Canelo / Arts Council England
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Literature in the 21st Century report
Canelo / Arts Council England |
9 Literature in the 21st Century: Understanding Models of Support for Literary Fiction Arts Council England Funding for Literature In the current funding period, from 2015 to 2018, Arts Council England will invest £45.6m of its total budget in literature. There are three main mechanisms for doing this: funding as part of the NPO (National Portfolio Organisations), whereby funding is committed over the whole period; Grants for the Arts, which tends to work on the basis of funding for specific projects; and strategic and discretionary funding beyond those programmes. The breakdown of funding over the period sees £20.2m go through the National Portfolio, £8.3m through the Grants for the Arts and £17.1m of strategic and discretionary funding. Within this funding envelope there is a great deal of diversity. At the smaller end writers are funded for projects they are pursuing. At the larger end there is, for example, an annual £5.4m grant to BookTrust for its Bookgifting programmes. In between lie a huge number of organisations and projects. These including writing development agencies such as New Writing North, Writing West Midlands, Spread the Word and Writers’ Centre Norwich, and organisations such as The Literary Consultancy, which helps develops writers’ work. Independent publishers are also supported by ACE. Examples include prize-winning poetry presses such as Carcanet, Bloodaxe and Peepal Tree Press, short story press Comma, and And Other Stories, whose primary focus is on literature in translation. There is also considerable support for organisations which support and promote reading, such as the above mentioned BookTrust, and The Reading Agency. In addition, ACE has launched a major programme to facilitate creative writing in schools.
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