Avvalo birinchi grammatik qoidalarni undan so’ng qiladigan xatolarni ko’rib chiqing bu sizni kelasida qilinadigan har qanday xatolardan saqlab qoladi. Uni tugatib test yechish sirlarini yaxshilab o’rganib chiqing

Never Never had she seen

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Never had she seen such a beautiful sight before.


Seldom do we see such an amazing display of dance


Rarely will you hear such beautiful music.

Only then

Only then did I understand why the tragedy had happened

Not only…but

Not only does he love chocolate and sweets but he also smokes.

No sooner….than

No sooner had we arrived home than the police rang the doorbell.


Scarcely had I got off the bus when it crashed into the back of a car

Only later

Only later did she really think about the situation.


Nowhere have I ever had such bad service.


Little did he know!

Only in this way

Only in this way could John earn enough money to survive

In no way

In no way do I agree with what you’re saying

On no account

On no account should you do anything without asking me first.

Pastdagi so’zlar kelsa inversiya gapning ikkinchi qismida sodir bo’ladi

Not until

Not until I saw John with my own eyes did I really believe he was safe.

Not since

Not since Lucy left college had she had such a wonderful time.

Only after

Only after I’d seen her flat did I understand why she wanted to live there.

Only when

Only when we’d all arrived home did I feel calm

Only by

Only by working extremely hard could we afford to eat.

2. Inversiyani ikkichisi IF gaplarda sodir bo’ladi.
Ba’zan gapda if so’zi qisqarib tushib qoladi. Buning uchun if so’zini tashlab yuborish va fe’lni egani oldiga o’tkazish kerak bo’ladi.
The First conditional inversion
Bu type gapni almashtirish 2 ta harakat bilan amalga oshadi.
1-qadam: If o’rniga Should qo’yasiz
2- Egadan so’ng fe’lning oddiy shaklini qo’yasiz agar fe’l tuslangan bosa oddiy holga aylantirasiz (e.g. “goes” →” go,” “has” → “have,” am/is/are → “be”)
If he remembers his own name, we’ll be able to help him.
1-qadam – if o’rniga Should qo’yamiz Should he remembers his…
2- qadam – Fe’lni oddiy shaklga keltiramiz should he remember his
A) Should he remember his own name, we’ll be able to help him.
The Second conditional inversion
Agar fe’l were bo’lsa If I were… holida bo’lsa, If ni tushirib were egadan oldinga chiqaramiz..
If I were you, I would not do such a silly thing.
Were I you, I would not do such a silly thing.
O’rningizda bo’lsam bunday ahmoqlik qilmagan bo’lardim.
Agarda fe’l oddiy fe’l bo’lsachi were bo’lmasdan masalan: If he pushed the button, we’d all have problems. Agar bunday bo’lsa 2ta qadam kerak
1-qadam – If o’rniga were qo’yamiz: Were he pushed the button…
2- qadam – fe’lni to + verb1 holida ishlatamiz ya’ni fe’lning 2 shaklini o’rniga to verb holida qoyasiz. Pushed → to push
Were he to push the button, we’d all have problems.
The Third conditional inversion
Had I helped him last week, he wouldn't be in such a trouble now.
If I had helped him last week, he wouldn’t be in such a trouble now.
Agar o’tgan hafta unga yordam berganimda unda hozir bunday tashvish bo’lmasdi.
We would have gone abroad for our holidays if we hadn’t bought a new car. We would have gone abroad for our holidays had we not bought a new car.
Ta'tilda chet elga borgan bo'lar edik agar yangi mashina sotib olmaganimizda
Eslatma: agarda IF gap inkor bo’lsa inversiyada not inkor yuklamasni egadan so’ng qo’yasiz hammasi hal bo’ladi
If Shohsanam weren’t a smart person, she’d give all her money to me
Were Shohsanam not a smart person, she’d give all her money to me
Agar Shohsanam aqlli odam bo'lmaganida, u menga barcha pullarini berardi
3. O’rin joyni bildiruvchi birikmani gapning boshida qo’lash orqali ham inversiya sodir bo’ladi. Bu asosan rasmiy va adabiyroq

  1. On the table was all the money we had lost.

Normal sentence: All the money we had lost was on the table.

  1. Round the corner came the knights.

Normal sentence: The knights came round the corner.
4. Gap so + adjective….that qurilmasi bilan boshlansa bizda inversiya sodir bo’ladi
So beautiful was the girl that nobody could talk of anything else.
Normal sentence: the girl was so beautiful that nobody could talk of anything else.
So delicious was the food that we ate every last bite. Normal sentence: the food was so delicious that we ate every last bite.
Sizlar bilan prefix va suffix haqida gaplashamiz. O’zbek tilida so’z yasovchi qo’shimchalar bor masalan ma’no so’ziga sifat yasovchi –li qo’shimchasi qo’shilib ma’noli so’zini yasaydi. Inglizlarda ham shunaqa so’z yasovchi qo’shimchalar bor so’zning oldiga qo’shilib so’z yasovchilar “prefix” , ortidan qo’shilib so’z yasovchilar “suffix” hisoblanadi. Bu nega kerak testlarda sizdan so’z tanlash so’radi o’shanda sifat kerak bo’lsa qaraysiz qaysi sifat ekana deb rosa o’ylanasiz. Agar siz bu qo’shimchlarni bilsangiz bir qarab so’zni qaysi turkumdan ekanligni ajratib olasiz.





(= against)

anti-nuclear protestors, anti-social behaviour


(= self)

an autobiography, auto-suggestion


(= together)

co-exist, a co-production, my co-driver


(= previously)

his ex-wife, an ex-footballer


(= between)

an inter-city train, an international phone call


(= small)

a minibus, a minicab



misuse, misbehave, miscount, a misprint


(= one)

a monorail, monolingual, speak in a monotone


(= many)

a multinational company, a multi-storey car park


(= more/better)

outnumber the opposition, outplayed their opponents


(= too much)

overweight, an overgrown garden, ill from overwork


(= after)

the post-war years, a post-dated cheque


(= before)

the pre-war years, preheat an oven


(= in favour of)

pro-government forces, pro-European policies


(= again)

re-write a letter, remarry, the resale value of the car


(= half)

semi-precious stones, reach the semi-final


(= under/less)

the subway, subnormal intelligence, sub-zero temperatures


(= big/more)

a superstar, a superhuman effort, a supersonic aircraft


(= across)

a transatlantic flight, a heart transplant operation


(= too little)

undercooked food, an underused resource, underpopulation



meaning ‘not’. (in uzbek be-, no-, -siz)


feeling unhappy, an unfair decision, unhealthy conditions, high unemployment, unplug a machine, unpack a suitcase


an independent state, an inoffensive remark, the invisible man, an incurable disease, a terrible injustice

il- (+ l)

an illegal act, an illogical argument

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