Avvalo birinchi grammatik qoidalarni undan so’ng qiladigan xatolarni ko’rib chiqing bu sizni kelasida qilinadigan har qanday xatolardan saqlab qoladi. Uni tugatib test yechish sirlarini yaxshilab o’rganib chiqing

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im- (+ b/m/p)

an imbalance, an immoral act, immature behaviour, an impossible situation, an impractical dreamer, wait impatiently

ir- (+ r)

an irrational fear, an irresponsible attitude


a dishonest statement, a violent disagreement, disappearing out of the door, a dislike of flying


non-alcoholic drinks, non-stop entertainment, a non-smoking area


defrost a fridge, the depopulation of the countryside, the decentralization of government

b, l, m, p, or r lardan oldin in ishlatmaymiz O’rniga biz il-, im-, va ir ishlatamiz.

Odatda biz sifat va fe’lga suffix (ort qo’shimcha) qo’shib ot yasaymiz. Ko’pincha mavhum otlar yasaladi.

Verb noun ending in –ion

correct correction, discuss discussion produce production, describe description inform information, invite invitation add addition, repeat repetition decide decision, permit permission

Verb + -ment

development, government, movement, payment

Verb + -ance/-ence

acceptance, performance; existence, preference

Verb + -ing

a building, my feelings

Adjective +-ness

blindness, forgetfulness, illness, sadness

Adjective in –ant/–ent

distant distance

Noun in –ance/-ence

important importance absent absence, silent silence, violent violence

Adjective + -ty/-ity

certainty, royalty; nationality, stupidity

Pastdagi suffixes(ort qo’shimchalar) odamlarni jamiyatdagi o’rnini ifoda etuvchi so’zlarni yasaydi


Noun/Verb + -er/-or

builder, driver, footballer, interviewer, lawyer, owner, smoker, walker, writer

Biz yana –er ko’pkina texnika va ish qurollari nomlarini ifoda etishda ham ishlatamiz.
a computer, a food mixer, a heater, a screwdriver, editor, navigator

Noun/Verb/Adjective + -ist

journalist, motorist, nationalist, tourist

Verb + -ant/-ent

assistant, informant, inhabitant, servant correspondent, student

Verb + -ee

addressee, employee, interviewee, payee

Noun + -an/-ian

republican; historian, musician

Ba’zi millat bildiruvchi sifatlar oxiri–an/-ian, tugaydi
e.g. American, Brazilian.


Ko’p fe’llar sifatga –ize qo’shish orqali yasaladi.

Sifatga en qo’shish orqali ham fe’llar yasaladi

Adjective + -ize

centralize, legalize,
modernize, popularize, privatize

Adjective + -en

brighten, harden, loosen, sharpen, shorten, widen

The ending –ize can also be spelled –ise in British English: centralize/centralise. Some adjectives can be used as verbs, e.g. clear, empty.



Noun + -al

industrial, national, natural, original, traditional

Noun + -ic

artistic, energetic, heroic, photographic

Noun + -ful

careful, hopeful, peaceful, powerful, wonderful

E’tibor bering: –ful qo’shib yasalgan sifatlarni oxirida bitta “l” bo’ladi

Noun + -less

careless, hopeless, powerless, useless, worthless

-less is a negative ma’no beruvchi suffix. O’zbek tilidagi –siz qo’shimchasigza to’g’ri keladi. Hopeless - umidsiz Hopeless means ‘without hope’.
Painful and painless are antonim.

Noun + -ous

courageous, dangerous, famous, luxurious

Noun + -y

greedy, healthy, salty, thirsty, wealthy

Noun + -ly

costly, cowardly, friendly, neighbourly

Hourly, daily, weekly, va monthly so’zlari ravish yoki sifat bo’lishi mumkin

Verb + -ive

active, effective, exclusive, informative

Verb + -ing

amusing, exciting, surprising

Verb + -ed

amused, excited, surprised

Verb + -able/-ible

acceptable, eatable, excusable, manageable, comprehensible,

The suffix –able/-ible odatda biror narsani qilina olishini bildiradi. Imkoni borligini This sweater is washable. – Bu kiyim yuvila oladigan yoki yuvish mumkin. (= This sweater can be washed.) Ammo –able/-ible qo’shimchali hamma sifatlarda ham bunaqamas.
e.g. pleasurable - yoqimli (= giving pleasure), valuable- qimmatli (= worth a lot), pleasure va value otdan sifat yasalgan fe’ldan emas

Predloglar ot va olmosh yoki otli birikmalarni oldidan qo’llanuvchi so’zlar ular asosan vaqt, o’rin, yo’nalish, munosabat va to’ldiruvchini tanishtirib keladi. Predloglar juda ko’p hatto inglizlar ham bilishmaydi qancha borligini. Ba’zi qoidalar bor ammo doim ham qoidalardan istisnolar juda ko’p uchraydi o’shanchun ko’pincha biror joyda biror predlogni biror so’z bilan ko’rsangiz qanday ishlatilyotgani e’tibor bilan eslab qolishga harakat qiling. Pastda eng kerakli narsalar jadval qilib berilgan yodlab oling.

  • AT predlogi aniq vaqt va soatlarga

  • The train arrives

  • The party starts

  • I'll be there at noon or at midday / at dawn

  • ON predlogi hafta va oy kunlariga

  • She's working

  • The interview is

  • Let's have a coffee

  • IN predlogi katta davrlar: oylar, fasllar

  • He'll visit them in

  • The ski resort is closed

  • It happened in

At In On bilan ishlatiladigan ba’zi paytlar

At In On + Time

3:30 da etib keladi.
yarim tunda boshlanadi
uyerda peshinda yoki tongda/tushda bo’laman
dushanbada ishlaydi
- Intervyu 29 aprelda.
Juma ertalab kofe ichaylik nisbatan ishlatiladi:
ularga tashrif buyuradi. chang'i kurorti yopiq bo’ladi
16-asrda sodir bo’lgan

nisbatan ishlatiladi:
at 3:30. - Poezd soat
at midnight.- Bazm
/ at dusk. – Men nisbatan ishlatiladi: on Monday – U
on the 29th of April. on Friday morning –
, yillar va asrlarga October.- U Oktyabrda in summer - Yozda
t he 16th century. – U birikmalari:




  • at dinnertime

  • at sunrise

  • at the moment

  • at the weekend at Christmas*/Easter

  • at the same time

  • at present

  • at sunset

  • in the Ice Age

  • in the past/future

  • in the 1990s

  • in the morning

  • in the mornings

  • in the afternoon(s)

  • in the evening(s)

  • in the fall

  • on Tuesday

  • on my birthday

  • on Christmas day

  • on Halloween

  • on the 15 June

  • on our anniversary

  • on Monday morning on Friday evening

last, next, every, this so’zlari bilan at in on ishlatilamaydi

  • Call me next weekend(at the next weekend xato)

  • Last Friday(on the last Friday xato)


  1. IN predlogi biror narsaning ichiga nisbatasn ishlatiladi va ichidalikni bildiradi.

    1. I know my book is somewhere in this room. – Bilaman, kitobim shu xonada joylashgan

    2. Come on, we're late - get in the car – Yur, biz kechikdik – mashinaga chiq

  1. Kishilar yig’ilib o’tkazadigan jamoaviy tadbirlar va joylarga nisbatan “AT” predlogi ishlatiladi. At joyga nisbatan “yonida” ma’nosida ham ishlatiladi.

    1. How many people are working at Microsoft? – Microsoftda qancha odam ishlaydi.

    2. The dog came and lay down at (= next to) my feet. – it kelib oyoqlarim yoniga yotdi.

  2. ON yuzaga nisbatan ishlatiladi. Yuzada turgan narsalar ON predlogini oladi.

3. Look at all the books on your desk! - Stolingizdagi barcha kitoblarga qarang!




in a room – xonada in a town – shaharchada in a river - daryoda in a building – binoda in a country – mamlakatda in a row – qatorda in a garden – bog’da in the water – suvda in a line - chiziqda in a park – parkda in the sea – dengizda in a queue – navbatda, in her purse – cho’ntagida in your hand – qo’lingda in the mountains – tog’larda in your mouth – og’zingda in the front row – old qatorda in a photograph – fotosuratda

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