Avvalo birinchi grammatik qoidalarni undan so’ng qiladigan xatolarni ko’rib chiqing bu sizni kelasida qilinadigan har qanday xatolardan saqlab qoladi. Uni tugatib test yechish sirlarini yaxshilab o’rganib chiqing

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Don’t have to – biror ishni bajarish shart emas/hojati yo’q

He must not work so hard. He’s got a weak heart.
U bunchalik qattiq ishlamasligi kerak. Uning yuragi zaif.

♦ He's extremely rich. He does not have to work but he does because he enjoys it.
U xaddan tashqari boy. U ishlashi shart emas shunchaki o’ziga yoqqani uchun ishlaydi.

You must keep it a secret. You mustn’t tell anyone.
(don’t tell anyone)
Sen buni sir saqlashing kerak. Uni hech kimga aytmasliging kerak

You don’t have to tell him , but you can if you want to Sen unga aytishing shart emas, agar xohlasang aytib qo’yaver

♦ You mustn't tell John. I don’t want him to know. It is important not to tell John.
Don't tell John.

♦ You don't have to tell John. He already knows. You can tell John if you like, but it isn't necessary. It's your decision

♦ You mustn’t eat too much rich food - it's bad for you.
♦ I'll tell you a secret. You mustn’t tell anybody else. Promise?
♦ Don’t make so much noise. We mustn’t wake the baby.
♦ You mustn’t wear shorts at our school. Our school rules are very strict.
♦ Whatever you do, you mustn’t click with the right mouse button or the program will crash.
Passengers mustn’t lean out of the windows.

♦ Help yourself to anything you want. You don’t have to ask.
♦ You don’t have to ask my permission. You can do what you want.
♦ He doesn’t have to wear a suit to work but he usually does.
♦ You don’t have to dress up for the party. Wear whatever you feel comfortable in.
♦ It's very informal here. You don’t have to wear a tie unless you want to.
♦ Sue doesn’t have to get up early. She gets up early because she wants to


  • Should modal fe’li maslahat berish yoki o’z fikrini bildirish uchun ishlatiladi va o’zbek tilida …shi kerak /yaxshi bo’lardi so’zlariga to’gri keladi. Biz shouldni maslahat berishda ishlatamiz ya’ni shu narsani qilsangiz yaxshi, shu narsani barajishingiz to’g’ri degan ma’no beradi. Shouldning ham darak inkor va so’roq shakllari must kabi yasaladi.

    • You look tired. You should go to bed - Siz charchagan ko'rinasiz. Siz yotishingiz kerak(buyerda maslahat beryabdi dam olsangiz yaxshi degan ma’noda)

    • The government should do more to improve schools - Hukumat maktablarni yaxshilash uchun ko'proq ish qilishi kerak(shu narsani bajarish to’g’ri shu narsani bajarish kerak degan ma’noda) Should we invite Stephanie to the party? - Biz Stefani partiyaga taklif qilishimiz kerakmi? Yes, I think we should. – Ha o’ylashimcha qilishimiz kerak

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