Card 1 Retel the text: “Amir Temur” Emir Temur

Card 4 1.Retel the text: “My future profession” Javob:My future profession

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English Yakuniylar

Card 4

1.Retel the text: “My future profession”

Javob:My future profession.

Many roads are open for youth in our republic. Anybody can learn at school, but it is not an easy thing to choose a future profession. Some people follow the advice of their parents. Others cannot decide even after leaving school. Finishing school is the beginning of the independent life for millions of school leavers. Many roads are open before them; technical schools, institutes and universities.

As for me I have made my choice long ago. I want to become a teacher of the Russian language and literature. My choice of this occupation didn't come as sudden flash. During all school years literature was my favorite subject. I have read a lot of books by Russian and foreign writers. I understand that reading books helps people in self-education and in solving different life problems.

My parents are also teachers and I know that teaching is a very specific and difficult job. Teachers do not only teach their subjects, they develop their pupils' intellect, form their views and characters, their attitudes to life and to other people. It's not as easy as it may seem at first. But I think that love for children combined with the knowledge I'll get at the University would be quite enough to succeed in my work. I am sure my dream will come true.

2. Match the words and their definitions:So'zlar va ularning ta'riflariga mos keling:

1 academician a) to triat people unfairly, because of their skin colour, religion, gender

2 method –member of an academy

3 achievement-a way of doing something

Javob: 1 academician- member of an academy

2. method-a way of doing something

3. Achievement-something that has been accomplished, especially by hard work, ability or heroism.

4 discrimination- to triat people unfairly, because of their skin colour, religion, gender

1.akademik - akademiya a'zosi

2. usul-biror narsani bajarish usuli

3. Muvaffaqiyat - ayniqsa, mehnat, qobiliyat yoki qahramonlik bilan erishilgan narsa.

4 diskriminatsiya - odamlarni terining rangi, dini, jinsi tufayli adolatsiz uchratish

3. Who was Alexander Makedonski? Aleksandr makadonskiy kim bolgan

Javob::Conqueror and king of Macedonia, Alexander the Great was born on July 20, 356 B.C., in Pella, in the Ancient Greek kingdom of Macedonia.

Card 5

1.Retel the text: “The Great Silk Road”

Javob: The Great Silk Road comprised thousands of caravan trails and paths crossing the enormous Asian continent. These routas passed through Central Asia and Asia Minor to the Eastern Mediterranean ports and further on to the West. There was a great demand for silk in Europe and at that time it was worth its weight in gold. One of the most difficult and poorly studied section of the Great Silk Road ran through the territory of what today are the sovereign Central Asian republics. It was a time of rapid development of cities, the arts and the artistic schools, the time for the constructoin of book depositories, temples, palaces,caravan-serais. Missionaries and pilgrims followed caravans from East to West and from West to East bringing with them their religions, their costums, rites, and their culture. This facilitated the lively exchange of material and cultural values.

Many foreign tourist companies display great interest in ancient culturul centres located along the Great Silk Road . The Republic`s Culture Fund has drawn up a long-term program «The Great Silk Road» which aimed at re-creating the cultural and historical heritage resulting from centuries-old contacts along the road and in regions adjoining it. The Acalemics of Sciences of the Uzbek, Kirghiz, Kazak, and Turkmen republics organized a joint expedition along the major routes of the Great Silk Road.

2. Match the time expressions and their meanings:

1. 24/7 a) a warning of two weeks

2 Wednesday week b) all day every days

3 in two weeks time c) Wednesday+ seven days

Javob; 1. 24/7 b) all day every days

2 Wednesday week c)Wednesday+ seven days

3 in two weeks time a) a warning of two weeks

3. Answer the question: What do you in you English lessons?

We have a great English class. Our group is divided into two groups and English is taught. Our teacher first asks for homework. Then they explain the new topic.Bizda ingliz tili darsi juda yaxshi. Bizning guruhimiz ikki guruhga bo'lingan va ingliz tili o'qitilmoqda. O'qituvchimiz avval uy vazifasini so'raydi. Keyin ular yangi mavzuni tushuntiradilar.

Card 6

1.Retel the text: “Alexander the Great”ALEXANDER THE GREAT

Alexander the Great was the first world conqueror and one of the most remarkable men in history. The son of Philip Macedon, tsar, an excellent general and organizer Alexander brought Greek ideas and the Greek way of doing things to all the countries that he conquered. He was born in 356 and died in 323 B.C His mother, Olimpias, princess of Empires, was brilliant and hot-tempered. Alexander inherited The best qualities of both his parents

Alexander the Great was an ambitious imperator, He decided to conquer Persia. This had been part of his father's plan. In spring of 336 B.C. he crossed the Hellespont (Dardanell) with an army. His army won a victory over the Persians on the bank of the Gracicus River. This victory opened the road to Asia Minor Before the summer of 327 he had once more crossed the Hindu Kush mountains on this way to India It was the beginning of the crash of Alexander's army, "Alexander left some of his soldiers in Middle Asin and because of this the legend says, some Uzbek people appeared with green eyes and blond hair.

2. Put the modal verb:

1… help me now

2….I open the window?

3 We….hurry if we don’t want to be late

Javob. 1.could


3 must

3. Answer the questions:Where the Great Silk Road passed?

Javob:The Silk Road routes stretched from China through India, Asia Minor, up throughout Mesopotamia, to Egypt, the African continent, Greece, Rome, and Britain.

Card 7

1.Retel the text: “Ulug’bek”Ulugbek (Mukriamad Taragai) was born in 1194 Sultania. His father was great Temur's son Shahruh, his mother was Gavharshodbegim, the granddaughter of the Naiman's padishah Kutlugkhan. Ulugbek was brought up by his grandmother Saraimulkhanum.

When he was 15 years old he became the ruler of Samarkand. When he was 17 he became the ruler of Mavara — Un — Nahr and he ruled the state during 40 years. Really it was very difficult for him to combine the state affairs with science and Ulugbek realized it only after his defeat with Barakhan.

The great scientist liked to devote himself to science, but he needed the throne too, if he were not a sultan emir how could he build the expensive observatory, erect madrasahs, pay hundreds of scientists for their work.

Ulugbek's mother Gavharshodbegim didn't want her son to be the scientist and she said that the world was not governed by science, by books, but only by power. Her son Ulugbek became a great scientist, he tried to send human ideas to the stars and to get the new knowledge from so long distance. He compiled the catalogue of stars which is very popular even today.

When Ulugbek was the ruler of Samarkand, it became the centre of art and science. Mavara — un — Nahr became powerful and strong.

2. Match the words with their definitions:

1 publisker - a) not related to a government work

2 monotone - b) a person which publishes books

3 nongovermental - c) a tone which says on the same note without going higher or lower

4 contract - d) a legal document that stotes a formal agreement between bodies

Javob 1. publisker- person which publishes books

2.monotone- a tone which says on the same note without going higher or lower

3.non governmental- not related to a government work

4. contract- a legal document that stotes a formal agreement between

3. Answer the question: Who were Alexander the Greats parents?

Javob: The son of Philip Macedon, tsar, an excellent general and organizer . His mother, Olimpias, princess of Empires, was brilliant and hot-tempered. Alexander inherited The best qualities of both his parents

Card 8

1.Retel the text: “The Great Silk Road”

Javob: The Great Silk Road comprised thousands of caravan trails and paths crossing the enormous Asian continent. These routas passed through Central Asia and Asia Minor to the Eastern Mediterranean ports and further on to the West. There was a great demand for silk in Europe and at that time it was worth its weight in gold. One of the most difficult and poorly studied section of the Great Silk Road ran through the territory of what today are the sovereign Central Asian republics. It was a time of rapid development of cities, the arts and the artistic schools, the time for the constructoin of book depositories, temples, palaces,caravan-serais. Missionaries and pilgrims followed caravans from East to West and from West to East bringing with them their religions, their costums, rites, and their culture. This facilitated the lively exchange of material and cultural values.

Many foreign tourist companies display great interest in ancient culturul centres located along the Great Silk Road . The Republic`s Culture Fund has drawn up a long-term program «The Great Silk Road» which aimed at re-creating the cultural and historical heritage resulting from centuries-old contacts along the road and in regions adjoining it. The Acalemics of Sciences of the Uzbek, Kirghiz, Kazak, and Turkmen republics organized a joint expedition along the major routes of the Great Silk Road.

2. Complete the sentences: gapni to;ldiring

1 You are learning to put tag questions, aren’t you?

2 There isn’t much time left, is they?

3 He likes to dance,doesn’t he?

3. Where is Samarkand situated?

Samarkand, Uzbek Samarqand, city in east-central Uzbekistan that is one of the oldest cities of Central Asia. Known as Maracanda in the 4th century BCE, it was the capital of Sogdiana and was captured by Alexander the Great in 329

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