Assessing feasibility of hydropeacebuilding in the Jordan River Basin using serious gaming and a human ecosystem approach
Part. Sophia Dingli (Hull University) Part
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Sophia Dingli (Hull University) Part. Neslihan Dikmen Alsancak (Bilkent University) Roundtable Scien c Study of Interna onal Processes New Methodological Approaches to Interna onal Rela ons SC02: Saturday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Nils Weidmann (University of Konstanz) Disc. Nils Weidmann (University of Konstanz) Disc. Paul Poast (Rutgers University) Panel Tests of Design: Using Placebo Tests to Evaluate Bias Allan Dafoe (Yale University) Guadalupe Tuñón (Yale University) Cumula ve Dynamics and Strategic Assessment: Evalua ng Processes that are Not Independent and Iden cally Distributed Je rey Friedman (Dartmouth College) Matching with Time‐Series Cross‐Sec onal Data Richard Nielsen (Harvard University) War is K‐adic Paul Poast (Rutgers University) To FE or not to FE? Addressing Unit E ects in Rare‐Event Binary Time‐Series Cross‐Sec onal Data Sco J. Cook (University of Pi sburgh) Robert Franzese Interna onal Organiza on Peace Studies The United Na ons and Con ict Resolu on SC03: Saturday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Severine Autesserre (Barnard College, Columbia University) Disc. Marina E. Henke (Northwestern University) Panel The Interna onal Court of Jus ce: Con ict Management through Mul lateral Ins tu ons Alexandru Grigorescu (Loyola University Chicago) Molly Melin (Loyola University Chicago) The UN as Unipole: Peacekeeping and Di usion across Civil Wars Anjali Dayal (Georgetown University) Tradi onal and Func onal Geopoli cs in Interna onal Organiza ons: How the Great Powers Face Organiza onal Path Dependency in the UN Security Council Chris an Dorsch (University Bamberg) The Role of Space and Place in Informal Security Arrangements: The Case of the G8 Julia Kulik (University of Toronto) The Role of the United Na ons Peacebuilding Commission in the Global Governance of Peacebuilding: Re ec ng the Geopoli cal Authority Shi Vladimir Kmec (University of Cambridge) Peace Studies Paradigms for Knowledge Crea on and Ac on in Peacebuilding SC04: Saturday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Erin L. McCandless (New School University) Part. Thania Pa enholz (Graduate Ins tute, Geneva) Part. Roger Mac Ginty (University of Manchester) Part. Kevin Clements (Na onal Centre for Peace and Con ict Studies) Part. Eric Abitbol (American University) Part. Laurent M. Goetschel (University of Basel / swisspeace) Roundtable Environmental Studies What Does Cri cal Environmental Poli cs Look Like? SC05: Saturday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Carl Death (University of Manchester) Part. Ma hew Paterson (University of O awa) Part. Gabriela Ku ng (Rutgers University) Part. Alan Rudy (Central Michigan University) Part. Timothy Wayne Luke (Virginia Polytechnic Ins tute and State University) Roundtable Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Poli cal Demography and Geography Interna onal Poli cal Sociology Part I Geopoli cs of Mobility: Living Life in, Through, Refusing and/or Resis ng the Border SC06: Saturday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Disc. Jennifer Hyndman (York University) Panel Living on the Line: Intergenera onal Migra on and the Everyday experience of Liminal Enactment Aoileann Ni Mhurchu (The University of Manchester) Contested Geopoli cs of Marriage Migra on on the Sino‐ Vietnamese Border Elena Barabantseva (University of Manchester) Beyond Big Data: Li le Analy cs at the Algorithmic Border Louise Amoore (Durham University) Historical Interna onal Rela ons Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Historical Geopoli cs: The Case of the Eurasian Steppe SC07: Saturday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Sco Hamilton (London School of Economics) Disc. John Agnew (University of California, Los Angeles) Panel Two Tales of Imperial Power: Mongols on Land ‐‐ Anglo‐America on Water Gaurav Kampani (Cornell University) Peter Katzenstein (Cornell University) Human Mobility and the Demographic Context of Poli cal Ins tu ons: The Barbarians and Rome Rey Koslowski (University at Albany) Balancing on the Steppe: The Mongol Conquests and Balance‐of‐ Power Theory Daniel Nexon (Georgetown University) The Importance of the Eurasian Steppe to the Study of Interna onal Rela ons Iver B. Neumann (London School of Economics) Einar Wigen (University of Oslo) Interna onal Security Studies A Rising China SC09: Saturday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Tudor A. Onea (Dartmouth College) Disc. Der‐yuan Wu (Na onal Chengchi University) Panel An Empirical Assessment of China's Peaceful Rise Jun Xiang (Rutgers University) Chris Primiano Wei-hao Huang "Why China May Be Content to Stay at Home": Internal Ethnic Diversity and the Propensity to Engage in Interstate Con ict Eric P. Kaufmann (Birkbeck, University of London ) Processes of Re‐centering beyond Na on‐State System: the Tianxia System and the Rise of China Sam-Sang Jo (Chuo University) China’s Rising Mari me Strategy: Implica ons for Its Territorial Disputes in the Seas Xie Zhihai (Maebashi Kyoai Gakuen College, Japan ) Dangerous Comparisons: Social Comparison and Great Power Con ict Tudor A. Onea (Dartmouth College) Foreign Policy Analysis Foreign Policy Role Enactment and Role Transi on SC10: Saturday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Stephen G. Walker (Arizona State University) Disc. Cris an A. Can r (Oakland University) Panel Historicizing NRCs: The Historical Roots of Role and Purpose Ulrich Krotz (European University Ins tute) Pa erns of Role Transi on: A Taxonomy and a Research Agenda Stephen G. Walker (Arizona State University) Paul A. Kowert (University of Massachuse s Boston) Role Theory and the Foreign Policy of Intercountry Adop on Marijke Breuning (University of North Texas) Role Theory as a Theory for Interna onal Poli cal Economy Leslie E. Wehner (German Ins tute of Global and Area Studies) Human Rights Interna onal Ethics War, Atrocity, and Human Rights SC12: Saturday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Marilyn I. McMorrow (Georgetown University) Disc. Marilyn I. McMorrow (Georgetown University) Panel What and How Do Militaries Learn?: Assessing the Impact of US IMET Programs on Human Rights in Con ict and Beyond Mariya Y. Omelicheva (University of Kansas) Interpre ng Interviews in Post‐Atrocity Se ngs and the Space and Place of Researcher Izabela Ste ja (University of Toronto) Sovereign Performa ves: Speaking Genocide and the Case of Darfur Michael Hughes (Queen's University) Intensity as a By‐Product of Time: A Study of Genocide in Armed Con icts Belen Gonzalez (University of Essex) Why Genocide Has Not Occurred in Côte d’Ivoire Taylor B. Seybolt (GSPIA, University of Pi sburgh) Democra zing Military Violence: Discourse Ethics, Procedural Jus ce, and the Right to Make War David J. Traven (Kenyon College) Interna onal Communica on Diploma c Studies Compara ve Public Diplomacy: Approaches and Cases SC13: Saturday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Cris na Arche (University of Salford) Disc. Eytan Gilboa (Bar‐Ilan University) Panel Compara ve Public Diplomacy Research: Approaches, Risks and Opportuni es. Robin Brown (TBA) A Compara ve Approach to Technological A ordances in Public Diplomacy Craig Hayden (American University) Public Diplomacy and Na onal Iden ty Forma on: The Jewish Revival in Poland Thomas Just (Florida Interna onal University) Great Powers Writ Small? The Speci ci es of Cold War Public Diplomacy Prac ces in the Small States of Northern Europe Louis Clerc (University of Turku, Finland) The Public Diplomacy of Mexico: Challenges and Opportuni es Cesar Villanueva (Universidad Iberoamericana A.C.) Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Presiden al Panel: Revolu on and Social Protest: Mediterranean Parallels and Contrasts SC14: Saturday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Jack A. Goldstone (George Mason University) Disc. Michael Shalev (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem) Panel The Informa on Revolu on and the Geopoli cs of the Arab Spring Glenn E. Robinson (Naval Postgraduate School) The Interna onal Rela ons of the Arab Spring Mark N. Katz (George Mason University) The Militaries and the Arab Spring Zoltan Barany (University of Texas) Trajectories of Protest and Revolu on in the Mediterranean: Contrasts between European Austerity Protests and the Arab Spring” Jack A. Goldstone (George Mason University) Peace Studies The Post-Colonial Struggle for Peace SC15: Saturday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Ma hew I. Mitchell (University of Wisconsin‐Madison) Disc. Ma hew LeRiche (Memorial University of Newfoundland) Panel The Causes of State Collapse: Results from an Analysis Using Mul ‐ Value QCA Daniel Lambach (German Ins tute of Global/Area Studies) Markus Bayer (University of Duisburg-Essen ) Eva Johais (University of Duisburg-Essen) Statebuilding and Postwar Violence in Angola and the DRC Ingrid Samset (University of Limerick) Igni ng Poli cal Violence Temporal Pa erns in Democra za on Periods Lutz F. Krebs (Maastricht University) Peace from the Past: Pre‐colonial Poli cal Ins tu ons and Contemporary Ethnic Civil Wars in Africa Tore Wig (University of Oslo, and the Peace Research Ins tute Oslo, PRIO) A er Independence, War: ‘Colonial Governance’, Armed Con ict, and State Building in 19th Century Mexico Esteban Ramirez Gonzalez (Graduate Ins tute, Geneva) Interna onal Security Studies Diplomacy, Coopera on, and Interna onal Security SC16: Saturday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair James H. Lebovic (George Washington University) Panel Traveling for War and Peace: A Quan ta ve Analysis of Diploma c Visits James H. Lebovic (George Washington University) Elizabeth Saunders (George Washington University) Australia‐Malaysia Security Coopera on as a Framework for Stable Bilateral Rela ons Craig A. Snyder (Deakin University) Measuring Coopera on: A New Dataset on US‐Muslim Counterterrorism Coopera on Peter S. Henne (Pew Research Center) Interna onal Security Coopera on: Does Military Aid Promote Poli cal Stability? Susan R. Alaniz (University of Southern Mississippi) The European Union and Canada: The Strategic Partnership a Promo onal Regional Coopera on Julie Schmied (Universidade de Brasilia) Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Presiden al Panel: Costly Spaces: The In uences of Spa al Varia on in War Costs on Poli cs SC17: Saturday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Dennis C. Je (Pennsylvania State University) Chair Sco Gartner (Penn State School of Interna onal A airs) Disc. Zeev Maoz (University of California Davis) Panel The Price of War: Military Casual es and War me Opinion Sco Gartner (Penn State School of Interna onal A airs) Assessing the Poli cal Rami ca ons of Non‐Fatal Casual es Douglas Kriner (Boston University) Francis Shen The War Disease: A Spa al‐Temporal Analysis of Poli cal Violence Shikha Basnet When does Civil War Create Casualty Fa gue? An Analysis of Polling Data From Four Internal Con icts Bethany Ann Lacina (University of Rochester) Of Debt and Taxes: The Rela onship between Bearing the Financial Burden of War and Public Opinion Gustavo A. Flores-Macias (Cornell University) Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Presiden al Roundtable: The Systema c Study of Peace SC18: Saturday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Patrick M. Regan (University of Notre Dame) Part. Erik Melander (Uppsala University) Part. Chris an Davenport (University of Michigan) Part. Paul F. Diehl (University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign) Roundtable Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Presiden al Panel: Territory, Con ict, and Commerce: Territorial Claims and Interna onal Rela ons SC19: Saturday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Paul Huth (University of Maryland) Disc. Erik Gartzke (University of California, San Diego) Panel State Control and the E ects of Foreign Rela ons on Bilateral Trade Chris na Davis (Princeton University) Andreas Fuchs (Princeton University) Kris na M. Johnson (Princeton University) Natural Resources and Territorial Con ict Paul Hensel (University of North Texas) Christopher Macaulay (University of North Texas) Territorial Claims and the Bargaining Model Henk E. Goemans (University of Rochester) Kenneth A. Schultz (Stanford University) Reversing Democracy’s Gains: Territorial Threat and Regime Reversals Jaroslav Tir (University of Colorado) The Historical Origins of Territorial Disputes David Carter (Princeton University) Human Rights Peace Studies Transi onal Jus ce Across Space and Time: Tracing Pathways of In uence on Democracy SC20: Saturday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Panel Transi onal Jus ce Complete Only a er One Genera on? The Case of the Two‐Germanys Anja Mihr (University of Utrecht) Tracing E ects of Transi onal Jus ce Mechanisms: Methodological Challenges and Early Lessons from Brazil and Chile Chandra Sriram (University of East London) Comparing Transi onal Jus ce Impact. How Ins tu onal Design, Mandate, and Context Ma er Valerie Arnould (University of East London) The Brazilian Na onal Truth Commission One Year Later: An Assessment of its Work and Challenges to the Promo on of Social Reconcilia on in Brazil 25 Aears A er the End of the Dictatorship Era Renata B. Ferreira (IBMEC- Rio de Janeiro) Disaggrega ng Democracy in the Study of Transi onal Jus ce Impact Brigi e Wei en (University of Konstanz) Global Development Wars of Development, Wars of Heritage: The (Un)Making of a Colonial World SC21: Saturday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Siba Grovogui (Johns Hopkins University) Disc. Charles W. Mills (Northwestern University) Panel “Ma, Where Will the Birds Go? Where will Grandpa Sleep?” Beverly S. Fok (University of Minnesota) Between Humans and Human Heritage: Western No ons of 'Cosmopolitan' Middle East Elif Kalaycioglu (University of Minnesota) The Ethics of Tahreer: A Scream or a Song, Blood or A erglow? Khadija El Alaoui (McGill University) Jose Mar ’s and Ho Chi Minh’s Decolonial Visions: Staging A Trans‐ Oceanic Conversa on Quynh N. Pham (University of Minnesota) Bloody Transla ons: Dissemblance, Denial, and the Western Subject Narendran Kumarakulasingam (una liated) Interna onal Security Studies Construc ng Interna onal Security SC22: Saturday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Amy S. King (Australian Na onal University) Disc. Benoit Pelopidas (University of Bristol) Panel The Role of Corpora ons in Construc ng Energy Security Concerns: A Case Study on the European Union Alexandra Maria Bocse (University of Cambridge) On Clashing Security Ra onales and Empty Di usion: The Case of the Czech Biosecurity Community and its (Non‐)Interna onaliza on Dagmar Rychnovska (Charles University in Prague) Jan Daniel (Charles University in Prague) Think‐tanks and the Eastern Mediterranean Natural Gas: A Framing Analysis Emine Eminel Sülün (METU) Aylin Guney Gurzel (Eastern Mediterranean University) The Crea ve Assassins: Drones, Prac oner Innova on and the Degrada on of the Targeted Killing Taboo Simon Pra (University of Toronto) All That Over A Few Wind‐Swept Islands: Bri sh Iden ty and the Falklands War Stuart Strome (University of Florida) Interna onal Security Studies Poli cal Economy of Irregular Warfare SC23: Saturday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Rosella M. Cappella (Boston University) Disc. Ariel I. Ahram (Virginia Tech) Panel Predatory Elite Pact Poli cs: The Case of Afghanistan Jodi Vi ori (Na onal Defense University) Economic In uence in Irregular Warfare Adam Albrich (RAND Corpora on) Rebecca D. Pa erson (Na onal Defense University) Poli cal Economy of Warlord External Strategies: Lessons from Afghanistan Romain A. A. Malejacq (Radboud University Nijmegen) A Poli cal Economy Explana on for Armed Group Di eren a on Peter Thompson (Na onal Defense University) Dystopian Future: The Rise of the Criminal State Michael Miklaucic (Na onal Defense University) Peace Studies Interna onal Con ict Interven on: Is it Worth it? SC24: Saturday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Schuyler Foerster (USAF Academy) Disc. Schuyler Foerster (USAF Academy) Panel What to Leave in Your Place? Vietnamiza on and the Building Police and Military Ins tu ons that Survive the Withdrawal of Foreign Assistance Rex Douglass (University of California San Diego) The Major Powers and Their Rela on to Peace: Capability Distribu on, Liberal Primacy, Or Managerial Coordina on? Konstan nos Travlos (Georgia Southern University ) Failure is Forbidden ‐ The Road to the Taif Agreement Eric Bordenkircher (UCLA) Humanitarian Interven ons of the United Na ons and Peacekeeping Opera ons: The Space Between the Sovereignty of a State and the Intangible Rights of a Human Being Fernanda Costa (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro) Con ict Analysis as a Baseline for Interven on Evalua on Cathryn Thurston (Na onal Intelligence University) Scien c Study of Interna onal Processes Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on The Interna onal Dimensions of Civil Military Rela ons and Coups SC25: Saturday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Alexander B. Downes (George Washington University) Disc. Tobias F. Boehmelt (Swiss Federal Ins tute of Technology (ETH Zurich)) Panel Democracy Promo on and the Demise of the Democra c Coup Jonathan M. Powell (Nazarbayev University) The Causes and Consequences of War‐Time Coup d'Etat Jun Koga (University of Strathclyde ) How Interna onal Actors Respond to Coups, 1950‐2011 Megan Shannon (Florida State University) Clayton Thyne (University of Kentucky) Are Sanc ons Good for Democracy Shmuel Nili (Yale) Human Rights from Human Capital? The E ects of American Training of Foreign Militaries Jesse Dillon Savage (University of Melbourne) Jonathan Caverley (Northwestern University) Intelligence Studies Intelligence Leaders in Interna onal Rela ons SC26: Saturday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Joe Wippl (Boston University) Disc. James J. Wirtz (Naval Postgraduate School) Panel Li Kenong and the Prac ce of Chinese Intelligence Peter Ma s (Jamestown Founda on) Erich Mielke's Impact on the German Democra c Republic and the Soviet Bloc Paul Maddrell (Loughborough University) Jorge Noguera and the Demise of the Colombian DAS Zakia Shiraz (University of Warwick) Nixon's Man: CIA Director James Schlesinger Christopher R. Moran (Warwick University) The Intellectual Redneck: William Odom Richard James Aldrich (University of Warwick) Intelligence Studies Post Communist States Transna onal Challenges for Intelligence Prac oners: Insights from the European Borderlands SC27: Saturday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Valen n Filip (Romanian Intelligence Service / Na onal Intelligence Academy) Disc. Michael Andregg (University of St. Thomas) Panel Intelligence in Cyberspace. The Importance of Social Network Analysis. Tudor Rat (Open Source Center) Impor ng Violence in Western Socie es – The Case of Romania and Beyond Ivan Cris na Mihaela (The Na onal Intelligence Academy Mihai Viteazul) Intelligence Diplomacy – Smart Networking in a Complex World Cos nel Anuta (Na onal Intelligence Academy) Interna onal Migra on and Brain Drain: The Impact of Popula on Loss on Romanian Na onal Security Alina Paun (Romanian Intelligence Service) Niculae Iancu (Romanian Domes c Intelligence Service (SRI)) Intelligence Analysis: Tradi on vs. An fragility Bogdan Prisecaru (Na onal Intelligence Academy) Interna onal Poli cal Economy Fringe Finance and Financial Inclusion SC28: Saturday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Phil Cerny (York, UK) Disc. Rob Aitken (University of Alberta) Panel Economic Categories in Neoliberal Socie es Marion Fourcade (University of California at Berkeley) A Way In—or—No Way Out? Quandaries of Anglo‐American Financial Inclusion Strategies Johnna Montgomerie (University of Manchester) Peruvian Assemblages and the Actua on of Financial Extension: Logics, Partnerships, and Sociotechnical Infrastructures Marie Langevin (University of O awa) Financial Inclusion at the Margins of Agrarian Change Marcus E. Taylor (Queen's University, Kingston) Explaining and Quan fying the Extrac ve Success of Financial Systems: Micro nance and the Financializa on of Poverty Philip Mader (University of Basel) Interna onal Security Studies Renewing U.S. Na onal Security in an Era of Constraints SC29: Saturday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Jon Lindsay (University of California) Disc. Daryl G. Press (Dartmouth) Panel Imagining the Post‐Iraq, Post‐Afghanistan, Post‐Libya, Post‐Cold War Military: How a Strategy of Restraint Would Change Washington and the Pentagon Christopher Preble (Cato Ins tute) Intelligence in the Twi er Age Joshua Rovner (Southern Methodist University) The United States and Small Wars: Modest Goals, Be er Outcomes Jacqueline Hazelton (U.S. Naval War College Department of Strategy and Policy) U.S. Security Commitments: Deterrence and Reassurance in an Era of Reduc ons Jasen J. Cas llo (Bush School of Government and Public Service, Texas A&M) The United States and North Vietnam: Ge ng Out of a War Phil M. Haun (United States Naval War College) Colin Jackson (US Naval War College) Interna onal Security Studies Strategy and Poli cs in Mari me Security SC30: Saturday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Philip Steinberg (Durham University) Disc. Chris an Wirth (Gri th University) Panel The Strategic Dimension of the South Atlan c Ocean Antonio R. A. Silva (PUC-Rio) Private Military Companies and the Fight against Piracy – Implica ons for Mari me Security Radana Makariusová (Metropolitan University Prague) Securing the Blue Amazon: Requirements for a Brazilian Mari me Policy for the 21 st Century Erico Esteves Duarte (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul) China’s Strategy towards Mari me Boundaries through the Lenses of its (Re)Quest for Space and Place in the Interna onal System Claudia Zanardi (King's College London - War Studies) Interna onal Communica on Informa on and Communica on Technology and Policy-Making SC31: Saturday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Elizabeth (Be y) C. Hanson (University of Connec cut) Disc. Nane e S. Levinson (American University) Panel Global (Internet) Governance: A General Model Hans K. Klein (Georgia Ins tute of Technology) A Policy Di usion Model of E‐Government Implementa on Across Na ons Girish Je erson Gula (Bentley University) Don’t You Forget About Me: The Geopoli cs of Social Media, Privacy and Regula on Katharine Sarikakis (University of Vienna) Leslie Shade (University of Toronto ) Bringing the United Kingdom and Europe Closer Together? Search Engine Use During the Global Recession Paul Reilly (University of Leicester) Filippo Trevisan (University of Glasgow) Peace Studies Where is Peace? Third Spaces, Safe Havens, and Symbolic Spheres SC32: Saturday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Stefanie Kappler (Liverpool Hope University) Chair Jenny H. Peterson (University of Bri sh Columbia) Disc. Costas M. Constan nou (University of Cyprus) Panel Peace Forma on and Local Infrastructures for Peace Oliver Richmond (University of Manchester) Conceptualising the Third Space in Con ict Resolu on Birte Vogel (University of Manchester) Construc ng the Wabanaki TRC: Percep ons and Understandings Siobhan McEvoy-Levy (Butler University) Alison Macmillan Watson Benne Collins (University of St Andrews, UK) Using Lessons from the ‘Global South’: Crea ng Spaces for Peace in Greater Manchester, UK Amanda McCorkindale Situa ng the par cularisms of place in global resistance: Spaces of resistance at the Tunisian World Social Forum Karen Buckley (University of Manchester) Feminist Theory and Gender Studies Intersec onality in Feminist Security Studies: Methodology Ma ers SC33: Saturday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Alexis L. Henshaw (University of Arizona) Disc. Melanie Richter‐Montpe t (York University) Panel Sexing the Researcher: Re exivity and Making Meaning of War Sandra McEvoy (Wheelock College) Un t For Duty: Determining the US Military’s Struggle for Heteronorma ve Order and Discipline Sharain Sasheir Naylor (University of Hawaii at Manoa) Ethnomethodology’s Concept of “Breaches” and “Repair Work”: Exploring the Intersec on of Interpre ve Sociology and Cri cal IR Jesse Crane-Seeber (North Carolina State University) Exploring the Language of Despera on Surrounding the Chechen Con ict from 1994‐2010 Caron Gentry (University of St Andrews) Zooming In Zooming Out and the Study of Security Piki Ish-Shalom (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem) Interna onal Ethics Interna onal Poli cal Economy Global Governance and Business Ethics SC34: Saturday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Maryam Zarnegar Delo re (Arcadia University) Disc. Ma hias Ho erberth (University of Texas, San Antonio) Panel Transna onal Business Governance in the Private Security Industry: The Prolifera on, Dynamic Interac on, and Evolu on of Self‐ Regula on in Land‐Based and Mari me Security Rebecca DeWinter-Schmi (American University) Norma ve Spaces and the Prolifera on of Global Corporate Social Responsibility Frameworks for Extrac ve Industries: Any Real Impacts? Nathan Andrews (University of Alberta) Business Perspec ves on Public‐Private Partnerships and Corporate Social Responsibility Michael A. Stevenson (University of Waterloo) Hiding in Plain Sight: The Role of Mul na onal Electronics Corpora ons in Environmental and Human Harm Lucy McAllister (University of Colorado at Boulder) Mul ‐level CSR Approaches at Transna onal Mining Companies: A Comparison of Three Companies Kernaghan Webb (Ryerson University) Andrei Iovu (Ryerson University) Diploma c Studies Leading Countries and Leadership SC35: Saturday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair William Norris (Bush School, Texas A&M) Disc. James R. Holmes (Naval War College) Panel Leading the G20 in the Asian Century: Troika Diplomacy for Pivotal Powers Susan G. Harris Rimmer (The Australian Na onal University) “Undermining Stability”? The Role of Missile Defence in US‐Russian Arms Control Nego a ons Ingmar Zielke (King's College London) A Counterfactual Es ma on of the Impact of Leadership and Diplomacy on the End of the Cold War Benjamin Mueller (London School of Economics and Poli cal Science) Poli cal Slogans as Public Diplomacy: the Case of China’s Peaceful Rise/Development and Harmonious World slogans Falk Har g (Goethe University Frankfurt) “Fortress Europe” and the “Arab Uprisings” ‐ Analyzing Transna onal Migra on Policies towards the Middle East and North Africa Inez Freiin von Weitershausen (London School of Economics and Poli cal Science) Theory Recogni on as Mo ve and Resource in Interna onal Poli cs SC36: Saturday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Ned Lebow (Dartmouth College) Disc. Tuomas A. Forsberg (University of Tampere) Panel The Medusa E ect: Problema c Features of the Interna onal Poli cs of Recogni on Maria Birnbaum (European University Ins tute) A Reconsidera on of the E ects of Status Inconsistency Aaron Shreve (University of California, Davis) Societal Change and the Recogni on of Di erence in Emerging Democracies: Toward Fragmenta on or Homogeniza on? Johannes Plagemann (GIGA German Ins tute of Global and Area Studies) Status in Interna onal Poli cs Marina Duque (Ohio State University) Theory Structuralism and Its Cri cs a er Kenneth Waltz SC37: Saturday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Patrick James (University of Southern California) Disc. Balkan Devlen (Izmir University of Economics) Panel Realism and the Limits of History Andrew Davenport (Aberystwyth University) The Neorealist Theory of the State David Polansky (University of Toronto) IR Models of Structure Beyond Waltz: From Anarchy versus Hierarchy to a 'Mul polar' Field of Structural Models? Olaf Corry (Open University, UK) Varie es of Waltz's Structuralism Michael E. Dietrich (University of Western Ontario) Meta‐theory in Neorealism: The Theory of "Theory of Interna onal Poli cs" Bri nee Carter (University of Kansas) Interna onal Security Studies Masters of Peace: Civil A airs Forces in the American Way of War SC38: Saturday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Marc Ventresca (University of Oxford) Disc. Karen Gu eri (Naval Postgraduate School) Download 5.69 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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