Agarda relative clause davomli zamonda bo’lsa biz Being + Past Participle ishlatamiz. Ya’ni being + Verb+ed. Bu faqat passive participle (participle II) uchun
The poem being read by the actor was written by my brother.
(= The poem that is being read by the actor was written by my brother).
The strawberries being eaten at the wedding were grown in Scotland.
(= The strawberries that are being eaten at the wedding…).
Biz Because + S + V qolipini o’rnida V+ing foylanishimiz mumkin. Shunda because va ega tushib qoladi.
Because she needed some money to buy a book, Sue went to a cash machine
Needing some money to buy a book, Sue went to a cash machine
Kitob sotib olish uchun bir oz pulga muhtoj bo'lgan Syu a kassa bordi
Because he lacked the necessary qualifications, he was not considered for the job.
Lacking the necessary qualifications, he was not considered for the job.
U kerakli malakalarga ega bo'lmaganligi sababli, u ish uchun ko'rib chiqilmagan.
Agar gap inkor bo’lsa not Verb + ing bo’ladi
Because I didn’t know the way, I had to ask for directions.
Not knowing the way, I had to ask for directions.
Yo’lni bilmaganim uchun yo’nalishni so’rashimga to’g’ri keldi
Qachonki gap while,when, after, before va since bilan boshlansa biz bu bog’lovciladan keyin V+ing shaklida ishlatishimiz mumkin. Biz when o’rnida on yoki upon ishlatishimiz mumkin.
When crossing the street, first look to the left.
Ko’chani kesib o’tayotib avval chap tomonga qarang.
While crossing the street, he heard somebody call out to him.
Ko’chani kesib o’tayotganda kimdir uni chaqirganligini eshitdi.
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