Avvalo birinchi grammatik qoidalarni undan so’ng qiladigan xatolarni ko’rib chiqing bu sizni kelasida qilinadigan har qanday xatolardan saqlab qoladi. Uni tugatib test yechish sirlarini yaxshilab o’rganib chiqing

Wrong: Shohsanam is afraid from the dog Right

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Wrong: Shohsanam is afraid from the dog
Right: Shohsanam is afraid of the dog


Aim at (ni nishonga olmoq), on yoki against emas.

Wrong: She aimed on(yoki against) the target
Right: She aimed at the target
Bu fe’llar bilan yo’nalishni bildirish uchun at predloglarda foydalaning. Throw at, shout at, fire at, shoot at. Agar shoot o’zi at predlogisiz ishlatilinsa o’ldirmoq degan ma’no beradi. He shot a bird – U qushni otdi (qushni otdi va o’ldirdi)


Angry with ( dan jahli chiqgan), against emas.

Wrong: The teacher was angry against him
Right: The teacher was angry with him
Eslatma : Angry with odamlar bilan ishlatilinadi, angry at esa narsalar bilan. He was angry at the weather ( angry withni the weather bilan ishlatib bo’lmaydi sababi angry with odamlarga ishlatiladi, angry at narsalarga.)
Eslatma : Annoyed with, vexed with, indignant with, odamlar bilan, lekin huddi shu so’zlar at bilan narsalarga nisbatan ishlatilinadi.


Anxious about ( dan xavotirlanmoq ma’nosida), for emas.

Wrong: They’re anxious for his health
Right: They’re anxious about his health.
Eslatma : Agarda “juda xohlamoq” ma’nosida anxious for ishlatishimiz mumkin. Many civil servants are anxious for promotion. - Ko'pgina davlat xizmatchilari lavozimga ko'tarilishni juda xohlashadi.


Arrived at (..ga yetib kelmoq), to emas.

Wrong: We arrived to the village at night
Right: We arrived at the village at night
Eslatma: Arrive at kichkina shaxar, qishloq va kichkina joylarga yetib borish, arrive in esa mamlakatlar va katta shaharlarga ye’tib bormoq ma’nosida ishlatiladi. He has arrived in LondonU Londonga yetib borgan


Ashamed of (dan uyalgan) , from emas.

Wrong: He’s now ashamed from his conduct
Right: He’s now ashamed of his conduct


Believe in (...ga ishonmoq) , to emas.

Wrong: I don't believe to censorship of the arts
Right: I don't believe in censorship of the arts


Boast of yoki about (...dan maqtanmoq) , for emas.

Wrong: James boasted for his strength
Right: James boasted of(yoki about) his strength


Careful of, with, yoki about (...ehtiyot bo’lmoq), for emas.

Wrong: Abror’s very careful for her health
Right: Abror’s very careful of/about her health
Eslatma : take care of – g’amho’rlik qilmoq. He takes care of his money - U pullariga g'amxo'rlik qiladi


Travel by train, etc.(poyezdda sayohat qilmoq), with train, emas

6. Wrong: He travelled with the train yesterday 7. Right: He travelled by train yesterday.
Eslatma: by train, by plane, by boat, by bike; shuningdek, by land, by see, by air, by bus, by car, by taxi. Lekin in a bus yoki on a bus, in a car, in a taxi, on horse-back, on a donkey on a bicycle; on foot.


Complain about ( dan shikoyat qilmoq), for emas

Wrong: Bobir complained for the weather.
Right: Bobir complained about the weather
Eslatma : Qachonki kasallikdan shikoyat qilishda complain of ishlatamiz. She complained of a sore throat - U tomog'im og'riyapti deb shikoyat qildi


Composed of (dan iborat), from emas.

Wrong: Our class is composed from thirty students Right: Our class is composed of thirty students


Confidence in ( ga ishonch), to emas

Wrong: I have great confidence to you
Right: I have great confidence in you


Conform to ( ga mos kelmoq, rioya qilmoq), with emas

Wrong: We must conform with the rules Right: We must conform to the rules


Congratulate on ( tabriklamoq), for emas

Wrong: I congratulate you for your success
Right: I congratulate you on your success


Consist of ( dan tashkil topmoq), from emas

Wrong: A year consists from twelve months
Right: A year consists of twelve months


Covered with (bilan qoplangan), by emas

Wrong: The mountains are covered by snow
Right: The mountains are covered with snow


Cure of ( dan davolanmoq), from emas

Wrong: The man was cured from his illness
Right: The man was cured of his illness
Eslatma: Agar cure ot bo’lib kelsa for bilan ishlatilinadi. There is no cure for that disease – ushbu kasallikning davosi yo’q


Depend on yoki upon ( ga bog’iq bo’lmoq), from emas.

Wrong: It depends from her
Right: It depends on (upon) her
Eslatma : rely on yoki uponsuyanmoq, tayanmoq, ishonmoq degan ma’no beradi. I can’t rely on (upon) him – Men unga ishonolmiman (suyanolmiman)


Deprive of ( dan mahrum qilish), from emas

Wrong: Nelson Mandela was deprived from his freedom.
Right: Nelson Mandela was deprived of his freedom.


Die of an illness ( kassalikdan o’lmoq), from an illness

Wrong: Many people have died from malaria
Right: Many people have died of malaria
Eslatma : Biz die fe’lidan keyin nimadan o’lganligini bu tarzda aytamiz: die of illness (kasallikdan), of hunger (ochlikdan), of thirst (chanqoqdan), of yoki from wound (jarohatdan); from overwork (ortiqcha ishdan); by violence (zo’ravonlikdan), by the sword (qilichdan), by pestilence (o’latdan); in battle (jangda); for their country (vatani uchun), for a cause; through neglect (beparvolik orqali); on the scaffold (iskala ustida); at the stake (xavf ostida).


Different from (dan farqli), than emas

Wrong:My book is different than yours
Right: My book is different from yours


Disappointed by,about yoki at, (dan xafsalasi pir bo’lgan), from emas

  • by/at/about

Wrong: Shohsanam was disappointed from the low mark she got in the test
Right: Shohsanam was disappointed by/about/at the low mark she got in the test

  • with/in

Wrong: Jasur was disappointed from her son
Right: Jasur was disappointed with/in her son
Eslatma : Odamlardan oldin in yoki with ishlatamiz, narsalardan oldin at, about yoki by ishlatamiz va gerunddan oldin at ishlatamiz: Akmal is very disappointed at not winning the prize – Akmal sovrini yutmaganidan juda xafa.


Divide into parts, (..qismlarga bo’lmoq), divide in parts emas

Wrong: I divided the cake in four parts
Right: I divided the cake into four parts
Eslatma : Divide in half yoki in two holida ham ishlatilishi mumkin ammo divide in parts holida emas.
Nargiz divided the apple in half – Nargiz olmani ikkiga bo’lishdi


No doubt of yoki about (shubhasiz), for emas

Wrong: I’ve no doubt for his ability
Right: I’ve no doubt of/about his ability
Eslatma : to be doubtful of – dan shubhalanmoq. I am doubtful of his ability to pass – Men uni o’tishiga shubha qilaman.


Dressed in (kiyingan), with emas

Wrong: The woman was dressed with black. Right: The woman was dressed in black


Exception to (dan istisno), of emas

Wrong: This is an exception of the rule
Right: This is an exception to the rule
Eslatma : dan tashqari degan ma’noda with the exception of ishlatsak bo’ladi. She likes all her subjects with the exception of physics - U fizikadan tashqari barcha fanlarni yaxshi ko'radi


Exchange for, (...ga alishtirmoq), by emas

Wrong: He exchanged his collection of matchboxes by some foreign stamps.
Right: He exchanged his collection of matchboxes for some foreign stamps.


Fail in (muvaffaqiyasizlika ucharamoq), from emas

Wrong: Laziza failed from maths last year. Right: Laziza failed in maths last year.


Full of, (ga to’la), with yoki from

Wrong: The jar was full with (or from) oil
Right: The jar was full of oil
Eslatma: Fill fe’li with predlogi bilan ishlatiladi. Jane filled the glass with water – Jane stakani suv bilan to’ldirdi


Get rid of (dan qutilmoq), from emas

Wrong: I will be glad to get rid from him
Right: I will be glad to get rid of him


Glad about (dan hursand), from yoki with emas

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