given the tools to be adopted by
means of computer memory sticks.
«Elektron hujjat aylanishi
to‘g‘risida»gi qonun
The draft law on electronic document
0'zbekiston law was adopted on April 29, 2004. 0'zbekiston ministries, state committees, associations, institutions, companies and other central government offices regulates the work of the organization and control of the executive. On electronic document circulation the draft law consists of 19 articles.
With the interpretation of each article.
Elektron raqamli imzo (ERI)
Electronic digital
signature (EDS)
Electronic documents and electronic document information with the use of electronic digital signature key and the public key of the electronic digital signature is created as a result of changes in information and determine whether the error of electronic documents using a digital signature to enable it to identify the owner of the closed
key signature.
«Elektron raqamli imzo
to‘g‘risida»gi qonun