Avvalo birinchi grammatik qoidalarni undan so’ng qiladigan xatolarni ko’rib chiqing bu sizni kelasida qilinadigan har qanday xatolardan saqlab qoladi. Uni tugatib test yechish sirlarini yaxshilab o’rganib chiqing

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He quietly asked me to leave the house.

the request is quiet

He asked me quietly to leave the house.

the request is quiet

He asked me to leave the house quietly.

the leaving is quiet

Adverbs of degree
Bu turdagi ravishlar “how much” va "to what degree?" so’roqlariga javob bo’ladi va fe’l, ravish va sifatni tasvirlab darajalab keladi.

Adverb of degree





The water was extremely cold.



The movie is quite interesting.



He was just leaving.



She has almost finished.



She is running very fast.



You are walking too slowly.



You are running fast enough.
Istisno: Enough otdan oldin sifatdan keyin keladi

Adverbs of Attitude
Bu turdagi ravishlarimiz so’zlovchining nuqtai nazari yoki harakat haqida fikrni bayon qilishga yordam beradi. Bu turdagi ravishalar asosan gapning boshida keladi kamdan kam oxirida keladi. Pastda sizga ularni joylashish mumkin o’rinlari ko’rsatilgan. Agarda ravish noodatiy yoki o’gzaki nutq uchun judayam formal o’rinda qo’llangan bo’lsa biz uni * yulduzcha bilan belgilab ko’rsatiladi.

Viewpoint or commenting adverb

At the start of a sentence

Before the main verb

At the end of a sentence


Clearly, he doesn't know what he is doing.

He clearly doesn't know what he is doing.

He doesn't know what he is doing, clearly.


Obviously, you are acting silly.

You are obviously acting silly

You are acting silly, obviously.


Personally, I'd rather go by train.

I'd personally rather go by train.

I'd rather go by train, personally.


Presumably, he didn't have time to go to the post office.

He presumably didn't have time to go to the post office.

He didn't have time to go to the post office, presumably.


Seriously, I can't give this speech.

I seriously can't give this speech.

I can't give this speech, seriously.


Surely you tried to get here on time.

You surely tried to get here on time.

You tried to get here on time, surely.


Technically, we cannot fly to Mars and back.

We technically cannot fly to Mars and back.

We cannot fly to Mars and back, technically.


Undoubtedly, he has a good reason not to come.

He undoubtedly has a good reason not to come.

He has a good reason not to come, undoubtedly.


Bravely, I kept on walking.

I bravely kept on walking.

*I kept on walking, bravely.


Carelessly, she threw her book into the pond.

She carelessly threw her book into the pond.

*She threw her book into the pond, carelessly.


Certainly you should be there.

You certainly should be there. / You should certainly be there.

You should be there, certainly.


Cleverly, Sally hid the jellybeans.

Sally cleverly hid the jellybeans.

*Sally hid the jellybeans, cleverly.


*Definitely, you are smart.

You defintely are smart. / You are definitely smart.

*You are smart, definitely.


Foolishly, they cried out.

They foolishly cried out.

They cried out, foolishly.


Generously, he donated the money.

He generously donated the money.

*He donated the money, generously.


Stupidly, they played in the street.

They stupidly played in the street.

*They played in the street, stupidly.


Obviously, we are lost.

We are obviously lost. / *We obviously are lost.

We are lost, obviously.


Kindly, she fed the cat first.

She kindly fed the cat first.

She fed the cat first, kindly.


Luckily, you got here on time.

You luckily got here on time.

You got here on time, luckily.


Fortunately, we found the boat.

We fortunately found the boat.

We found the boat, fortunately.


Naturally, you cannot be in the circus now.

You naturally cannot be in the circus now.

You cannot be in the circus now, naturally.


Wisely, she stayed home to take a nap.

She wisely stayed home to take a nap.

She stayed home to take a nap, wisely.


Confidentially, I never gave him the envelope.

I never gave him the envelope, confidentially.


Theoretically, we could send astronauts to Mars.

We could theoretically send astronauts to Mars. / We theoretically could send astronauts to Mars.

We could send astronauts to Mars, theoretically.


Truthfully, I don't like chocolate much.

I truthfully don't like chocolate much.

I don't like chocolate much, truthfully.


Disappointingly, she got fourth place.

She disappointingly got fourth place.

She got fourth place, disappointingly.


Thoughtfully, I turned away.

I thoughtfully turned away.

I turned away, thoughtfully.


*Simply, I don't want to come.

I simply don't want to come.


Unbelievably, she showed up late again.

She unbelievably showed up late again.

She showed up late again, unbelievably.


Unfortunately, there is no more room.

There is unfortunately no more room. /
There unfortunately is no more room.

There is no more room, unfortunately.


Ega va kesim shaxs va sonda moslashishi kerak. Bu nima degani agar ega ko’plikda bo’lsa fe’l ham ko’plikda bo’lishi kerak. Ega birlikda bo’lsa, fe’l ham birlikda bo’lishi kerak. Keling shaxs degan narsaga to’xtalamiz osongina jaydari qib tushintirib beraman.
Ingliz tilida uchta shaxs bor:
First person- the speaker
Second person-the person spoken to
Third person- the person spoken about
Birinchi shaxs bu gapiruvchi gapiryotgan yoki yozyotgan odam 1-chi shaxs hisoblanadi. Endi tasavur qiling gapiruvchi men va biz deb gapiradimi agar gapuvchi siz desa o’zini takidlamayotgan bo’ladi. Shunaqasiga gapiruvchi o’zi haqida gapirmoqchi bo’lsa, faqat men yoki biz deb gapirishi kerak. Shundan kelib chiqadiki 1-shaxs I va We hisoblanadi. FIRST PERSON : I and WE
Ikkinchi shaxs bu eshituvchi inson ya’ni suhbatdosh siz gapiroyotgan odam ikkinchi shaxs hisoblanadi. Siz gapiryotgan odamizga u deb murojat qilasmi? yoki siz debmi? Albatta, suhbatdoshizga siz deb murojat qilasiz 1tadan ortiq kishi bilan gaplashayotgan bo’lsangiz demak sizlar deysiz. Biz ingliz tilida YOU orqali siz yoki sizlar deyishimiz mumkin bu matndan kelib chiqiladi. Xulosa qilamizki 2-shaxs you ekan. Hozir bizga bu muhimmas. SECOND PERSON : YOU
Uchinchi shaxs bu biz u haqida gapiryotgan odam ya’ni gapiruvchi ham emas, tinglovchi ham emas 3chi shaxs qisqasi g’iybat qilinyotgan shaxs(hazil). Shundan kelib chiqadiki siz suhbatdoshingizga o’ziz yoki u haqida gapirmasangiz boshqa odam haqida gapirmoqchi bo’lsangiz u deb aytasizmi Masalan U rosa
kuchayib ketibdi. Buyerdagi u 3-shaxs hisoblanadi. Shunaqasiga u va ular 3-shaxs ekanda
Tepadagi qoidalarga qarab egani birlik yoki ko’pligini bilib olasiz. Bobur 1ta odam demak birlik va u He olmoshiga to’g’ri keladi.
Shaxsni bildiz endi sonda ham moslashadi dedi shunga to’xtalsak o’zi son nima?
There are two number:
Singular- denoting one person or thing (I you he she it)
Plural- denoting more than one person or thing (You, they, we)
Otning oxiriga –s qo’shish orqali ko’plik yasaymiz; a book – kitob, books – kitoblar
Ingliz tilida birlik va ko’plik degan narsa bor agarda 1ta narsa bo’sa bu birlik 1dan ortiq bo’lsa demak bu ko’plik hisoblanadi.
Endi bizda tepadagi qoida bo’yicha agar ega birlikda bo’lsa, fe’l ham birlikda bo’lishi kerak edi. Faqat I va you bundan mustasno bu olmoshlar birlikda bo’lsa ham ko’plikdagi fe’l oladi. I runs emas I run.
Jadvalga qarang birlikdagi ega birlikdagi fe’l oladi ko’plikdagi ega ko’plik.


Singular Subject

Plural Subject

First Person

I run

We run

Second Person

You run

You all run

Third Person

He runs. She runs. The boy runs

They run.

Payqadingiz shekilli 3-shaxs birlikda fe’lga -s qo’shdik va biz present simple 3-shaxs birlikka –s qo’shamiz. Jadvalda ko’rganingizdek agarda Ega birlik bo’lsa, fe’l ham birlikda bo’ladi. Agarda I wals desangiz demak xato qilgan bo’lasiz. Bilaman bular juda oddiy qoidalar ammo pastda shunaqa qoidalar ko’rasiz qiynab qo’yadi. Ega va kesimni noto’g’ri moslashtirish ancha noqulayliklar sizga olib kelishi mumkin. Pastda qoidalarni unutmang qani kettik!!

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