Assessing feasibility of hydropeacebuilding in the Jordan River Basin using serious gaming and a human ecosystem approach
Part. Benjamin Brake (U.S. State Department) Part
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Benjamin Brake (U.S. State Department) Part. Tricia L. Bacon (Georgetown University) Roundtable Human Rights Scien c Study of Interna onal Processes Interna onal Elements of Domes c Human Rights Behaviors SB33: Saturday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Yonatan Lupu (George Washington University) Disc. Daniel Hill (University of Georgia) Panel Domes c Implementa on of Suprana onal Court Decisions: The Role of Domes c Judicial Power in Respect for Human Rights Jillienne E. Haglund (Florida State University) Sanc ons, Repression, and Poli cal Opposi on: The Role of Elec ons in Target States Colton He ngton (University of Missouri) The Human Rights Trade: Why States Address Human Rights in Trade Agreements Jessica M. Anderson (University of Missouri - Columbia) Explaining Interna onal A tudes toward Torture Jeremy Mayer (George Mason University) Feminist Theory and Gender Studies Environmental Studies Interna onal Poli cal Economy Food, Water, and Land: the Poli cal Economy of Gender and Environment SB34: Saturday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Jenny R. Kehl (University of Wisconsin) Disc. Jenny R. Kehl (University of Wisconsin) Panel Food, Security, Gender: Experiences of Women in Rural Rwanda Marie Jeanne Nzayisenga Isabell Schierenbeck (Associate Professor, School of Global Studies, Gothenburg University) Women and Mining in Ghana: En‐Gendering the Concept of Corporate Social Responsibility Nathan Andrews (University of Alberta) Land, Con ict and Women’s Iden ty in North East India Rubi Devi (The University of Southern Mississippi) Gita Bharali Women and Environ in the Age of Globaliza on: Orienta on and Percep on of College Women in an Indian State Niranjan Barik (Ravenshaw University) German Poli cal Science Associa on De-securi zing the Interna onal Peace and Security Architecture: Rethinking Interna onal Organiza ons’ Performance and Contribu ons to Furthering ‘Peace(ful) Governance’ SB35: Saturday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Mathias Theo Albert (Bielefeld University) Disc. Stephan Ste er (Bundeswehr University of Munich) Panel Peacebuilding and Religion: Evalua ng Social Cohesion Timothy D. Sisk (University of Denver) Engaging with ‘the Threat’? Tracing De‐securi za on between UN Security Council and the UN Assistance Mission in Iraq (UNAMI) Kers n Eppert (University of Bielefeld) Mathias Theo Albert (Bielefeld University) Con ict Systems and Communica ve Spaces: Placing UN Interven ons in World Society Theory Mitja Sienknecht (Bielefeld University/ European University Viadrina) Mathias Theo Albert (Bielefeld University) Interna onal Poli cal Sociology Poli cs, Security, and Indi erence SB36: Saturday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Elspeth H. Guild (University of Nijmegen) Disc. Elspeth H. Guild (University of Nijmegen) Panel Indi erence as Refusal Didier Bigo (Paris Ins tute of Poli cal Studies) Do Humanitarians Make a Di erence? Humanitarian Agency and the Poli cs of Indi erence Paulo Luiz Esteves (Pon cal Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro) “You’re Not From Here”: The Construc on of Indi erence in Alamance County, NC Laura Roselle (Elon University) Securing Indi erence Tugba Basaran (University of Kent) Consent, Dissent, Indi erence: The American Crisis of Fantasy and Social Reproduc on Hasmet Uluorta (Trent University) Human Rights Foreign Policy Analysis Democracy Promo on in the Age of China's Rise SB37: Saturday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Marco Buente (Monash University ) Disc. Joern Dosch (University of Rostock) Panel China and Western Democracy Promo on in Central Asia Gordon M. Crawford (University of Leeds) Aijan Sharshenova (University of Leeds) Democracy Promo on in China's Backyard: Authoritarian Dynamics in Burma and Cambodia Marco Buente (Monash University ) Re‐inven ng EU Democracy and Good Governance Promo on in Southeast Asia Naila Maier-Knapp (University of Cambridge) Interna onal Poli cal Economy The Washington Consensus versus the Frankfurt Consensus? Comparing IMF and ECB Policies in the European Crisis SB38: Saturday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Daniela Schwarzer (SWP German Ins tute for Interna onal and Security A airs) Disc. Manuela Moschella (Centre for Interna onal Governance Innova on (CIGI) and University of Turin) Panel Accelera ng the Decline: Austerity and the Erosion of the Mechanisms of Global Governance Ma hew C. Morgan (York University) The Harmoniza on of Rules and Models in the Cross‐border Capital Markets: The Case of the Unidroit Geneva Securi es Conven on Nora Rachman (Fundacao Getulio Vargas - Sao Paulo Law School, Brazil) The Poli cs of Reform in Post‐Independence Central Banking: The Case of the ECB Daniela Gabor (University of West England) Good Cop, Bad Cop? The Interna onal Monetary Fund, the European Central Bank and the Poli cs of Austerity Daniela Schwarzer (SWP German Ins tute for Interna onal and Security A airs) Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Poli cal Processes and Security in Africa SB39: Saturday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Nikolaos Biziouras (United States Naval Academy) Disc. Aime Saba (School of Poli cal Science and Interna onal Studies, University of Queensland) Panel Crossing Over: Borders, Boundaries, and Peacebuilding in 16 African Cases James Milner (Carleton University) Tradi onally Democra c? Assessing the Democra c Compa bility of Tradi onal Poli cal Systems in Africa Daniela Kromrey (University of Konstanz) Local Poli cal Ins tu ons and the Loca on of Poli cal Violence in Africa Tore Wig (University of Oslo, and the Peace Research Ins tute Oslo, PRIO) Figh ng the Hydra? The EU’s Strategy Against Instability in the Sahel Region Chantal Lavallée (Université de Montréal) Jan Claudius Voelkel (Cairo University) Interna onal Ethics Feminist Theory and Gender Studies Forces for Good – Soldiering, Interven on, and Homecoming SB40: Saturday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Mark Phythian (University of Leicester) Disc. Annika Bergman Rosamond (Lund University) Panel Forces for Good? The Experience of Bri sh Female Personnel in Afghanistan Claire Duncanson (University of Edinburgh) Forced Conscrip on, Commemora ons, Alsa an Home Comers and Their Families Florence Fröhlig (Södertörn University) Masculini es of Forge ng and Remembering: Vietnamese Male Soldiers and the War between Vietnam and the USA Helle Rydström (Lund University) Homecoming and Scandinavian Post‐Military Interven onist Narra ves of Obliga on Annica Kronsell (Lund University) There's No Place Like Home? Rethinking the Communitarian Logic of 'Just War' via the Homeland Thomas Moore (University of Westminster) Interna onal Poli cal Economy China: Power, Purpose, and Posi on SB41: Saturday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Hyon Joo Yoo (Trinity University) Disc. Richard Weixing Hu (Uninversity of Hong Kong) Panel The Rise of China: Theore cal and Historical Perspec ves Ji Young Choi (Ohio Wesleyan University) Norma ve Hierarchy in Informal Financial Governance: Why is China Rela vely Docile? Hironori Wada (Aoyama Gakuin) Macroeconomic Impacts of Chinese Accession to WTO on Developed Countries Isbandiyar Hashimov (Eastern Mediterranean University) Economic Integra on and Rivalry in Asia: Comparing Regional Trade Strategies of China, India, Japan and South‐Korea Jappe Eckhardt (World Trade Ins tute, University of Bern) Omar Serrano (Visi ng Scholar Centre for Interna onal Trade and Development, Jawaharlal Nehru University) America VS China: Determinants of Poli cal Economy of Hunza Saranjam M. Baig (Claremont Graduate University) Post Communist States Russia, the ‘New Authoritarianism’ and Russian Foreign Policy SB42: Saturday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Ma hew Sussex (University of Tasmania) Disc. Charles E. Ziegler (University of Louisville) Panel Pu nism and Russian Foreign Policy Peter Shearman (Webster University, Bangkok) The Challenges to European Security Architecture Viewed from the Russia‐Georgia Conundrum Sandra Dias Fernandes (University of Minho (Portugal)) Towards a New Balance of Power? Russia’s Na onal Security Strategy in an Emerging Polycentric World Order John Francis Berryman (Birkbeck, University of London) The Eurasian Union: Do Not Count Your Member States Before They Are Hatched Lilia Arakelyan (University of Miami) Human Rights Jus ce and Peace through Reconcilia on SB43: Saturday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Noam Peleg (University College London) Disc. Noam Peleg (University College London) Panel Truth and Reconcilia on Commissions as Instruments of Peace and Reconcilia on in Liberia and Sierra Leone Wendy R. Lambourne (University of Sydney) James Tonny Dhizaala (The University of Sydney) Who Reconciles? In uences on Vic ms' Reac ons to Experiences of Violence and Trauma David Backer (University of Maryland) Gender, Coloniza on and Stolen Sisters: Interna onal Frames for Truth and Reconcilia on? Rosemary L. Nagy (Nipissing University, Canada) Reconciling Reconcilia on: Di ering Concep ons of the Supreme Court of Canada and the Canadian Truth and Reconcilia on Commission Kim Stanton (Stanton Legal) Interna onal Communica on The Role of Media in Interna onal Crises, Con ict, and Con ict Resolu on SB44: Saturday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Douglas A. Van Belle (Victoria University of Wellington) Disc. Douglas A. Van Belle (Victoria University of Wellington) Panel Meta‐Analysis of Crisis Communica on: The Case of Israel Eytan Gilboa (Bar-Ilan University) Clila Magen (Boston University) Capture the Flag! How The Western Press Fails to Grasp African Resource Wars. Christopher R. Cook (University of Pi sburgh at Johnstown) Narra ves, Interac on and the Social Media Chiara De Franco (University of Southern Denmark) Do Rebels and Warlords Care about (Distant) Bad Press? Non‐state Par es to Con ict and Media Coverage Virgil Hawkins (Osaka University) The Media and Reconcilia on: Rehumaniza on and Post‐Con ict Media Interven ons Babak Bahador (University of Canterbury) Interna onal Poli cal Sociology Global Development Place Ma ers: Globaliza on and its Fric ons SB45: Saturday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Timothy Koechlin (Vassar College) Disc. Naeem Inayatullah (Ithaca College) Panel Documen ng the Postcolonial City Rohan K. Kalyan (Sewanee: the University of the South) War in the City: Mumbai and the Global City Security Imaginary Samarjit Ghosh (University of Minnesota) Interroga ng Development and its Discontents in the Brazilian Amazon Túlio Resende B. Zille (Johns Hopkins University) Chokepoints of Resistance: Rethinking Interrup ons to the Mari me Flow of Global Commodi es Charmaine S. Chua (University of Minnesota) Peace Studies Diploma c Studies Media on and Track II Diplomacy: Problems and Prospects SB46: Saturday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Mai'a Keapuolani Davis Cross (ARENA Centre for European Studies) Disc. Anat Niv‐Solomon (City University of New York) Panel Can Second‐Track Diplomacy Trump No Diplomacy At All? North Korea’s New Foreign Policy Management. Virginie Grzelczyk (Aston University) EU in Con ict Management in South Caucasus: Promo ng Peace Within the European Neighbourhood Policy Shahla Gahramanova (Diploma c Academy of Ukraine) Third Party Interven ons in Economic Statecra : The Role of Armed Non‐State Actors Shoghig Mikaelian (Concordia University) Media ng Among the Elites and Grassroots: Explaining Di eren al Community Support in the Good Friday Agreement and the Annan Plan Referendums. Joana Amaral (University of Kent) Media on and the Preven on of Mass Atroci es: Limits and Dilemmas Ruben Reike (University of Oxford) Feminist Theory and Gender Studies Interna onal Poli cal Economy Poli cal Demography and Geography Understanding, Theorizing, and Accoun ng for Social Reproduc on in the Global Poli cal Economy SB47: Saturday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Juanita Elias (University of Warwick) Disc. Aida Arfan Hozic (University of Florida) Panel Deple on: Measuring the Costs of Social Reproduc on Shirin M. Rai (University of Warwick) Social Reproduc on, Unfreedom, and the Poli cal Economy of Migrant Labour in Canada and the UK Kendra Strauss (Simon Fraser University ) Nego a ng Social Reproduc on: Space of Distribu on and the Food Market in Historical Perspec ve Sébas en Rioux (University of Bri sh Columbia) Mineral Mining in the Democra c Republic of the Congo: Technology Produc on and the Reproduc on of Social and Poli cal Rela ons Imran Ali (DePaul University) A Feminist Cri que of Community Cohesion as “Growth” Strategy Daniela Tepe-Belfrage (University of She eld) Ac ve Learning in Interna onal A airs Using Art and Technology to Teach IR SB48: Saturday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Roberta Guerrina Disc. Jennifer G. Mathers (University of Wales) Panel Teaching through Student Par cipa on in Global Mee ngs Madeline M. Carr (Aberystwyth University) The Use of Art‐Making to Enhance Understanding in IR: A Lesson from the Popoki Peace Project Ronni Alexander (Kobe University) Russian Poli cs Explained by the Spice Girls: Trialling Task‐Based Learning in the Interna onal Rela ons Classroom Cai Wilkinson (Deakin University ) Teaching the Third World in Interna onal Poli cs in the Digital Age: Facebook versus Twi er Ayla Gol (Aberystwyth University) Video Use in Interna onal Rela ons: Teaching Cri cal Evalua ve Skills Jack Holland (University of Surrey) Interna onal Security Studies Peacekeeping, UN, and Power SB49: Saturday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Kate M. R. Seaman (University of Bath ) Disc. Paul S. Staniland (University of Chicago) Panel The Poli cs of Par ality: Power and Legi macy in UN Peacekeeping Jeni Whalan (University of New South Wales) The Impact of the United Na ons’ Promo on of Human Rights in Post‐Con ict Countries on Member State Willingness to Par cipate in Peacekeeping Missions Gary J. Uzonyi (University of Massachuse s- Lowell) The Unintended Consequences of Post‐Cold War Peacekeeping Jamie Levin (University of Toronto) Abouzar Nasirzadeh (University of Toronto) Peacekeeping and the 'Crowd': Can Crowdsourcing Technology Support United Na ons Peacekeeping Opera ons? Charles Patrick Mar n-Shields (George Mason University) Do Financial Incen ves A ect Whether States Choose to Peacekeep? Joshua Libben (University of O awa) Interna onal Poli cal Economy Blocked Trade or Trade in Blocs? - Regionalism and Trade Liberaliza on SB50: Saturday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Tal Sadeh (Tel Aviv University) Disc. Wolfgang Sterk (Wuppertal Ins tute for Climate, Environment and Energy) Panel Foreign Trade Zones: Relevance in the Free Trade Era Demetri Amaro (California Mari me Academy) Lui Hebron (DeVry University) Trading Ourselves Out of Recession? A Cri cal Re ec on on the Proposed EU‐US Free Trade Agreement Gabriel Siles-Brügge (University of Manchester) Ferdi De Ville (Ghent University) The Poli cal Economy of Preferen al Trade Agreements:The Transatlan c Trade and Investment Partnership Stormy-Annika Mildner (German Ins tute for Interna onal and Security A airs (SWP)) Who Supports Free Trade in East Asia in the Post‐Crisis Era? A Confucian Theory of Trade Policy Preferences Hans Tung (Na onal Taiwan University) Turkish Interna onal Studies Associa on State-Society Rela ons in the Middle East and North Africa A er the Arab Spring SB51: Saturday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Halit Mustafa Tagma (Ipek University) Disc. Payam Foroughi (OSCE Academy in Bishkek) Panel Changing Dynamics and Interac on of Tunisian Emigrants and Poli cal Ins tu ons a er the Arab Spring Halil Kürşad Aslan (Eskisehir Osmangazi University) Muslim Brotherhood as a Transna onal Poli cal Movement: Fragmenta on in Ac on, Unity in Discourse Cenap Cakmak (Eskisehir Osmangazi University, Turkey) State‐Society Rela ons in Algeria and Morocco a er the Arab Spring: Change or Con nuity in the Rules of the Game? Murat Aslan (Eskişehir Osmangazi University) Arab Revolu ons and The Turkish Model: The Debates in Egypt, Libya, and Tunisia Ahmet Uysal (Marmara University) Foreign Policy Analysis Explaining China's Foreign Rela ons SB52: Saturday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair William Norris (Bush School, Texas A&M) Disc. Nadine Godehardt (S ung Wissenscha und Poli k (SWP)) Panel China’s Rise and the Future of Cross‐Strait Rela ons: Certainty in the Midst of Uncertainty Yitan Li (Sea le University) Enyu Zhang (Sea le University) Mul lateralism and Bilateralism in China’s Foreign Policy: The Case of Central Asia Sebas an Biba (Goethe University, Frankfurt/Main, Germany) The All‐Weather Ties No More? How Beijing Manages Its Rela ons with Pakistan Jingdong Yuan (University of Sydney) China and Transna onal Wildlife Trade: A Foreign Policy Impact Analysis Peter Li (University of Houston Downtown) Jiang Sun (Northwest University of Law and Poli cs) Why is the South China Sea S rred up: Fragmented Authoritarianism and Chinese Asser veness Mengxiao "Phoebe" Tang (University of Southern California) Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on The Fragility of European ‘Space’: The Impact of the Crisis on the European Union’s Capacity to Engage in Mul lateral Ins tu ons SB53: Saturday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Nina Graeger (Norwegian Ins tute of Interna onal A airs) Disc. Costanza Musu (University of O awa) Panel Compe ng Spaces of Democracy in Europe: The Eurozone Crisis and the EU´s Democra c De cit Petr Kratochvil (Ins tute of Interna onal Rela ons) Zdenek Sychra (Masaryk University, Brno) Reducing the Over‐Representa on of European States in the IMF: What is the Real Impact on EU Policy In uence? Robert Kissack (Ins tut Barcelona d'Estudis Internacionals) The EU and Con ict Resources: Do Warlords Bene t from the Eurocrisis? Mar jn Vlaskamp (Ins tut Barcelona d'Estudis Internacionals (IBEI)) The EU’s Performance at the Global Climate Change Nego a ons in Times of Global Geopoli cal Transi on Lisanne Groen (Ins tute for European Studies (IES), Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)) The EU as a Security Community‐Building Ins tu on: Assessing the Impact of the Crisis Niklas Bremberg (Stockholm University) An Unse led EU in an Unse led Interna onal System: A Framework for Analysis Esther Barbé (Barcelona Ins tute for Interna onal Studies (IBEI)) Oriol Costa (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) Interna onal Security Studies Reevalua ng Counterinsurgency Strategies SB54: Saturday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Nori Katagiri (Air War College) Disc. Nori Katagiri (Air War College) Panel Land Reform and Insurgency Pui Hang Wong (Maastricht University) Overkill: Organiza onal Pathologies in Counterinsurgency Carrie Lee Lindsay (Stanford University) Figh ng Counterinsurgent State: Explaining Leadership Control within an Armed Organiza on Namrata Panwar (Na onal Chung Hsing University) Crea ng a Disaster to Win a War: Popula on Displacement and Counterinsurgency in Civil Con ict Adam Lichtenheld (University of California, Berkeley) Can Countries Buy Their Way Out of Insurgencies? Evidence from Iraq. Andrew Shaver (Princeton University) Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Brazil, Russia, India, and China: The New Wave of Advanced Economies SB55: Saturday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair William DeMars (Wo ord College) Disc. Jonathan R. Strand (University of Nevada, Las Vegas) Panel BRICS, Mul lateralism, Mul polarity: Tackling Mul ple Global Governance Dilemmas in a Shi ing World Order Carlos Frederico Pereira da Silva Gama (Pon cal Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro) Emerging Alliances and Rising Powers: Gulf – BRICs Economic Rela ons Crystal A. Ennis (Leiden University) The Driving Forces of the Development of a Pos ndustrial Society. Social and Economic Transforma on and Forma on of a New Technological Setup in the BRICS Countries Marina Vasilevskaya (Moscow State Ins tute of Interna onal Rela ons (University) of the MFA of Russia) Construc ng and Conceptualizing ‘Interdependent Hegemony’ In An Era of the Rise of China and BRICS Xing Li (Ins tut for Kultur og Globale Studier) Brazil’s Emergence as a Regional Powerhouse and Geopoli cal Implica ons of Its Ascend Radu Mihai Triculescu (University of Amsterdam ) Global Development Digital Space and Poli cal Par cipa on in the Global South SB56: Saturday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Jeanne W. Simon (Universidad de Concepcion (Chile)) Disc. Jeanne W. Simon (Universidad de Concepcion (Chile)) Disc. Luke R. Barnesmoore (San Francisco State University) Panel Global Connec ons Television: Informing the World William A. Miller (Global Connec ons Television) Poli cal Par cipa on Without Borders: Towards a Comprehensive Theory of Online Social Capital Javier Sajuria (University College London) Inscribing poli cs in a virtual space: Twi er as a poli cal chariot Emmy Eklundh (University of Manchester) Globalized Uprisings and Mediated Resistance: Digital Space and Uno cial Cultural Produc on Suzi Mirgani (CIRS, Georgetown University in Qatar) #World Society: Connec ng English School Theory to Global Poli cal Communica on Tobias Lemke (University of Delaware) Michael Habegger (University of Delaware) Social Glasnost: The Social Media Age and the Implosion of Interna onal Rela ons A.T. Kingsmith (York University) Interna onal Educa on Ac ve Learning in Interna onal A airs Interna onal Poli cal Economy The Interna onal Poli cal Economy of Higher Educa on SB57: Saturday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Joel R. Campbell (Troy University) Disc. Ryo Shimizu (Doshisha University) Panel Explaining Policy Convergence: The Bologna Process and the Convergence of Higher Educa on Policy in 47 Countries James L. Guth (Furman University) So Power and Cultural Exchange: Assessing the Global In uence of U.S.‐hosted Higher Educa onal Exchange Programs Chris J. Dolan (Lebanon Valley College) Courtney Escudero Determinants of Student Mobility in Higher Educa on Timm Fulge (University of Bremen) Eva Maria Voegtle-Koeckeritz (University of Bremen) Foreign Policy Analysis Innova ve Techniques and Methodologies for Foreign Policy Analysis SB58: Saturday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Kyle E. Haynes (Webster University) Disc. Kyle E. Haynes (Webster University) Panel Opera onalizing the Contents of Na onal Interests: A Structural Equa on Modeling Charles Chonghan Wu (University of South Carolina) Measuring Changes in Rivalry 1816‐2010: Using Social Network Analysis and Bayesian Changepoint Analysis to Measure Changes in the Interna onal System Spencer L Willardson (University of Nevada, Las Vegas) Cameron G. Thies (Arizona State University) Cross‐Na onal Comparison of Poli cal Leaders' Opera onal Codes Ozlem Gumus (University of Central Florida) Shiva Jahani (University of Central Florida) Public Opinion, Media, and Canadian Foreign Policy: The Case of the Iraq War 2003 Jean-Christophe Boucher (MacEwan University) Ontology of "Events" in Foreign Policy Analysis Johanna Tuulia Nykanen (University of Warwick) European Union Studies Associa on Global Regula on: European In uence SB59: Saturday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair David Bach (Yale School of Management) Disc. David Bach (Yale School of Management) Panel Rewri ng the Rules: The European Union and Interna onal Avia on Hussein Kassim (University of East Anglia) Cross‐Na onal Layering and the Transforma on of Transatlan c Regulatory Disputes Henry Farrell Abraham Newman (Georgetown University) Managing Regulatory Con ict: A Comparison between EU‐US and China‐US Coopera on Elliot Posner (Case Western Reserve University) Safe at Any Level of Governance? Alasdair R. Young (Georgia Ins tute of Technology) Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Global Governance of Knowledge SB60: Saturday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Meng Hsuan Chou (Nanyang Technological University) Disc. Meng Hsuan Chou (Nanyang Technological University) Panel A Map of the European Research Area or a Route Towards a ‘ h freedom’? A Database of Original Contribu ons to EU Legal Research Nikos Vogiatzis (University of Liverpool) Dimitrios Kagiaros (University Of Hull) Global University Rankings and Shi s in Ins tu onal Strategies Tero Erkkilä (University of Helsinki) Ossi J. Piironen (University of Helsinki) Knowledge and Independence: Human Capital and Self‐Government and Independence of Iceland, Faroe Islands and Greenland Rasmus G. Bertelsen (Aalborg University) Europeaniza on and the Governance of Higher Educa on in the Bologna Process Beverly Barre (University of Miami) ‘What is the Value of a University?’: or, the Crisis of the Interna onal Poli cal Economy of Higher Educa on Isaac A. Kamola (Trinity College) Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Masquerades of War SB61: Saturday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Chris ne Sylvester (University of Connec cut) Disc. Maria Stern (University of Gothenburg) Panel 'Seems He A Dove?': The Scripted and Unscripted Masquerades of Conscien ous Objec on Cami Rowe (Goldsmiths, University of London) Masquerading Maoists: War's Double Agents in India Swa Parashar (Monash University) Terror/War:Boston/Iraq Chris ne Sylvester (University of Connec cut) The Decep ons of the Statesman Anthony Burke (University of New South Wales) Drawing the Line Between Violence and Non‐Violence: Deceits and Conceits Kimberly Hutchings (London School of Economics) Elizabeth Frazer (University of Oxford) Theme: Spaces and Places: Geopoli cs in an Era of Globaliza on Spaces, Places, and Prac ces of Resistance: Counter-Conduct in Global Poli cs SB62: Saturday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Tahseen Kazi (Ohio State University) Disc. Peter Mandaville (George Mason University) Panel Simula on and Spectacle: Forms of Governmentality and Counter‐ Conduct in the Arab World Helle E. Malmvig (DIIS, Danish Ins tute for Interna onal Studies) Democra za on as Confession: The Poli cs of Democra za on in the Middle East Andrea Te (University of Aberdeen, UK) Human Rights and / as Counter‐Conduct: Contes ng the Produc on of Human Rightlessness Louiza Odysseos (University of Sussex) Prac ces of Counter‐Conduct in Spaces of Resistance Chris Rossdale (City University London) Maurice S erl (University of Warwick) Counter‐Conducts as a Mode of Resistance: Ways of ‘Not Being Like That’ in South Africa Carl Death (University of Manchester) Interna onal Law Interna onal Law: Legi macy and the Social SB63: Saturday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Andrew A. G. Ross (Ohio University) Disc. Mark Raymond (Balsillie School of Interna onal A airs) Panel The Thin Legal Line: Strategic Legalism and Its Limits Rebecca Sanders (University of Cincinna ) The Social Design of Interna onal Law Giovanni Man lla (Brown University) Becoming Human: Interna onal Criminal Courts and the Building of Vic ms Memories Roberta Cerqueira Reis (PUC-Minas) Carlos Augusto Canêdo (UFMG) The Law and Prac ce of Government Recogni on in Poli cally Fragmented States Joshua Freedman (Northwestern University) Interna onal Security Studies Security Studies in La n America II: Contemporary Security Challenges SB64: Saturday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Arie M. Kacowicz (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) Disc. David Mares (University of California, San Diego) Panel Rela ve Peace and Emerging Fault Lines: Accoun ng for Trends in Intrastate Con ict in La n America Caroline Hartzell (Ge ysburg College) Resources and Con icts Over Land in La n America Artur Zimerman (Universidade Federal do ABC) Terrorism in La n America: Tendencies and Challenges Roman Or z La n America's Experience with Peace Support Opera ons: From Peacekeeping Recipients to Peace Exporters Arturo C. Sotomayor (Naval Post-Graduate School) The Rise of Brazil: Theore cal, Compara ve, and Historical Perspec ves Christopher Darnton (Catholic University of America) Foreign Policy Analysis EU Foreign Policies towards the Transpaci c Area: Asia and La n America SB65: Saturday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Pablo Toral (Beloit College) Disc. Stephan Klose (Lund University) Panel The EU, China, and Southeast Asia: Dichotomous Views on Dealing with Human Security Katja Weber (Georgia Ins tute of Technology) EU‐China Rela ons and their Implica ons for Asian Regional Integra on Emil J. Kirchner (University of Essex) Distant Partners: Comparison of EU Rela ons External Rela ons with La n America and Asia Roberto Dominguez (European University Ins tute) A Comparison of China´s and the European Union´s Foreign Policies Towards La n Rita A. Giacalone (Universidad de Los Andes) The EU and a Democra zing Asia: Indonesia, Myanmar, Interregionalism and Domes c Poli cs David Frederic Camroux (Sciences Po-CERI) Compara ve Interdisciplinary Studies Building and Re-building of State SB66: Saturday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Burak Kadercan (University of Reading) Disc. Daniel Pasciu (Johns Hopkins University) Panel How Declining States Think: Grand Strategy and Ideology in the Face of Decline Hiroaki Abe (Columbia University) Financializa on and Inequality Across History Tarek Tutunji (Johns Hopkins) The role of EU on World Governance Liliana Reis (University of Beira Interior) The Rebirth of the State: Reuni ca on Campaigns in Sixteenth Century Japan and Twen eth Century China Graham Odell (University of California, Irvine) Human Rights Cri cal Approaches to Human Rights SB67: Saturday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Danielle Roth‐Johnson (University of Nevada, Las Vegas) Disc. Jessica Auchter (University of Tennessee at Cha anooga) Panel Horror in Foreign Policy: Violence & Overkill in U.S.‐Mexico Rela ons Julie A. Murphy Erfani (Arizona State University) North Korean Human Rights Prac ces: Risk Causes and Challenges Mikyoung Kim (Hiroshima City University) Laying the Jasmine Wreath: Lament as Transi onal Jus ce Michael Galchinsky (Georgia State University) The Rising “Power” of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law Discourse Under the Current Global Order Gozde Turan (Bilkent University) Sezgi Karacan (Bilkent University) Ethnicity, Na onalism, & Migra on Studies Migrant Journeys Ii: Risk, Uncertainty and Violence in In-Between Space and Places SB68: Saturday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Ce a S. Mainwaring (University of Waterloo) Disc. Alison Mountz (Wilfried Laurier University) Panel Improvised Communi es: Passing Along Unauthorized Migratory Routes Noelle K. Brigden (Watson Center for Interna onal Studies, Brown University) Violence and Silence: One‐and‐a‐half Genera on Salvadoran Migrants’ Accounts of Immigra ng to the United States Susan Bibler Cou n (University of California, Irvine) The Journey and the Sequen al Border: Strategies to Avoid Violence During Undocumented Border Crossings in the Maghreb Michael Collyer (Sussex University) Risk Taking in Transit: The Case of Afghan Migrants in Turkey Esra Kaytaz (University of Oxford) In mate Crossings: The Poli cal Economy of In macy and Care Along Mexico’s Migrant Journey Wendy Vogt Interna onal Organiza on Legi macy Issues in Interna onal Organiza ons SB69: Saturday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Aigul Kulnazarova (School of Global Studies, Tama University) Disc. Magdalena Bexell (Lund University) Panel Public Regula on for Private Governance: Examining the Impacts of EU Regula on on the Func oning and Authority of Private Environmental and Social Governance Stefan Renckens (Yale University) Organizing to Construct Collec ve Iden es in Interna onal Poli cs: A Study of Democracy Promo on IGOs Amy Hsieh (George Washington University) Legi mizing Interna onal Development Organiza ons : A False Claim to ‘Moral Authority’? Maxi Ussar (London School of Economic and Poli cal Science) Ethnicity, Na onalism, & Migra on Studies Revisi ng Israeli Poli cs: Security, Iden ty, and Governance SB70: Saturday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair David Drissel (Iowa Central Community College) Disc. Ilan Danjoux (University of Calgary) Panel Excluding Minority Ethnona onal Par es from Coali on Governments: A Comparison of Israel and Canada Oded Haklai (Queen's University) Liora Norwich (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) The Roles of Religion in Na onal Legi ma on: Judaism and Zionism’s Elusive Quest for Legi macy Uriel Abulof (Princeton University, Tel-Aviv University) Why "Secular" Religious Democracies Fail Rameez Abbas (Johns Hopkins University) Human Rights The Economics of Human Rights SB71: Saturday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Clair Apodaca (Virginia Tech) Disc. Michael J. Bosia (Saint Michael's College) Panel Chavez's Venezuela: The Right to food vs. Food Security Rhoda E. Howard-Hassmann (Wilfrid Laurier University) Bridging the Digital Divide: Is Access to the Internet an Economic Right? Jack Barry (University of Connec cut) Transna onal Labour Regula on in an Era of GeoFare Didem Ozdemir (gazi university) Mobiliza on, Economic Rights, and Equality in Autocra c Regimes Leslie Marshall (University of Pi sburgh) Social Spending and Empowerment Rights Zack Bowersox (University of Missouri-Columbia) Post Communist States Catch Me if You Can: The Meaning and Reality of Eurasia SB73: Saturday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Filippo Costa Buranelli (King's College London) Disc. David G. Lewis (University of Exeter) Panel ‘Eurasia’ as Strategic Site: The Enduring Appeal of the ‘Heartland’ Nick Megoran (Newcastle University) Sevara Sharapova The Content of the Eurasian Regionalism: Eurasian Union or Eurasian Economic Union? Kairat Moldashev (University of Malaya) 'Eurasianism' in Russian Domes c and Foreign Policy Discourse Natasha C. Kuhrt (King's College London) Marcin Kaczmarski (University of Warsaw) Feminist Theory and Gender Studies Gender and Embodiment in Changing Landscapes of War SB79: Saturday 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Chair Synne Laastad Dyvik (University of Sussex) Disc. Tina J. Managhan (Oxford Brookes University) Panel Framing and Re‐framing the Feminiza on of the U.S. Soldier’s Wounded Body, Trauma, and the Global War on Terror Brianne P. Gallagher (University of Hawaii at Manoa) Gay Patriot Acts, (Na onal) Love, Violence and Belonging Melanie Richter-Montpe t (York University) 'Visceral Bodies": How are Soldiers Vsible as Perpetrators of Sexual Violence in Congo (DRC)? Rachel Massey (University of Manchester) On “Dirty Protest” and Biopoli cal Logics of Security Claire Lyness (University of California Santa Cruz) Resilient Bodies/ Resilient Wars; Gender, Sexuality and Trauma in Post‐9/11 Con icts Lauren Wilcox (University of Cambridge) ISA Cultural Event Film/Filming in IR: The Invisible Ba le elds SL05: Saturday 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM Chair Rune Saugmann Andersen (University of Copenhagen) Film Screening Interna onal Poli cal Sociology Theory Beyond Western Bias in IR theory? SC01: Saturday 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Chair Jyo ka Saksena (University of Indianapolis) Chair Robert W. Cox (York University) Disc. Giorgio Shani (Interna onal Chris an University) Download 5.69 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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