Avvalo birinchi grammatik qoidalarni undan so’ng qiladigan xatolarni ko’rib chiqing bu sizni kelasida qilinadigan har qanday xatolardan saqlab qoladi. Uni tugatib test yechish sirlarini yaxshilab o’rganib chiqing

ON bilan ke’luvchi iboralar. English

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ONbilan ke’luvchi iboralar.




on the advice (suggestion) of

- ning maslahati (taklifi) bo’yicha


on an (the) average



on behalf of

- ning nomidan


on business

ish bo’yicha


on board a (the) ship

kema bortida


on condition that

sharti bilan


on credit



on demand

talabga ko’ra


on foot



on the initiative of

- ning tashabbusi bilan


on land

quruqlikda, yerda


on the part of

- ning tomonidan


on purpose



on the right (left) hand side

o’ng (chap) tomonda


on sale



on a large scale

katta miqdorda


on sea



on the way

yo’lda, - ga ketayotganda


on the ground that

shu boisdan


on the one (other) hand

bir (boshqa) tomondan


on the whole



and so on

va h.k


later on


AFTER bilan ke’luvchi iboralar.




after all



long after

ancha vaqt o`tgandan so`ng


name after somebody

ning nomi bilan atamoq


week after week

haftadan haftaga


the day after tomorrow

ertadan keyin, indin


not long after

ozroq o`tgandan so`ng, sal o`tib


day after day

kundan kunga



add up to

qo’shmoq (qo’shib natija chiqarmoq)

if separate amounts add up to a total amount, together they form that total; combine to produce a particular result or effect

ask after

so’rab surishtirmoq

ask for news about

ask out

ushrashuvga taklif qilmoq

invite somebody to go with you to a cinema, restaurant, etc because you want to start a romantic or sexual relationship with them


back down

shashtidan qaytmoq

stop demanding something

back down

vos kechmoq, taslim bo’lmoq

stop asking for something or stop saying that you will do something, because a lot of people oppose you

back out

fikridan qaytmoq

decide not to do something you agreed to do

back up

nusxa ko’chirib olib qoymoq; qo’llab quvatlamoq

make a copy of information on your computer; give support to somebody by telling other people that you agree with them

bank on

ga bog’liq

depend on something happening

black out

xushidan ketmoq; chiroqni o’chirib qorong’u qilmoq

suddenly become unconscious; make a place dark by turning off all the lights;

blend in

qo’shilib ketmoq, o’xshab ketmoq

if somebody or something blends in, they are similar to the other people, objects, buildings, etc around them, and

so they seem appropriate or you do not notice them

blurt out

to’satdan og’zidan chiqib ketmoq

say something suddenly and without thinking about the effect it will have, usually because you are nervous or excited

board up

eshik yoki derazani yopib tashlamoq

cover a window or door with wooden boards

break down


stop working (for a machine, etc)

break down

bo’lmoq (miqdorni, foydani)

divide something such as a total amount into separate parts

break out

tasodifan boshlanmoq

start suddenly (for a war, fire, etc)

break out

qamoqdan qochmoq

escape (from prison)

break up

orani ochiq qilmoq; tugatmoq; parchalanmoq

if two people break up, they end their relationship; break something to make smaller pieces; if a meeting or other event breaks up, or if you break it up, it ends and people leave

brighten up


start to have more color or light; give something more color or light; start looking or feeling happier; if the weather brightens up, it becomes sunnier

bring about

make something happen, especially to cause changes in a situation

bring forward

oldinga surmoq

change the date/time of an event so it happens earlier

bring up

biror bir mavzuni muhokama qilishni boshlamoq

start discussing a subject

bring in

yangi tizimni yoki qonunni joriy etmoq

introduce a new law or system

bring on

kasallik olib kelmoq

cause (an illness, etc)

bring out

yangi maxsulot ishlab chiqarishni boshlamoq

produce and start to sell a new product

bring out

biror kishidagi hislatni fosh qilmoq

make somebody or something show a quality that they have; produce a new product and start to sell it

bring together

yig’moq (m-n: sinifdoshlarni …)

create a situation in which people meet and do something together, especially when they would not usually do so

bring up

voyaga yetkazmoq

look after a child until he or she becomes an adult

brush up (on)

bilimini yaxshilamoq, malakasini oshirmoq

practice and improve your skills or knowledge of something

build up

ko’paytirmoq, oshirmoq; maqtamoq; boqmoq (ovqat b-n)

increase or make something increase; gradually develop; talk about somebody or something in a very positive way so that people are impressed with them; make somebody bigger, healthier and stronger, especially by making them eat more

bump into

tasodifan uchratib qolmoq; urib olmoq

meet somebody unexpectedly; accidentally hit against something

buy off

pora berib sotib olmoq

give somebody money so that they do not act against you

buy out

sotib olmoq ( butun ulushning barchasini)

pay money to your business partner so that you can control all of a business you previously owned together

buy up

qurbi yetganicha sotib olmoq

buy large amounts of something or all of it that is available


call for

muxtoj bo’lmoq; talab qilmoq

require, need; demand

call off

bekor qilmoq


cancel out

ta’sirini yo’qotmoq

stop something from having any effect

carry on

davom etirmoq


carry out

amalga oshirmoq

perform an experiment

catch up with

yetishib olmoq

reach the same point/level as

catch on



catch on

mashxur bo’lmoq

become popular or fashionable

carry over

shu yil topgan pulni keyingi yilga o’tkazmoq

take something that you earn or are given in one year or period of time into the next one

centre around

diqqat markazida bo’lmoq, axamiyatli bo’lmoq

if something centres around somebody or something, or you centre something around them, they are its main subject of attention or interest

check in

ro’yxatdan o’tmoq

register at a hotel or an airport

check out

mehmonhonani tark etmoq; tekshirib ko’rmoq

leave a hotel; investigate

check out

tekshirib ko’rmoq

examine somebody or something in order to be certain that everything is correct, true or satisfactory; if information checks out, you feel that it is true after examining it

chance upon

tasodifan ko’rib qolmoq

find or see somebody or something when you did not expect to

change around

atrofni o’zgartirmoq

move things so that they are in different places or positions

change into

holat va vaziyatni o’zgartirmoq; kiyimini almashtirmoq

stop being in one state, condition or form and start being in another, or make something do this; take off the clothes or a piece of clothing you are
wearing and put on

change out of

kiyimini almashtirmoq

take off the clothes or a piece of clothing you are wearing and put on different ones

clock up

ma’lum bir miqdorga yetishmoq

reach a particular number or amount

club together

pul yig’moq (jamoa b-n)

if people club together, each of them gives some money so all the money collected can be used to buy something

close up

yopib tashlamoq

lock the doors of a building or business

close down

ishlashdan toxtamoq (kompaniya uchun)

stop operating (for companies)

come off

muvaffaqiyatli chiqmoq


come on


develop or make progress

come up with

biror narsa haqida o’ylamoq

think of (an idea, a plan, etc)

cut off

ta’minotni toxtatmoq

stop the supply of something

come on

namoish qilina boshlamoq

start to be broadcast

come out

chop etmoq

be published

come forward

yordam yoki ma’lumot taklif etmoq

offer help or information

come down with

og’ir kasalikga chalinmoq

start to suffer from a minor illness

come round/to

xushiga kelmoq

become conscious

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