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- Heterocyclic See HETERO -. Heteroduplex
- Heterogeneous (catalysis)
- Heterogeneous (mixture)
- Heterosis
- Hexose See GLUCOSE ( GL c ). HF Cleavage
- High-Density Lipoproteins (HDLPs)
- High-Glutenin Wheat See GLUTEN . High-Isoflavone Soybeans
- High-Oleic Oil Soybeans
- High-Phytase Corn and Soybeans
- High-Throughput Identification
- High-Throughput Screening (HTS)
Herbicide Resistance See HERBICIDE - TOLERANT CROP . Herbicide-Resistant Crop See HERBICIDE - TOL- ERANT CROP . Herbicide-Tolerant Crop Crop plants, culti- vated by man, that have been altered to be able to survive application(s) of one or more herbicides by the incorporation of certain gene(s), via either genetic engineering, natu- ral mutation, or mutation breeding (i.e., soak- ing seeds in mutation-causing chemicals, or bombardment of seeds with ionizing radia- tion, to cause random genetic mutations, fol- lowed by selection of the particular mutation in which herbicide-tolerance occurs). Because it has been utilized for decades, most relevant national laws consider mutation breeding to be one of the so-called “traditional plant breeding” techniques. For example, European laws that require special labeling of food products containing genetically engi- neered (via rDNA) crops do not require such special labeling for food products that contain crops created via mutation breeding. Several crops (soybean, canola, cotton, etc.) are made tolerant to glyphosate- or sulfosate-containing © 2002 by CRC Press LLC H herbicides by the insertion (via genetic engi- neering techniques) of the aroA transgene (cassette) for CP4 EPSPS. Corn (maize) is made tolerant to glyphosate-containing herbi- cides by insertion (via genetic engineering techniques) of the mEPSPS or GA21 trans- gene (cassette). Some soybean varieties are made tolerant to sulfonylurea-based herbi- cides by adding (via traditional breeding methods) the ALS gene (which confers the sulfonylurea-tolerance trait). Corn (maize) and rice (Oryza sativa) are made tolerant to imidazolinone-containing herbicides by add- ing (via traditional breeding techniques) the imidazolinone-tolerance trait. That trait is imparted by the T-Gene, IT-Gene, or the IR- Gene. See also GENE , GENETIC ENGINEERING , CAS- SETTE , TRANSGENIC , DEOXYRIBONUCLEIC ACID ( DNA ), r DNA , EPSP SYNTHASE , GLYPHOSATE OXI- DASE , PAT GENE , BAR GENE , GENETICS , GLYPHO- SATE , GA 21 , SULFOSATE , ALS GENE , EPSP SYNTHASE , CP 4 EPSPS , CHLOROPLAST TRANSIT PEPTIDE ( CTP ), ACURON ™ GENE , TRANSGENE , TRAIT , CANOLA , SOYBEAN PLANT , CORN , MUTATION BREEDING , TRA- DITIONAL BREEDING METHODS . Heredity Transfer of genetic information from parent cells to progeny. See also INFORMA- TIONAL MOLECULES , GENE , GENETIC CODE , GENOME , GENETICS , GENOTYPE , DEOXYRIBO- NUCLEIC ACID ( DNA ), HERITABILITY , QUANTITA- TIVE TRAIT LOCI ( QTL ). Heritability The fraction of variation (of an individual’s given trait) that is due to genet- ics. For example, if a pig’s trait (e.g., weight at birth) is 30% heritable, that means that 30% of the (birthweight) difference between that individual pig and its (statistically rep- resentative) group of contemporaries (pigs) is due to genetics. The other 70% would be due to factors such as nutrition of the mother during pregnancy, etc. See also HEREDITY , TRAIT , GENETICS , INFORMATIONAL MOLECULES , GENE , GENETIC CODE , GENOME , GENOTYPE , DEOXYRIBONUCLEIC ACID ( DNA ), QUANTITATIVE TRAIT LOCI ( QTL ). Hetero- A chemical nomenclature prefix meaning “different.” For example, a hetero- cyclic compound is one with a (ring) structure made up of more than one kind of atom. A heterokaryon refers to a cell containing nuclei of different species. See also HETEROCYCLIC , HETERODUPLEX , HETEROGENEOUS ( CATALYSIS ), HETEROGENEOUS ( CHEMICAL REACTION ), HETERO- GENEOUS ( MIXTURE ), HETEROKARYON , HETEROLO- GOUS PROTEINS , HETEROLOGOUS DNA , HETEROLOGY , HETEROSIS , HETEROTROPH , HETEROZYGOTE . Heterocyclic See HETERO -. Heteroduplex A DNA molecule, the two strands of which come from different indi- viduals so that there may be some base pairs or blocks of base pairs that do not match. Can arise from mutation, recombination, or by annealing DNA single strands in vitro. See also DEOXYRIBONUCLEIC ACID ( DNA ). Heterogeneous (catalysis) Catalysis occur- ring at a phase boundary, usually a solid- fluid interface. See also HETERO- , HETEROGE- NEOUS ( MIXTURE ), CATALYST . Heterogeneous (chemical reaction) A chem- ical reaction in which the reactants are of different phases: for example, gas with liq- uid, liquid with solid, or a solid catalyst with liquid or gaseous reactants. See also HETERO- , HETEROGENEOUS ( CATALYSIS ), CATALYST . Heterogeneous (mixture) One that consists of two or more phases such as liquid-vapor, or liquid-vapor-solid. See also HETERO- . Heterokaryon A fused cell containing nuclei of different species. See also NUCLEOID . Heterologous DNA Refers to a DNA mole- cule in which each of the (double) strands is from different sources (e.g., different spe- cies). See also DEOXYRIBONUCLEIC ACID ( DNA ), HETERO- , SPECIES . Heterologous Proteins Those proteins pro- duced by an organism that is not the wild type source of those proteins. For example, bacteria have been genetically engineered to produce human growth hormone and bovine (i.e., cow) somatotropin. See also PROTEIN , WILD TYPE , GROWTH HORMONE ( GH ), BOVINE SOMATOTROPIN ( BST ), HOMOLOGOUS PROTEIN . Heterology A sequence of amino acids in two or more proteins that are not identical to each other. See also AMINO ACID , PROTEIN , HOMOLOGY . Heterosis Also known as “hybrid vigor.” See also F 1 HYBRIDS . Heterotroph An organism that obtains nour- ishment from the ingestion and breakdown of organic matter. © 2002 by CRC Press LLC H Heterozygote An individual organism with different alleles at one or more particular loci. See also ALLELE . Hexadecyltrimethylammonium Bromide (CTAB) A solvent that is widely utilized to dissolve plant DNA samples (e.g., when a scientist wants to sequence that sample of plant DNA). CTAB solvent helps the scien- tist to separate out contaminants that are commonly present in samples from plant tis- sues (polysaccharides, quinones, etc.) because DNA molecules are much more sol- uble in CTAB than are the contaminant mol- ecules. See also DEOXYRIBONUCLEIC ACID ( DNA ), POLYSACCHARIDES , SEQUENCING ( OF DNA MOLE- CULES ), SDS . Hexose See GLUCOSE ( GL c ). HF Cleavage A research process in which hydrofluoric acid is used to sequentially remove side-chain protective groups from peptide chains. Also used to remove the resin support from peptides that have been pre- pared via solid-phase peptide synthesis. The HF cleavage reaction is a temperature- dependent process. See also PROSTHETIC GROUP , SYNTHESIZING ( OF PROTEINS ). High-Amylose Corn Refers to those corn (maize) hybrids that produce kernels in which the starch that is contained within those kernels is at least 50% amylose, versus the average of 24–28% amylose in tradi- tional corn starch. See also CORN , STARCH , AMYLOSE . High-Density Lipoproteins (HDLPs) So- called “good” cholesterol, it consists of lipo- proteins that can help move excess low-den- sity lipoproteins (“bad” cholesterol, which can clog arteries) out of the human body by binding to the low-density lipoproteins (also known as LDL cholesterol) in the blood and then attaching to special LDLP receptor mol- ecules in the liver. The liver then clears those (bound) low-density lipoproteins out of the body as a part of regular liver functions. Studies have shown that humans having high bloodstream levels of HDLPs will off- set high levels of LDLPs (e.g., the HDLPs can still help lower the risk of developing coronary heart disease). Since cholesterol does not dissolve in water (which constitutes most of the volume of blood), the body makes HDL cholesterol into little “pack- ages” surrounded by a hydrophilic (“water loving”) protein. That protein “wrapper” is known as apolipoprotein A-1, or apo A-1, and it enables HDL cholesterol to be trans- ported in the bloodstream because the apo- lipoprotein A-1 is attracted to water molecules in the blood. See also LOW - DENSITY LIPOPROTEINS ( LDLP ), RECEPTORS , APOLIPOPRO- TEINS , WATER SOLUBLE FIBER , CHOLESTEROL , CORONARY HEART DISEASE ( CHD ). High-Glutenin Wheat See GLUTEN . High-Isoflavone Soybeans Developed in the U.S. in the 1990s, these are soybean varieties which contain greater content of isoflavones than do traditional soybean varieties (i.e., isoflavones constitute 0.15–0.3% of a tradi- tional variety soybean’s dry weight). Con- sumption of isoflavones helps to reduce the blood level of low-density lipoproteins (“bad cholesterol”) in humans. A human diet con- taining a large amount of isoflavones helps prevent osteoporosis, causes reduced risk of certain cancers (breast cancer, prostate can- cer, endometrial cancer, etc.), and decreases risk of prostate enlargement. See also ISOFLA- VONES , SOYBEAN PLANT , CHOLESTEROL , CANCER , PROSTATE - SPECIFIC ANTIGEN ( PSA ), LOW - DENSITY LIPOPROTEINS ( LDLP ), OSTEOPOROSIS . High-Lactoferrin Rice Refers to rice plants (Oryza sativa) which have been genetically engineered to produce substantial amounts of lactoferrin in the grain they yield. Lacto- ferrin is a compound that is naturally pro- duced in human breast milk. Consumption of lactoferrin by infants helps to strengthen their immune system. Consumption of lacto- ferrin (e.g., from genetically engineered rice) by older humans helps their immune systems to resist some infectious diseases. Lactoferrin “binds” free iron (e.g., in body fluids), thereby denying that iron to patho- genic bacteria (which need free iron to grow/infect). Lactoferrin also promotes intestinal cell growth in humans. See also GENETIC ENGINEERING , PATHOGEN , BACTERIA , VALUE - ENHANCED GRAINS , GROWTH ( MICRO- BIAL ), CELL . High-Laurate Canola Refers to canola (Bras- sica napus/campesris) varieties genetically engineered (e.g., via insertion of gene for © 2002 by CRC Press LLC H lauroyl-ACP thioesterase) to produce at least 40% laurate (lauric acid) in their oil (in seed). See also LAURATE , CANOLA , GENETIC ENGINEERING , FATTY ACID , LAUROYL - ACP THIOESTERASE , VALUE - ENHANCED GRAINS . High-Lysine Corn Developed in the U.S. in the mid-1960s, these were initially corn (maize) varieties possessing the opague-2 gene. The opague-2 gene causes such corn to contain 0.30–0.55% lysine (i.e., 50–80% more than traditional No. 2 yellow corn). Other genes have subsequently been discov- ered that, when inserted into the corn/maize genome (e.g., via genetic engineering tech- niques), cause production of larger amounts of lysine than in traditional corn/maize vari- eties. High-lysine corn is particularly useful for feeding of swine, since traditional No. 2 yellow corn does not contain enough lysine for optimal swine growth. See also CORN , LYSINE ( lys ), GENE , OPAGUE -2 , GENETIC ENGI- NEERING , GENOME , VALUE - ENHANCED GRAINS , “ IDEAL PROTEIN ” CONCEPT , MAL ( MULTIPLE ALEURONE LAYER ) GENE . High-Methionine Corn Developed in the U.S. in the mid-1960s, these were initially corn (maize) varieties possessing the floury- 2 gene. The floury-2 gene causes such corn to contain slightly higher levels of methion- ine than traditional No. 2 yellow corn. Other genes have subsequently been discovered that, when inserted into corn/maize genome (e.g., via genetic engineering techniques), cause production of larger amounts of methionine than in traditional corn/maize varieties. High-methionine corn is particu- larly useful for feeding of poultry, since tra- ditional No. 2 yellow corn does not contain enough methionine for optimal poultry (especially feather) growth. See also METHIONINE ( met ), CORN , FLOURY -2 , GENE , G E N O M E , G E N E T I C E N G I N E E R I N G , V A L U E - ENHANCED GRAINS , OPAGUE -2 , “ IDEAL PROTEIN ” CONCEPT , MAL ( MULTIPLE ALEURONE LAYER ) GENE . High-Oil Corn Conceived in 1896 at the Uni- versity of Illinois in the U.S., high-oil corn (HOC) is defined to be corn (maize) possess- ing a kernel oil content of 5.8% or greater. Traditional No. 2 yellow corn varieties tend to contain 4.5% or less oil content. See also VALUE - ENHANCED GRAINS , CORN , CHEMOMETRICS . High-Oleic Oil Soybeans S o y b e a n s f r o m plants which have been genetically engi- neered to produce soybeans bearing oil that contains more than 70% oleic acid, instead of the typical 24% oleic acid content of soy- bean oil produced from traditional varieties of soybeans. Cosuppression, via inserted gene for ∆ 12 desaturase (an enzyme that normally converts oleic acid to linoleic acid as part of the oil creation process in tradi- tional varieties of soybean plants), causes the higher than traditional amount of oleic acid in the soybean oil. High-oleic soybean oil would tend to have greater oxidative stability (especially at elevated temperatures) than soybean oil from traditional varieties of soy- beans. Because of that, nuts that were fried in high-oleic oil have been shown to possess a longer shelf life than nuts fried in tradi- tional oils. A human diet containing a large amount of oleic acid causes lower blood cho- lesterol level, and thus lower risk of coronary heart disease (CHD). See also SOYBEAN PLANT , SOYBEAN OIL , FATTY ACID , OLEIC ACID , MONOUNSATURATED FATS , GENETIC ENGINEER- ING , DELTA 12 DESATURASE , CHOLESTEROL , COR- ONARY HEART DISEASE ( CHD ), PALMITIC ACID , COSUPPRESSION , ENZYME , LINOLEIC ACID . High-Phytase Corn and Soybeans Crop plants that have been genetically engineered to con- tain in their grain/seed high(er) levels of the enzyme phytase (which aids digestion and absorption of phosphate in that grain/seed). High-phytase grains or oilseeds are particu- larly useful for the feeding of swine and poultry, since traditional No. 2 yellow corn (maize) or traditional soybean varieties do not contain phytase in amounts needed for complete digestion/absorption of phosphate naturally contained in those traditional soybeans and corn (maize) in the form of phytate. See also PHYTASE , ENZYME , PHYTATE , VALUE - ENHANCED GRAINS , LOW - PHYTATE CORN , LOW - PHYTATE SOYBEANS . High-Stearate Canola Canola varieties which have been genetically engineered so their seeds contain a higher percentage of stearate (also called stearic acid) in the canola oil than the typical stearate content in canola oil © 2002 by CRC Press LLC H produced from traditional canola varieties. Cosuppression, via inserted gene for D -stearoyl-ACP desaturase (i.e., enzyme that normally converts stearic acid to to oleic acid in the oil creation process in traditional vari- eties of canola), causes the higher than tra- ditional amount of stearic acid in the canola oil. See also CANOLA , STEARATE , SATURATED FATTY ACIDS ( SAFA ), GENE , GENETIC ENGINEERING , VALUE - ENHANCED GRAINS , FATTY ACID , COSUP- PRESSION , ENZYME , OLEIC ACID , STEAROYL - ACP DESATURASE , CHOLESTEROL , CORONARY HEART DISEASE ( CHD ). High-Stearate Soybeans Soybean plant vari- eties which have been bred or genetically engineered so their beans contain at least 12% stearate (also known as stearic acid) within their soybean oil (i.e., more than four times the typical 3% stearic acid content in the soybean oil produced from traditional soybean varieties). Some high-stearate soy- beans contain more than 20% stearate. Cosuppression, via inserted gene for D -stearoyl-ACP desaturase (i.e., enzyme that normally converts stearic acid to oleic acid in the oil creation process in traditional vari- eties of soybeans), is the primary way to cause the higher than traditional amount of stearic acid in the resultant soybean oil. A human diet containing stearate instead of alternative saturated fatty acids, does not cause an increase in blood cholesterol levels (whereas human consumption of the other saturated fatty acids causes bloodstream cholesterol levels to increase, which increases risk of coronary heart disease). See also STEARATE , VALUE - ENHANCED GRAINS , SOY- BEAN PLANT , SOYBEAN OIL , GENE , GENETIC ENGI- NEERING , FATTY ACID , COSUPPRESSION , ENZYME , OLEIC ACID , CHOLESTEROL , SATURATED FATTY ACIDS ( SAFA ), CORONARY HEART DISEASE ( CHD ), STEAROYL - ACP DESATURASE . High-Sucrose Soybeans Another name for low-stachyose soybeans because the soy- beans replace the (reduced) stachyose with (additional) sucrose. See also LOW - STACHYOSE SOYBEANS , STACHYOSE , VALUE - ENHANCED GRAINS , SOYBEAN PLANT , SUGAR MOLECULES . High-Throughput Identification Determina- tion of the identification of a given chemical compound (e.g., within a mixture), the desired impact (cell apoptosis, etc.), a spe- cific segment (sequence) of DNA (i.e., a spe- cific gene), a specific ligand or receptor (e.g., “attaching” itself to a given molecule), etc. within the overall process known as high- throughput screening. See also HIGH - THROUGHPUT SCREENING ( HTS ), COMBINATORIAL CHEMISTRY , BIOCHIPS , CELL , APOPTOSIS , GENE , DEOXYRIBONUCLEIC ACID ( DNA ), GENE EXPRES- SION , TARGET - LIGAND INTERACTION SCREENING , R E C E P T O R S , C H A R A C T E R I Z A T I O N A S S A Y , SEQUENCE ( OF A DNA MOLECULE ), GENE EXPRES- SION ANALYSIS , CAENORHABDITIS ELEGANS ( C . ELEGANS ), MOLECULAR BEACON . High-Throughput Screening (HTS) A meth- odology utilized to quickly screen large numbers of compounds for use as pharma- ceuticals or agrochemicals (e.g., herbicides). For example, when screening chemical com- pounds for potential use as a pharmaceutical, the goal often is to assess differences between diseased and treated cells; enabling identification of a pharmaceutical candidate that favorably impacts change in protein level (i.e., gene expression) which character- izes a diseased state, or some other gene expression marker (e.g., apoptosis). When screening compounds for potential use as herbicide active ingredients, the goal is to assess differences between normal and treated weed plant cells; enabling identifica- tion of a potential herbicide candidate that imparts desired (fatal) change. Although whole living cells or whole microscopic ani- mals such as nematodes could be utilized in HTS, it is more common to use a proxy (e.g., receptors, enzymes, or STATs from applica- ble cells) whose interaction with candidate compounds can be inferred to cell (and/or organism) effects. See also COMBINATORIAL CHEMISTRY , BIOCHIP , TARGET - LIGAND INTERAC- TION SCREENING , CELL , ORGANISM , CHARACTER- I Z A T I O N A S S A Y , P R O T E I N , G E N E , G E N E EXPRESSION , HIGH - THROUGHPUT IDENTIFICATION , RECEPTORS , GENE EXPRESSION ANALYSIS , BIOAS- SAY , GENE EXPRESSION MARKERS , SIGNAL TRANS- DUCERS AND ACTIVATORS OF TRANSCRIPTION ( STAT s ), APOPTOSIS , IN SILICO SCREENING , NEMA- TODES , CAENORHABDITIS ELEGANS ( C . ELEGANS ), ENZYME , NORTHERN BLOT ANALYSIS , MOLECULAR BEACON . © 2002 by CRC Press LLC |
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