State University) China‐Russia Partnership and Compe on Impact on Strategic Security in Asia Fei Wu (CHARHAR INSTITUTE and Ji Nan University ) Interna onal Security Studies Iden ty, Norms, and Interna onal Security FC23: Friday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Maria Rost Rublee (Australian Na onal University) Disc. Anne Clunan (Naval Postgraduate School) Panel Early Modern Rogue: Taikun Diplomacy and Tokugawa Japan's Withdrawal from Interna onal Society Steven M. Ward (Georgetown University) China, Japan, and the idea of ‘economic security’ Amy S. King (Australian Na onal University) The Evolu on of the Nuclear Security Regime: Threat Percep ons of Nuclear Terrorism and the Development of a Nuclear Security Norm Ma hew Co ee (King's College London) Geopoli cs, World Order and the Procedural Founda ons of the Interna onal System Mark Raymond (Balsillie School of Interna onal A airs) Environmental Studies Space, Scale, and Geopoli cs in the Global Governance of Waste: Linking Extrac on, Recycling, Disposal and Risk Across Na onal Borders FC24: Friday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Kate O'Neill (University of California Berkeley) Disc. Stefan Fritsch (Bowling Green State University) Panel E‐waste Mining and the Geopoli cs of Cri cal Metals Rajyashree Reddy Spaces of Waste: Geographies of mining waste governance Dawn Hoogeveen (University of Bri sh Columbia) Exploring Models of Electronic Wastes Governance in the US and Mexico: Recycling, Risks and Environmental Jus ce Kate O'Neill (University of California Berkeley) Raul Pacheco-Vega (Centro de Inves gación y Docencia Económicas (CIDE)) Compara ve Interdisciplinary Studies Technology and Structure of IR FC25: Friday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Kathrin Keil (Ins tute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS); The Arc c Ins tute) Disc. Marcin Kaczmarski (University of Warsaw) Panel Strategic Interac on in the Na onal‐Regional Space: Bioscience in Canada and Quebec Diane Alleva Caceres (Georgia Ins tute of Technology) To Nuclearize or Not to Nuclearize? Leaders and Their Audiences: A Model of Capability and Choice Elizabeth Paige Price (University of South Carolina) Electricity policy in Brazil and Canada: Decisions, Distances and Sustainability Catherine Gucciardi Garcez (University of Brasilia) Cyberspace and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: The Contest Between Technological Advancement and the Principle of Sovereignty in an Era of Globaliza on Yeonmin Cho (Towson University) Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Presiden al Panel: Text Analysis and Big Data FC26: Friday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Kenneth Benoit (London School of Economics) Disc. Kenneth Benoit (London School of Economics) Disc. Will Lowe (MZES, University of Mannheim) Panel An Empirical Analysis of the Structure and Content of Poli cal Conversa ons on Social Media Pablo Barberá (New York University) Joshua Tucker Silence Speaks Louder than Words: What Gets Omi ed from Newspapers in China Margaret E. Roberts (Harvard University) Brandon Stewart (Harvard University) Automa ng the Extrac on of Poli cal Indicators from Text Sources on the Web Philip A. Schrodt (Parus Analy cal Systems) Jay Ulfelder (Independent consultant) The Security Dilemma in US‐China Rela ons: Uncertainty and Percep on Forma on Erin Baggo (Harvard University) Using Gramma cal Analysis to Measure Mediated Public Diplomacy: Frame Adop on in Foreign Coverage of the Georgia, Gaza, and Iraq wars Wouter van A eveldt (VU University) Global Development Making Global Capital Locally Accountable: Research on Finance, Food, and Mining FC27: Friday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Jennifer Clapp (University of Waterloo) Disc. Jennifer Clapp (University of Waterloo) Panel Emerging Powers and Africa's Natural Resources: Reversing Power Asymmetries Fantu Cheru (African Studies Center, Leiden University) The New Alliance for Food Security and Nutri on: A Coup for Corporate Capital? Nora McKeon (Roma Tre University) Can Global Mining be Made Locally Responsible in the Era of “Extrac ve Neoliberalism”? Case Studies from El Salvador, Guatemala and the Philippines Robin Broad (American University) Resis ng Resource Grabs: Alterna ve Agriculture and Land Reform Movements in Thailand Prapimphan Chiengkul (University of Warwick) Civil Society and Financial Markets: Local Accountability for Global Capital? Jan Aart Scholte (University of Gothenburg/University of Warwick) English School The Dynamic of Regionaliza on: It's Not Just Geography! FC28: Friday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Balkan Devlen (Izmir University of Economics) Disc. Andrej Krickovic (Na onal Research University, Higher School of Economics, Moscow) Disc. Barbara Allen Roberson (Salzburg University & Global Policy Ins tute) Panel The Geopoli cs of the Small State Karl Erik Haug (Royal Norwegian Air Force Academy) Economic and Poli cal Determinants of Public Support for Regional Integra on in East Africa Mwita Chacha (Nazarbayev University) English School Theory Meets Area Studies: A Useful Toolbox in Analyzing Changes Within Interna onal Rela ons? A Case Study in the A ermath of the Arab Spring Juha Pekka J. M. Makela (Finnish Na onal Defense University) The Global‐Regional Nexus and the Case of Weapons Prolifera on Derrick V. Frazier (University of Alabama) Robert Stewart-Ingersoll (UAE Na onal Defense College & Near East South Asia Center for Strategic Studies) The American Role Toward Regional Integra on Processes: The U.S. and its In uence on the Forma on and Evolu on of European Union, MERCOSUR, ASEAN, and SADC. Mário Afonso Lima (Rio de Janeiro State University) Le cia Simões (Inst. Nacionais de Ciência e Tecnologia-Polí cas Públicas Estratégia e Desenvolvimento (INCT-PPED) ) Patricia Nasser Carvalho (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro) Guilherme M. Dias (La Salle University) Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Presiden al Panel: Geopoli cs and the Behavior of Violent Non- state Actors FC29: Friday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Gary LaFree (University of Maryland) Disc. Gary LaFree (University of Maryland) Panel The Local Geography of Transna onal Terrorist A acks Alex Braithwaite (University of Arizona, School of Government and Public Policy) Michael Findley (University of Texas at Aus n) Joseph Young (American University) The Causes and Consequences of Terrorism in Civil Wars Virginia Page Fortna (Columbia University) Why Support Violent Nonstate Actors (VNSAs)? Exploring the Reasons Why States Support Some Violent Nonstate Actors But Not Others Victor Asal (State University of New York at Albany) Ora B. Szekely (Clark University) Preven ng Civil War: How the poten al for interna onal interven on can deter violent rebellion David E. Cunningham (University of Maryland) Leaving Terrorism: How Terrorist Campaigns End Kris an Skrede Gleditsch (University of Essex) Sara Polo (University of Essex) Interna onal Poli cal Economy China as a Global Actor and Factor FC30: Friday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Jue Wang (Leiden University) Disc. Jue Wang (Leiden University) Disc. Miguel Otero‐Iglesias (ESSCA School of Management and Elcano Royal Ins tute) Panel Explaining European Foreign Policy towards China: a new Framework for Analysis Ludvig Norman (Uppsala University ) Anna Michalski (Uppsala University) The Geopoli cal Impacts of Shale Oil and Gas on Global and Regional Energy Markets Edward Bee (University of Southern Mississippi) Construc ng a Tacit Alliance: The Poli cal Economy of Iranian‐ Chinese Rela ons Sahra Joharchi (No ngham Trent University) China and Global Compe on Governance Lei Wang (University of Lucerne) Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Trends in Trade and Investment FC31: Friday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Joel R. Campbell (Troy University) Disc. Gabriel Siles‐Brügge (University of Manchester) Panel Consumer Taste, Poli cal Ins tu ons, and Foreign Economic Policy Preferences Ryan M. Powers (University of Wisconsin, Madison) Iberian Trends: Trade and FDI in Portugal and Spain Beverly Barre (University of Miami) Reconcilia ng Sino‐Japanese Rela ons: The Way Forward C. P. Chung (Lingnan University) Interna onal Security Studies Technology, Security, and Drones FC32: Friday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Margaret E. Kosal (Georgia Ins tute of Technology) Panel Watching the Vectors: Evalua ng the "BioWatch" Biological Terrorism/Warfare Detec on Network Deployment and E cacy. Chris an Erickson (CryptX AnalytX) A Mission‐Oriented Typology of Remotely Piloted Combat Aircra Sco Fitzsimmons (University of Limerick) Karina Sangha (University of Waterloo) Captain America in Interna onal Rela ons: The Biotech Revolu on in Military A airs David Malet (The University of Melbourne) From Drones to Terminators? The Heritage of Successful Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) Integra on on the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) Approach to Military Robo cs Tamir Libel (University College Dublin) Warfare in an Age of Technical Objects Manabrata Guha (University of Bath) Ethnicity, Na onalism, & Migra on Studies Poli cal Demography and Geography Migra on and ‘Sons of the Soil’ Con icts in an Era of Globaliza on FC33: Friday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Bethany Ann Lacina (University of Rochester) Disc. Monica Du y To (University of Oxford) Panel “I Should Be Richer Than him”: Horizontal Inequali es and Sons of the Soil Con ict in Indonesia and China Isabelle Cote (University of Toronto) The Flip Side of Sons of the Soil: Se lers, Contested Lands, and Ethnic Con ict Oded Haklai (Queen's University) An ‐Immigrant Na vism as Sons of the Soil Con ict: the role of immigra on and ethnic change in s mula ng ethno‐na onalism in Britain Eric P. Kaufmann (Birkbeck, University of London ) Autochthony Discourses, Land Grievances and Post‐Electoral Violence: Insights from Kenya and Côte d’Ivoire Ma hew I. Mitchell (University of Wisconsin-Madison) Xenophobia business: economy security and domina on by border Maria Fotou (London School of Economics and Poli cal Science) Foreign Policy Analysis Rethinking European Security: The EU's Central Role in the European Foreign Policy Architecture FC34: Friday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Michael W. Mosser (University of Texas at Aus n) Download 5.69 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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