Ba'zi odamlar maktabni erta yoshda boshlash juda muhim deb hisoblashadi
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Some people believe that starting school at an earlier age is very beneficial for children
Some people believe that starting school at an earlier age is very beneficial for children, while others believe that children must stay home and attend school at the age of 7. In your opinion, what are the advantages of attending school before the age of 7? Write your opinion in an appropriate style and format in 250 words Ba'zi odamlar maktabni erta yoshda boshlash juda muhim deb hisoblashadi bolalar uchun foydali, boshqalari esa bolalar qolishlari kerak deb hisoblashadi 7 yoshida uyda va maktabda. Sizningcha, avval maktabga borishning afzalliklari nimada 7 yosh? O'z fikringizni 250 so'zdan iborat mos uslub va formatda yozing It is an obvious fact that the rate of crime is burgeoning significantly nowadays due to poverty levels as well as a lack of knowledge among juveniles. Some reckon that a better way to mitigate the crime guardian should to teach better skills such as, abilities and better parenting due to which this issue might be solved. I fully agree with this notion. I shall support both viewpoints with an example. At the outset, there are innumerable reasons which support the fact that why parents should teach better parenting. first and foremost is. they should be away from their children from gadgets. To be more precise, no one can deny the fact that people are living in the modern era where everything they can watch on mobile whether crime news or drama serials, Not only senior citizens but also juveniles watch drama serials instead of animated cartoons. For example, Cid is the most vital as well as eminent crime show over the globe this show leads to people committing crimes such as rape , murder, stolen, and so on. Secondly, the poverty level declines every day. Thus, individuals migrate to another city in order to jobs but due to , unemployment they are unable to do jobs. So, they started commuting crimes. Moving further, Parents are the first teacher of children They ought to take responsibility that they should influence their children to do outdoor activities rather than watch crime shows if children do not agree , ,parents allow them to watch studies-related videos. In addition , it is not the role of the parents but also the role of the government owing to they must install industries in order to jobs as well as launch campuses in every locality a result, people do not suffer from job and the crime level might be declined. To sum up, it is crystal clear that most juveniles involved in criminal activities due to the advancement of technology spend precious time on ti as result, they start committing worse crimes. Hence, parents should take responsibility for their children so they spend less time watching crime shows ass well the government should announce some violations which I have mentioned. O'z-o'zidan ko'rinib turibdiki, bugungi kunda jinoyatchilik darajasi kambag'allik darajasi, shuningdek, voyaga etmaganlar o'rtasida bilim etishmasligi tufayli sezilarli darajada oshib bormoqda. Ba'zilarning fikriga ko'ra, jinoyatchini yumshatishning yaxshiroq yo'li bu muammoni hal qilish mumkin bo'lgan qobiliyatlar va ota-onalarni yaxshiroq tarbiyalash kabi yaxshi ko'nikmalarni o'rgatish kerak. Men bu fikrga to'liq qo'shilaman. Men ikkala nuqtai nazarni misol bilan qo'llab-quvvatlayman. Avvaliga, ota-onalar nima uchun ota-onalarni yaxshiroq tarbiyalashlari kerakligini tasdiqlovchi son-sanoqsiz sabablar mavjud. birinchi navbatda. ular o'z farzandlaridan gadjetlardan uzoqda bo'lishlari kerak. Aniqroq aytadigan bo'lsak, odamlar mobil telefon orqali ko'rishlari mumkin bo'lgan barcha narsalarni jinoyat yangiliklari yoki dramatik seriallar, nafaqat keksalar, balki o'smirlar ham animatsion multfilmlar o'rniga dramatik seriallarni tomosha qiladigan zamonaviy davrda yashayotganini hech kim inkor eta olmaydi. Misol uchun, Cid dunyodagi eng muhim va taniqli jinoyatchilik shousidir, bu shou odamlarni zo'rlash, qotillik, o'g'irlash va hokazo kabi jinoyatlarni sodir etishga olib keladi. Ikkinchidan, qashshoqlik darajasi har kuni pasayib bormoqda. Shunday qilib, odamlar ish topish uchun boshqa shaharga ko'chib ketishadi, lekin ishsizlik tufayli ular ishlay olmaydilar. Shunday qilib, ular jinoyatni o'zgartirishni boshladilar. Oldinga o'tadigan bo'lsak, ota-onalar bolalarning birinchi o'qituvchisi bo'lib, agar bolalar rozi bo'lmasa, ota-onalar ularga o'qish bilan bog'liq videolarni ko'rishga ruxsat berishsa, jinoyat ko'rsatuvlarini tomosha qilishdan ko'ra, o'z farzandlarini ochiq havoda mashg'ulotlarga ta'sir qilishlari uchun mas'uliyatni o'z zimmalariga olishlari kerak. Bundan tashqari, ota-onalarning roli emas, balki hukumatning roli hamdir, chunki ular ish o'rinlari bilan ta'minlash uchun sanoat korxonalarini o'rnatishi, shuningdek, har bir hududda kampuslarni ishga tushirishi kerak, natijada odamlar ishdan aziyat chekmaydi va jinoyatchilik darajasi bo'lishi mumkin. rad etilishi. Xulosa qilib aytadigan bo'lsak, texnologiya taraqqiyoti tufayli jinoiy faoliyatga jalb qilingan voyaga etmaganlarning ko'pchiligi qimmatli vaqtlarini tiga sarflashlari, natijada ular yanada yomonroq jinoyatlar qilishni boshlashlari aniq. Demak, ota-onalar o'z farzandlari uchun mas'uliyatni o'z zimmalariga olishlari kerak, shunda ular jinoiy ko'rsatuvlarni tomosha qilish uchun kamroq vaqt sarflashlari kerak, shuningdek hukumat men aytib o'tgan qonunbuzarliklarni e'lon qilishi kerak Write a resignation letter to your manager to let him know that you have started to cooperate with another company. In your letter, • Let him know the exact time that you are leaving • the actions you took in order not to cause the company any problems • and also let him know that you appreciate the time you cooperated with the company. Write your letter in an appropriate style and format in150 words on
I am Lobar Suyunova, I work as an interpreter in your office . I am writing to you in order to let you know that I have started to cooperate with another company. Several weeks ago .I decided to leave my work there as well as I found a job that I work as a manager in another company . In my plan, I am going to resign next week on Friday in order to start my manager job in another company .moreover, I will be going to do valedictory by the next week in your office if you permit. In fact, I wish there were not any problems connected with my resignation . So i have not told our colleagues yet because my resignation may cause various discussions or gossip among my colleagues in your company . Undoubtedly I have socialized my daytime in your company . I am very pleased with the opportunities and conveniences of your company . Because I worked as an interpreter in the comfortable and light facility . Furthermore, my salary was very valuable rather to others . Definitely, my labour always was valued marvellous by you. As well as my partners and I were very friendly and brilliant people Thank you for your attention Yours sincerely Sakina
Bir necha hafta oldin .Men o'sha yerda ishimni qoldirishga qaror qildim va boshqa kompaniyada menejer bo'lib ish topdim . Rejamga ko'ra, men keyingi hafta juma kuni boshqa kompaniyadagi menejerlik ishimni boshlash uchun iste'foga chiqmoqchiman. Bundan tashqari, agar ruxsat bersangiz, keyingi haftaga qadar sizning ofisingizda valedikatsiya qilaman. Aslida iste'foga chiqishim bilan bog'liq muammolar bo'lmasa edi. Shuning uchun men hamkasblarimizga hali aytmadim, chunki mening iste'foga chiqishim kompaniyangizdagi hamkasblarim orasida turli muhokamalar yoki g'iybatlarga sabab bo'lishi mumkin. Shubhasiz, men sizning kompaniyangizda kunduzgi vaqtimni ijtimoiylashtirdim. Men kompaniyangizning imkoniyat va qulayliklaridan juda mamnunman. Chunki qulay va yorug' muassasada tarjimon bo'lib ishlaganman. Bundan tashqari, mening maoshim boshqalar uchun juda qimmatli edi. Shubhasiz, mening mehnatim siz uchun doimo ajoyib baholangan. Shuningdek, sheriklarim va men juda do'stona va ajoyib odamlar edik E'tiboringiz uchun rahmat Hurmat bilan Sakina
Research is an essential part of completing assignments. Write a report for a course tutor suggesting some good places to obtain useful information. Give reasons for your choices. Write your opinion in an appropriate style and format in 250 words Mavzu asosida quyidagi savolga javob bering. Tadqiqot topshiriqlarni bajarishning muhim qismidir. Kurs o'qituvchisi uchun yaxshi joylarni taklif qiladigan hisobot yozing foydali ma'lumotlarni olish. Tanlovingiz uchun sabablar keltiring. O'z fikringizni 250 so'zdan iborat mos uslub va formatda yozing //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// The most important step in the completion of a class assignment is researching the topic. Some assignments require you to give written answer, and others require spoken presentation. However, finding useful information is only possible if you know where to look. To begin with, there is the reading list that the tutor gives students in class. Reading lists show the essential book titles you should read to complete a written task, and are useful because they contain the books that the tutor recommends. Secondly, there is the library in the school where you are studying. Most good colleges have libraries containing a wide range of books, newspapers, magazines and reference material. These days, modern well-equipped libraries have banks of computers with CD- ROM disks on a variety of subjects. Alternatively, if you are researching information for a spoken presentation, you might borrow a video to show your class. If you cannot find the books you need in the school or college library, you can go to the local library and ask the librarian there to help you. Additionally, the internet allows us to obtain information from a huge number of sources all over the world. It might take a long time to search for what you want, but once you find it you can print out only the pages you require. Finally, people can be good sources of information, too. By interviewing people with particular knowledge, or conducting surveys, you can obtain information that is the most current and suitable for your needs. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Sinf topshirig'ini bajarishdagi eng muhim qadam tadqiqotdir mavzu. Ba'zi topshiriqlar yozma javob berishni talab qiladi, boshqalari og'zaki taqdimotni talab qiladi. Biroq, foydali ma'lumotlarni topish faqat qaerga qarashni bilsangiz mumkin. Boshlash uchun o'qituvchi sinfda o'quvchilarga beradigan o'qish ro'yxati mavjud. O'qish ro'yxatlari a to'ldirish uchun o'qishingiz kerak bo'lgan asosiy kitob nomlarini ko'rsatadi yozma topshiriq va foydalidir, chunki ular o'qituvchi tomonidan taqdim etilgan kitoblarni o'z ichiga oladi tavsiya qiladi. Ikkinchidan, siz o'qiyotgan maktabda kutubxona bor. Eng yaxshi Kollejlarda turli xil kitoblar, gazetalar, jurnallar va ma'lumotnomalar. Ayni kunlarda zamonaviy jihozlangan kutubxonalar turli mavzularda CD-ROM disklari bo'lgan kompyuterlar banklariga ega. Shu bilan bir qatorda, agar siz og'zaki taqdimot uchun ma'lumotni o'rganayotgan bo'lsangiz, siz sinfingizni ko'rsatish uchun video olishingiz mumkin. Agar kerakli kitoblarni topa olmasangiz maktab yoki kollej kutubxonasida siz mahalliy kutubxonaga borib, so'rashingiz mumkin Sizga yordam berish uchun u erda kutubxonachi. Bundan tashqari, Internet bizga juda ko'p sonli ma'lumotlarni olish imkonini beradi butun dunyo bo'ylab manbalar. Istagan narsangizni izlash uzoq vaqt talab qilishi mumkin, lekin uni topganingizdan so'ng siz faqat kerakli sahifalarni chop etishingiz mumkin. Va nihoyat, odamlar ham yaxshi ma'lumot manbalari bo'lishi mumkin. Odamlardan intervyu olish orqali ma'lum bilimga ega bo'lgan holda yoki so'rovnomalar o'tkazish orqali siz ma'lumot olishingiz mumkin bu sizning ehtiyojlaringiz uchun eng dolzarb va mos keladi. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// You are about to leave your company. Write a farewell letter to one of your colleagues, in your letter, you should write • let him know that you are leaving • also let him know how much you appreciate the time you have been working together • let him/her how he/she can contact you at your new place Write your letter in an appropriate style and format in150 words Siz kompaniyangizni tark etmoqchisiz. Biriga vidolashuv xati yozing Maktubingizda hamkasblaringizning yozishingiz kerak • ketayotganingizni unga bildiring • shuningdek, unga vaqtingizni qanchalik qadrlayotganingizni bildiring birga ishlagan • unga yangi joyingizda siz bilan qanday bog'lanishiga ruxsat bering Xatingizni 150 so'zdan iborat mos uslub va formatda yozing /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// I am writing this letter to Diyora a farewell letter. I will leave the country tomorrow. So I am writing this letter to you , Diyora , who is my best colleage. I am charmed from working this company. I worked this company and I recognized with companyʼs colleage. This colleage is really blessful and friendly . I will miss this staff. This company is far from my house so I leave this company. If my house is really close to this company, I worked there.I contact with your and I invite my houseʼs opposite. Every day I am going to bring advice. Because you have got a lot off experiment. I am going to introduce the new company , If. You come with me to want to go. I do hope that my pre- companyʼs colleage did not forget me. I like them. And I think you are frequently coming my house. Your faithfully, /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Bu maktubni Diyoraga vidolashuv maktubi yozyapman. Men ertaga mamlakatni tark etaman. Shuning uchun bu maktubni sizga, eng yaxshi hamkasbim bo'lgan Diyoraga yozyapman. Men ushbu kompaniyada ishlashdan hayratdaman. Men ushbu kompaniyada ishlaganman va men kompaniyaning kolleji bilan tanishdim. Bu kollej haqiqatan ham barakali va do'stona. Men bu xodimni sog'inaman. Bu kompaniya mening uyimdan uzoqda, shuning uchun men bu kompaniyani tark etaman. Agar mening uyim haqiqatan ham ushbu kompaniyaga yaqin bo'lsa, men u erda ishlaganman. Men siz bilan bog'lanaman va men o'z uyimning qarshisini taklif qilaman. Men har kuni maslahat olib kelaman. Chunki sizda ko'p tajriba bor. Men yangi kompaniyani tanishtirmoqchiman, If. Siz ketishni xohlash uchun men bilan kelasiz. Umid qilamanki, mening kompaniyadan oldingi kollejim meni unutmadi. Menga ular yoqadi. Menimcha, siz tez-tez mening uyimga kelasiz. Hurmat bilan, ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Answer the following question based on the theme. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Selfconfidence is the most important factor for success in school or at work. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. Write your opinion in an appropriate style and format in 250 words /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Mavzu asosida quyidagi savolga javob bering. Quyidagi fikrga qo'shilasizmi yoki qo'shilmaysizmi? O'ziga bo'lgan ishonch maktabda yoki ishda muvaffaqiyatga erishishning eng muhim omilidir. Fikringizni tasdiqlash uchun aniq sabablar va misollardan foydalaning. O'z fikringizni 250 so'zdan iborat mos uslub va formatda yozing ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// All people are made perfect by God . Persons are unique perfect creatures in the world. All people have alternative senses and l assume most people are distinctive eat others and their characters are standing . Can also , we can know how is the person with their character . Some people are serious, others confident and some people are shy . I assume all people use crucial characters only in apropos ways . They have different dispositions. One of them, most people have confidence and all people believe in themselves. I assume people's powerless aspect is their confidence and most people are confident in themselves , they achieve a lot of success other people are thinking to believe other people than themselves moreover they believe their all work for other people . I assume people do not have confidence in themselves, they will be failer and never achieve success . I think think that confidence is the key to success and many people achieve disconsolate rewards and its key is confidence, of course, all people achieve when they believe in themselves. I agree with this opinion because l am always trying confidently myself and l am often afraid to believe other people l think that other people lay me so do not want to believe other people. Who wants to achieve first the person's confidence himself l assume this opinion is right. For example: One pupil is trying every day because he wants to attend a competition. He is always studying and knowledge learning three subjects because he necessary three subjects. And he asks his teacher then he does not know the information moreover he is a satisfactory pupil in his school . But he has one problem he never believes in himself and he assumes if he is confident in himself, he would fail his competition. But failed his competition. In my opinion, all people believe in themselves. If they believe in themselves of course these people achieve in school or at the work . ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Hamma odamlar Xudo tomonidan mukammal qilingan. Insonlar dunyodagi yagona mukammal mavjudotlardir. Barcha odamlar muqobil hislar bor va men ko'pchilik odamlar o'ziga xos ovqat boshqalar va ularning belgilar turgan faraz. Bundan tashqari, biz o'z xarakteri bilan odamning qanday ekanligini bilishimiz mumkin. Ba'zi odamlar jiddiy, boshqalari o'ziga ishongan va boshqalar uyatchan. O'ylaymanki, hamma odamlar muhim belgilarni faqat mos ravishda ishlatishadi. Ular turli xil tabiatga ega. Ulardan biri, ko'pchilikning ishonchi bor va hamma odamlar o'zlariga ishonadilar. O'ylaymanki, odamlarning kuchsiz tomoni - bu ularning ishonchi va ko'pchilik o'ziga ishonadi, ular juda ko'p muvaffaqiyatlarga erishadilar, boshqalar o'zlaridan ko'ra boshqa odamlarga ishonishni o'ylaydilar, bundan tashqari ular hamma narsa boshqalar uchun ishlashiga ishonishadi. O'ylaymanki, odamlar o'zlariga ishonchlari yo'q, ular muvaffaqiyatsiz bo'ladi va hech qachon muvaffaqiyatga erishmaydi. O'ylaymanki, ishonch muvaffaqiyatning kalitidir va ko'p odamlar tasalli beruvchi mukofotlarga erishadilar va uning kaliti ishonchdir, albatta, hamma odamlar o'zlariga ishonganlarida erishadilar. Men bu fikrga qo'shilaman, chunki men har doim o'zimga ishonch bilan harakat qilaman va ko'pincha boshqalarga ishonishdan qo'rqaman, boshqalar meni yolg'on deb o'ylayman, shuning uchun boshqalarga ishonishni xohlamayman. Kim birinchi navbatda insonning o'ziga bo'lgan ishonchiga erishmoqchi bo'lsa, bu fikrni to'g'ri deb hisoblayman. Masalan: Bir o'quvchi har kuni musobaqada qatnashmoqchi bo'lgani uchun harakat qilmoqda. U doimo uchta fanni o'rganadi va bilim oladi, chunki unga uchta fan kerak edi. Va u o'qituvchisidan so'raydi, keyin u ma'lumotni bilmaydi, bundan tashqari u o'z maktabining qoniqarli o'quvchisi. Ammo uning bitta muammosi bor, u hech qachon o'ziga ishonmaydi va agar u o'ziga ishongan bo'lsa, u raqobatda muvaffaqiyatsiz bo'ladi deb o'ylaydi. Ammo raqobatchisi muvaffaqiyatsizlikka uchradi. Menimcha, hamma odamlar o'zlariga ishonadilar. Agar ular o'zlariga ishonsalar, albatta, bu odamlar maktabda yoki ishda muvaffaqiyatga erishadilar. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// There is an institution, that is offering a free journalism course and you have applied for it. They want to talk to one of your friends who knows you well as a reference. Write a letter to your friend in your letter, • explain the situation • say why you chose him as a reference • ask him if you can give them his/her name as a reference Write your letter in an appropriate style and format in150 words on ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Bir muassasa bor, u bepul jurnalistika kursini taklif qiladi va siz unga murojaat qildingiz. Ular sizning do'stlaringizdan biri bilan gaplashmoqchi malumot sifatida sizni yaxshi biladi. Maktubingizda do'stingizga xat yozing, • vaziyatni tushuntiring • nega uni ma'lumotnoma sifatida tanlaganingizni ayting • unga ma'lumotnoma sifatida uning ismini bera olasizmi, deb so'rang Xatingizni mos uslubda va 150 so'zdan iborat formatda yozing //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Dear Sir or Madam Hi my friend l am Malika Firstly l ask you sorry because l do one thing without your permission Namely l apply for a journalism course instead you l am writing this letter to say this new and they plan to talk to you One day l saw an announcement when l was going to work It was wrote about free journalism course l know, you interested in journalism and you intend to be journalist in the future So intend to help you to achive your goal That is why l apply for it instead you l assume affective for you.After l send to their website information about you l wait 2 days their respond. And l decided lwill not tell you about it untill they send their reply. So that l do not want to you are berefit. Today it was camed their answer and write letter you as soon as receive it. l hope that to you do not refuse it and you are cheerfull my this function Your faithfully Malika ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Hurmatli janob yoki xonim Assalomu alaykum do'stim men Malika avvalambor sizdan uzr so'rayman chunki men sizning ruxsatingizsiz bitta ish qildim, ya'ni men jurnalistika kursiga hujjat topshiryapman, uning o'rniga siz bu xatni yangiligini aytish uchun yozyapman va ular bir kun siz bilan gaplashmoqchi. Ishga ketayotganimda e'lonni ko'rdim. Bu bepul jurnalistika kursi haqida yozilgan edi, bilaman, siz jurnalistikaga qiziqasiz va kelajakda jurnalist bo'lmoqchisiz. Shuning uchun maqsadingizga erishishingizga yordam berish niyatidaman. Ularning veb-saytiga siz haqingizda ma'lumot yuborganimdan so'ng 2 kun javobini kutaman. Va ular javoblarini yubormaguncha, bu haqda sizga aytmaslikka qaror qildim. Shunday qilib, men sizga befoyda bo'lishingizni xohlamayman. Bugun ularga javob keldi va uni olish bilanoq sizga xat yozing. Umid qilamanki, siz buni rad etmaysiz va siz mening bu vazifamdan xursand bo'lasiz Hurmatli Malika Download 35,9 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
ma'muriyatiga murojaat qiling